EDSO Welcome 3-25-21
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HT Logo debate
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2:47:14  to  2:50:57
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Chris & Nawal
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Amber Dancing
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Lisa and Lauren on Dec 30 2016
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VID00003 b
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@SpotlessWaterGuy Год назад
Wonderful message
@martinbuinicki1056 Год назад
Not many life vests, where was the Coast Guard??
@patiencelongjohn3183 Год назад
Thank you, Elder for this encouragement.
@timferguson1593 Год назад
Alot of Rivas. Gimme a 1953 Chris Craft Continental w/ 440 Hemi fuel injected, electronic ignition and I'll be happy!!!🛥🛥🛥
@toober247 2 года назад
Nice boats but sounds pretty poor and ruined by needless dirge background music.
@frederickdanielamara-peace7940 2 года назад
What a wonderful inspirational address. I am so blessed to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ as an anchor of hope, that keep me going no matter how difficult or hard it becomes. I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for His bounteous blessings.
@rhondafitch444 2 года назад
Now that is a sheriff!!!!
@sunneskye9854 2 года назад
Public KNOWLEDGE, FOLKS......AAs TAXPAYERS... Quite the song & dance here....LOL
@milktharyapper 2 года назад
@inmotion81 3 года назад
Love this man I live in pollock pines the serve us and are an amazing out fit much love to my sheriff department
@MikeSuth4040 3 года назад
11 years later he’s still the county sheriff for this county and everyone on that board is not there anymore.
@hepnerlindak 3 года назад
This is the best tribute video. My husband served and retired. Somalia, 2 tours in Iraq,my daughter has served, I'm ever greatful he made it home to watch or daughter grow up to be an honorable soldier and wonderful mother.
@geoffcrossley8344 3 года назад
I only know Rivas: From 08.25 Riva Olympic , then a Superflorida, then an Ariston, then another Ariston or if its twin engined a Tritone, couldnt tell, then a modern day Iseo.
@geoffcrossley8344 3 года назад
Later at 10.20 come the twin engined Aquaramas, a series 3, then a series 2, a 3, then a Special stops to load a passenger who hadnt taken his shoes off!, then more series 2 and 3 and a Tritone without the rear sunbed.
@acts2211 4 года назад
@johnneedy3164 4 года назад
Whete was the Thunderbird?
@bcabmac 4 года назад
With these beautiful wood boats with classic designs, you don't need a no wake zone. They slip the water so clean, they barely cut any wake at all!. Lol
@richiebern5477 4 года назад
I’ll be sure and catch one of your live shows in Alabama some time.
@sherilynlum-alarcon5007 4 года назад
Folsom Lake College!!!!!
@sherilynlum-alarcon5007 4 года назад
My first and only year in Policy debate
@whatwouldaudreyhepburndo4260 5 лет назад
My favorite kind of boats! Beautiful
@timcervantes2957 5 лет назад
Love this. Our sheriff getting on to people on the board of supervisors who were criminals. God edc is corrupt
@jamespollock11 5 лет назад
Corrupt sack of crap.
@hookukio 5 лет назад
Oh yeah? You guys are fasting huh? You bear dancers ? You are truly fasting for four days away from everyone and everything and then you've killed a bear huh? You've tracked a bear down and killed a bear huh? I don't think so!!! I think it's more of a show off thing today. Hey don't get me wrong. There are true dancers and people out there who take the healing Rd for the people but this crap ? This is one man's fantasy. And most people don't have any storyline so when you here this it's takes you huh? Be careful people.
@bassline5633 4 года назад
Dude bear sacrifice is practiced by more than one people, and bear medicine is known among many tribes. This is not so far fetched. Also they would not have a ceremony and legitimate words for the process, unless they actually did this, which would not have been difficult in an old world teaming with abundant life, carried out by a skilled tracker. Just research bear medicine and traditions for America to get a better idea of how common it is and is not. The indigenous of Japan, the Aynu, also have a bear sacrifice ceremony for bear medicine, and they are a red skin people.
@LexoG33 5 лет назад
I am Valley born. I want to hear more from the guy speaking at the end!
@plgwlk 5 лет назад
worst department in Northern California
@YYCRCFabricationz 5 лет назад
Beautiful boats! The poor video quality really doesn't do them justice.
@aaahtex902 6 лет назад
@fatima1009 6 лет назад
I'd love to take a ride in one of these boats.
@j0oftheworld 6 лет назад
Thanks for sharing! PS, youtube shake correction makes the videos look distorted.
@chrisadamcik3656 6 лет назад
@woodeater2262 6 лет назад
His father was my teacher in 5th grade
@frozenfan3092 6 лет назад
You blink and you miss it. Put the damn phone down.
@rebeccatom2188 7 лет назад
haha that was pretty dang great.. how does this not have more views?
@e.louvet5575 7 лет назад
The girl in white is really good. Nice voice. Why does it look like the people in blue hate each other and that the people in red and white need to stand with each other? Need to work on your feeling of togetherness people.
@e.louvet5575 7 лет назад
Filming is awful. You can hear the whole conversation in the background. Stale music.
@roxannacarlson6138 7 лет назад
this Fair El Dorado County Fair I'm going to be showing the rabbits look for me I'm at Kham rabbitry and we'll have fuzzy Lop mini statins himalayans and that's where you're find us it is so fun we really like the showing is so fun for 4-H
@graceendaya6346 7 лет назад
Just let my students watch this in contrast with the advantages of digital (in general). Thumbs up!!
@nsdtr01 7 лет назад
GARBAGE HISTORY - starting with it was and is FORT MCHENRY - it was a fort and and housed aboyt 1000 men - 4 were killed during the bombardment - Key and Col Skinner were seeking the release of Dr Beanes - etc. - p[lease get the facts
@Vhs-fuq 7 лет назад
great video
@user-kr6vf3sz6q 7 лет назад
Nice wine
@citygirl5705 8 лет назад
That was great, but I can't believe Starbucks gave permission to do that.
@audiomanslc 8 лет назад
Here is the transcript of the report from the commander of Fort McHenry to James Monroe (Secretary of War) regarding the bombardment of the fort. Compare this detailed firsthand account from the man in charge to the lying fantasy account the narrator gives in the video. This should help open your eyes to just how bad this video is factually. Official Account of the Bombardment of Fort McHenry. Copy of a letter from Lieut. Colonel Armistead, to the Secretary of War, dated Fort McHenry, Sept. 24th, 1814 A severe indisposition, the effect of great fatigue and exposure, has prevented me heretofore from presenting you with an account of the attack on this post. On the night of Saturday the 10th inst. the British fleet, consisting of ships of the line, heavy frigates, and bomb vessels, amounting in the whole to 30 sail, appeared at the mouth of the river Patapsco, with every indication of an attempt on the city of Baltimore. My own force consisted of one company of U.S. artillery, under Capt. Evans, and two companies of sea fencibles, under Capts. Bunbury and Addison. Of these three companies, 35 men were unfortunately on the sick list, and unfit for duty. I had been furnished with two companies of volunteer artillery from Baltimore, under Capt. Berry, and Lt. Commandant Pennington. --To these I must add another very fine company of volunteer artillerists, under Judge Nicholson, who had proffered their services to aid in the defense of this post whenever an attack might be apprehended; and also a detachment from Commodore Barney's flotilla under Lieut. Redman. Brig. Gen. Winder had also furnished me with about six hundred infantry, and Major Lane, consisting of detachments from the 12th, 14th, 36th, and 38th Regim. of U.S. troops - the total amounting to more than 1000 effective men. On Monday morning very early, it was perceived that the enemy was landing troops on the east side of the Patapsco, distant about ten miles. During the day and the ensuing night, he had brought sixteen ships (including five bomb ships) within about two miles and a half of this Fort. I had arranged my force as follows: - The regular artillerists under Capt. Evans and the volunteers under Capt. Nicholson, manned the bastions in the Star Fort. Captains Bunbury's, Addison's, Redman's, Berry's and Lieut. Commandant Pennington's command were stationed on the lower works, and the infantry under Lieut. Col. Stewart and Major Lane were on the outer ditch, to meet the enemy at his landing, should he attempt one. On Tuesday morning about sunrise, the enemy commenced the attack from his five bomb vessels, at the distance about two miles, when finding that his shells reached us, he anchored and kept an incessant and well directed bombardment. We immediately opened our batteries, and kept a brisk fire from our guns and mortars, but unfortunately our shot and shells all fell considerably short of him. This was to me a most distressing circumstance, as it left us exposed to constant and tremendous shower of shells, without the remote possibility of our doing him the slightest injury. It affords me the highest gratification to state, that although we were left exposed, and thus inactive, not a man shrunk from the conflict. About 2 o'clock, P.M. one of the 24 pounders on the south west bastion, under the immediate command of Capt. Nicholson, was dismounted by a shell, the explosion of which killed his second Lieut. and wounded several of his men; the bustle necessarily produced in removing the wounded and remounting the gun probably induced the enemy to suspect that we were in a state of confusion, as he brought three of the bomb ships to what I believed to be a good striking distance. I immediately ordered a fire to be opened, which was obeyed with alacrity through the whole garrison, and in a half an hour those intruders again sheltered themselves by withdrawing beyond our reach. - We gave three cheers, and again ceased firing. The enemy continued throwing shells, with one or two slight intermissions, till one o'clock in the morning of Wednesday; when it was discovered that he had availed himself of the darkness of the night and had thrown a considerable force above to our right; they had approached very near to Fort Covington, when they began to throw rockets; intended I presume, to give them an opportunity of examining the shores - as I have since understood, they had detached 1250 picket men with scaling ladders, for the purpose of storming this Fort. We once more had an opportunity of opening our batteries, and kept a continued blaze for nearly two hours which had the effect again to drive them off. In justice to Lieut. Newcomb, of the United States Navy, who commanded Fort Covington, with a detachment of sailors, and Lieut. Webster, of the flotilla, who commanded the Six Gun Battery, near the Fort, I ought to state, that during this time, they kept an animated, and I believe very destructive fire, to which I am persuaded, we are much indebted in repulsing the enemy. One of his sunken barges has since been found with two dead men in it - others have been seen floating in the river. The only means we had of directing our guns, was by the blaze of their rockets and the flashes of their guns. Had they ventured to the same situation in the day time, not a man would have escaped. The bombardment continued on the part of the enemy until 7 o'clock on Wednesday morning, when it ceased; and about nine, their ships got under weigh and stood down the river. During the bombardment which lasted 25 hours (with two slight intermissions) from the best calculations I can make, from fifteen to eighteen hundred shells were thrown by the enemy. A few of these fell short. A large proportion burst over us, throwing their fragments among us, and threatening destruction. Many passed over, and about four hundred fell within the works. Two of the public buildings are materially injured - the others but slightly. I am happy to inform you (wonderful as it may appear) that our loss amounts to only four men killed, and 24 wounded. The latter will all recover. Among the killed, I have to lament the loss of Lieutenant Clagget and Sergeant Clemm, both of Capt. Nicholson's volunteers; two men whose fate is to be deplored, not only for their personal bravery, but for their high standing, amiable demeanor and spotless integrity in private life. Lieut. Russel, of the company under Lieut. Pennington, received early in the attack a severe contusion in the heel; notwithstanding which, he remained at his post during the whole bombardment. Were I to name any individual who signalized themselves, it would be doing injustice to the others. Suffice it to say, that every officer and soldier under my command did their duty to my entire satisfaction. I have the honor to remain respectfully, your obedient servant, G. Armistead, Lt Col. U.S.A Hon. James Monroe, Secretary of War
@jamesavery2894 8 лет назад
I'm just out of frame but it was cool to see placerville come together like that.
@amberwillits1 8 лет назад
good job seth,
@ronsinger7932 8 лет назад
Bob sounds great. He's the best one in the group. I love hearing him perform at the wine bars around town and always come back feeling good. The rest of the singers are unfortunately out of tune with each other, especially the women. Something isn't right there. Whoever is on the top voice in the girls needs to watch her pitches. It could have been an off performance for them. But I did catch their other performances and heard the same thing. Screeching. Also it's really annoying to see the women put their hands up in the air like that. They make every gig look like a church performance with amateur singers who only get to sing around their friends and church family. Maybe you should widen your repertoire and stop the raising of the church hands every time you go out in public or at the home health centers. My dad is at one of the facilities in Placerville and I have personally seen these guys sing. It's the same thing there. You can't hear the guys. The men need to sing louder.
@danwest9628 8 лет назад
love it
@valeriefields1070 8 лет назад
Well done, must post on Facebook!
@matthubbard5408 9 лет назад
uncle fred and aunt be had the coolest wooden ever got lots of grabs good times miss em!!
@denisemason3335 9 лет назад
@ExOBadger 9 лет назад
Curtis Mattison was one of my friends father and it is horrible to see this family in pain well all know that Curtis was a good person by heart we will miss him