New Life Church
New Life Church
New Life Church
Simply put, we're a group of ordinary people whose passion is to know and follow Jesus, and help others do the same.

We believe God is doing extraordinary things in the earth today and that we've been invited to join in. We're working to create a church community that is centered in the gospel of Jesus, provides an atmosphere of love, acceptance and truth, and in which his presence is experienced in a very real and life-changing way.

Redeemed Pasts. Renewed Lives. Restored Futures.
Join us every Sunday:
School of the Word - 9:30 AM
Corporate Worship - 10:30 AM

Instagram: @NewLifeNC
Twitter: @NLChurchNC
Website: www.newlifenc.com
Let Us Build - September 29, 2024
21 день назад
Moving Forward - September 1, 2024
Месяц назад
New Testament Leaders: The Prophet
Месяц назад
The Book of Jude - Part 2 - August 18, 2024
2 месяца назад
North Star - August 11, 2024
2 месяца назад
God & Country - Part 2 - August 4, 2024
2 месяца назад
God & Country - Part 1 - July 28, 2024
2 месяца назад
The Book of Jude - Part 1 - July 21, 2024
3 месяца назад
@kamyaJosephGrogan 6 дней назад
@kevinsherrill5312 2 месяца назад
Absolutely 💯 love these teachings here at New Life ❤ Love you church family....
@markmichalak1459 3 месяца назад
One of the most revealing messages I've heard in decades and especially for our day. Give Steve a few minutes and catch the fire of eternity . plan your life accordingly. Not temporally..
@jeremyshane5181 3 месяца назад
I lost the live feed
@scottjohnson7843 5 месяцев назад
I miss you Kelly.
@Danny-ov4hi 5 месяцев назад
Had to subscribe today. You were at exactly 666 subscribers today. Not superstitious, but couldn’t have that lol. Fantastic teaching…
@jeremyshane5181 6 месяцев назад
Amen! Thank our LORD JESUS CHRIST for saving us and leading through faith and love! I am so happy to be a part of our family! Hallelujah and Amen!
@mikereitzel4126 6 месяцев назад
Thanks Allen for being obedient to the truth. As a believer trusting God for a promise from heaven you need to be careful, I encourage people not to share your battles with just anyone. You don't need a lot of immature people speaking prophetic words of unbelief over you. Be like Jesus and kick the unbelievers out of your circumstances by holding your tongue from them.
@arethakange8199 6 месяцев назад
Your Blood Has Spoken. Thank You Jesus 🙏
@arethakange8199 6 месяцев назад
@kamyaJosephGrogan 9 месяцев назад
Hello please, praise the Lord, ah am Joseph bukenya from Uganda and I really want to know more about the holy spirit
@arethakange8199 9 месяцев назад
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
@arethakange8199 9 месяцев назад
My deepest condolences to you all 🙏
@mikereitzel4126 11 месяцев назад
I am amazed as I go back and watch this video of what the Lord was saying to the church. A shaking is coming like we have never experienced and that we press in to Him so we can be a refuge to those who are lost, without hope, that lost their way.
@dananoel266 Год назад
Praying for Steve and family! We love you all!
@robertnoel6494 Год назад
@katrinaclagg3390 Год назад
An absolutely beautiful worship song, that is ministering to my heart! Kelly is a beautiful person that will be missed💜. I'll never forget my time at New Life, and how it shaped my life. Prayers for the entire family during this time. Holy Spirit give comfort and peace like only you can💟
@franklackey3550 Год назад
I'll bet Jesus has already had her perform this awesome song for Him? You're going to be greatly missed Kelly but I'm looking forward to hearing you sing again when we get there! Steve, Sheri and I are praying God's comfort and peace upon you and your family.
@AudreyYell Год назад
She's singing in haven now!
@SallysCuteCrafts Год назад
Rest in Heaven dear Kelly 🥲💙 prayers for comfort for Pastor Steve & his family.
@ellymccaine4173 Год назад
Glad to have found your service today! It's not easy for me to find things on RU-vid and be able to find again. Enjoyed your sermon and I am going back to watch the videos from the beginning, thank you
@carolinep2732 Год назад
Praying with you!
@tmcge3325 Год назад
Incredibly ignorant of scripture!!! Lord tells us the end and to endure to the end, these foolish people pass deceit as the word and their are from our Lord!
@tmcge3325 Год назад
Rapture is Destroyed by just one verse John 6:54 kjv. Do you believe him? Here read the truth and verify what I post! Start with Matthew Chapter 13:24-30, 37-43, 47-49 (gathered of every kind) John 6:39-40, 44 and 54 kjv. Matthew 24:13, 24, 29-31 (great sound of a trumpet) as in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (at the last trump) and look at verse 24. and 1 Thessalonians 3:13 and 4:13-18 look at verses 15 &17 (we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord) he comes at the end, the last day again read Matthew 24:29-31 kjv! Revelation 18:4 kjv....Come out of her, my people! "MY PEOPLE" This is the end, last day....his return at the Last Trump! Bless are those that are persecuted for his name....Endure to the end, the same shall be saved! Endure to the end...the end! John 5:24-30 kjv READ!!! So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure. Read 2 Thessalonians 1 and 2 kjv. I suggest you read your bible instead of watching some false teacher stand before you and tell you lies! Lastly, Matthew 16:27-28 sounds like Revelation 20:12 kjv read Revelation 10:5-7 "time no longer" and read 1 Chronicles Chapter 17 ....look at verses 6-14 kjv read everything carefully and look at verse 9 "as at the beginning and ever lasting" Also, read Isaiah, Joel and Jeremiah...Zechariah all has end times...the Torah! the end is in the beginning! Folks, these people "the rapture" people are deceivers...they spread deceit! Peace!
@rockofagesdimapur6981 Год назад
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Your songs of praise with instruments and music is anointing full of Holy Ghost Fire 🔥
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Today is the day for Salvation ✝️🙏🙌
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Please pray for my siblings Bobby, Buddy, Sharon, and their families Salvation New Birth to happen soon 🙏✝️🙌
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Thank you for your service and obedience ❤🙏🇺🇸
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Miss you so very much 💕
@lyleecooper9452 Год назад
"The 7 trumpets are in the 7th seal..." A better way to see it is that the 7th seal finally allows the book or scroll to be opened, and the first thing written in the book is that the 7 angels receive their 7 trumpets. It is my guess-and it is only an educated guess-that this book or scroll is the lease document of this world, the very document that gave Adam and his descendants a legal right to be here for the next 6000 years. I believe it was a 6000 year lease. I further believe that this lease expired at the sounding of the 7th trumpet. It is there that the kingdoms of the world are taken from Satan and given to Jesus Christ. I believe it is there, at the 7th trumpet, that a new millennium begins, but the first thing Jesus does after He receives the kingdoms, is DELEGATE 42 months of authority to the Antichrist Beast. I believe the great mystery to be revealed at the 7th trumpet is that Satan has been the god of this planet ever since Adam sinned, and that ADam's lease will run out then.
@lyleecooper9452 Год назад
"We are ...last of the 5th seal...first of the 6th seal." Perhaps he does not know just how accurate he is here! The 5th seal is for the martyrs of the church age, and when they cry out asking how long it will be before the time of judgment, they are told they must wait for the final martyr killed "as they were" ... as church age martyrs. The rapture will end the church age and cause one martyr to be the final martyr, and complete the total number. The 6th seal begins the wrath of God, so the rapture must come BEFORE God's wrath begins. All this is confirmed when John then saw the just-raptured church in heaven shortly after that, as the great crowd, too large to number. It is confirmed again in Rev. 19 as we see that all the saints are there for the marriage and supper.
@EverettJohn7 Год назад
THE BIBLE LISTS SEVEN RAPTURES # 1. Rapture of Enoch # 2. Rapture Elijah # 3. Rapture of Jesus # 4. The Church is raptured during the opening of the 6th Seal. see note below. # 5. Rapture of the 144,000 # 6. Rapture of the Two Witnesses. # 7. The Son of Man rapture. (Rev. 14:14-15:3). These raptured saints are the ones who overcame the Antichrist and are still alive. Rapture # 4 Note: All Christians do not automatically go in the rapture, but only those alert and praying. Jesus said “stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36). Jesus taught that the rapture occurs after the sign of the Sun and moon growing dark and shooting stars falling from the sky in Matthew 24. This matches perfectly with the opening of the 6th seal in Revelation chapters 6 and 7. After the opening of the 6th seal the great multitude dressed in white appears in heaven at the throne of God. Rev 7:9. There's no mention of this great multitude dying or being killed. They simply come out of the Great tribulation. Rapture “Soon after the trouble of those days, The sun will grow dark and the moon will not give its light. the Stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. The main Rapture of the church occurs at the opening of seal number 6 when the sun and moon go dark and the earthquakes and people run to Doomsday shelters. Immediately after this the great multitude Dressed in robes of white and palm branches appear before the throne of God. This is the rapture of the alert and praying Church. Rev 6-7. Christians who desire to stay during the Great tribulation to proclaim the Good News of Jesus, and Christians who are weighed down by the cares of life or dissipation, can be raptured at the 7th Rapture just before the bowls of wrath are poured out on the Earth. These must overcome the Antichrist. (Rev. 14:14-15:3). When we understand that there are multiple raptures it clears up pre-trib. , mid-trib. , and post-trib. Rapture theories. There appears to be no pre-tribulation rapture that occurs secretly without any warning or notice. Of course the unbelievers will always be taken by surprise, because they are asleep and living in the darkness and dissipation. Believers will know in advance about the coming of the rapture. Jesus compared the last days to the days of Noah and the days of lot. Noah knew exactly 7 days before the flood would come. The Lord came and sealed the door of the ark and told him seven days until the flood. Lot and Abraham knew approximately 12 hours in advance before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Rapture definition: A rapture is where someone is on the earth alive, and then they are in heaven alive, with no mention of death. Rapture is the theological word that we use for the "escape" and "catching away" of the church. Greek Harpazo. Here are the scripture references for each rapture. 1. Enoch - Gen. 5:24 2. Elijah - 2 Kings 2 3. Jesus -Acts 1 4. The Church Rev. 6-7, Matt 24-:29 5. 144,000 - Rev. 14:1-5 6. Two Witnesses - Rev. 11:12 7. The Son of Man rapture. (Rev. 14:14-15:3). See my RU-vid video listed below: Why Passover 2032 might be the beginning of the millennial reign of Jesus. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-fKl0JSAhpII.html
@man_of_lawlessness Год назад
New life preys on weak and target the poverty-stricken people who are 😢suffering 😢😢 shame on you all
@ethreshingfloor Год назад
No video of service!
@ethreshingfloor Год назад
No video of service!
@newenergyspiritualcenter Год назад
Great word Pastor! This is truth✊🏾🙌🏾❤️
@Pamwam Год назад
Powerful sharing
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
In the Name of Jesus we cancel Satan's plans for New Life. We plead the Blood of Jesus over every family who is part of New Life. We say no weapon formed against New Life families will prosper and that we bind the lies of Satan against New Life families on earth and loose the Truth of Jesus over in through and around New Life families on earth as it is in Heaven according to the Word of God. Satan is a liar and the father of lies. There is no truth in him. Father you are a goood good Father and you give good gifts to you children. You love you children at New Life and you have ordained them to be strong in the power of Your Might. You formed and knew each one in their mothers womb. You orchestrated their beginning and end. Father keep them on Your straight and narrow and protect them as Your Precious Son Jesus asked from You the night in the Garden of Gethsemane. Father you are a good good Father. Thank you for love us and for Your beloved Son Jesus. Thank you Jesus for finishing Your work on planet Earth and trusting us to continue Your Work in going into all the World and preaching Your Gospel Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. In Jesus Name. Amen.
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Jesus gives us His power to render null and void and silence Satan because we have Holy Ghost and His power. Father says, "let the Redeemed of the Lord say so" and Jesus says, "you will do greater works than I did......" . Jesus finished His Work on earth and left us in charge to follow all that He taught us. We have His Manual for guidance. We are His Army. He empowers us to do His Kingdom Work now. We use His Name to raise the dead, cast out demons, lay hands on and heal the sick, and go forth preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Prayer List: Pastor Steve, Alan, Trevor, and Karen
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Psalm 91 We stay under His Wing, Trust Him, We know His Name, He will keep His Promise
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Pray for fire of Holy Ghost to empower followers of Jesus. Stay on straight an narrow and in God's Word every day.
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Hi sister Star. I miss you and Ted. I want to thank you also for your help when I lived in Stony Point. I pray for you and your family. I know you are in His Arms every day..
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Hi Janet and Russel Cull. I think of you every day also an miss you dearly. You two were also very instrumental in showing me the love of Jesus and helping me to have a home in Stony Point. I regret leaving and never should have left. I never should have taken that position at the horse farm because I would still be at my home in Stony Point. I should have asked for help, prayer for guidance, and heeded the "warning" signs in my spirit, Thank you for being my friends, for your love, and for your prayers. I miss you so much.
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Hi Pastor Steve and Kelly. My prayers for you are the Joy of the Lord is your strength. I miss you all so much. Your love for Jesus, your Faith and obedience to serve Him, your transparency and devotion to His Word saved my life when the Lord brought me from Vermont to NC to that little white church in Taylorsville called New LIfe. I remember everything. I'm 72 now. I have only attended church a few times here in Arkansas since 2006. I have missed years of fellowship. I can not do "religion" or man made traditions. I can only do Jesus. Please pray for Arkansas to receive the awesome fire of the Holy Spirit quickly. I miss New Life fellowship. You are very blessed to have each other. Hang on to Jesus and never let go of His Hem. Hem hanging is very crucial.
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Hi Alan please hug Frankie for me. I miss you both dearly. Please tell her my life is strong in Jesus.
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
Hi Karen. Good to see you worshipping our amazing King.
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
is anyone still doing text ? I've sent in prayer requests and no one is responding. please pray for my siblings and their families to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. please pray for guidance concerning my home. thank you. miss you all. hope to visit this year.
@patlongworth5998 Год назад
hi Michael. praise our King for His goodness. good to see you brother.