Nauka z Panią Martą
Nauka z Panią Martą
Nauka z Panią Martą
Dear Parents,

The "Nauka z Panią Martą" channel is the ONLY platform offering free classes in Polish and English designed to engage and encourage children to learn through fun activities and interaction with a real person.

The materials available here have been meticulously prepared in collaboration with a team of specialists from Great Britain. Our catalog offers a variety of model classes aimed at promoting your child's development. Within these pages, you'll discover creative and educational activities guaranteed to capture the interest of your little ones.

Singing, rhyming, gesturing, and actively involving your child serve to reduce passive television viewing, which is not recommended at such a young age. Our methods incorporate a deliberate slow pace in our videos, ensure correct pronunciation of words, and incorporate rhymes.

By subscribing, you'll gain access to valuable advice and developmental milestones.

Nauka, zabawa, rozwój to nasza ‘Miś-ja’.
Pozdrawiam, Pani Marta