Valda Lewis
Valda Lewis
Valda Lewis
David Mixner 1946-2024
7 месяцев назад
Jazz Funeral Procession
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Documenting the Up Stairs Lounge
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Tinderbox - a dramatic reading
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NOW march in New Orleans Pt 2 the Rally
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A Conversation With Pat Kilpatrick
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Plaza of Heroines
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1991 Interview with Valda Lewis
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Cynthia Compton Testimonial for ASC3
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Forbidden Fruit Fight Back
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@Quietconvospod 11 месяцев назад
This is great. Thank you for sharing.
@mattobrien6230 Год назад
"Keyhole to the Beauty of Waterlilies" 🙂
@lorettafeller2080 Год назад
First rate!!
@scottcharney1091 Год назад
They keep invoking the Holocaust. The Nazis sharply restricted abortion rights, and most Jews are pro-choice.
@scottcharney1091 Год назад
Good job, but you should get rid of the apostrophe in the title.
@ValdaLewis Год назад
Thanks Will correct that appalling grammatical error!
@sonneversets3530 2 года назад
I hope she repented before she passed into eternity....
@ValdaLewis 2 года назад
Sorry Conservative Christians, but spending eternal life with you people is not the selling point you think it is.
@sonneversets3530 2 года назад
@@ValdaLewis God allows you to choose your own Eternal destination, as He does us all, while we’re still here in this blink of an eye life. It’s not about ‘selling’ anything. Nor about spending eternity w/us. It’s all about what Jesus did for us here, so we had a chance to be w/Him in absolute Perfection, unimaginable Love & Bliss beyond our wildest dreams, forevermore. I’ll take that to any temporary drug/high any day! And can’t wait to be sharing a renewed, _perfect_ world, w/no negativity in any way, w/my new, seemingly endless, loving family! Certainly beats spending eternity in/at the opposite destination. Hope you decide to choose more wisely, before it’s too late to. Jesus is waiting w/open arms for you to come to Him. He gave His all for you, w/o hesitation. Out of _pure love_ for you. The greatest there ever was, & still is.✝ Time’s ticking down fast now.⌛God’s patience & long suffering are finally coming to an end. Everything’s going _exactly_ as we were told it would now, over 2,500 yrs ago. All Hell’s getting ready to break loose here. It promises not to be pretty. No One else is going to save anyone from themselves, or the extreme evils, yet to come. And believe me, they’re well on their way. Jesus is everyone’s Only Hope.🙌
@paulellerbeck8905 4 года назад
@wandadavis7513 4 года назад
ASC3 is proud of it's 2020 Graduates!
@ishachambers8837 4 года назад
the men in these comments are so mad lmao have a snack luv
@leweezo33 4 года назад
What is the imcome level? I am blind and homebound and am interested
@Cotopia 6 лет назад
Why do all feminists look so weird and awkward?
@MaximusDeplorabilis 6 лет назад
How about lets just call it lets hate men 101 and the professor needs her job. Maybe youd be better just going with a general Liberal Arts degree
@gn6300 6 лет назад
Women's studies teach no marketable skills, so the only jobs a women's studies graduate would qualify is anything that requires a high school diploma, and graduates leave college with a worthless degree and a hefty student loan. Hiring a litigious entitled victim monger who gets offended by everything and everyone deserves the trouble he gets. Many videos expose how feminist/women's major respond to opposing opinions.
@rodericktodd1647 7 лет назад
"What is a Women's Studies Degree"? How about the most useless degree of all time.
@lucianoa1552 8 лет назад
This is oil paint?
@Ayatron34 8 лет назад
I would love to take one class - just one - for free.
@michaeldia2164 8 лет назад
I still don't get it. I always thought before resent times, that it was a study of women in history and the accomplishments they made in society. I learned recently that it so not what I though it was. From what this video stated you can get the same thing with a Liberal Art's Degree, or a Philosophy Degree. I think it very limiting to have a degree that is named "Women's Study's" Because all it tells employers that you just studied women, soooo what can you bring to the table that will benefit their business??? I'm looking at it logically. I don't see how this can be a degree? I see it as like a few course in humanities or something like that. Maybe back when this video was made it wasn't like what it is today. Today's Feminists just make me tilt my head and say "What???... ." The thinking is so twisted and try's to points things out are not true, or exaggerated. What is the most laughable thing of all is that they don't like other peoples opinion, and try to silence other voices of a different point of view and ideas. For the recored women have the same rights and opportunity to succeed as men do. Today women have more rights then ever before. You want to take a look at women that don't have, or have little rights. Look at any third world country. It's crazy "Common sense is not so common anymore.
8 лет назад
I get such a kick out of my tough little Niece who's studying 'Sport's Medicine' at her University. At her Student's Union Building, she once said to this so-called 'Professor' of Woman's Studies, "Let's face it sweetie. all you are is just a Vicious, Man-hating Lesbian Feminists BIGOT, all dressed up in the guise of a Professor." Now get away from our table, and go pick on your young gullible dolts, who will actually believe that all men are a bunch of rapists, and that one in five of us women on Campus is going to be raped."
@jdoe5171 8 лет назад
@prometheusspanky5023 9 лет назад
I'm giving this video a thumbs up, not because it's actually good or useful but it's the only feminist video I've ever come across that allowed such an option in the first place.
@blackwidowbear5056 10 лет назад
I own me! Not you, not anyone else! Period! My body, my choice! No one may use it with my permission. Period!
@DeadFishFactory 10 лет назад
I also like how spotty they are when they are trying to give an explanation as to how exactly women's studies would help you with getting a job or helping you with a job.
@cartrifride 8 лет назад
I heard tumblr is hiring volunteers.
@DeadFishFactory 10 лет назад
Well Jessica Ayres, your ability to look at things critically is insufficient of a skill and a pathetic excuse for a major and graduate student. All fields of STEM require critical thinking as a basic requirement. And learning about women's studies is learning about half of the population? Bitch, that doesn't even make sense, unless you're claiming that women everywhere are similar socially and culturally. Might as well claim that taking Asian studies means that you're learning about 60% of the population (and if do you, then you're an idiot or you believe that all Asian people are the same).
@FaintAura 11 лет назад
Women's Studies is a joke and so are the people who throw 30K down the drain a year to study a major with no employment prospects. LOL
@theoneheretosty 11 лет назад
Why not be honest and say its an extension from the Frankfurt schools critical theory, with the overall aim of destabilizing a society.
@killer4hire 9 лет назад
theoneheretosty That is indeed the poison they are injecting into all the unfortunate young minds that enter those classes.It creates nothing but hatred and division using largely fabricated and or overstated problems.
@josecrotus8766 11 лет назад
Feminists are the new Nazis. Women's Studies is the provides the political indoctination for the new Hitler Youth.
@josecrotus8766 11 лет назад
You're a brainwashed idiot who has no ability to think. You're basically saying that opposition to something is justification for it. By that same logic, opposition to Naziism proves we need Naziism. Let that sink in, if you're even capable of it.
@yvonnenovakmatz2319 11 лет назад
Reading these comments, it is no wonder women's studies is essential.
@ScottishAtheist 11 лет назад
"Overview of a Women's Studies University Degree and the kinds of employment you might enter with this degree" Mcdonald's?
@HoppyBunny. 11 лет назад
2 if I can help it because I've got better things to do than spending all of my time in court defending why I won't let feminist run all over me and extort entitlement positions from me.
@HoppyBunny. 11 лет назад
They usually reply with words like heteronormative or bio-male or very one-sided perspectives on rape culture and a lot of mythology about a construct they call patriarchy. Essentially they let you know right off the bat that if you hire them, their loyalty is to an anti-male ideology not the business and they see themselves as feminists dedicated to imposing their misandric values onto businesses none of them ever took the sacrifice and risk of building. In my company there are no feminist...
@CaudaMiller 11 лет назад
haha , at 0:25, that dog in the middle that resigned bc of males attending her classes, priceless, how far.....
@DJjakedrake 11 лет назад
Women's studies objectifys the study of women. It's very dishonorable.
@dennisstewart7135 11 лет назад
As a past manager myself, I applaud your actions.
@hoptoads 11 лет назад
Read my spelling, Fescist. FESCIST is an acronym, there is no correct or incorrect spelling. Get it? Now go fuck yourself, preferably with the letter A.
@abby495 11 лет назад
No. It isn't. There's only one correct spelling, fucker! If you're going to call someone lazy and dumb you better make sure you're not talking about yourself. BITCH!
@hoptoads 11 лет назад
Oh, it's spelt exactly how it should be. Female Fascist = Fescist or Feminazi if you prefer!
@abby495 11 лет назад
That's not how you spell it. Who is the f*cking dumb one? Learn how to spell fascist then maybe I'll take your emo ass seriously for like a second. Haa..that's all the time you would deserve too.
@hoptoads 11 лет назад
Women's studies: when you're too lazy and too self absorbed, or too fucking dumb to do social or humanist studies.
@hoptoads 11 лет назад
Like I said, Fuck off Fescist!
@hoptoads 11 лет назад
Fuck off Fescist!
@blueeyessonny 11 лет назад
What I don't understand is that women say they want equality and yet they have women-only hotels, hotel floors, gyms, swimming pool sessions, golf clubs, nurseries etc etc... How is that equality? surely its segregation of the genders? Especially as these places are not in muslim countries but safe western capitals where safety and relgion doesn't affect either sex. Surely the women who use these places can't then say they are feminists or believe in equality?
@abby495 11 лет назад
Take it easy McCarthy, we've already put IN GOD WE TRUST on the money violating the constitution. So take your f*cking meds as there's no place for hysteria except in your polluted mind.
@abby495 11 лет назад
Well good for you. Whine about it to your mom perhaps she gives a sh*t.
@abby495 11 лет назад
Good for you. Why don't you? LOL it is a free country! I know your liver is asking for it.
@abby495 11 лет назад
Nope, no problem, himbo bedwetter. The question is why are you threatened by the idea of women's studies? You didn't get the memo huh. Women no longer have to appease your ego...actually they don't have to give a sh*t about how you feel. You can bring that up with MOM LOL. Cos she's the only one who might give a sh*t.
@feministsAreCorrupt 11 лет назад
Would any job applicant list B.A. Women's Studies on a resume ?
@feministsAreCorrupt 11 лет назад
from the video 2:05 "Women are 50% of the population. And so, when you take women's studies classes, you're learning about 50, half of the population." What courses should men and women take to learn about men, the other half of the population?
@feministsAreCorrupt 11 лет назад
Doesn't a major in STEM develop critical thinking? Women's studies programs are popular because they require many text books and no lab equipment. Colleges find such courses to be the most profitable.