CSP - Community Scholar Program
CSP - Community Scholar Program
CSP - Community Scholar Program
Celebrating our 23rd year, the Community Scholar Program is dedicated to fostering a global community of lifelong learners by providing in-person and online accessible and enriching adult Jewish education, inspiring intellectual and spiritual growth, and uniting people across diverse backgrounds and locations. By leveraging technology and collaborating with esteemed educators, scholars, and thought leaders, we aim to make high-quality Jewish educational resources accessible to individuals around the world, regardless of their background or location. We ignite passion for Judaism!
Tel Aviv Museum of Art (May 2024)
14 дней назад
Haifa Food Walking Tour (May 2024)
14 дней назад
Food on our ARTventure (May 2024)
14 дней назад
Humor in the Holy Land (Daniel Lappin)
14 дней назад
Wild and Mild Stories of the Talmud
Месяц назад
CSP Conversation with Prof. Susannah Heschel
2 месяца назад
@mkhanyisenikhumalo-ou3ec 2 дня назад
Hello, I am Mkhanyiseni Khumalo from Pretoria in South Africa, I have joined the CSP online and this the second video I am waiting, but I want to get really connected, anyway where can I find the Jewish community or church in Pretoria, South Africa?
@brendaonuanain2495 5 дней назад
Remarkable presentation David. Will be taking out a sub to the Times of Israel. Keep up the great work.
@Earth_journey_yoga 7 дней назад
Absolutely fascinating, thank you all.
@jonathanwolf5109 9 дней назад
Mishnah Pirke Avot( Ethics of the Fathers) 3:2…”If two people study Torah, the Shekhinah dwells between them…”
@jonathanwolf5109 9 дней назад
אין עוד מלבדו
@jonathanwolf5109 10 дней назад
I once learned: The alef of (אין סוף) has a mystery. The alef consists of two yuds and a slanted vav. So, in a sense the gematria of א is not just equal to 1, but also 26( yud = 10 and vav =6). That is the same gematria as YHVH ( which is also 26). Together, the gematria of ein(אין) is not just 61 but also 86 ( the same as Elohim אלוהים). The yud represents the ten Sefirot, and the nun represents the 50 “Gates of Wisdom”. In this way, we connect YHVH with Elohim, and connect ourselves as a vessel(כלי “keili”) to aid the unification of different aspects of G-d.
@jonathanwolf5109 10 дней назад
I once learned: The secret of “ein sof” (אין סוף) is in the connection between “ein”(אין), meaning “nothing” or “no-thing” , and “ani” (אני) meaning “I”(representing the ego). Each word (ein and ani) in Hebrew is composed of the same letters(alef-yud-nun). In Gematria, alef(א) = 1, yud (י) = 10 and nun(נ) = 50. Together they make 61 or 60 + 1. The “1” represents Hashem (YHVH) and 60 is equivalent to the Hebrew word “keili” ( כלי) meaning “vessel”. To connect to Godliness, we must become a vessel (כלי) to receive Divine energy(“ shefa”)… we must subsume our ego ( אני) into the Divine Ein Sof (אין)… connecting with the singular Alef(א) which is YHVH( Hashem). Ego = “Edging G-d Out”… Ego is all about the personal, physical needs ( What’s in it for Me). By studying Torah, doing Mitzvot, giving Tzedakah( charity), we can transform mundane acts into sacred acts, and link our connection to the Divine.
@user-dhlpklqtrnz 10 дней назад
Shalom! Praise YHVH! Your avid fan from South Korea. I thank you for all your teachings. I listen to your Kabbalah introduction clips like this one more than 10 times in different occasions. But it feels everytime very new and fun and interesting. In South korea, much like EU and US, rampantly, excessively aggressive feminism and its counter punch Redpill and Manosphere movement torn nation's men and women relation apart. I believe Kabbalah and specifically the study of The Zohar is the only answer and hope and salvation for any nation that goes through this. As a Christian, I hope you can further elaborate upon Jesus and kabbalah, Jesus and Elijah, Jesus and Zohar relationship much in detatil. But I know it's hard to do because of your ethnic stance, which I understand. But for now, thanks again for all your good teachings. It is such a supreme and sublime blessing for me, the teachings of The Zohar.
@Fayefreeman 12 дней назад
@ilanadelaney5100 15 дней назад
Dr Shai, what a great surprise to hear you in this fascinating conversation!!! Thank you for great questions and dialogue with Gila. I can’t wait to buy her book. Best wishes. Ilana De Laney
@vardasarnat 16 дней назад
אין סוף, בגימטריה 61 + 146 = 207 = אור אין סוף = אור המילה סוף, המקום בו הניחה יוכבד את משה בתיבה, בסוף.... וַתָּשֶׂם בַּסּוּף עַל-שְׂפַת הַיְאֹר סוף = 146 = עולם אין סוף = אור = אין עולם סוף (בכתיב מלא) סמך 120 + ואו 13 + פה 85 = 218 = ירח הסוף של הסוף, סוף מלא הוא - ירח אם כך, אין סוף = אין ירח בקיצור - לפני שנאצלו הנאצלים לפני שנבראו הנבראים - לא היה עולם, לא היה ירח.... היה רק אור אין סוף = 207 = אור (3 פעמים 69 הדס) 9 פעמים 23 תיבה - היא תיבה לאותיות, השם = משה .... תיבה היא הבית, בו שוכנות האותיות, אותיות השם, משה בתיבה וַתֵּרֶא אֶת-הַתֵּבָה בְּתוֹךְ הַסּוּף וַתִּשְׁלַח אֶת-אֲמָתָהּ וַתִּקָּחֶהָ Go figure …Hebrew has its own dictionary. It’s called Gimatria, not English nor Aramaic Greek or Yiddish .
@salwabeheiry7717 22 дня назад
Prof. Matt is the only one who can explain The Zohar in a way that I can understand and appreciate. It is his life work.
@streetfighters805 28 дней назад
Daniel Matt is the man!
@solomonessix6909 Месяц назад
It's amazing that the Jews were reading and being influenced by Proverbs Chapter 8; As Proverbs was influenced by the Egyptian Wisdom Literature of Amenemope.
@Leif208 Месяц назад
I agree that any stolen art ought to be returned if a rightful heir can be found. However, before anything should be "returned" to any potential heirs, it should be first checked if the art was sold for a reasonable price. Then, price should be compared to the price at which the art was originally purchased by the Jewish owners. They're often finding that the price at which the art was sold was at the market price at the time and are even finding out that in many cases, much of the art acquired by Jewish art dealers were at basement level prices, even lower than the price they sold it for, as a result of desperate people during the great depression. Two wrongs don't make a right. And, in every case, even though the art is being portrayed and some kind of a long-time Jewish family heirloom, in reality, most of it was only owned for a brief period (often just a few years), and in many cases had been acquired from original owners who had possessed it for a very long time, often hundreds of years, in some cases. The Jewish heir's emotional "attachment" to the restituted art is clear in that in virtually every case, it's immediately sold it to the highest bidder. In most cases, in my opinion, the art's rightful owner ought to be the native people and displayed in native museums.
@practice4523 Месяц назад
If you guys can use ancient tales to drive out people from their homes then all colonialists from America to New Zealand should go back to Europe
@neological9 Месяц назад
Not tales, the Jewish people originated here and produced the sacred literature that sustained us in exile and also gave rise to Christianity & Islam. But you unintentionally make a good point. "Decolonial" activists should focus on dismantling the states that are clear-cut cases of colonialism (US, Australia, etc) before thinking they have any credibility to remove the Jewish people from our homeland.
@practice4523 Месяц назад
@@neological9 Real Juish people and the mizrachi from the middle east should stay in palestine. The 33% who came from Poland and Austria are converts and should go back to their rightful homes in Eastern Europe
@neological9 Месяц назад
​@@practice4523Can't engage the argument so you resort to lazy bigotry. If it was your goal to keep ashkenazim in eastern europe, you shouldn't have persecuted and genocided them there. Too late for that now, so your trash opinions will remain irrelevant.
@practice4523 Месяц назад
@@neological9 No, theodore Hezl, Jabotinsky, Rothschild... were all Europeans, so is Netanyahu, Regev, learner and many other Xios
@neological9 Месяц назад
​@@practice4523 Yawn. So were the Romans who colonized our ancestral home and renamed it Palestine.
@valeriebecker6277 2 месяца назад
totally agree....they love it, being anti semitic (sp)......in fact, from personal experience, they think nothing of it; they were raised to hate jewish people (this is in the 50's, back east where i grew up). and then in ohio.....while young, i used to think these people are nuts....but through the years, they are still nuts, but in a whole different way, evil....
@valeriebecker6277 2 месяца назад
sadistic.....wow....makes sense.....tough as it is.....
@valeriebecker6277 2 месяца назад
@valeriebecker6277 2 месяца назад
your father was so OPEN! totally ahead of his time!! wish i could have met him.
@valeriebecker6277 2 месяца назад
oh my gosh, what an awakening!!! (aryan, sorry spelled it incorrectly!)
@valeriebecker6277 2 месяца назад
arian jesus? this will be interesting to say the least!!!!!
@richardkaznyoung7711 2 месяца назад
Thank you for posting this wonderful conversation with Professor Heschel very inspiring specially during these difficult times.
@PhilipWilson2 2 месяца назад
'Nick Vanderlaan', 'George Chuang', and a channel called: ('ChallengedComforted', Elijah parts 1-3), also have more findings concerning the End Times Elijah figure. Because he is a very key role factor in all of this. Yahuah God is about to do something altogether ' DIFFERENT ', than he has being doing since before the very foundations of the earth 🌎. The ' real deal '!! 😊 And Israel will be redeemed and restored ince again. And the GENTILES races of the earth will LEARN righteousness.
@Jupiterocks 2 месяца назад
we are moses army!
@WilsonLaing-lw5ni 2 месяца назад
Elijah is melchizadeck
@YG-kk4ey 2 месяца назад
@nicoedits6940 2 месяца назад
Very informative great video
@REAPxSOW 2 месяца назад
There needs to be a better job at defining "Christian" and "jew" because Christianity was created by Jews, the first Christians were Jews, and the missions to spread Christianity to the Gentiles was by Jews. The Council of Jerusalem is a evidence of this as well as the practice of "grafting" and being Spiritual Anointed. Not to mention a Jew can even be Atheist....Just look at Hollywood. History is total shit due to the nature in which definitions are molded to fit certain narratives.
@marlaellman3025 2 месяца назад
I just ordered it, and am so very excited to read it
@annalink4351 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this informative, comprehensive presentation. I am left with the impression that Spinoza was brilliant, and courageous. His prescient ideas are still relevant, especially in the light of current events.
@SoopSoopa 3 месяца назад
@Volvi373 3 месяца назад
Thanks for this detailed tour by Agi. My parents fled Kecskemet in 1949 for the west. I have been there (Hungary) a number of times over my life am now 69. I would love to be in touch with Agi, will research online otherwise advise her of me. Thx.
@khanate2750 3 месяца назад
How many kids does Mr Epstein have in his basement?
@EvelynGottlieb 3 месяца назад
Amazing, great narration. Thank you
@CarlJohnson-kk4pr 3 месяца назад
i have listened to the life story narrative by Leonard Nimoy the Cohen. As well as Leonard Nimoy the Cohen narrative of Rashi. Both Excellent!!!!! Yes Musa his Egyptian name being the reincarnated Moshe Rabeinu (Musa Rabeinu
@TheDesperateArtist 4 месяца назад
1 of the best things I've seen by far
@user-dx8fk3tt3w 13 дней назад
Jewish humor
@benyaakov6453 4 месяца назад
Why do they repeat Elokeinu over & over again? I myself do not say it my minhag is to have the last cup say al hagefen & lshanana haba & that's it!! No chad gada ya no echad mi yodea at my seder
@jackwaserman9235 4 месяца назад
That was WONDERFUL! Chag Pesach Sameach!
@adiapic 4 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing your findings in a well presented documentary..may our heavenly Father reward your efforts.
@tristanuaceithearnaigh7660 5 месяцев назад
Victoria St is where I lived nearby, this is a street off of the South Circular Road a mile or so from Dublin City Centre it was the hub of Jewish residents and business and a synagogue further on down the SCR, Almost every other day I would pop into the "Bretzel" and buy Hamantaschen, a cookie filled with poppy seed jam .Sadly there are not many Jews around there now but there is a Jewish museum there. The Ear Nose and Throat hospital nearby was established by a Jewish doctor 1890's . And the beautiful red brick building still stands. The chief Rabbi of Ireland at this time was Yitzhak Ha Levi Herzog an Irish Nationalist Republican supporter who spoke Irish Gaelic and is the grandfather of Israel's present President, Isaac Herzog. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak_HaLevi_Herzog Incidently, there is a wonderful Jewish restaurant in Rathmines a mile up the road called "613" which serves fabulous kosher food, and foodstuffs from Israel. It has indoor and outdoor seating, highly recommended.
@democracymatters6820 5 месяцев назад
@jackwaserman9235 5 месяцев назад
Bezalel was reportedly 13 y.o. when heading the construction of the Beit Hamikdash, yet appears as a heavily bearded older man, in the picture presented by Epstein
@valeriebecker6277 5 месяцев назад
unbelievable!!!! never heard that......
@GilesMcRiker 5 месяцев назад
Heh to a Jew, the "creative" Christian interpretations of Jewish scriptures in the New testament appears stranger than how Mormon creative interpretations of Christian scripture appear to Christians!. I'm sure that eventually a breakaway Mormon movement will preach yet a new gospel...
@ariellaamshalem1283 5 месяцев назад
Love this talk!
@ariellaamshalem1283 5 месяцев назад
Love this talk!
@ElijahisMark9 5 месяцев назад
Very nice hearing about your collaborative thinking. 😊 Wish I could finish this! W. McConnell (P.S. Love your drumming!) [Roach] 💟