Hi, thanks for visiting my channel. I use it to post videos of my favorite music, particularly religious and classical.
@coraggio93 Год назад
I love this song and other David Haas songs.I hate the fact that David Haas has done such horrid things to others.
@davidjblixt 5 лет назад
I'm going to introduce this song at my church this Sunday. I've personally never heard it before until now, and it is absolutely beautiful and uplifting and inspiring! The harmonies are also out of this world!!!
@samuraischultz 6 лет назад
It's sung so blandly for being an African spiritual. Plus, they don't really blend that well. I do like the lyrics, though.
@LawOffices 6 лет назад
Its you. We do it for you. You!! You da man or woman whatever you know this is for you.
@rachels9937 7 лет назад
always get tearful when I sing and hear this at church, it was played at my Grandma's funeral
@jascentajjagwe6712 7 лет назад
It is going to be sung in Uganda on 17th Feb 2017 to mark 138 years since the first Catholic Missionaries; Fr. Lourdel and others landed at Kigungu, Lake Victoria.
@douglasforaste3078 7 лет назад
Malachi 4:2 King James Version "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall." It's just a song with a metaphor. It was an African-American spiritual long before Catholics and Joan Baez adopted it. You anti-Catholic bigots need to get a grip on reality.
@brendaelliott8639 8 лет назад
This song might have been sung by slaves during a Sunday prayer meeting as a code song to signal the time and place the individual intended to meet others to escape (fall on knees to possibly draw directions in the dirt with a stick and meet before sunrise-before the wake up call for field work, meet east side of the slave quarters-the direction of the rising sun).
@bannaplayz5584 8 лет назад
The back to father is my solo bit in my Easter play
@kayleighhenry6216 8 лет назад
Herd this in mass at school I love it I don't know why
@rubytuesday863 8 лет назад
I learnt this song at the First Baptist Church of Crown Heights in Brooklyn, NY we sang it as we prepared for first communion. All this back and forth about the song being right or wrong, is stupid, the common denominator is that we heard it, and learned it in Church. Praise God and begin your day people, because this is the day that Lord has made.
@kevinlunt3262 9 лет назад
I love this song 💙
@whlcat 9 лет назад
This song is not appropriate. It speaks of idolatry.."when I fall on my knees with my face to THE RISING SUN". It is not African American but Catholic and opposes Ezekiel 8:15 He then brought me into the inner court of the house of the LORD, and there at the entrance to the temple, between the portico and the altar, were about twenty-five men. With their backs toward the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east, they were bowing down to the sun in the east.
@lydieparmas357 9 лет назад
+Karen Griffee It's a African American spiritual. See the history of hymns by Dr. C.Michael Hawn, . But it's commonly sung among protestants and catholics churches. Personally I learnt it at the Adventist church. Regarding the "face to the rising sun" there would be much to say about our christian hymns but it's another history.
@PowerGearPerformance 6 лет назад
Very true!
@dustychet22 5 лет назад
As a Christian concerning this song, I always wondered what is the significance of showing your face to the rising sun, like pagans used to do.
@axawelvin5947 9 лет назад
@j1mmyZeta 9 лет назад
"Filled with my Spirit, how you will grow You are my branches, I am the tree If you are faithful, others will know you are alive in me" > Pagan folk ftw! :P
@johntaylor5328 9 лет назад
This is my suggestion for words and guitar chords: THIS IS MY BODY BROKEN FOR YOU by Jimmy Owens Capo 1 C chord 3/4 timing Intro: (Dm) (G7) (C) (Am) (Dm) (G7) (C) (C)This is my (Am-Am7)body, (G)broken for (C)you, (EM)Bringing you (Am)wholeness, (Dm)making you (G)free. (Dm)Take it and (G)eat it. (C)And as you (Am)do, (Dm)do it in (G7)love for (C)Me. This is my blood poured out for you, Bringing forgiveness, making you free. Take it and drink it, And as you do, do it in love for Me. Back to my Father soon I shall go Do not forget me, then you will see I am still with you, and you will know you’re very close to me. Filled with my Spirit, how you will grow You are my branches, I am the tree If you are faithful, others will know you are alive in me. Love one another, I have loved you and I have shown you how to be free serve one another, and when you do do it in love for me.
@amygimigliano3046 9 лет назад
@ryanyouden197 10 лет назад
@DarrylJordanOLW 10 лет назад
Is this the UEA Catholic *Women's* Choir? Sorry, but I can't hear any male voices (just top lines SA), and I know that Taizé score has two bottom lines (i.e., TB). I also listened to This is my Body (v=pg9dT7YZ0aY) which confirms my first impression. Just saying...
@umconnor 10 лет назад
have to learn about 10 songs for school this is one of them
@Corduroy66 10 лет назад
Sun worshipping would make a person sad. Sometimes we sing and worship things that are far from God. God have mercy on our souls. This was my 8h Grade graduation song in 1956. We were innocent. We were ignorant. Yeshua is the SON and not the SUN.
@margaretphilbin2583 9 лет назад
+Corduroy66 However, Catholic churches are supposed to face east...this is referencing kneeling for communion while facing east...as it should be all over the world
@Corduroy66 9 лет назад
Why east? Think!
@Corduroy66 9 лет назад
Margaret Philbin Did Yeshua face east?
@Corduroy66 9 лет назад
Margaret Philbin I'm waiting for a Catholic's response. Did Yeshua command us to face east when we pray? You are confused. All Catholics are.
@margaretphilbin2583 9 лет назад
Of course we are!!
@thienphuctran3604 10 лет назад
bài hát này rất hay và ý nghĩa nếu bạn có cơ hội thì hãy nghe thử nhé
@JackGAdams 10 лет назад
@audioangel 10 лет назад
Yikes, they sound so sad. This song is a blessing! A call for knowing the truth about our constant companion, sweet spirit.
@kennyee2545 10 лет назад
Every time when we met for holy communion, I thanked the Lord for the privilege to remember Him as we partook in the breaking of bread and wine. It is a privilege indeed as we also ponder that many in this world could not come together to break bread and wine, to love and remember Him as He commanded us to do so.
@TheRevglk 10 лет назад
this song reminds of Paul`s exclamation in Romans 7:24 "O wretched man that I am" Lord have mercy on me!
@josparkes1 11 лет назад
So lovely, we sing this at mass often !
@sintofg 11 лет назад
:3 I remember this hymn growing up
@eyiteneiwere2677 11 лет назад
Searched for this everywhere
@hirokoishizuka3930 11 лет назад
I love this hymn we sang today this song for mass in our school
@matthewmayhem 11 лет назад
@ Emily Hess In our church growing up we always sang it in this slow ,as you described it, sad way and it always had the same effect on me as it did you. It connected me to His presence and I felt the same joy and love He had for me. It brought tears to my eyes many times but they were tears of joy because I knew I was lucky and blessed to have benefited from His grace. I prefer it this slow way but feel nothing but joy when I hear it.
@wampahoth 11 лет назад
You're most welcome!
@4duckys 12 лет назад
I meant that the song for me has been uplifting.... because since I was a child it connected me to His presence and that fills me with love and joy. I am deeply sorry if my comment was taken to mean that someone else, group or individual would not hear it and connect in a different way. Weeping may endure for a night,. but Joy Comes in The Morning. Psalm 30:5 "
@Jacksonart55 12 лет назад
It's through God and his mercy that he shows us in our worst times that we realize that we need him, and we realize that in our despair we can count on him to save us from our sorrows and carry us forward. I think it's perfectly acceptable for this song to be sang in a sad fashion, because it exemplifies the pain and sorrow we feel in our hearts and our prayers to the Lord to help us in our time of need.
@binkymenloughflashy1085 12 лет назад
This has been played on rare ocassion during mass times over the last years, whilst taking communion at our church. I searched for months for this song, and have finally found it, it is as beautiful as ever, thankyou for sharing it.
@igobykp 12 лет назад
Beautiful song, however I would have liked to hear a break between "peace" and "wine"... it sounds like they are saying "swine."
@mondotwistedmojo 3 года назад
Well now I can't unhear it, thanks
@4duckys 12 лет назад
It shouldn't really be sung in such a sad way, they singers aren't realizing in this video the opportunity to glorify God through the words and music, truly, truly it is an uplifting song.
@Laaaification 12 лет назад
Quick story: I had been searching for this song the whole of last week. My church never sings it. Today I went for mass and suprise suprise they sang this for communion. :D
@Thelivingwordthesword 12 лет назад
I will stay shut and seal up my mouth because my mouth has cost me a lot.
@Thelivingwordthesword 12 лет назад
sheep its because you deny me that these things come out your mouth and your rooted in darkness i can be that stick up kid with word take it all away from you for being so messed up with the word i will take from you what you have taken from me.
@Thelivingwordthesword 12 лет назад
your burderns you carry it all you ill wishers welcome to my world ungrateful as people I am I am Amen RA my mind created all that is natural the water the trees the skies all this came from me dont you ever curse me again wish my ill go worship your god yor idols instead of showing love you come to judge malice pure malice go join them serve them all you ill wishers and haters all of you will live in my shoes and if you are already then you will inherit my tears im tired fighting of all these
@Thelivingwordthesword 12 лет назад
in god dollar religion trying to save your asses and you stabb me in the back you curse me wish me death thats how you are going to do me fine at least i have people who have good hearts and look out for me and my little family so i can overcome your satanic lustes and ways and they dont know my true ID they do it so i can survive right I guess you rather have me sticking you up when you coming home with a pay check right want me selling drugs dont think so all you haters i release my burden
@Thelivingwordthesword 12 лет назад
steal your kingdome and heritage here you are supporting them i get tired of people commenting as i try to make my bread right your forget who gives you life and who will save your butts or should you be saved. you do the devils work go join the devil and his army the same people that put you away and will screw you over bunch of hating ignoramus getting tired of carrying your burdens if let go of these burdens you will be royally screwed I hold it down for you the haters those of you rooted
@Thelivingwordthesword 12 лет назад
People have a lot of nerve first they are ungrateful for the breath in their lungs the that light that gives them life, I had those elites who have worked hard to keep me opprresed and down becuase their power is based on what you worship and who you work for they could pull strings on ebay they could make it very difficult for me to work a normal 9 to 5 not for the dollar your god but as a service everything thing i did was in my heart and with heart i did. its sad that thieves came along to
@wampahoth 12 лет назад
You're welcome. Thanks for watching, and blessings to you as well!
@mrbeanchannel 12 лет назад
It probably sounds sad because of the way these spiritual songs came about - African American people being enslaved.
@wampahoth 12 лет назад
I graduated from postgrad there three years ago. Loved it. And the Chaplaincy is full of friendly people. Thanks for commenting.
@sayhi2noble 12 лет назад
Lovely! Like UEA Uni. of East Anglia! Great graduated from there a few years ago,. Lovely song always loved it.
@deborah372 13 лет назад
Needs Lyrics
@wampahoth 13 лет назад
@seanwanmickymomo You're welcome. I don't know why it seems to be forgotten. It shouldn't be. It's a beautiful song.