ALPS Awareness Lectures on Psychedelic Science
ALPS Awareness Lectures on Psychedelic Science
ALPS Awareness Lectures on Psychedelic Science
ALPS is the first Swiss non-profit foundation based in Geneva dedicated to sharing knowledge about the potential of psychedelic substances in psychiatry.

Our principles are those of critical rational thought, continuous learning and responsible autonomous decision-making.

Our motivation is intrinsic, stemming from a deep awareness that we can support efforts to provide access to the best possible therapeutic treatments for all those who need them.

We educate professionals and the public on evidence-based psychedelic research and therapy.

The biggest factor that makes us human is undeniably our sense of community and our continuous search for connection. Psychedelics have the potential not only to create connections in the brain, but also to connect humans to themselves, to each other and to the environment too.
ALPS Conference October 27-29 2023
11 месяцев назад
ALPS  forum 2023
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@BushyHairedStranger 3 дня назад
Ketamine is Anesthetic hived off Angel Dust, a far sweeter molecule, in my opinion.
@Jayboyd78 8 дней назад
Good talk.There is no support in the uk for people struggling with adverse effects...also what about people with long term issues for more than 4 weeks?. My search over the years for someone with some insight, expertise and understanding to talk to has not resulted in any help...obviously the NHS don't cater for this kind of thing. I can not go on this way...I hope people reading this dont make the same mistakes i did. I have made the decision to put an end to my suffering...my only regret is for my son, but with time he will get over it and move on.
@kittyferrarivortex 16 дней назад
This phenomenal presentation should have been compulsory viewing for the FDA AdComm, prior to their submission to the FDA in August, 2024. Imho.
@antonivsfortis 24 дня назад
Veru glad to see this kind of research on psychedelics.
@kayqq361 2 месяца назад
I love Rick Doblin
@BitCoin-jl4ns 2 месяца назад
Prohibition (aka the war on drugs) is the reason there is a 60 year gap in science regarding many drugs. How about just shutting down a bad trip with Valium or many other drugs which would let the patient sleep off the psychedelic? “Mitigation protocols” should be developed to deal with bad trips.
@motocydar 3 месяца назад
Beware of scammers. They Direct you to a source on Telegram and/or Instagram. taking money and no delivery. You were warned! The same group of scammers has many account names
@motocydar 3 месяца назад
Beware of many scammers. Direct you to a source on Telegram and/or Instagram. taking money and no delivery. You were warned! The same group of scammers has many names
@flakelanders2080 3 месяца назад
and about france ?
@mokamo23 4 месяца назад
I want this talk to be clear and coherent and well organized. Unfortunately he's so scattered and unclear (like he just woke up from an all night binge) that this is virtually unwatchable. Which is unfortunate for such a important topic. (Not sure how much of that is caused by Peter's lifestyle or academia.)
@arlotori 5 месяцев назад
Love these videos xxx
@stefan_popp 5 месяцев назад
Awesome talk, would have been great to also have the slides themselves large in the video at times.
@oziasmyssos2656 5 месяцев назад
Merci pour ce live. C'est dense et détaillé. J'ai tenté de synthétiser l'approche de Peter Sjöstedt et de l'apport de la métaphysique à l'expérience psychédélique dans un article de blog. Si vous avez des commentaires, des remarques ou des questions, merci. emagicworkshop.blogspot.com/2023/05/metaphysique-et-psychedeliques.html
@sitioterra9358 7 месяцев назад
says who»? someone who never tried psychadelics
@venturi934 7 месяцев назад
I had already quit alcohol for a number of years but I was struggling with compulsive marijuana use that I felt unable to control and unable to overcome. I took a dose of mushrooms and during or after that trip I gained the strength to quit. Not only the strength but the motivation and confidence that I could do it. It wasn't immediate but it was the tipping point for me to quit smoking weed and seek help for my mental health issues(bipolar depression). I have also had more than one severe panic attack on mushrooms which were traumatizing for me. I want to do mushrooms but the fear of having the panic attacks stops me from doing so, even though I often feel a benefit despite the panic attack. It's just hard to justify taking something that is going to give me near-death experience and feelings of terror, even if when its all over I will feel a net positive. In the future I'm interested to try mushrooms in a safe setting with a trip sitter to help reduce the effects of a panic attack if it happens.
@DS-nv8bi 7 месяцев назад
this is so good but only the rich will afford the cost the homeless, who are mostly homeless because of PTSD will be untreated. if i can not afford treatment from my paycheck i will not be able to get therapy. once again the same story in america offering great things only to the rich.
@buoyanProjects 7 месяцев назад
I think delusions of grandeur is a big one I've noticed to different scales and similarly over inflated egos among regular psychedelic users. Whether these are notable negatives or not is debatable but I'd say it's not helpful to the personal growth element of a reason to take psychedelics.
@OnlyFam 7 месяцев назад
Abby had a bad trip.
7 месяцев назад
I wonder how big the overlap is with profound meditation experiences. I would guess some of these effects could occur, but at a lower rate.
@triple_gem_shining 7 месяцев назад
And then you realize shes a psychology graduate 😅
@kkyyee 7 месяцев назад
after my traumatic 13g shroom trip i had blood in the whites of my eyes and persistent HPPD. I lived in an extremely bizarre, egoless and dissociated state for several months after. today, 6 years later i still have HPPD (seeing strange static/noise and everything is slightly animated)
@kkyyee 7 месяцев назад
i also want to add a little bit about how i have made sense of the experience: i believe there is a deeper truth to so-called “depersonalization/derealization/dissociation.” The idea that you are a person, a body, a soul, a mind, etc. is a hallucination. As well as the idea that there is a world that exists outside of “yourself,” for lack of a better word. The word “exist” means to stand apart from. And any ideas of separation are purely imaginary. Basically, reality is akin to a dream that is only witnessed passively. We only imagine that we have any sort of control or agency
@triple_gem_shining 7 месяцев назад
Maybe you shouldn't take 13 grams without being a highly refined individual scrub
@kkyyee 7 месяцев назад
@@triple_gem_shining yeah, i wouldn’t recommend it to anyone
@jeremyn4397 7 месяцев назад
@@kkyyee Thank you for sharing your experience. I was fortunate enough to only have this feeling for a few days, but it is one of those things that once you know you can't unknow what its like. Yogi and buddists have been talking about the truth of a dreamlike reality for millenia. They weren't wrong, but reality and real are two different things. Peoples fake lives fully engrossed in the digital simulacra or in their own ego are just as real as the static dream state. Given this, it is better to choose which ever real gives you a happier life, if you are lucky enough to be able to make that choice. Anyway, good luck on your recovery.
@timtim8011 8 месяцев назад
1. Starting with a massive straw man premise here that people are "trying to avoid info on negative effects." I don't buy it. 2. Vast majority of "long term" negative effects can be avoided with skillful facilitation of the session, as well as skillful integration work. 3. 26mg of MDMA is usually a very weak effect.
@igo9481 6 месяцев назад
"I don't buy it" proceeds to declare why any potential negative outcomes are the result of bad faith actors lmfao
@winsvega1089 8 месяцев назад
The worst side effect is that people become esoteric believers after it, going into all pseudosciences simultaneously
@subschnee4573 8 месяцев назад
Life has side effects too. ;) But jeez have a look at DMT, numbers are down in almost every slide. Also in my experience DMT is the most comfortable drug I ever took.
@jeremyn4397 7 месяцев назад
Considering one of the biggest factors correlating to a traumatic experience is duration of the experience (if its bad), DMT having such a short duration has much less trouble with this factor. No matter how intense your DMT experience is, you know it wont last forever, unlike mushrooms or acid which can take over 12hrs...
@otisobl 8 месяцев назад
Shortly after my first ever dose of MDMA I got clinically depressed. After that came a manic, full-on psychotic phase. That was 19 years ago. On meds, hospitalizations, ever since. On disability since 2010. Once a successful Silicon Valley management type I watch watch myself slowly declining towards the underclass of society. I would not wish this on my worst enemy.... Be careful, people. I would have never thought that I'd be the one with the genetic disposition. Neither do you.
@VanKrumm 7 месяцев назад
One dose of MDMA and bipolar? Yeah you were meant to have that man, one way or another it was going to happen.
@DanObscur 8 месяцев назад
Too little information given for the amount of time spent
@kelsangbasbelda5675 8 месяцев назад
I want her for president.
@triple_gem_shining 7 месяцев назад
She wants you for sheepish voter so it's mutual
@tobytilsed5333 8 месяцев назад
@Tyrell_Corp2019 8 месяцев назад
Psychedelics pull the plug on the illusion created by local language. That’s why it can be disturbing. It’s a window into things that you may need to address. That’s all you need to know going into it. Some people should not be entertaining psychedelics until they are properly prepared.
@simi3275 8 месяцев назад
It feels like cheating to get these lectures for free
@zen_nabu 8 месяцев назад
Is it that we hallucinate sights and sounds or that we are now able to perceive what has always been there? Under normal circumstances, the eye is only able to perceive within a set spectrum but when tripping, the pupils tend to get big and small which possibly open your perception to what has always been there surrounding us.
@jeremyn4397 7 месяцев назад
The truth is that we are always "hallucinating". What is "real" as we call it (say, a cup sitting on a desk) is as you said a perception of what is there. The reality of the cup on the desk is only ever articulated by whatever measurements are being made of that system. When you take psychedlics, you aren't seeing "true" reality. You are hallucinating, and percieving reality in an alternate state, but that perception is no more true than your sober state. This is not to say that your sober perceptions and altered perception aren't "real". They are very real but not reality per se.
@aerobique 8 месяцев назад
@aerobique 8 месяцев назад
wow, super! what a time to be alive..
@aerobique 8 месяцев назад
"L.S.D Administration"
@philtrem 8 месяцев назад
@dancroitoru364 8 месяцев назад
how can we look at this as a "study" rather than nothing more than just a package of verbal labels? The study is purely observational with a very small size. It's amusing to read "Risk factors" as if statistical analysis on a minuscule uncontrolled observational study can allow for isolating risk factors. Is this the new level achieved by psychology as a science nowadays?
@sbh1311 8 месяцев назад
How could one be careful and vigilant ?…to evaluate the quality of ayahuasca ?….are there guidelines?
@sbh1311 8 месяцев назад
My 1st experience at an eco lodge in the vredefort dome area was profound and the impact is still unfolding….i need more information on how frequent it is required…I turn 74 this year….and I am exceptionally fit and look after my intellect …any guidance will be evaluated
@xenonmob 8 месяцев назад
she fime af
@henrys2403 8 месяцев назад
Fantastic review of your work.
@RussellD11 8 месяцев назад
@InquilineKea 8 месяцев назад
Do psychedelics facilitate integration by putting a different valence to the negative or what one always tries to avoid?
@JoonaDanielTuhkanen 8 месяцев назад
Totta Petroskoin jälkeen tajusin etten halua olla lähellä ihmisiä
@richardnunziata3221 8 месяцев назад
Unfortunately for sel reporting studies the number of participants needed to show a clear indicator is near 20,000 . These small cohorts must be taken with a large spoon of salt.
@deeliciousplum 8 месяцев назад
This is a talk which I wish that I could have listened to and shared in the 1980s. Regardless of how all of my experiences with psychedelics, even large doses, were positive, there were instances where good friends and acquaintances had the antithesis of a good experience. Priceless friendships dissolving due to the contrasts in our experiences. Thank you to Abigail Calder for sharing their time, experiences, research, and insights with us and to ALPS for hosting this talk. 🌺
@FiliFili-bf9mn 8 месяцев назад
The best talk of the conference!
@alkeryn1700 8 месяцев назад
i was very impressed with how at ease Abigail seemed to be in front of a crowd especially when the question came it was so well structured that it almost felt like she had time to prepare for each individual question even though it was not the case. that was a stunning presentation !
@samerhanna5531 8 месяцев назад
I hope that a serious study based on this paper is conducted soon
@samerhanna5531 8 месяцев назад
This is so impressive. Thank you!
@Memry-Man 8 месяцев назад
Ohh shut up and take your medicine 💚