@DarkGellidous 18 часов назад
If tou are familiar with rpg, Helena would be the greatest representation of the edgy player: Selfish , sociopathic and trying to be the main character.
@krdragon6950 4 дня назад
Indiana Jones reminds me of John McClane in the beginning of Die Hard with a Vengeance. Where Indy is divorced, alcoholic and been demoted.
@Hammster69official 9 дней назад
I'll say this much for The Dial Of Destiny: it's better than The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull.
@mkinkade7103 12 дней назад
The CIA witnessing two murders and being okay with looking the other way is the only believable part of the movie. The CIA has killed thousands of people directly and millions indirectly. They do not care about the lives of others let alone the law. The worst scene in this movie, though believable, is when you realize flee-bag didn’t take Indie back to stop his son from going to war. James was lying, flee-bag let it slip that her and Kennedy wanted to eliminate any and all men who could show up or replace the character of Shaw.
@MediaMana 12 дней назад
The difference is the people murdering civilians indiscriminately were not CIA operatives. It would make zero sense for them to look the other way and allow them to continue jeopardizing their mission, when it would benefit them way more to just leave Voller’s thugs out to dry.
@ryanwilson2909 13 дней назад
"It's called capitalism" line from a spoilt, entitled, and overly privileged PWB, made me boycott this movie.
@LudwigPaiste28 19 дней назад
That DiaReva actress is painfully to watch.
@user-ek1xy3ml4r 22 дня назад
Ask Fans
@robertwikeljr-1522 28 дней назад
Makes one to believe " powers that be " were trying to not only give G. L. a fatal heart attack, but also have Him rolling in His grave for eternity. As well as torturing H.F. legacy. :(
@ThePmbstudios Месяц назад
You might all disagree with what I'm about to say. But the recent Kung Fu Panda 4 is basically Dial of Destiny done right. It's a better passing of the torch movie than this, Zion who starts off as a thief and a criminal but gradually changes and evolves during the course of the movie and actually takes responsibility for her actions.
@marthastubbs8321 Месяц назад
I liked the opening scene
@mr.o6240 Месяц назад
Maybe if y'all hadn't of complained so much about Crystal Skull, this film wouldn't have been made...🤔
@JackTorrance333 Месяц назад
I watched every one of the Indy adventures in the theater except this one. Girl boss movies eat ass.
@williamarthurfenton1496 Месяц назад
A lot of people these days really do not understand what a good 'independent and strong' character should be. So much film and TV is clearly just pushing the message "Women can do anything, as they're fantastic.". As if some vague and ultimately meaningless feel-good platitude is of any actual value in the real world. Then they make programmes like Vikings to try and rewrite history to push the same message. As if somehow pretending that historical sexism against women wasn't universal somehow helps any kind of cause for equality. Lord of the Rings may be fantasy, but it's still based in traditional European culture (bad and good). Most people spectacularly fail to understand what fantasy is. They think it's all magic and elves so you can do anything you want, which is absolutely not the case. It is nearly always - and certainly with Tolkien's work - set in a realistic myhtologised version of reality, sometimes with sprinkings of supernatural elements.
@williamarthurfenton1496 Месяц назад
Where are all the competent writers gone?
@williamarthurfenton1496 2 месяца назад
I don't understand why Disney don't just make more original content set in the Star Wars universe. They clearly want to do their own thing. It can only be malice by constantly degrading every single beloved character (the male ones at least). They must know their target audience by calling it 'Obi Wan' isn't going to respond well. They want kids to watch it, and what connection would they have to characters from the late 70s and early 80s? Just make a totally fresh story set in say the old republic and young people can have their own Star Wars as well.
@MalachiWhite-tw7hl 2 месяца назад
Megalomaniacal Nazis again--how original. No wonder it lost 200 million $.
@philipc5151 2 месяца назад
it would make more sense if phoebe use the dial to go back and bring mutt back so that jones can see both his son and wife when woke up
@philipc5151 2 месяца назад
the whole thing is just so dump, everyone are stupid in the movie so that the not so dump phoebe is mary sue now
@wheelzwheela 2 месяца назад
First you nuke the fridge to kill a franchise then you Dial the Destiny to piss on it’s grave.
@FalconNest 2 месяца назад
This is a very good video examination of the terrible, last (?) Indiana Jones installment. However, from Longinus on, you mispronounced all Greek and Latin names apart from Archimedes.
@johni5355 2 месяца назад
This entire show was f****g AWFUL. Awful writing, awful acting, awful everything. A billion dollar turd.
@maladacav8819 2 месяца назад
I mean look you can poke holes in ANY movie idc how “brilliant “ it is. This super hero shit isn’t even my jam of a genre and I only started weeks ago to dive into all the superhero movies and started w my fav childhood characters which happens to be DC. I went in blindly, no idea until later about all the drama behind them w Zack etc and I’m watching them via release dates and I have to say you are being a little over the top harsh w a genre that is kinda stupid to begin with and the whole point of why this shit even exists. Anyway, coming close (almost) to the DC end and this movie wasn’t even close to being one of the worst ones that are so bad it’s fkn irritating. This wasn’t one of them. I still had a good time watching it and yes I was ragging on the dumb shit like can of tomatoes among babies in microwave nonsense but it was not close as bad as previous ones I’ve seen that mfs are like oohhh this is a masterpiece which legit pissed me off. Anyway, I agree w some of your points but you are being a little extra w it, more so than other similar cynical “RU-vidr film critics “. You act like this Mf fkn #metoo YOU also and are taking it super personal. It hit the basic shit ppl want from superhero movies w/o being hit over the head preached at . And I thought Michael Keaton Batman on screen again was beyond fkn AWESOME and again I have very little expectations for any of these movies . But bro, did the flash or Ezra like touch you in a “bad way” or something, did he fkn steal shit from you ? Look I’m all about roasting and cynicism but yo come on you legitimately are being over the top that YOUR video is kinda funny in a I kinda wanna roast it way. Who takes a Flash movie this fkn seriously. Jesus lol
@maladacav8819 2 месяца назад
Literally out of everything in this movie that is EXACTLY what I kept thinking is like why in the fuck wouldn’t he see who actually killed his mom or wtf actually happened. Like I can’t imagine any human or meta human would just by pass this over a can of tomatoes. They could have done soooooo much with this movie creatively, I mean they could have done something new, bold and refreshing.
@ArcanisUltra 2 месяца назад
The Flash has an audience score of 83% on Rotten Tomatoes. So, even if only 1 in 6 people agree with “The Flash sucks,” it’s nice to see people not afraid to give their outlier opinions.
@edwardhannah8507 2 месяца назад
I'm starting to think Kathleen Kennedy has dirt on people in Hollyweird.
@GilesMcRiker 2 месяца назад
Kathleen Kennedy's greatest legacy is the cottage industry of RU-vid channels she spawned that meticulously explain and document the extent to which she has desecrated the Disney Lucasfilm movies under her stewardship.
@Omnivorous1One 2 месяца назад
I think in 5-10 years nobody will be going to movie theaters anymore. Hollywood insists on turning loved franchises into complete & total garbage.
@natashacutiepie6074 2 месяца назад
I'm confused the significance of the video seeing as the father got there literal seconds before the Mom was killed. They can still argue he is the killer especially if they questioned Barry & he said he heard noise, ran downstairs & saw his Dad holding his Mom. So I'm confused how the video Barry is doing all this for even matters.
@VicariousReality7 2 месяца назад
This shit is fanfiction written by obnoxious american teens
@kristinrutherford8779 3 месяца назад
How does Ezra miller still have a career
@nakiadayjr.3240 3 месяца назад
Flash movie is going off the 2017 justice league not the Snyder cut.
@nakiadayjr.3240 3 месяца назад
The Synder Cut isn’t Canon in the DCEU
@billross9132 3 месяца назад
All these reviwers paid and the film still flopped. Wb cant do anything right with dc
@TheEverSoTalented 3 месяца назад
I didn't think the words "No Witnesses" could be sooo funny!
@arrownoir 3 месяца назад
38:19 Actually that’s incorrect. Superman only fought Faora, Zod and Nam-Ek. They never launched a full scale invasion because at least that movie understood how stupid it would be for Superman to be able to succeed under such odds. The only reason he overcame any of those 3 was due to his home field advantage that wouldn’t have been sufficient had they fought him as a group.
@arrownoir 3 месяца назад
It didn’t need to be. Ezra is such a miscast.
@JossinJax 3 месяца назад
Good stuff. Although, I did see Yoda at some point so I was surprised you didn't compare Hobo Bruce's introduction to that of Luke Skywalker's in The Last Jedi and highlight their shared initial reluctance to engage in the hero's journey.
@Sploberrie 3 месяца назад
You know you fucked up when Spongebob does time travel better than you
@rekunta 3 месяца назад
I’m almost of the belief that Disney holds a deep seated contempt for Star Wars fandom, and purchased the IP solely to be able to make a mockery of all the characters we love and admire as some type of troll job. A show this bad cannot be but intentional.
@TruOnyxfire 3 месяца назад
So... Barry 2 healed from a gaping hole in his torso from the lightning strike because of his new healing factor. But Barry 1 also had the lightning strike go through him and cause the same gaping hole in HIS torso, but now WITHOUT his powers, how did he heal from that fatal injury? Why does his mother act like she doesn't recognize him in the store? It's clearly her son, why is she acting like it's some random stranger?
@edwinchigozie215 3 месяца назад
Late here, but I think the problem with this movie is that the writers don't understand the Flash, they think his just some dude that runs fast so let's make everyone in the jL think his relevant cause ofcourse we do. But they don't get it, what makes the flash cool isn't because he can run really fast but what makes him cool is that he can run really really really really really fast, he is the Flash the fastest man alive, the god of speed he's not a little boy that likes to tell jokes all the time with almost absolutely no experience in life he is a superhero that loves saving people. Once they get of the mind space of making the flash a joke, then can they make the kind of money that was made from aquaman
@kevinr7216 3 месяца назад
The real question we should be asking is how tf Esra Miller still get's jobs in Hollywood.....that's the real mystery....
@acetraker1988 3 месяца назад
Flash Should be treated like One Punch Man, if he is on the screen the fight or situation is over. The Flash in TV and Films does not work otherwise. He is literally the worst superhero in all fiction because the amount of people he FAILS TO SAVE should traumatise him to death. The ability to think and act that fast should allow him the time to solve any issue or problem that he could ever face.
@Dreaklock 3 месяца назад
Ugh, Disney has destroyed Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Marvel.... on and on and on.
@-libertyprimev1-902 3 месяца назад
Isn't weird whenever they make these cameo characters using different actors they'll mention in universe they look different despite being the same "being" as the others (with the same name, similar life, existence, ect), yet then when it serves the plot like here with the two Barrys they'll be exactly the same with that not being found strange.
@ejoshcoron 3 месяца назад
Very cathartic to watch, thanks for making this!
@bradensorensen966 4 месяца назад
The Flash was not good in ANY respect.
@danjo2080 4 месяца назад
Barry is genuinely likeable in any other medium, but Ezra Miller just can't carry that at all.
@WasatchWendigo 4 месяца назад
Yep, so much wrong with the movie. I have probably dozens of examples and it sounds like they are even different from many of yours, lol. I did think the hanging scene looked like a video game. So sad. I also thought the Helena character was outed as being severely heroically unqualified to be on Indy's team.
@ryssenryss4561 4 месяца назад
indy 5 is good, or good enough to be entertaining