Peter Grinspoon
Peter Grinspoon
Peter Grinspoon
Peter Grinspoon, M.D. is a primary care physician and cannabis specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is the author of the book ‘Seeing Through the Smoke: A Cannabis Expert Untangles the Truth about Marijuana’. He is a TedX speaker, a national media figure and the author of the groundbreaking memoir ‘Free Refills: A Doctor Confronts His Addiction’. He is a board member of the physician advocacy group, ‘Doctors for Cannabis Regulation’.
Does Microdosing Help Mental Clarity?
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SPEND SMART on CBD with This Expert Guide
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The Best Way to Buy CBD
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A Doctor's Guide To Cannabis
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Welcome - Dr  Peter Grinspoon
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Is CANNABIS Addiction Real?
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Do addictions last a lifetime?
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@sheilayoung9082 Месяц назад
People like myself with ALLERGIC ASTHMA also cannot take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines. I once had a doc try to tell me I did not even have asthma just to tell me to use ibuprofen. That's when I had to find another doc.😐🤨
@thatonesnowboarde Месяц назад
Dr. Grinspoon, how can this be a side effect? When we move around and exercise we excite our cannabinoid receptors which then releases endocannabinoids this is why we have runner's high. ... the fats in this plant are very sticky and stick to our cannabinoid receptors longer, causing an extended runners high... If anything, there is a side effect of exercise, because the damage that comes with movement is mediated by our Endocannabinoid system. These fats are essentially the car-engine oil of the body.
@aSweetJesus Месяц назад
Thank you so much for your time and educating us. You have answered all my questions, and a few I didn’t know I was gonna ask! 😊
@drpetergrinspoon 22 часа назад
Thank you! So glad it was helpful.
@jessecrawford2711 2 месяца назад
Suboxone saved my life. I haven't had a pill in five years. I still take 16mg of Suboxone a day. Sometimes I even forget about taking it. I realized all my friends were nothing more than a contact to pills. After overdosing then withdrawing for a month I realized I have permanently damaged my body and mind and I needed something to help chemicals level out so I could function. When you spend 16 years of a 34 yr life taking 60 to 200mg of oxycodone or hydrocodone a Day you no longer feel the high. You only feel ok. During that span I might have went 18 hours without a opiate. Plus your body consumes opiates quick. I might have felt euphoria for 10 mins. Then I was "normal" Suboxone treatment should be accessible for those that need it and I have a hard time fitting in counseling. And most counselors haven't ever experienced opiate withdrawal let alone addiction so they lean on the quitting Suboxone. I feel like some of us will need it much longer than intended. I can't take month off work to try and see otherwise I end up on the street. To me it's not something that I can function without I believe the chemical pathways can develop scar tissue and hinder signals Suboxone clears up the mud. Suboxone should be allowed even if counseling isn't always done. A functional member of society has eight or less hours a day and fitting counseling around life is harder for some. Wish there was a site that allowed you to pay 50 bucks check in with a professional. Tell about ones daily lives and how they are doing them receiving the necessary paperwork for the bureaucrats who don't belong near medicine.
@VideosBanales 2 месяца назад
I lm throwing up after quitting for 10 years
@samrudolph9596 3 месяца назад
@CannabisTruthPodcast 4 месяца назад
Love seeing you here Dr. G. But I want to tell you… I haven’t seen a calm quiet dispensary like you’re in since I moved from Medical Florida to Recreational Michigan. They smirk at medical up here and today, I had a PTSD meltdown inside one of those obnoxious candy stores. The music was so loud!! They barked at me so I could hear them. They were aggressive and talked so fast I couldn’t understand half of what they said. That made me fearful. Then all my red flags went up and my body went into alert. My heart began pounding. I got dizzy. I was instantly panicky when a moment before… I was perfectly fine. My pulse was racing and my ears began ringing. I recognized it as a panic attack and asked if they had a quiet room. No. They continued to press me with questions about what I wanted but I was in the middle of something quickly getting out of control. I burst into tears. Held my hands over my ears and said I could never purchase their products after watching them backflush their nasal bacteria into large glass containers of cannabis then sell it to their customers… and I walked out. The instant I hit fresh quiet air I was fine. Felt like I’d just been hit by a Mac truck… but fine. Dr. Grinspoon, we run in the same cannabis tribe on LI. I am 70yrs old and been in this industry as an educator for 8 years… I am just gobsmacked at how clueless they are about elders. I sure appreciate this video and what you’ve done for the world. I hope you get to see some Michigan dispensaries so you can help us navigate a non medical system for good care. It’s a mess up here! But you are terrific!
@DarrenSangita 4 месяца назад
Thanks for making a straightforward introduction to a cannabis dispensary. I am looking forward to being able to enjoy this in the UK in the near future.
@karenkellock 5 месяцев назад
ONE PUFF and I got it. ONE LICK and i got it. You reach a point as a longterm user when things are NEVER THE SAME--NO GOING BACK--and you have to stop it for good
@codaboi138 5 месяцев назад
So is CHS something that never leaves you once you develop it? I use because ive had anxiety issues my whole life and nothing else the doctors have offered or otherwise has ever helped me. I dont want to be stuck between the choice of being terrified my whole life or having increasingly bad vomiting fits. Idealy I just want to be able to moderatly use so that my anxiety is stablised.
@karenkellock 5 месяцев назад
use adivan for the terror---i took a half every four hours or i woulda been back in the ER.
@idaki7415 6 месяцев назад
ego and narcis power polititian or bysnees,religion leader ,super rich,.royalty... man are far more danger than any drugs..,freedom for all natural traditional plant medicine .
@mattr2164 6 месяцев назад
I have dr grinspoon seeds
@drpetergrinspoon 6 месяцев назад
Very cool!
@dan3nad 6 месяцев назад
How is help available??? I've been trying to quit for over 8 years while struggling with chs this whole time
@drpetergrinspoon 6 месяцев назад
@thatsthewayitis1 6 месяцев назад
i looked up "dopamine fasting. behaviors to avoid" and your article came up.. It stated the truth, then suddenly spun to claim that everyone is overthinking it, and others are lying about true science and blah blah blah... this caused me to think that YOU YOURSELF were part of a dopamine hyping behavior and you wanted to push people away from folks potentially speaking against a certain behavior YOU YOURSELF enjoy. so I looked you up, and BOOM there it is, youre a pothead... thank you for sharing... next....
@ИраТолькова 6 месяцев назад
I found some great CBD products on the Weedborn website. Just check them out and you definitely won't regret it.
@robgreene9912 6 месяцев назад
Thank you. 💚
@GregtheGrey6969 7 месяцев назад
Im getting regular bouts of bronchitis caused by 3 types of mold in dispensary weed. They are selling death. I quit
@jawshromine1687 4 месяца назад
What mold is in the dispensary weed?
@GregtheGrey6969 4 месяца назад
@@jawshromine1687 that's easy to search on Google.
@johnnysanders5947 8 месяцев назад
Zofran was only thing that would help I’ve stopped now it’s gone
@Cruciada_888 8 месяцев назад
Motion sickness ????????? Be Link to CHS?????
@alaniskelvin9003 Год назад
Promo sm 😋
@ZalisMahmud Год назад
I visited your RU-vid channel and saw that your video views and subscriptions are lowI am a professional youtube marketer I visited and saw your video is not SEO done so views and subscriptions are less I can help you if you want ?
@kenvh8569 Год назад
For the acute hyperemesis phase, aprepitant (Emend) is rapidly emerging as highly effective, and dramatically more effective than droperidol, haloperidol, zofran, compazine, etc. The efficacy of aprepitant is likely due to its ability to block the neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptor, which is involved in the action of Substance P. Substance P appears to play a significant role in the vomiting reflex, making NK1 blockers more effective for CHS patients who experience severe vomiting. Interestingly, hot showers and topical capsaicin creams have also been found to be effective in alleviating CHS symptoms. These treatments are thought to act through similar pathways as NK1 blockers like aprepitant, possibly involving the TRPV1 receptor, which also decreases action of Substance P. References: Parvataneni, S., Varela, L., Vemuri-Reddy, S. M., & Maneval, M. L. (2019). Emerging Role of Aprepitant in Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome. Cureus, 11(6), e4825. PubMed Richards, J. R., Gordon, B. K., Danielson, A. R., & Moulin, A. K. (2017). Pharmacologic Treatment of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: A Systematic Review. Pharmacotherapy, 37(6), 725-734. PubMed Sanger, G. J., & Andrews, P. L. (2006). Treatment of nausea and vomiting: gaps in our knowledge. Autonomic Neuroscience, 129(1-2), 3-16. PubMed Dezieck, L., Hafez, Z., Conicella, A., Blohm, E., O'Connor, M. J., Schwarz, E. S., & Mullins, M. E. (2017). Resolution of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome with topical capsaicin in the emergency department: a case series. Clinical Toxicology, 55(8), 908-913. PubMed
@BaddaBing2001 Год назад
Doc, marijuana gets me paranoid and gives me super anxiety. I feel like I’m missing something. I see you talking about how it helped your brother while battling Cancer. That’s great to hear. Am I doing something wrong if it gives me anxiety and makes me paranoid? That last time I did smoke was HS and I was 100% certain my parents were dying or I was dying. I felt as if everyone around me knew I was high and was starting at me. It was a mess. This was back when marijuana was illegal in all the US states. So you’d think now that the laws have been lifted, we’ll a little where I live, I wouldn’t have to worry about getting caught. Even then I still get paranoia. However the first time I did smoke was amazing. Every other time since hasn’t been memorable. It could just be my genetic make up. It seemed unfair that the substance many swore by for anxiety reduction had only made me more anxious. Why that is idk.
@connorboyle9279 2 месяца назад
Try a 1 to 1, 2 to 1, or 10 to 1 CBD to THC product. Given THC makes you anxious, I would recommend starting with a 10 to 1 CBD to THC product. This will allow you to get high without the anxiety as well as modulate the negative effects of THC.
@BaddaBing2001 Год назад
You know Dr has a good video when he starts by saying he first smoked when he was 7. On a more serious note, I’m sorry you and your family had to deal with the passing of your brother.
@BaddaBing2001 Год назад
I can’t smoke canabis. I’ve tried several times and always have a panic attack and end up super paranoid. I’m all for it being legal. I’ve seen what it can do for cancer patients.
@sheilayoung9082 4 месяца назад
RIGHT ✅!!💯
@JUANRAMOS-hk7he Год назад
All potheads needs to beaf up on omega 3,magnesium, vitamin c and vitamin B1. These are all vitamins and minerals that marijuana depletes. As a matter of fact I think that it should be the law that all marijuana dispensers have all of these minerals,vitamins on a shelf on display for sale,along with their "medical marijuana".
@johnmcafee9663 Год назад
tell me more, i have chs and still using getting minor effects of CHS occasionally, your saying i could fix this ?
@kylersmith5551 9 месяцев назад
@@johnmcafee9663 Not really. I hate to be that guy but you gotta quit entirely. This is my 4th time with chs and its not worth it. Live life bro. I regret all 4 times I smoked after quitting. I was just sober for 7 months and hit a cart giving me immediate chs.I assume our bodies have some kind of reaction to weed. Best thing to do I find some type of support. Someone you know well.
@liamtyrrell5077 7 месяцев назад
Same dying here with it right now
@Polly777ma 5 месяцев назад
@@liamtyrrell5077how are you a month after? Im still recovering from it, its my 5th day w/o weed and my symptoms are better, i feel a bit of nausea but it’s easy to control
@markrdavis5368 Год назад
Thank you for sharing Dr Peter Grinspoon. 👍
@drpetergrinspoon Год назад
Thank you Mark!
@PotTVNetwork Год назад
Free the weed. Free the people.
@kathyd9324 Год назад
Thank you!
@kathyd9324 Год назад
Cannabis seems to get my digestive system functioning properly. Every time I stopped using it I've gained at least 50 pounds. The last time I had to quit for 2 and a half years. I gained 70 pounds and at the end I was no longer digesting food. Food literally came out looking the way it went in. I was so ill, it took years and lots of cannabis to recover. Never again. I moved to a different state where I could legally use the best medicine for me.
@Egzoset Год назад
In fact go check your botanist books and search for that so-called "devil’s lettuce" which is a totally different plant - at least it was before prohibitionnists took over Public Institutions (and minds it seems)!
@charleBerglund Год назад
MJ helped me with some pain, public speaking, thoughts of past. I just question "Other world" but I remembered, the times when viewing the stars without all the dam lights and accelerating climate change I had a nice bud and a Carl Sagan like moments. Turning 68 in 4 days, with chronic conditions. Been treated like crap dose, a young Psychiatrist prescribes me Olanzapine. They had locked up phone up I could not look it up and was told its for anxiety it did not help only depressed and a need to escape more. PS I received my vaccines that was a challenge also, first 2 at our Public Library from Volunteers from the County, Wally's 2, Clinic 1. PS never voted GOP and did some Volunteer works in the past. I have most of my papers even a DD214. Not an atheist i'm Secular. My Father was cared for in a christian nursing home in Oklahoma per my Sister and Brothers request. Sister died 5 yrs later of a preventable accident, they had money for labor. My brother is anti-mj and loyal to some beer and karaoke.
@goobertgoobert Год назад
Comments on CBD vs THC?
@ATHFShakeZulah Год назад
My problem is extreme reflux and my dentist noticed my glottis was swollen. I notice it every day, trying to get the phlegm out and when I do it's all dry and hurts. I have had the shits and some gallbladder type attacks related to thc too. Even my pee smells like a dry herb vape. I use a netti pot to rinse out my sinuses with saline and it helps a bit. The worst thing is that I'm so fixated on weed I can't stop thinking about it and the side effects, every 30 seconds. I'm a life long poly addict and I deluded myself into thinking weed was the safest option. Also means I don't know what the hell to replace it with.
@raymondclass6794 9 месяцев назад
You need minerals to make stomach acid, reflux is from too little acid and it keeps the lower esophageal sphincter open
@debbielowe5496 Год назад
Preach ‼️‼️‼️
@glowgirl8171 Год назад
How is it that this was never, ever, heard of back in the 60's,70's,80's,90's? Please don't say it wasn't reported. Everyone I knew smoked weed and so did millions of others.
@NickDeOto Год назад
Believe it has something to do with the %age of THC being consumed. Which is why the gentlemen reccmmended consuming LOW THC cannabis. The cannabis available in the 60s-90s was much lower in THC which would explain the lack of CHS cases.
@larryx314 Год назад
The level of THC in weed when I was a kid was 3 to 5 percent ,now it can be over 30 percent. I did weed for over 40 years and realized a month ago I have CHS. Have gut pain going on 27 days so I've decided to quit forever ,it ain't worth the pain.
@glowgirl8171 Год назад
@@larryx314 My grown son suffers from this as well. I can't tell you how many ER trips he's made. He cannot stop vomiting and he dehydrates. Can't convince him to stop. I smoke too but just a teensy bit. No problems. I hope you succeed on this new path. Best of luck to you!
@larryx314 Год назад
@@glowgirl8171 I have a friend in a different state and he smokes weed like a maniac.He got CHS and wound up in the ER twice from his first episode.He lost over 25 pounds. I tried to talk sense into him and even told him if you don't stop or at least go to extreme moderation you may very well die Your kidneys and liver can shut down from uncontrolled vomiting and people have died from CHS. Still he will not stop everyday all day it's just a matter of time before he gets another violent episode of vomiting. I never even reached hypermesis and I'm done forever.I can't comprehend not stopping when your life is at risk. Do everything you can to get your son to stop ! Some people have to get hit in the head several times with a baseball bat before they realize they have to change there behavior Me one time is all it takes for me to walk away but many people are incapable of this. I wish you luck !
@Snakelady- 7 месяцев назад
Because today's weed is super potent. I was using 70% 100 mg daily. In ER every 2 weeks & my kidneys nearly shut down. I've been cannabis free for a year & no more vomiting! I'm not saying weed is bad, it's got some amazing therapeutic effects. It's just bad for those of us unfortunate enough to have this syndrome.
@granderondeproductions3286 Год назад
What about Psilocybin and DMT?
@brucelee9243 Год назад
Ketamine is the light of my life.
@nicolefenix9853 Год назад
@stevenhamric8299 Год назад
That was very helpful. Thank you!
@greenculturelabs-thailand Год назад
Keep informing keep inspiring Dr. 💚🌱💚🌏
@drpetergrinspoon 22 часа назад
Thank you!
@TheXJRMAN Год назад
I also think hybrids came about through shortening flowering time. When growers faced heavy penalties this mattered. It could could have influenced/created the automatic selection of cultivars, which should improve with each generation of selective breeding. The plant and it's medical properties are ever developing and expanding with some breeders now focused on terpines which I find fascinating, particularly alpha pinene who knows where it will be in another decade.
@thedayzbandit8702 3 месяца назад
THC-v is what im interested in apparently it can be good for people with diabetes who knows one day we might have a fix for it with cannabis haha
@jacobishii6121 Год назад
Indica and sativa refers to where it comes from......same as the term Kush. It's idiosyncratic how they react strain by strain and person by person.
@auston911 Год назад
thank you i have had this for a very long time and is little known. stress, fatty foods, and anxiety can trigger attacks that can last weeks. capsacian lotion or hot pepper lotion can provide relief if anyone is looking. interesting to try to self diagnose which side of this is i am on. avoid low grade and bic lighters as well, use hempwick or vape flower and you will improve
@WhatADumbGT Год назад
welcome to the internet.
@ihavenocluewhattoput Год назад
It's weird when I get high I tend to spend 5 hours finishing a meal
@danielcya8334 Год назад
i think it’s cultural, similar to how those that drink wine are healthier on average than those that don’t drink. could be that the average cannabis user is more social, active, or young than the average person
@killcha_in Год назад
i think this is the main reason.
@j_lemy Год назад
Good video. One educated guess I can make is that one of the resons cannabis users have a lower BMI is that in many less wealthy countries, cannabis is widely consumed and alcohol, for example, is not. This would have a lowering effect on average BMI of cannabis users. However the study is locally sourced in a wealthy country, the same still applies. Cannabis users are less likely to use alcohol, which is a leading cause in obesity.
@sen3574 Год назад
great vid
@Egzoset Год назад
It was basically started by a War-of-the-Sexes, started because *alcohol* was hurting families. The Temperance movement lost their battle with alcohol so guess who got the blame next...