Hibz and the Mundanities of Everyday Life
Hibz and the Mundanities of Everyday Life
Hibz and the Mundanities of Everyday Life
How to read more critically
Месяц назад
Reading multiple books at once ☕️📚
8 месяцев назад
@AttaLouvre 3 дня назад
What a great video, been trying to do my own thing but this seems like a much better way of going about it
@sonderexpeditions 5 дней назад
I aim for 30 minutes a day
@skeetermegamoto 9 дней назад
Excellent advise. Huge respect for diving into Russian literature. When I was in 7th grade, my English teacher asked each of us in the class at what pace they read. Most popped off with some number. One girl said a page a minute. I also went with the crowd and gave some number. One boy had the nerve to say he didn't worry about it. He said he figured the great masters or any author didn't work away for years so some teenager could come along and rip through their work at a page a minute. In high school I learned that he was accepted by a host of Ivy League colleges. I'm sure he went on to great things.
@4061earthabcdesong 10 дней назад
1:28 Good Putonghua
@Yesica1993 11 дней назад
Wow, that is such a hard situation. I hope you and your family are doing okay now. While I do love seeing a well ordered personal library, it is something that requires space, a proper environment as far as humidity and other factors that may damage them, as well as time to properly care for them. I'm old enough to be your mother. I am to the point in my life where I am looking to reduce my number of books. Not that I really have that many. It's only two very small bookcases and the ones that are piled around on tables. Ever since I saw Beauty and the Beast (the animated version), I dreamed of a big library with those wheeled ladders! But now I'm at a stage of life where I prefer having books that I treasure and know I will reread the rest of my life. If I had children, I would build a library for them and future generations. I wish I did! But that's not what God has had for me in life. As a single person, it doesn't make sense to have tons of books that are really just going to waste. (Thank you for helping me think this out. It's been at the back of my mind for a while. It's one of those big projects I haven't had the mental energy to tackle. But I need to get to it soon.)
@llaylapurnell5948 12 дней назад
At some point we need to put down the search, take a deep breath and settle down into ourselves. We must get on with the business of living. So yes, I mostly agree.
@beckduvall5389 18 дней назад
I could never imagine how devastating losing everything so quickly would feel like. I love your collection by the way. (I thought you were from Saudi Arabia) lots of love ❤
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 13 дней назад
It is devastating but I’m very veyyyy grateful that my family is safe 🥺❤️ thank you so much for the kind comment! I lived a lot of my life in Saudi Arabia so I honestly consider it a second home but I am from Sudan
@4061earthabcdesong 18 дней назад
I love your recommendation. Thanks for sharing your feelings about those books! ❤... If you don't mind, how much longer will you stay in Shanghai, China? (Just so you know, I asked you how long for your studies in China because firstly, i want to mail you some bookmarks with my local features, and secondly, I'd say how i wish you could come to HK to practice medicine after you graduate as the turnover rate in HK's healthcare system is pretty high... 😅 Maybe I was too simple-minded about the entry barrier here and about your thought as to where to work in future. I dunno anything. )
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 18 дней назад
I am no longer in China! I graduated successfully and have been gaining more hospital experience wherever I can over the past several months. I did in fact look into the HK pathway and it is a possibility in the future although it is a bit tricky. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this comment 🥺 and thank you for your kindness ❤️ There really is no need to send me anything but I would love to know what your favorite books are and the reasons why you love them so much! I would be very grateful. Thank you again 🥺 I am really touched
@4061earthabcdesong 18 дней назад
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 my favorite books so far are "Contact" and "the Lord of the Ring" trilogy... For details, I have written a few words on the comment section of another YT video of yours. 👍👍❤️❤️
@mioselee 18 дней назад
Your collection is a gem!
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 18 дней назад
Thank you 🥺
@LaMujerdelEscritorio 19 дней назад
Why on earth did I think you were from South Africa??? I'm sorry to hear about your country, mine (Venezuela) is in shambles too right now and it's so incredibly frustrating because I still have some freinds and family there, so I completely understand how you feel. Anyways, I really liked this video. Please, please never stop posting
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 18 дней назад
I am so sorry to hear that. I hope that your friends and family are safe. How have you been doing? I can definitely relate to your feelings of frustration and it comes in waves throughout the day for me. It's unfortunate, things shouldn't be the way they are. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment ❤️ I hope you're having a lovely day and I wish for the safety of your family and friends. Your comment really touched me honestly, I'm glad you liked this video.
@Mo_No-wm1ln 28 дней назад
I love your voices ❤ so much 😊
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 27 дней назад
You are so sweet 🥺💕 thank you so much and thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I appreciate it ❤️
@lily5462p3i Месяц назад
Camus is one of my favorite authors and I found myself both loving and hating this book, and I've also found that I agree with most of the 1-star comments in this video (the ones that actually had something to say at least lol), especially the one about the ideas being dated. I think that's the main issue of the book - we live in a time when nihilism and apathy are not a scandalous yet novel attitude, but something we associate with immaturity. Even Nietzsche is starting to be considered something for brooding teenage boys lol. So it is hard to take The Stranger seriously unless you understand the context in which it was written. For me, what made this book so great was the writing, but I did also find the ideas which the author presents as fascinating to be quite outdated. But yeah, ultimately I feel like people regard it as a boring and immature work simply because they're not taking into account that it was written in a different time. It's also quite frustrating when people decide that a book is bad because they didn't like the protagonist's personality. It's one thing when an unpleasant character is presented as a hero by the narrative, but I don't think it's the case here, you're not exactly meant to like him but rather delve into his psyche. Thank you for the video, it's brave of you to read negative reviews of your favorite book! Hahah
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 13 дней назад
It’s a very good point you’ve made about how nihilism and apathy are no longer as scandalous as they once used to be! And I completely agree with you when it comes to how frustrating it is when entire works are dismissed because the main character isn’t likeable . To be honest, my favorite books are those where the main characters are flawed. I won’t get much out of a book if the main character is perfect in every way and always makes the right decisions. Not only do I not see the benefit in such a case but it’s also just not entertaining. Thank you for taking the time to construct this comment ❤️
@Sporadicsnapshot Месяц назад
We can't study for 4 hours..how you are studying 8 hours 😅😂...
@Sporadicsnapshot Месяц назад
Really your videos ❤.... new bookmate😊
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 Месяц назад
Thank you so much 🥺 I’m glad you like them and thank you for taking the time to leave a comment 💕
@xoyouaremysunshinexo Месяц назад
I love how simple this is! I'm not annotating for aesthetics, I want to remember what I read and LEARN
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 Месяц назад
I’m so glad you liked it and found it straightforward 😄 thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far
@anisyafw.6633 Месяц назад
I love how thought-provoking your videos are ❤️ Thank you for sharing with us Hibz!
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for this very sweet comment, it means a lot to me 🥺❤️ I’m so glad you find them thought-provoking !! I hope you’re having a wonderful day!
@leafsonata Месяц назад
Bette Davis starred in the classic film, Of Human Bondage and I loved when she would say, "I don't mind" 😂 Id like to read the novel. Thanks for the clip and recs.
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 Месяц назад
I didn’t know there was a movie!!! I’m gonna check it out once I finish the books 😄 Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment 💕 I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far!
@LovkynaPeral Месяц назад
Good afternoon, Hibs🤗🍀🌻 i see progress there, well done. It is masculin energy you crave, with "achieving goals", it could be that outside you are more in "just being energy - feminin one" if that makes sense. Like a cat - outside. Observing, being, could be that the point why you are more creative outside? I am just thinking now as i saw your video. No matter how big or small your progress is, i am happy for you, that you do what you like and you share something out of this on your channel. Thank you for that. You used the aplication "forest" in video! ? I have it too, just in free version, its cute 🤗 very cute. Enjoy what you do, the process of it, the results will come. Also baby steps are progress, staying consistent is important. Thank you for your thoughts in Video and have a great day. Hope you doing great 🙏🍀✨☀️💐
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 Месяц назад
Good morning ☺️💕 thank you so much! I never thought of it that way but that makes sense. Whenever I feel stuck or overwhelmed and I step outside, I immediately feel better and my thoughts become clearer. I’m really touched by your comment in all honesty 🥺❤️ it brought a smile to my face. I will continue to make videos on the things that I like and I hope with time we can grow closer and closer through our exchanges. I would also love it if you shared with me the things that are currently bringing you joy in your life (only if your comfortable of course). I love the forest app as well! It’s so cute 🥺 when I’m having trouble starting something I just plant a tree and things become a little easier. I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far and I hope to hear from you again soon 💕
@babettedejong2975 Месяц назад
I thought The Book Thief was so beautifully done! One of those books that stay with you. As for my reading, it's very irregular, haha. I'm a hardcore mood reader. But I do feel I miss out on some reading due to my fickle mood. I would like to be a bit more consistent, like reading at least half an hour each day. That seems doable, haha.
@LaMujerdelEscritorio Месяц назад
Girl, I knew it! It was a matter of time hahaha
@4b6t Месяц назад
Thank you 🥺🥺🥺
@beckduvall5389 Месяц назад
You could even read us selected passages of your writing. ❤ I love when writers just queried instead of overthinking it
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 Месяц назад
I like that idea! 😄 I think I will! Although I’m not used to sharing my writing, one of the things I enjoyed in school was receiving constructive criticism for my writing from my teachers and other students Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment 🥺 I hope you’re having a wonderful day thus far 💕
@danabilichenko6783 Месяц назад
thank you algorithm for recommending me this! such a nice, calming video! I just got inspired to write something. hope you have a good day and good luck with everything
@LovkynaPeral Месяц назад
I wish you good luck in whatever you are working on or also what is nowdays hard for you. Feel the hug from slovakia to you. I hug you, dear Hibz. 10000 words? Very nice. I am not writter, but sometimes i journal and write little quotes or poems. But nothing special. English is still not best language i can speak or read or understand, but i would like to hear one day your short story, if you will post. About what you like the most to write? Thank you for sharing with us your toughts and your videos clips 🙏☀️🌹 have a beautiful and peaceful time
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 Месяц назад
Thank you so much 🥺 it’s always lovely when I read one your comments so thank you for taking the time to write them ❤️ I really appreciate your words of encouragement and I would be honored to share one of my stories with you one day! Most of the stories I like to write revolve around characters that are stuck in their lives. They’re not special, they’re abnormally plain but the conflicts they encounter are still complex. As for when it comes to my writing in general, it’s very similar to you in that I like to journal, fill my notebooks with quotes, and write poetry. I used to really love writing poetry when I was younger, I have since stopped but will probably return to it. What things do you like to write about? Thank you for taking the time to comment ❤️ I hope you’re having a wonderful day!
@Zugth Месяц назад
I'm glad the creative process is helping you through the stressful things in life! Writing for me is really about exploration and fulfillment. I know exactly what you mean when you talk about writing that final scene. I get more emotional the closer I get toward writing that final scene. For me an entire novel is setup hurtling toward this pinnacle I have in my mind, that I have been carrying with me wherever I go. It can be so exciting! I especially resonated with the part about wanting to feel "ready" to write, and being worried about structure. The thing holding back most potential authors is fear of starting. One thing I learned from my first (unfinished) manuscript was that I was WAY over-outlining and needed to instead just see where the story took me. Excited to see what you imagine into existence! Sorry that was way too many words LOL
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 Месяц назад
Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this comment, many of the things you said resonated with me and I would love it if you were willing to discuss certain parts of your writing process with me 💕 May I ask what are some of the other lessons you learned from writing your manuscript? Also I have a specific question in regards to scheduling time for writing, did you write when you could or was there a specific goal (word count or otherwise) you allocated each day for writing? I am really glad I’ve undertaken this challenge because I feel creatively free in a way I haven’t felt in a long while. Constructing a world has been wonderful, I’ve truly been enjoying the journey and I can’t wait to make more videos about the entirety of this journey ☺️
@Zugth Месяц назад
​@@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 Of course! I spend a lot of time thinking about writing so I have lots to yap about LOL. I should probably make a video on it sometime. After that 1st unfinished manuscript I actually pushed forward and wrote a full (unedited/polished) manuscript for a second novel last year. I would say the #1 takeaway I had from both of those experiences was to continue writing NO MATTER WHAT. This sounds kind of obvious, but it can be really tempting to pause your writing to over-research or over-think a specific part. I already mentioned over-outlining, but another thing I was doing was going back to edit my chapters as I wrote them. This ended up being very counter productive because what I discovered was that as I wrote the book, my concept of the final product changed drastically from beginning to end. Because of this, on my current novel, I am writing the entire thing without going back to review, with the plan of polishing/rewriting earlier chapters once I have the entire story conceptualized. As for scheduling, I set myself daily goals which I keep track of on a spreadsheet. (I am a very goal-oriented person, though I don't always meet those goals). The spreadsheet itself is nothing fancy. I usually try to keep a rough goal of 500 words a day, though right now I am attempting 750, since classes are out for the summer. These goals are kind of loose though because some days I will spend a ton of time outlining/researching and no actual time writing words, which is fine. I would say any specific number depends entirely on your free time and writing speed, and also your genre/how long your final product will be. One thing I would recommend (and this depends entirely on your writing goals) is to set a deadline for finishing. For me I try to write a whole novel within a year. This ensures you finish one project, learn from it, and move to the next one to apply what you have learned. Again though, this depends entirely on your goals. I do this because I want to get published, but if you want to spend five years perfecting a single book as a passion project then theres nothing wrong with that, of course. Which leads me into my last point: all advise is relative. Keep writing and see what works best for you and your situation. Also: join an in-person writing group, they are very fun! Being exposed to other peoples writing mistakes helps me improve my own, and I always have somewhere to show my work and collaborate with like-minded individuals. Good luck, and cant wait to see move videos!
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for sharing this with me, genuinely it has given me a lot to think about and if you were to make a video on it I would love to watch it! ❤️ I really love editing but I think I have been doing a little too much of that, and I quite like your advice on just writing no matter what. There will be time to go back to it and polish it but it's important to not remain too stagnant and stuck on one area of a story. I really think I needed to hear that! I also never thought of joining a writing group but I think I may try to search for one, perhaps an online one if those exist. I am a very goal-oriented individual as well and I think I'll follow in your footsteps and create a spreadsheet as well. I think it would be nice to have a representation of the progress I'm making on the story. Wow, thank you again for this insightful comment 🥺 I hope you're having a wonderful day thus far!
@Yesica1993 Месяц назад
I hope it goes well! I wanted to be a writer when I was in second grade. But... I never had any imagination. I look forward to any kinds of videos you want to make on it.
@chuu_rroo 2 месяца назад
lovely video! i'm a new reader, so this might be a silly question, but what do you usually use page markers for? and do you color code them for a reason? many thanks <3
@cozyhobbytime 2 месяца назад
Great ideas for what to ask ourselves when annotating. No one else talks about this as well as you do! Do you have a vid for what to think about when annotating nonfiction?
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for the kind comment 🥺 I do have a video on annotating nonfiction books: How to Annotate Non Fiction Books 📖 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ZrRGgzo7Amk.html I hope that you find it somewhat helpful! Have a wonderful dayyyy 💕
@beckduvall5389 2 месяца назад
Last night instead of sleeping, I spent 4 hours finishing The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri. I really liked it.
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 2 месяца назад
I just looked up this book and added it to my tbr list!!! It sounds so interesting. Thank you for sharing that with me ☺️ what did you like about the book? I love it when I get so engrossed in a book to the point where I don’t feel the passage of time 🥺
@beckduvall5389 2 месяца назад
@@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 My favorite thing about it was Ashima, the main characters mother, is so wonderful. Her struggles with moving to a new country where she is so alone is so sad (especially at the end). The book does have a bit of sexual material in it, but nothing graphic.
@literarylayer 2 месяца назад
You’ve made me want to read The Book Thief. I also like the worn look of your copy. I Who Have Never Known Men seems to have mixed reviews. The quotes you shared from it were beautiful. To answer your question, I typically read 1-3 hours a day. Some days I read nothing because my brain needs a break.
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 2 месяца назад
It’s a pretty good book! I actually borrowed the copy I’m reading from a medical student I met at the hospital 🥺 she was raving about it and really wanted me to experience it as well and I was definitely not disappointed! I can see how I Who Have Never Known Men could receive mixed reviews. It might be one of those books that you either like or you don’t, regardless though I think it leads to interesting discussions. During those hours, do you typically just read one book or you switch between different books? Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I hope you’re having a wonderful day 💕
@literarylayer 2 месяца назад
I typically switch books during those hours. Because my current goal is to read more nonfiction I’m switching between a fiction and nonfiction during those hours. Thanks and hope you’re having a wonderful day as well!
@LovkynaPeral 2 месяца назад
Hello beautiful soul, Hibz 🤗🍀💐✨☀️ welcome back, so nice to see you/hear you again. The video i will need to watch one more time, because i couldnt concentrate to see such tasty food to switch from great picture to best food pictures so quickly that my brain forgot to listen to your words 🤤🤪 my apology for tha 😇, but it looks sooo yummieee omg. I am glad for you, that you are able to read book even your day were full of doing other stuff. You asked how long we read this days.For me it is 1 hour+, but i read non fiction and almost always i switch books, depend what i want to take in the train while i go to work. Last week i took sketchbook and watercolors with me, but i only was able to do first pencil work i didnt come so far to use watercolors. So maybe next times i will try to continue on this with watercolors. As i didnt focus on your words, because too delicious food and the editing of the video was filled with so mamy ingeressting sequences, that i cant say anything to book you did read. I also dont know them, but the quotes i appriciate that you mentiin from book. Thank you for your time and work what you share with us. Have a lovely day. I will watch your video few times, for sure i will discover something new again and again 🙏🤗🥰
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 2 месяца назад
Hi 💕 your comment brought a smile to my face 🥺 it’s wonderful to hear from you! I’ve been gone for a little while but I plan on becoming consistent again! 😂 I can understand that! I’m still learning how to edit and what works and what doesn’t, I suppose too many distractions aren’t a good thing but hopefully in the future I’ll be able to strike a good balance. I love that you took a sketchbook and watercolors with you 🥺 honestly the fact that you try to fill the time of your commute with reading and creativity is definitely admirable. What did you end up sketching if you don’t mind sharing? Thank you taking the time to leave a comment and again it really is lovely hearing from you 💕 I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far
@LovkynaPeral Месяц назад
​@@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 thank you for your answer. With your edithing is nothing wrong, its just me, and slow reactions, i guess 🤪 everything is great what i see here. I am happy to see your next two video now. 🤗 I painted plants as a reference i glued down little old postage stamp on that page in the corner and i painted the flowers from that postage stamp. It was fun. Hope you doing great these days and you have time for things what makes you happy and satisfied 🍀☀️🌻 thank you for your time on answering and i wish you great night/day PS: how hot is there where you live? Here is almost 30degrees celsius and i am sweating the hell out of me 🤣 at least i am hot as hell 😏🤭😊 enjoy your next meal fully and stay un present moment. Good luck in school 🙏🍀
@vicnb1146 2 месяца назад
Love the post it note summary idea. I used to write in books but now I use sticky tabs to highlight books.
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment ☺️ I’m glad you liked the idea!
@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk 3 месяца назад
Hello Hibachi, I still feel pretty new to this book tube malarkey myself and finding my way around. Best wishes with your reading choices and to your channel.
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 2 месяца назад
Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment ☺️ best wishes to you as well!
@4061earthabcdesong 3 месяца назад
Hi Hiba. I have a few questions for you... Q1. (Roughly speaking😅) How many pages do you read daily? Q2. Do you set a goal for reading? Say, if you have a 500-page book, do you aspire to finish it in a week or 10 days? Q3. Do you NOT binge watch TV or NOT doomscroll cell phone? Q4. How long, if anything, have you ever been away from books, or been unable or unwilling to read a book? Why did it happen? (Like when you felt sick.) Q5. Do you recommend any book, which has seldom been recommended by book lovers, that you "discovered" and found it a great read? ❤ Love your video, and love to see you read.
@4061earthabcdesong 3 месяца назад
3:40 Your dad❤❤❤ An avid reader! ... Hope you could ask your dad to share on your channel, maybe later on.
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 2 месяца назад
Hi ☺️ Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment and I would love to know your answers to these questions as well! (If you don’t mind sharing them with me 💕) 1. I’m not really able to give a good estimate of pages but during weekdays I read for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. My weekends are usually when I can get more reading done 2. The only goal I set for reading is to actually read. I am really bad at estimating how long it takes me to finish a book. There have been big books that I’ve finished relatively quickly and smaller, easier books that have taken me a while to get through but as long as I’m reading a little bit each day I’ve reached my goal ☺️ 3. I do sometimes binge watch shows but i prefer movies to shows. I don’t really doom scroll all that much but I try as best as I can to stay up to date with important events. 4. I would say a couple months, maybe half a year (quite a long time). It happened because I was overwhelmed by life 😂 I had just moved to Shanghai to study medicine, was in a completely new environment, foreign language, away from family, and trying to stay on top of my studies. Every book I attempted to pick up, I could never finish. 5. I would say “We Need to Talk About Kevin” by Lionel Shriver. I do know that the movie is highly-acclaimed but I haven’t heard many people talk about this book and honestly I could go on and on about it. Such a well-crafted story, I’ve read it twice now and I’m sure I’ll go back to it again and again. I’m really happy to hear you enjoyed my video 🥺 thank you again for taking the time to leave a comment!
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 2 месяца назад
That is a wonderful idea! I would love to do something with him on my channel when I see him again in the near future 🥺
@4061earthabcdesong 18 дней назад
Hello there, Hiba! First off, sorry sorry for my late reply. My life has been sorta in chaos earlier. But yesterday (August 21), YT notified me of your new video, so I'm here...
@4061earthabcdesong 18 дней назад
Thanks for your detailed and insightful reply to my questions. Below are my answers accordingly: Q1. I do love reading. However, I have a very short attention span, so I don't quite have a reading habit, particularly with novels. (Surprisingly, it wasn't the case when I was young! Back then, I could finish novels without much trouble probably because there was no smartphone or the internet. See, I'm almost double your age. 😅) When it comes to reading non-fiction books, I normally pick a few chapters out of them and finish them slowly. Q2 & Q4. As the above answer shows, I can't say for sure how many pages I read if I'm really reading or how long it takes me to finish a book. I could say at one point I have stopped reading for as long as 1.5 years! 😭 Q3. I don't binge watch TV. But I usually turn it on and vaguely listen to it while I head to do house chores. When I'm done with those chores, I would turn to my smartphone for YT videos. So books seldom have grabbed my attention. To be exact, I fail books! (Sigh.)
@Yesica1993 3 месяца назад
I am reading The Brothers Karamazov for the first time. I confess I am struggling. I didn't think it would be this difficult. I think I'm 84 pages in. I can't tell you who is who or what's really even going on. I hate that I'm losing my desire to read at all. But I don't want to give up!
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 3 месяца назад
Hiii ☺️ thank you for sharing this with me! If a book is making you lose your desire to read at all then perhaps it’s not the right book to read at this moment in your life. Struggling for the sake of struggling is not worth it for me personally. Although it’s easier said than done, there’s really nothing wrong with not finishing a book! Reading (when it’s for fun) shouldn’t be an activity you dread, even if the book is a challenging one! What are your thoughts on this though?
@NicholasOfAutrecourt 3 месяца назад
Hi, Hibz! I'm looking forward to hearing about all bookish things you want to share with us. From an oldie content creator to a (not so) newbie, welcome aboard. We're so glad to have you here!
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much 🥺 I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far!
@BonnieNicoleWrites 3 месяца назад
Welcome to BookTube! I have never read The Book Thief, but I've heard good things. I used to read while listening to music, even loud music. But now I need it pretty quiet! 🤣
@Yesica1993 3 месяца назад
When I was a kid/teen, I used to be able to read with music, the TV going, and people around. I can't do that anymore.
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment ☺️ I enjoyed reading the Book Thief, the writing was nice and it was told from the perspective of “Death” which added an interesting element to the story ☺️ I would recommend it if you are a fan of historical fiction, it is quite a sad book though but an important one nonetheless. And wow! I’ve never been able to read while listening to music 😂 there’s very few things I can do while listening to music, I get distracted quite easily.
@BonnieNicoleWrites 2 месяца назад
@@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 That is quite an interesting perspective! I go through spells of reading historical fiction, but lately I have been reading a fair amount. I'll have to try this one.
@Agatambffhjgffvc 3 месяца назад
Hi Hiba, it's nice to see you again :) Thank you for sharing more about yourself. I'm glad you enjoy reading "The Book Thief", I read it years ago and I remeber it was really sad! Right now, I'm reading "I Who Have Never Known Men" by Jacqueline Harpman, and I'm enjoying it so far. The books that got me into reading were mostly from my school reading list, like "The Six Bullerby Children" and "Anne of Green Gables." But later on, when I joined my local library, I got into reading a lot of horror books for younger readers too for some reason :) I really enjoy your videos and would love to see more of them on any topic, even the mundanities of your everyday life! I think your editing style is fantastic. Wishing you a great week ahead.
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 3 месяца назад
Wow I finished reading “I Who Have Never Known Men” yesterday! What a coincidence! What have you been enjoying most about the book? I would love it if you shared some of your thoughts with me, I very much think it’s a book worthy of a conversation. I’ve never heard of The Six Bullerby Children but the title sounds interesting. Thank you for the lovely comment 🥺 I hope you have a wonderful week ahead as well!!
@4061earthabcdesong 3 месяца назад
Hi. You said you were quiet and shy. Hey, after watching 3 videos you made, I find you a calm person! You made me want to read quietly and enjoy books like you. You have given me such a soothing vibe, and you look so intellectual at such a young age! Thanks for your videos. Keep up the good work.😊😊😊
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 3 месяца назад
This is so sweet 🥺 thank you so much for taking the time to write such a lovely comment!
@shubhamgupta7115 3 месяца назад
Thank you for guiding❤
@oldschoolel 4 месяца назад
Best reading advice I ever received and echoed here - Enjoy what you read. Don't read books you don't like. PUT THAT BOOK DOWN!
@faithbwire9164 4 месяца назад
Interesting content thank you
@ghadam.hassaan4143 4 месяца назад
"You need to read books that actually interest you, not the books that you think you should read." This. Nearly every time I made myself power through an "important" book or a classic that just didn't click with me, I ended up in a multi-week reading slump.
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 4 месяца назад
I can definitely relate to that experience! At the end of the day, everyone’s reading tastes is different so rather than waste time trying to conform to what the public deems a great work of literature, it’s more worthwhile to try and discover what great literature and storytelling mean to you personally ☺️ I hope you’re having a lovely day so far! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment 💕
@Nurthecat 4 месяца назад
This was a lovely video. Thank you for mentioning Story Graph, I looked it up right after and so interested to try it…I have used Goodreads for years and never thought there could be a better option, and seeing how part of their marketing is breaking out of Amazon aligns so well with what I’m trying to do.
@nensisharma5321 4 месяца назад
Currently reading "Mindset" by Carol S. Dweck! ❤
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 4 месяца назад
I’m currently reading a book called Breasts and Eggs by Mieko Kawakami! 💕 How are you finding Mindset? Has it been an enjoyable experience?
@xPinkPlushie1 4 месяца назад
thanks for the advice! i’ve been in a reading slump and this is inspirational! :)
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 4 месяца назад
I’m glad you found my video worthwhile ☺️Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment!
@ShamsofTabrizzz 4 месяца назад
I guess all of these books are recommendations thank youuu <3
@ShamsofTabrizzz 4 месяца назад
I literally started to annotate with sticky notes yesterday because of your video. Thank you so much♥️✨️ (By the way, I've bought 'a Little Life' after people recommended it to me, and I'm honeslty a classic literature reader, I don't know if you've read it but if you do please tell me it won't be that vulgar throughout the whole book)
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 4 месяца назад
That makes me so happy hear! I hope they enhance your overall reading experience! I have not read A little life but I’ve heard a lot about it. I’m tempted to pick it up because books that create extremely polarizing opinions tend to interest me. Have you started reading it? I hope you’re having a lovely day so far 💕
@ShamsofTabrizzz 4 месяца назад
@@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 of course they do, and more than I thought it could. I did too, that's why I've bought it, I started reading it, (I am at page 140) that's a good book atm, however as a Muslim I find that homosexuality is mentionned more than often, it disturbs me a little bit, but it's going well, the story started to go downhill (I apologize in advance for my bad english, I am french), and it's getting really sad as I've come to a part where the antagonist's traumatizing past is introduced to us, and everytime I think it can't get worse...it gets worse. However I didn't cry yet, people say that it becomes very hard to bear near the 300/400 pages
@Yesica1993 4 месяца назад
I love reading at the laundromat! There's nothing much to do while waiting for the machines to finish. I bought a small, light camping chair that is surprisingly comfortable, so when the weather is good, I sit outside. It's wonderful!
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 4 месяца назад
That is lovelyyyy 🥺 I love sitting outside to read when the weather is good, especially on days that are just the right amount of sunny!
@ShamsofTabrizzz 4 месяца назад
Girl, your account is awfully underrated, love your content♥️
@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 4 месяца назад
This is honestly so sweet 🥺💕 thank you so much and thank you for taking the time to leave a comment! I hope you’re having a wonderful dayyy
@ShamsofTabrizzz 4 месяца назад
@@hibzandthemundanitiesofeve5248 You're most welcome, how can I pass through your amazing content and not leave a comment ! Of course I did. I'll be doing that with every video of yours