Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Dartmouth
Osher at Dartmouth (formerly known as ILEAD) was founded in November, 1990 by 38 members of the Upper Valley intrigued with the “idea of continued learning.” Our founders relished the challenge of their own self-administered and peer-taught discussion programs. This channel provides a look at some of the exciting events and topics we offer to our members and the surrounding community. For more information, visit our website at osher.dartmouth.edu!
Narain Batra - Superintelligence: Why We Need It
3 месяца назад
Town Hall Meeting, Strategic Plan
Год назад
The Crisis of American Polarization
Год назад
The Decline of Democracy
Год назад
Can America Govern Itself?
Год назад
The Changing Face of America
2 года назад
Immigration: Where is The Balance?
2 года назад
Is The American Dream Sustainable?
2 года назад
Restoring Faith In American Democracy
2 года назад
Climate Change: Not Too Late
2 года назад
@StudyJourney-co7vz 12 дней назад
@jkzero 22 дня назад
On the positive side, the speaker really shines and manages to keep the audience interested, the story is great. I love to see more recognition for Lise Meitner. On the negative side, there are many errors on the description of the physics. I don't expect a historian to know all the nuclear physics behind, but he claims at the beginning that he wants to attempt to explain how nuclear energy is produced so it is impossible not to complain here: the speaker mixes neutron with protons, protons with atomic nuclei, nuclear fission with nuclear fusion, neutrons with uranium nuclei, and he spent almost 10 min explaining the idea of binding energy in a completely messy and somewhat incorrect way. Despite this, the appreciation and recognition of Lise Meitner's work made watch until the end. I admire the restrain of the physicist in the audience, he probably had a 'yikes' facial expression several times.
@B1881-v6s 2 месяца назад
Islam indeed came in Arab. But Arabs does not represent Islam. What the Arabs have done to themselves and might have impacted to others is a long story of their culture. Islam is universal. That is why the largest muslims population is not in Arab.
@jwestney2859 2 месяца назад
Mother of carbon-free energy for prosperity.
@climbeverest 2 месяца назад
@harrydeanbrown6166 3 месяца назад
Excellent idea to prepare this video.
@anyone4189 5 месяцев назад
Thats a very good lecture 👏
@captiveexile2670 7 месяцев назад
History can repeat itself-- but WILL HUMANS DESTROY THEMSELVES? (Ot will Almighty God plo it sll under nd REPLANT THIS "FIELD" with sone better seeds-- souls of the righteous? (Re my thoughts after reading ho Jesus explained that THIS WORLD is what he meant by a "FIELD" (MT.13:36-44* suggests thst the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is like a fabulous treasure--- buried somehere HERE IN THIS FIELD(get it). Now I'm concvinced he used the world "PEARL" to mean his PARABLES--- and he didn;t want them cast before "SWINE" by hius disciples (by "SWINE", he meant the ROMAN SOLDIERS who were taxing Jews to death and crucifying them (MT.20:25/ MK.10:42). The resal TRUTH is that Jesus was a very GOOD JEW-- one whp based all his teachings aboyr "not exalting yourself" on PROVERBS 25:6--> proof is LUKE 14:8-11 (an almost "word for word" CITATION of PROVERBS 25L6! I could go on for hiours about Jesus, just tak ut from me (pssst! He is my "BROTHER"--> MARK 3:35m and it was HIS WILL that I type these words for you (before American communists MURDER ME--- have no fear, GOD'S FOR ME --->How Can I EVER SAY THANKS TO HIM (Psalm 116:10-15, 118:10-18* & 119:67-71* +vs. 107-112 & vs,.176 "Lost sheeo" (MT.10:6* Jesus go that from the last veerse of the LONGEST PSALM in the Holy Bible-- please place this "pearl" in a safe place! ADIOS, AMIGOS-- "hasta la Vista" und AUF WIEDERSEHEN!
@joeholmes8315 8 месяцев назад
Very interesting talk. Thanks. The equation E=mc2 is in the Bible! I once saw a TV show on the equation. The narrator lit a match, demonstrating the small amount of energy from the flame. However, the narrator then pointed out that if all the atoms in the match stick were converted to energy according to Einstein’s equation, it would blow the top off a nearby mountain pictured in the scene. Now read Matthew 17:20. Jesus replies. “Because you have so little faith, Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain, ‘Move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
@sloth6765 7 месяцев назад
That's a stretch...
@sunandabasu1339 9 месяцев назад
I am glad people are discussing about Lise Meitner,and appreciating her work. I tried to tell people her story,. No body showed any interest. I feel happy now after listening to this very interesting lecture.
@anyabureau9894 9 месяцев назад
Foxmania is a valid defense.
@Aaqe 9 месяцев назад
Did the lecturer say that the GREATER the binding energy the MORE mass there is? Did he say that the sum of the mass of isolated protons and neutrons is LESS than the mass of a bound system with the same number of protons and neutrons? Did he say that in a hypothetical situation where a 7 oz apple and an 8 oz orange bound together in a bag weigh MORE than 15 oz, for example 20 oz? Is this what he said? Let us consider a Helium nucleus: two protons and two neutrons bound tightly together. What is the total mass of this Helium nucleus and what is the total mass of two isolated neutrons and two isolated protons? Is the total mass of four isolated nucleons LESS than the mass of the four nucleons bound together in the Helium nucleus? Values of masses can be found in a simple Google search. What we learn in physics is that the MORE bound a system is the SMALLER is its mass because energy is released in the binding process. Energy is released when an object falls to the earth because the system of earth and object is MORE bound together after the object falls to the earth, therefore the system weighs LESS after the fall.
@Aaqe 9 месяцев назад
Did the lecturer say that accelerators speed up NEUTRONS? LOL Neutrons being neutral cannot be accelerated. He meant to say protons. :-) I would not have expected this mistake even from a historian of physics.
@charleshendry5978 9 месяцев назад
Excellent "History you thought you knew, but didn't." lecture, well done. 👌
@howardleekilby7390 9 месяцев назад
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I envy the student of this dynamic speaker. It’s one of the best lectures I’ve heard so far. It reminds me of a statement attributed to Einstein: If you under- stand something, it can be expressed simply. Bravo! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@geraldweesner2363 10 месяцев назад
Lots of issues with this lecture in a technical sense but decent history
@JoseFernandez-qt8hm 10 месяцев назад
state department are liars and people who repeat lies are liars too....
@carolynmarlin8882 10 месяцев назад
Absolutely amazing
@brucewinningham4959 10 месяцев назад
I found this Lecture Fascinating & Interesting. I had just very recently found out who Lese Meitner was. I only have a very vague knowledge of Nuclear Physics but I Love the study of the History of Science & Technology.
@Aaqe 9 месяцев назад
Lisa Meitner
@alanpecherer5705 11 месяцев назад
I thought this lecture was excellent, but you'd have to be interested in the topic matter and history.
@ETAonTheEUC 10 месяцев назад
I was interested in how so much energy was released from atoms. That's what brought me to this video, which I watched all the way through and learned a lot
@Aaqe 9 месяцев назад
The energy is released from the nuclei of atoms. @@ETAonTheEUC
@HarryTelegadas Год назад
May be the worst lecturer. Can’t finish listening …
@rg8128 Год назад
Such an intelligent speaker but so biased on his political views. Someone should remind him who the "unhinged" leaders are. Not just Putin
@MidnightRambler Год назад
The solution? More censorship/moderation ?
@MidnightRambler Год назад
The arrogance. People who aren't highly educated 😅😅
@jaycooley6737 Год назад
He lied in the opinion they said felons that have been found to be dangerous
@williampennjr.4448 Год назад
If immigration confirms the validity of marriage to American citizen that that should be enough for a green card, because anything more is a violation of the free exercise clause of the first amendment since marriage is a sacred right in most religions.
@williampennjr.4448 Год назад
We should have a merit system. that gives points and demerits for entry waiver, illegal stay and employer/ family and the ability to speak English. And there should be an immigration jury to judge anyone who's been in the country illegally for more than one year on an individual bases. but not like a criminal jury, but one that takes people from all over the country, who are natural-born citizens over 21, and get paid well for their services.
@trollgod7565 Год назад
Why don’t we apply affirmitive action to sports? The best person gets on the team, look at the NFL or the NBA , without affirmitive action the best person is on the teams and the majority is black. Affirmitive action is nonesense
@trollgod7565 Год назад
Affirmitive action hurts the people it claims to help
@markpiersall9815 Год назад
We need our guns to protect our children from the pedophiles and perverts who run our country. The Separatist sent King Charles a list of seven complaints in 1636 and number five was the Priests of the cult he was forcing upon the island were alcoholics sodomizing every twelve year old boy they could get their hands on. Civil war broke out and Charles was beheaded January 1649. Having Purified Wales and England from Sodomite rapists drunks they changed the name to Puritan. Our State Insurance Statues and Federal Obamacare law prohibits discounts on premiums for sober policy holders. Only Utah allows discounts for automobile insurance and sober policy holders are given 20% discounts. The leading cause of residential fires are alcoholics falling asleep watching a sporting event on TV while trying to fry a hamburger in the kitchen resulting in a grease fire. Alcohol causes numerous diseases like cancer and heart disease. We need to cease setting insurance rates in an alcoholic communist terrorism fashion. The violence in our society is alcohol violence not gun violence. Are these shooters sober? Are they dehydrated and hung over.
@lynnlpickering9076 Год назад
Off the bat: no African American on the panel or an Asian Just middle aged white men
@James-qw9mw Год назад
🌷 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔪
@MrVonBastard Год назад
Civil War is Necessary. Violence is Justified against these Communist Scum that have infected our Republic. They must be Purged if our Nation, our Culture, our Freedoms are to Survive
@moebees3060 2 года назад
Can you stammer a little more. Fuck
@moebees3060 2 года назад
It's 1.2 degrees
@P1915 2 года назад
A special thank you to the Osher Center/ Prof . Fowler for a very dynamic and insightful discussion on ‘state of Congress’ these days. Lucky for me -got answers to many questions I had on what / why recently happened Jan 6.. enjoyed the lecture. Learned much.
@P1915 2 года назад
It’s wonderful to hear after a long time my Former Professor at SyracuseU, Professor Linda Fowler. Congress these days- ? dysfunctional indescribable
@lavonsense1 2 года назад
What is this guy a communist. Don’t you know that’s what competition breeds. Skirting the line and down rich cheating. As long as you beat your neighbor.
@jj-sb7gb 2 года назад
I want a su then add my name to the list
@rbkngdprtmntfdctn 2 года назад
Racketeering or moneylaundering for insiders = 509a3 is a supporting organization and is subordinate to another 501c3 nonprofit.
@ethankillion786 2 года назад
My wife said if this gets 100 upvotes we can try anal Please, stop upvoting! Her cock is huge! 🤣
@lenorefoxmoor9985 2 года назад
“Are Asians the New Blacks? Affirmative Action, Antiblackness, and the ‘Sociometry’ of Race." Claire Kim (UC Irvine), the keynote speaker for the Duke Asian American Studies Program Inaugural Conference, "Afro/Asian Connections in the Local/Global South," presents: “Are Asians the New Blacks? Affirmative Action, Antiblackness, and the ‘Sociometry’ of Race." This presentation sheds light on the pending affirmative action lawsuit filed by Asian American plaintiffs against Harvard University by providing a brief history of how Asian Americans have been figured (and have figured themselves) in U.S. Supreme Court jurisprudence on race-conscious admissions in higher education. It shows that the figuration of Asian Americans has played a critical role in the legal-ideological project of despecifying black subjection and disavowing racial positionality in the U.S. social order, from Bakke to the present, and argues that a new ‘sociometry’ of race is necessary to help us understand and challenge persistent structures of racial power. Duke Franklin Humanities Institute: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ltQ8myoc-jo.html This conference is presented by the Duke Asian American Studies Program: asianamericanstudies.duke.edu
@danieldao1829 Год назад
No, Asians are not the new Blacks. Just in the corporate environment, there exists fiefdoms in the real world. The White groups are okay with yield info some majority points to minority groups as long as they still retain majority or.controls. Blacks won't want to yield the special treatment, and the same applies to Latinos. Asians are probably considered the pariahs, because most Asians don't participate in loud political activism. Instead, the majority of Asians focused on hard work and value education as the equalizer in life. Even as a minority group, Asians don't see ourselves as oppressed but rather worked to improve our status to take advantage of opportunities. So, the other minority don't like Asians since Asians.set a standard in which they don't want to strive for being content in their oppressed positions.
@smartaMartini 2 года назад
Nothing good happens in Shelby County.
@paullorga3608 2 года назад
Due to the economic crisis that always comes up the best thing to be on every wise individuals mind or list is to invest in CRYPTO or a different streams of income that's not depending on the government to create funds 🚀
@thomasjefferson7620 2 года назад
Most people think.... Investing in*crypto is all about buying coins and holding, till it rises, 🙅 come on it takes much analysis to be a successful crypto trader.I've made $38,000 in two weeks of trade.
@talha____butt3287 2 года назад
I wanted to trade crypto but got confused by the fluctuations in price, and i don't have any account manager any recommendations please?
@kafuifa6218 2 года назад
@kafuifa6218 2 года назад
@kafuifa6218 2 года назад
@junnymlem9229 2 года назад
@paullorga3608 2 года назад
Most people think.... Investing in*crypto is all about buying coins and holding, till it rises, 🙅 come on it takes much analysis to be a successful crypto trader.I've made $38,000 in two weeks of trade.
@norinko7224 2 года назад
i fell asleep to family guy and woke up to this
@ultimavi1383 2 года назад
@harithmohdnasir3911 3 года назад
Fig. 5-5. Monokines excreted by monophages alter the function of T cells, B cells, and tissue cells. LAF for Mitogen TAF for Adjuvant TDF for Maturation GRF for Helper cell BAF for Antibody IF for Antiviral
@bgmarete 3 года назад
This is just an amazing talk. So lucid and so urgent.
@barbharrington391 3 года назад
Brian is a thoughtful, funny, intelligent person - just like everyone else at OSHER. Hi Brian, I miss the OSHER writing classes and wonder how/if they are working on Zoom?