Ma Earth
Ma Earth
Ma Earth
The Regeneration Will Be Funded, an interview series about regenerative finance.
The Ma Earth Journey - Matthew Monahan
2 месяца назад
Introducing Ma Earth Grants Round 1
4 месяца назад
@thetaeater 15 часов назад
I have missed Charles, he hasn't shown up in my feed lately, maybe he is not woo woo enough anymore! An interpretation of what the Sabath day was to have no effect on your external natural environment, basically sit and be nature not in it or with it. People are waking up to these ways of being thanks to people like Charles.
@ReesCatOphuls День назад
A lot of great stuff here. Regarding climate... Just because many of the responses are laughable, doesn't stop the underlying facts from showing climate (and related) is on a terrifying path: global temperatures, ocean heat, ocean acidification, ocean detoxification, albedo, glaciers, habitat destruction, earth energy imbalance...
@brawlaphant 3 дня назад
pointing in the direction of regeneration with these tools available seems like a more important thing to continue focusing on, it comes up anyways with tech ai crypto
@bertkreft9689 3 дня назад
I'm from Germany and Marx only picked up on these things from people who always knew what justice really meant and how people are separated from the land and their inner relationship with Mother Earth. We experienced colonization here 2000 years ago when the Romans occupied our land and the last indigenous knowledge was destroyed in times of witch burnings. What is happening all over the world today has its origins more or less exactly in the middle of Europe. And Marx has this connection to Central European history.
@gospelofchange 6 дней назад
This is the vibe
@Bill-dj9hv 8 дней назад
Very well educated young lady.Must have gone to a good school. From her choice of words possibly Marx and Engels U.
@seanmclaren8829 6 дней назад
Cultural Marxism writ large. Not all sentiments expressed can be judged as coming from a bad place, but seriously, who is going to oversee this redistribution? Who is funding this campaign such that it always at the top of my RU-vid feed?
@himalayanborn 10 дней назад
@baileyperyman3581 11 дней назад
Learning a stack thank you Ma Earth and contributors. I'm in Aotearoa (will listen to Gift Trust talk next), what options do we/charitable entities have to improve access to these larger pools of funding that domestic funders don't/can't distribute to charitable impact? Thinking access to offshore pools. 🙏🏻
@xbluebells 12 дней назад
Wow I have been waiting for this since the 1970's, every single word makes so much sense. I wonder if a "New Whole Earth Catalog" wikipedia-like structure could be created. And just links provided to all the coalitions and projects with this new regenerative vision with supplemental entries. AI and a supra-council could curate the links and entries much like the Wikipedia editors. Somehow you would have to make it high enough quality and with consistency. In fact get the whole earth catalog guy and the wikipedia guy to merge efforts..... then maybe even the some of the AI frontier models pet project. AI demands we pivot right now before the colonial ways of thinking consume the planet. It could be a volunteer effort and funding -- sort of like wikipedia. Any takers???!!!! Of course include the indigenous people also!!!
@daffygiving 12 дней назад
Thanks for having Alex on! :D "This is the time to put some of that tech thinking into philanthropy, and help people be more generous and make their giving more intentional."
@seanmclaren8829 12 дней назад
Painting a big, green happy face on communism
@jtzhart 8 дней назад
True. A sickly greenish yellow happy face of all comrades.
@SenXEffect 15 дней назад
Love this 🙌🌟🤍
@unitivity1082 15 дней назад
I worked with Buckminster Fuller for 16 years brought his dome in carbondale 1972 and help preserve it. Bucky was 9 years president of MENSA the smartest persons net work. He only ate steak. This why his brain worked so well, fatty steaks all the time. Plants are killing us for dirt. He told me the inside of a human if you hang it on a clothes line looks the same if you did the same to a lion. We are made to assimilate meat. GEEEERRRRR! Plants are a slow path to very painful death. Bucky was flying around the world 51 times as well in old age.
@samoasisifi 18 дней назад
@Higherlovehealing 18 дней назад
I have mad respect for him, Thankyou for this conversation However I would love to know where he stands on the campaign and the bold moves and endorsements now, not even sure where the North Star is now
@lauralorenzo2023 27 дней назад
Another amazing inspiring piece. Thank you for your work Ma Earth team
@yojoflo_ 29 дней назад
Beautiful. Appreciate you. Adding another layer to the saying “bitcoin was the…, Ethereum is the…” Cardano is the global operationalisation. 😊
@jesseJBM Месяц назад
Thumbs up for HSV 1&2 cure research awareness at Fred Hutch Research Centre at University of Washington. Interesting and diligent work with promising results so far
@ThatGuy_rsa Месяц назад
I guess they give PhD to anyone these days
@mexpatmama5784 Месяц назад
So interesting! And thank you for being such a great interviewer.
@AdamHMortimer Месяц назад
Great content! I have always wanted to know how to make soil. Great skills to have with all that is going on in the world today.
@stephanhancocks9775 Месяц назад
Or just scrap us 😂
@brawlaphant 2 месяца назад
Thank you
@sibeguy 2 месяца назад
Sadly this is mostly lipstick on the pig. Let's find a way commoditize regeneration. Things like "investing", "profit" and all the language of business as usual. A bunch of academic blah, blah, blah! Until the financial community recognizes that any kind of inherent value in the currency will NOT work.
@benchase4035 2 месяца назад
Host: and in my next interview I will be asking quantum field theory what it thinks of laws of physics!
@lauralorenzo2023 2 месяца назад
You are not screaming into the void at all!!! I loved that you finished with a rap. I wonder if you could also interview artists and individuals that bring the wisdom from indigenous nations to complement the software perspective (a bit og hardware would also be appreciated ) With all these new perspectives explored with new interviews, I do believe that our capacity to interweave then together will be reinforced, and our perspective will be nurtured so we would be able to design better new solutions / amplify existing ones / deprecate those not needed anymore with courage, determination, respect and hope. NOTE: I have not watched all the interviews, so apologize if you are doing that already. On feedback, I respect that you don't want to promote massively but I also believe that this material could do so much good if many more knew, and that is one of your goals, isn't it? Thank you for doing this I know how much work it takes.
@gaiagasm 2 месяца назад
Thank you, Stephen, for sharing your wisdom and adding to this conversation
@nickidaisydandelion4044 2 месяца назад
25:49 I'm against hate from any side. I will not take sides when it comes to Israel versus Islamic countries. Both religions are based on violence and oppression. I can Not and will Not ever stand in solidarity with a violent religion or group. It's not ok for anyone to attack anyone or any congregation. It is Not ok that people physically hurt Muslims and it is Not ok that Muslims physically hurt other people or groups. My solidarity is with the animals, the Earth and all innocents equally much. What you imply that USA is against Islam is completely false. The propaganda in the USA is pro Islam and pro BLM and pro criminals. I'm so incredibly tired of falseness and fakeness it's leading the whole world into Armageddon. Stand tall and stand up for Justice!
@nickidaisydandelion4044 2 месяца назад
I believe that farmers can indeed stop using pesticides immediately and instead apply holistic means such as Diatomaceous Earth, lady bugs, composting, diverse cultivation of plants, drip irrigation, planting young seedlings in 5 gallon buckets. The solutions are there. One very humongous point is to introduce composting toilets for each home and to teach people how to apply composting toilets and how to practice full scale biowaste composting. This should be taught in schools because it is so vitally important to bring nutrients and immune strength back into the food plants and create healthy top soil.
@gracegadston481 2 месяца назад
What a special relationship to witness. I hope my girls share a similar level of telepathy when they grow up together. I also share the shift in view an fear in the timelines of our crises side affects, since my view now extends to the idea of my kids growing into their 90s. Therefore the end of the century isn't a stretch for me to think about
@carlfreeman5296 2 месяца назад
Thanks for all the work you do.
@mrz6921 2 месяца назад
@musingearth 2 месяца назад
superb work!!
@driz77 2 месяца назад
Thanks for your tireless work, MM. This recap is like a prophetic prelude to a book I just finished called "Ministry for the Future".
@jemma_19988 2 месяца назад
This is nice but imagine how gteat these islands were when thete were no people at all From the day the first polynesians arrived with the dog and the rat and burnt most of the south islands forests wiping out a third of our native species in the process to further destruction by European settlers we people have not been nice to NZ
@shanemorrison9002 2 месяца назад
Fantastic Insights, David Bellamy a British Botanist Visited Whirinaki Forest in the 80s he held similar views.Its a complicated issue .At that time Stagnant water flows helped the Algae bloom choking the Water ways.100 million and 40 years later the Lake District is Thriving They didn't live to see it,but the Vision was realised
@peterrhiem9480 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much. Your talk gave me a sense of composting in which the new can happen...similar to what happens to me when Bayo Akomolafe talks.
@musingearth 2 месяца назад
Hello Matthew and Brian, thank you very much for this dialogue. Your fraternal bond and shared commitment to the planet is warm and sweet. Your approach of consistent high quality production to serve wisdom holders, and to learn out loud is truly inspiring. Keep up with the great work! 🌍
@bmoflow 2 месяца назад
Always fun to talk regeneration and renaissance with my big brother Matthew! What in inspiration! Big love always ;)
@ransdellremediation 2 месяца назад
Thank you. Love Lynne's vision and experiences she shares. And so much more! Inspirational!
@hansomei 2 месяца назад
Loved this!
@fenixstardust 2 месяца назад
Nuanced responses about Climate Change and Corona. I love this human's Reflective nature. It is refreshing to see someone in the "regenerative space" who isn't trying to "save the world." Indeed, the answers are within. Thanks for posting this beauty. 😍
@nickidaisydandelion4044 2 месяца назад
I'm here to save the world and I'm not afraid of being laughed at.
@Lovedog2012 2 месяца назад
The concept of a gift economy was one driving force behind the original Burning Man. A gift economy is not about bartering but giving with no expectation of anything in return. It requires trust and faith and the ability to stand in fear without panicking. Quieting the mind and opening the heart will open us up to a new world of possibilities. Don't just do something, stand there!
@user-tn9ci6ib3q 2 месяца назад
I gave up on Ferriss after he softball interviewed the Koch Brother. Likely well paid for it.
@MoonjellyFoundation 2 месяца назад
Great discussion. Thank you for this work.
@DjimoSerodio 2 месяца назад
Loved the pod. Good point on mapping the different layers of specialization and then to take a step back to see the big picture of coordination and patterns
@megm.c4026 2 месяца назад
Interesting. This would probably deal to the issues our local landcare group has. More bottom up , less top down landcare is a good start. We have many keen locals willing to give time and energy to local landcare, but accessing resources needed and just getting on with the job seems like a crazy notion to councils.
@user-tn9ci6ib3q 2 месяца назад
Your guest has (conveniently?) forgotten that a vote for Kennedy is a vote for Trump (big oil, environmental degradation, etc). This is the failure of a two party duopoly. If USA was a parliamentary system, we would be having a different conversation. A third-party candidate is the plausible reason Gore lost to Bush. Either way, it was within a few hundred votes. The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes.
@DanFeldmanAgileProjectManager 2 месяца назад
Trying to keep an open mind here, but what is lacking in this discussion is how can the system of extractive and externalizing capital be leveraged to repair and regenerate biospheric and human communities? Farming, for example, in the United States has transformed into rentier neofeudalism based on the logic of capital. How do we ensure that private equity and asset management firms do not co-opt these BFFs to totalize and commoditize every ‘bioregional’ area’s returns into capital to be further extracted. Without confronting the operations of capital and overcoming them with ecological socialism, how can one regenerate anything?
@matthewmonahan1 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the feedback, Dan. I agree we need to go deeper into those themes. Will be carrying that lens in future interviews. Appreciate the comment.
@DjimoSerodio 2 месяца назад
Yes bioregional facilities for the win! Bioregional trust to support the relational fabric of a place 🫶