DU Center for Middle East Studies
DU Center for Middle East Studies
DU Center for Middle East Studies
Welcome to the RU-vid Channel of the University of Denver's Center for Middle East Studies (CMES), we're thrilled to share video from our latest events with you! The first institution of its kind in Colorado, CMES is dedicated to promoting and strengthening the study and understanding of the societies, political systems, and international relations of the Middle East and broader Islamic world, both at DU and throughout the Mountain West. Housed within the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, the Center seeks to generate scholarly research and foster public understanding of this critical and changing part of the world.

Engaging in and sponsoring both academic and policy research based on an interdisciplinary social science agenda, the Center will to produce new scholarship on the Middle East and provide a lively forum for dialogue and debate on the contemporary politics of the region. A specific focus of the Center's
CMES Explains: New Leadership in Oman
4 года назад
@antoniuselva 11 дней назад
This man is never prepared to bury the truth.a man with credibility let's Recognize this man
@valerieltt 24 дня назад
Professor Norman Finkelstein is perfect❤❤❤
@LadyBug1967 Месяц назад
THE other change in noirm Finkelstein's stance toward the zionist state is the atrocity now being committed in plain sight which is genocide on steroids. I do believe he now feels Israel must cease as a nation although its people may remain. Norm's even said as many former Jewish Zionists have, that it was very hard and it took many years to disassociate themselves from how they had identified and what they had believed all of their life due to their upbringing and their training and their exposure to the Zionist state from a very young age. I think now in 2024 he's made the leap and he sees the TRUTH which is that it must be one state --historic Palestine. yTou can have any name u want: all people shall remain on that land who are there now and they're probably will be a right of return per law for Palestinians but obviously the amount of land would determine how many people can come back and find a place to live. THERE are thousands and thousands of Palestinians who are in diaspora and they have had children who have had children and so pragmatically it's just going to have to be worked out through time. Inshallah, gyod willing.
@LadyBug1967 Месяц назад
I'd love to hear Norman's response now in May, 2024, to the question regarding the legitimacy of the Israeli state and its ability to sustain itself. The state is distinct from the Jewish zionists. The dissolution of the zionist state as it is thus configured dors not mean the dissolution of the zionist Jews any more that the reconfiguration of South Africa meant the dissolution of the Afrikaans or British colonists. Time has passed since the zionist state was first created in 1948 and 9 years since this video aired and the Palestinians have come to the realization that both Semitic peoples must reside upon the land of historic Palestine. It's the Zionist Jews who don't seem to be able to understand the distinction between the land and the people who reside upon it. The Zionists will not be eliminated or exterminated tho they tried to do so with the Palestinians. Maybe that's why they think it's going to happen to them which is a legitimate paranoia that people have when they do evil --that what goes around will come around . But the Palestinians for whatever reason are willing to allow them to stay within historic Palestine, along with themselves & the Christians & the Druze and any other people who wish to reside in that Democratic state. The key word of course is DEMOCRATIC and right now Israel is a fascist, apartheid state that locks up jewish dissidents, as well as Palestinians whom it also ruthlessly tortures and kills just for fun. I found it interesting that Norm called it The lunatic State nine years ago because I know he does that now and I began saying that about 5 months ago and was the only person who made comments to that effect. Crazy is crazy and insane is insane and these people are straight up evil & insane. So my question would be-- can people who are insane; who are traumatized by their upbringing in a lunatic state that has flagrantly violated international norms and laws for 3/4 century, be transformed into a 21st century law abiding democratic state? Or is it impossible? This is the million dollar question. THE other thing that's changed is that 9 years ago, Norman had pretty much given up on Palestine after decades of fighting for them and with them and now-- since October 7th-- he sees that the Palestinians NEVER gave up on themselves and so once again he has put his ❤️ and soul back into this struggle that he has been a part of for so many decades. These peoples-- both semites, the Arabs and the Jews--have survived for centuries and the Jews have survived without a land, as their holy book mandates, for thousands of years while the Palestinians have survived because of their land, for thousands of years. So I guarantee you the Palestinians will NOT give up their land because that is their soul & their reason to survive and the Jews will come to accept that because they have survived for thousands of years with no land as the Torah has mandated & can continue to do so with their Jewish values of justice for all intact. So shall it be.🕊️
@user-tq3wz4hv5l 2 месяца назад
تحيه للبروف خالدى
@nazsalimi 2 месяца назад
So fascinating
@Zainab_salat 2 месяца назад
Is he Iranian😂😂😂😂😂
@ThembisileJilimba 3 месяца назад
I have been following his lectures, interviews and many engagement he has been involved with...what a great intellectual individual. Worthwhile listening to .Amandla Norman.
@Kwame-yw9kz 4 месяца назад
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
@nbach2202 4 месяца назад
Nobel Price for Norman Finkelstein.
@qo3398 4 месяца назад
I haven't watched the video but I got fascinated by the title as it says from the Rashidun Caliphate to the Islamic Brotherhood which I totally disagree with. If you ask the majority of people in the Arab / Islamic world you'll find that they don't support the Islamic Brotherhood because they do not represent Islam correctly and from personal experience I could say that they use Islam as a tool for political goals and I hope that nobody actually believes that they are some kind of inheritors of the Islamic culture and I know that I might be overgeneralising and I know that some of them are good people however I totally believe that they are using Islam as a tool for politics in order to achieve their goals and to say that they are the current leaders of Islam like the Caliphates while dismissing the Kings and Sheikhs in Arabia is strange
@raziablanchard2711 4 месяца назад
I love listening to Norman, very informative. And he tells the truth
@renwickmcneill9522 4 месяца назад
He is a disgraceful amoral wretch
@renwickmcneill9522 4 месяца назад
There never was a palestinian state or people it is a warped fantasy
@MH-dy5pb 4 месяца назад
If you do any research at all into JFK you can't reasonably believe The Warren Commission
@djelalhassan7631 4 месяца назад
Justice and Long Live Free Palestine. The genocide done to the Palestinians are Guilty as charged by the ICJ againts the perpetrators Pure Evil Liars Deceivers Media and the Supremacist Hatred of the Elite Religious, Political and Ethnic Racism of the Invaders, Settlers Colonialist Absolute Evil fascist NAZI GENOCIDAL SADIST Zionist ISRAEL, US, UK, GERMANY, JAPAN, CANADA, FINLAND, FRANCE, AUSTRALIA, AUSTRIA, ITALY, SWITZELAND, NETHERLANDS, EU LAWLESS EVIL EMPIRE OF Judeo-Christianity Satanic death cult Baby killers THAT ARE AGAINTS HUMAN RIGHTS, PALESTINIANS AND UNWRA . Thank You South Africa and Ansar Allah Yemen and for all the people for actively trying to protest and prevent genocide of the Palestinian people, we said never again not just for the Jews but for anyone, or those Jews murdered by the German fascist NAZIS will be rolling in their graves and they will curse us and hold us responsible for genocide. For those who are interested in the truth, Isa of the Quran is NOT Jesus=hail Zeus Julius Caesar of the genocidal EVIL manmade bibble babble baloney and the cannibal Christianity, the death cult of cannibalism of Julius Caesar, and there is no such race, ethnic people called Jew or Semitic, Jew/Yid is just a person that believes in the manmade traditions/religion of Judaism/Yiddishism of Khazar Turk-Ashkenazi and Sephardic manmade religion and they have never been to Palestine in their history, and the Satanic manmade genocidal EVIL manmade bible babble baloney should be banned, and Semitic is a misnomer-name giving to the Afro-Asiatic speaking languege family which use to be called Afro-Asiatic Arabic speaking languege family, and Jews are NOT Yahudim/Semitic speaking people either, but the Palestinians/Yahudim are the Semitic speaking indigenous people of Palestine. The deceivers Judeo-Christian Zionist Satanic death cult not only stole the land of the indigenous people of Palestine but they have also stole the Palestinians identity. Palestinians are a test for us for our humanity, Do Good and Be Just and Make Peace and Love, Our Creator The Absolute Authority Almighty Avenger is Watching and Never Forgets. PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT SACRIFICING THE PALESTINIANS, ''YOUNGER AND MORE INNOCENT THE BETTER, BABIES ARE THE BEST'', BLOOD AND FLESH AND BURNT OFFERINGS OF THEIR BODIES TO THE GODS OF THE BIBLE IS THE RELIGION OF THE PURE EVIL SATANIC DEATH CULT GENOCIDAL BIBLE BABBLE BALONEY JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY ZIONIST FASCIST NAZI WEST-ISRAEL AND AMERICA AND THEY HAVE SURPASSED IN EVIL THE FASCIST NAZI GERMANY, AND THEY HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS, DISGUSTING. ARE YOU PEOPLE AWARE OF THAT THE ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY THE ALMIGHTY AVENGER IS WATCHING AND NEVER FORGETS. I AM ANTI-ZIONIST JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY GENOCIDAL BIBLE BABBLE BALONEY FASCIST NAZI WEST-ISRAEL AND AMERICA SATANIC DEATH CULT .
@shahlakeyvani8254 4 месяца назад
@khanofcaledonia6413 4 месяца назад
Was it not John Locke who said why can't Europe coexist like how the Ottomans has been inclusive. Per Roy Casagranda said in one if his talk, the majority of subjects in Muslim lands were non-Muslims. So there's no restriction in the scriptures for being inclusive, it actually encourages it.
@khanofcaledonia6413 4 месяца назад
Was it not John Locke who said why can't Europe coexist like how the Ottomans has been inclusive. Per Roy Casagranda said in one if his talk, the majority of subjects in Muslim lands were non-Muslims. So there's no restriction in the scriptures for being inclusive, it actually encourages it.
@khanofcaledonia6413 4 месяца назад
Also are all equal in case of civil law.
@khanofcaledonia6413 4 месяца назад
It's not haram ul haramain. It's qadim ul haramain.
@ALSENANY911 4 месяца назад
Allah (God) stated in the Holy Koran in numerous verses that the name of the religion of all the prophets of Allah is one: Islam. The 124,000 prophets and messengers of Allah are all Muslims including ABRAHAM, MOSES, JESUS AND MOHAMMAD PEACE BE UPON THEM. THEY ALL CAME WITH THE SAME MESSAGE: ONENESS AND UNITY OF THE CREATOR, ALLAH. THIS MEANS THAT THE UNITARIAN CHURCH CHRISTIANS AND OTHER CHRISTIANS AND JEWS WHO BELIEVE IN ONE GOD ARE MUSLIMS.
@hugoanson2135 5 месяцев назад
Why hasnt the ICJ issued laws create world peace, guided by Mr. Ficklestein? So Mr. Ficklesteins has only broken little rules & regulations & says that its ok to have proportional sins of killings, just before a peace agreement & everybody then obeys the international law, while they continue to point the finger & mock. Man why hasn't Ghandhi established everlasting peace in India? Why hasnt ICJ issued laws for world peace?
@hugoanson2135 5 месяцев назад
Made the dessert Bloom?? They were given a dessert only? Look how they could have blessed all the Palestinian people, but the later were envious .
@thespartan8476 5 месяцев назад
Does anyone else actually believe that this is the end of Palestine?
@eh6695 5 месяцев назад
@zeinababdelrahmankhalil231 5 месяцев назад
Egypt never scuissed our Palestinian all the deffrent aid to the Palestian were freely past through our gate in Rafaa but the Israilis control the the entrence in the Palestinian side and they check every contanner and they prevent entrace gas ,medical supplies, food, water , to anable them to finish the rest of the Palestian population , I ask you to do some researches to protect your knowledge and your reputation
@zeinababdelrahmankhalil231 5 месяцев назад
Dear Sir, I have followed you all over the Youtupe cause I recently started to watch all concerned video about Palestian n Israel , You have narated so far quiet well, but the way you discribed Egypt it showed that you need to read or watch videos about my country and what the slamic brothehood did to the intire Egyptian Popelation and the reason we had to get rid of this regim, I invite you Sir, to see our country and its acheivents,I am sure that you will change your mind about my country, wish all the best and peas be with you, salam
@vertigo1933 5 месяцев назад
Love this man for the work he has done to educate the world on this conflict, he is a national treasure.
@jimhuggard5398 5 месяцев назад
God would never accept a 2-state solution. The Jews are considered Disbelievers, Believers cannot voluntarily cede land to Disbelievers. Muhammad would turn in his grave.
@MultiToni1956 5 месяцев назад
This mann is PURE EVIL
@shawaizbhatti6496 3 месяца назад
You’re a pure moron
@magentaorchids 5 месяцев назад
I think BDS is going to be successful Truth and justice always prevail
@makhorubhiyo4053 5 месяцев назад
Then why are the Middle East South America and Africa still under authoritarians
@faniarethas2716 5 месяцев назад
@@makhorubhiyo4053 Use your critical thinking, whose interests these dictators serve and who put them in power?!
@magentaorchids 5 месяцев назад
Germany owes Jews a state as compensation for the holocaust Why is no one willing to talk about it ?
@LadyBug1967 Месяц назад
I do think that is the best solution. AFTER World War II Berlin was leveled. IT was cut in half but now it is not cut in half. IT'S actually a city that is very artistic, but apparently-- with the undemocratic crackdown on freedom of speech related to this very issue --many artists are leaving.! SO I think now is the time to offer up Berlin to the Zionist Jews as their Homeland. Needless to say, if the jews start to move outside the city limits and create settlements in Germany, Germany has an army that could smack them down and so it will not occur. FINALLY the Zionist Jews --who r Jews name only-- will be contained and yet they will have their little enclave of security in the true homeland of the aschenazi, who now politically control the Zionist state. My other solution that I have offered many times in the last 6 months is there could be an area in the ocean where they could build an island and that would be their Homeland. THEY would be safe on an island. No one could bother them on an island and assuming that the powers that be nearby said that was their spot in the ocean-- the deed would be done. China right now is building many islands off its Coast so they can say that the water surrounding them belongs to China .The Zionist state can follow suit. Problem solved😊
@magentaorchids 5 месяцев назад
The world is waking up from a deep slumber Palestinians are running out of time and patience What would it take to free them from Pharoaic oppression?
@magentaorchids 5 месяцев назад
Norman’s optimism surprised me Israel can change REALLY ?
@SPQR7117 4 месяца назад
So exhausting to come across fools that think its Israel that is the bad actor. How on earth have you been convinced of such insanity? Seriously- you truly believe utter and contemptible lies. Israel doesn't need to "change" so much as literally every Arab nation around them needs to simply stop and acknowledge the obvious: that Israel as a nation exists, will continue to exist, and that they had better learn to get along or the bloodshed will continue.
@magentaorchids 5 месяцев назад
Coalition of lunatics 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@annasillanpaa1111 5 месяцев назад
One of the very few people in this world that I appreciate.
@govindagovindaji4662 5 месяцев назад
42:12 My guess, would be b/c "propinquity", which alludes more to 'nearness as in neighborly' rather than merely physical proximity, would make it so that the Israelis living there would experience the same constant intrusion of things like military or police presence, check points or whatever that the Palestinians would endure. It might cut down this aggravation. They'd probably share the same benefits of water, sewerage, electricity and roads or other utilities or conveniences, too.
@Kontraleah 5 месяцев назад
I want to live in a world with more Norm Finklesteins. It grieves me to no end that this remarkable, remarkable man has not been received more recognition and celebration. Emotional AND intellectual intelligence is not easy to find. This man is a treasure. Inspires me to be better.
@makhorubhiyo4053 5 месяцев назад
He's poisoned your mind
@faniarethas2716 5 месяцев назад
@@makhorubhiyo4053 He exposes arrogant people and liars. Their reaction like yours, says a lot about your values.
@ana-OM 5 месяцев назад
Eloquent. A treasure. Loves and respects humanity. Spreading immense knowledge & peace. A fresh breeze for our hearts and minds. Easy to listen to. Great personality. Courageous. Lovely, heartwarming. Adorable.
@hugoanson2135 5 месяцев назад
​@@makhorubhiyo4053 , Yes but they cannot see it.
@hugoanson2135 5 месяцев назад
It's easy to read books by critical historians. He seems to think that after original sin America could become a perfect good boy. He is more interested in satisfying the minds of his listeners than setting out the perfect plan. He knows it can't work because of the Ideology of the Moslems which you seem to think can be resolved by international law abidance.
@donnazukadley7300 6 месяцев назад
I heard that Israel built their "border" wall 30 miles INSIDE Palestinean land and are now building illegal settlements on that land
@Torontogal777 6 месяцев назад
It’s Dec.31, 2023 and it’s tragic where the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is now. Just today, Al Jezeera reported that Israel is making strong proposals that Palestinians should re-locate elsewhere. So Netanyahu’s evil and unlawful plan to eradicate the Palestinians from Israel is unfolding rapidly. It heartbreaking and appalling to watch this from afar in Canada 🇨🇦. I have the deepest respect for Mr. Finkelstein. I have watched him in many RU-vid videos.
@HittokiriBatosai 5 месяцев назад
Even worse that Canada backs it wholly. One of the many evil nations that halted funding to UNRWA following the ICJ provisional measures announcement.
@xrawna5189 6 месяцев назад
@hmmmmmmminteresting 6 месяцев назад
Even when he was younger he was completely disgusting and insane.
@faniarethas2716 5 месяцев назад
Live your myth! 😇
@hmmmmmmminteresting 5 месяцев назад
@@faniarethas2716 English?
@shawaizbhatti6496 3 месяца назад
Same could be said about your mother
@hmmmmmmminteresting 3 месяца назад
@@shawaizbhatti6496 your mom says it about you when she blows me
@hanielgaribay7623 6 месяцев назад
I agree with Finkelstein on most basic points but his criticism of BDS is infantile. In the first place it's founded in Palestine by Palestinians and the BDS movement that has spread in the rest of the world clearly serves a supportive role. I'm not sure about his allegation about BDS' vanguardist claims ( I haven't seen one). I think he blows out of proportion. I have followed BDS and not seen any grandiose claims as the liberator of Palestinians. It's simply a non-violent way of pressuring Israel to end its occupation of Palestine.
@DD-fe2xw 5 месяцев назад
I think he's a practical man. He always believed in 2 state solution. But I think now its very clear israel was never serious about 2 state solution. It slowly suffocated palestinines to the point now committing genocide and complete ethnic cleansing. I think he really believed in fair 2 state solution at this point. Unfortunately, zionists are not going to change . They want the entire land.
@CW-xf1li 4 месяца назад
This was 8 yesterday ago
@TheKsk1997 6 месяцев назад
Audio too low
@GoldSilverShop 6 месяцев назад
I have a few points to ask about: What about Uti possidetis juris in 1948. This rule is applied for many countries but only Israel is singled out. If Palestinian refugees pass their status to children, I think the same should be done to anyone, especially minorities that have been prosecuted for millennia. Because Palestine didn't have a sovereign entity, calling Israel an occupier doesn't fulfill the definition Peace agreement with Jordan and Egypt reinforces the notion that Judea and Samaria are part of spoils of wars and hence belong to Israel.
@md.wahidulislam7800 6 месяцев назад
Stop genocide in Palestine.
@kellygarvin9006 6 месяцев назад
Would love to see a debate between this guy & Benny Morris. Heck, I’d love to see this guy admit ANYTHING the Arabs did to exacerbate the situation. He makes the noble savage error: Israel is all wrong, & “Palestinians” are all perfect. Serious scholars of history know better.
@ever010 6 месяцев назад
@donnazukadley7300 6 месяцев назад
@kellygarvin9006 Looking at the maps of Palestine and "Israel" between 1948 and now is all we need to know
@fatemehm2949 7 месяцев назад
Why American Gov who loves Israel, does not give one of its state to entity of Israel to build their Jewish state. Florida sounds good? good warm weather? I want them to leave Middle East once for all alone! Palestinians are suffering for 75 years and now dealing with genocide! Please choose another land to build for expansion of your Jewish World.
@fatemehm2949 7 месяцев назад
True!! Iranians have no issues with Iranian Jews inside Iran. We live with them for thousands of years.