Jordan Peterson Rules for Life
Jordan Peterson Rules for Life
Jordan Peterson Rules for Life
The "Jordan Peterson Rules for Life" channel is dedicated to sharing the most impactful lessons from Jordan Peterson's lectures. Inspired by Peterson's renowned bestseller, "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos," this channel aims to disseminate the book's core principles, which guide individuals towards a life filled with meaning and purpose. The content spans a variety of topics, including personal responsibility, the significance of free speech, the pitfalls of political correctness, and the value of nurturing deep relationships.

As a treasure trove for those keen on delving into Peterson's philosophies, the "Jordan Peterson Rules for Life" RU-vid channel offers a comprehensive exploration of his teachings. The channel prides itself on producing original, finely-edited, and exclusive content featuring various speakers.

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@erica9118 21 час назад
Oh my This hit me so hard I am going through this phase
@Michael-uy2bh 22 часа назад
If you live in society but I don't and life is awesome
@Grow.YT.Views.3432 22 часа назад
Well spoken
@enlighteneddragonfly6813 22 часа назад
I appreciate my suffering and I’m not the person I once was which is good. Seeing all good in a world of evil is naïve because the ruthless monsters are very real and will use and abuse if permitted. Believe me when I say I can turn a blind eye but still know the truth but if you provoke the sleeping dragon, I’ll either say or do something that will shed the knowledge I hold. I’m not as freely giving of my time and energy because I was hungry too for the same level of support that others seem to need but where was that when I needed it. A lot of people dropped the ball. I can forgive the past but will not be robbed of my future. It’s a time for me to be selfish and I gladly own it.
@MaureenSchorsch День назад
Brilliant and easy to understand. Mr. Peterson, the word, "ANYWAY" does NOT have an "S" at the end. CORRECT: ANYWAY INCORRECT: ANYWAYS
@lanacain День назад
@lanacain День назад
Never intentionally try to hurt anyone. Anyone who really knows me will tellyou😊
@paulroberts1450 День назад
Why is clip called The Path of the Loner? dont understand
@eduardolopez8025 День назад
Such white people problems these are.
@user-ey6ij7cq8d День назад
@dd81807 День назад
Life is full of mistakes and problems, not taking action fear of failure is the worst thing you can do.
@ellem3891 День назад
Learning from obstacles and fears are the best way of moving forward, we can learn from our past with the correct support and it doesn’t have to cost anything… just some devoted time and effort.
@kunedo9347 День назад
Will it be launched in spanish any soon?
@jordanpetersonrulesforlife День назад
@kunedo9347 День назад
@@jordanpetersonrulesforlife thank you!
@ryandodson1460 День назад
The next alan watts
@BEWISENOW1 День назад
Mr Jordan could please make a podcast with Mr Andrew tate. He likes so much, though you seem to have a different understanding of some things and it's normal for smart people.
@hilarypine8811 День назад
I work as a kitchen hand at a childcare centre. It's not a glamorous or prestigious job & it is really tiring. I enjoy my job, though. I enjoy veggie prep, I enjoy the interaction with the children & I appreciate knowing we are providing nutritious food to fuel little bodies. It's rewarding to explore other cultures & to provide different culinary experiences.
@wayneandjeanetteshinton3162 День назад
This guy is a confused senile, and so am I, but then I'm 80 years old at 55. What's his?
@miusername6082 День назад
[In the story of Christ] "The abyss of innocent death is not sufficient to produce redemption. It has to be a voluntary journey to Hell. So, perhaps that's true for everyone." (JP) "You're more likely to die terribly if you live in a manner that brings you to Hell." (JP) So we are to voluntarily live in such a way that brings us to Hell and a terrible death? I don't understand.
@holisticbodydesign День назад
@jordanpetersonrulesforlife День назад
Hey! Please only use this if you found something useful in my videos that you want to buy me a coffee for, and if you can afford to - this isn't necessary but can help me to keep creating some hopefully useful videos! www.buymeacoffee.com/jordan.peterson
@jordanpetersonrulesforlife День назад
Hey! Please only use this if you found something useful in my videos that you want to buy me a coffee for, and if you can afford to - this isn't necessary but can help me to keep creating some hopefully useful videos! www.buymeacoffee.com/jordan.peterson
@jeniferjohnson374 День назад
The story of how school is so mundane and in stimulating for children is exactly why I homeschool my child. He has developed so much self-motivation. He asks me when we can do lessons because he can't wait to demonstrate how much more he can learn.
@leaveyoumarkvincecortese2020 День назад
when satin gets his grip on you the fight is real. Self destruction is lurking in your future. You have the power to beat back satin for good it will take all of you to break this grip.
@junevandermark952 День назад
As a psychologist ... Jordan became a multi-millionaire selling nothing other than flamboyant words. Had he been a hard-working brick layer ... the name Jordan Peterson would be virtually unknown ... but Jordan WOULD know the meaning of an honest ... hard day's work.
@kb8102 День назад
If it was that easy everyone would become a millionaire, JP researched and taught (as Assistant Professor) at Havard, which is the pinnacle of Psychology. Don't let yourself be filled by jealousy and stay forever at the bottom of the Dunning-Kruger Curve. Meanwhile your best achievement is wasting 30 seconds of my time for typing this reply
@marverickmercer1968 День назад
Just think of it this way, if Jordan was that much of a fraud, he should be broke years ago, not having decade spanning careers. He continue to have these books deal, talk show and multi million views videos on RU-vid. You know why ? Cause what he sell has value to other people, even if you don't understand how. There are kids out there becoming multi millionaire by playing game on stream. Compare to them, Jordan is still higher on the honesty scale and the value scale.
@junevandermark952 День назад
@@marverickmercer1968 What is it that Jordan told you that you believe is of such high value? Is it because he let's off airs that he is a Christian? Please just tell me one idea of his that impressed you?
@junevandermark952 День назад
@@kb8102 Which psychologist’s words do you respect? The judge-mental nasty words of Jordan Peterson … or the transgender friendly words of Phil McGraw? Jordan’s nasty judge-mental words ... “Gender identity and gender expression are not valid ideas. They are not true. There is no evidence for it. I don’t know what the options are, if you don’t identify as a man or a woman. There is an idea that there’s a gender section. I think that is an ill-informed opinion. Gender identity and sexual orientation are the same thing. I don’t believe these people, these terms, stand for good things. I think these people use these terms as a pretense that they stand for good things; as a pretense for them to carry on their nefarious activities.” Phil McGraw transgender friendly words. His counsel is as follows ... "Cleveland Clinic did a study on transgender brains, and when they did the study, they found that the brains of transgender people, their brain is actually more similar to the gender they identify with, than the gender they were assigned at birth. There is an actual brain difference. That is a neurological fact. There are fifty years of empirical evidence here. And there are distinct differences in the transgender brain versus the non-transgender brain.”
@ellem3891 День назад
This comment doesn’t scream bitter at all!
@786GG День назад
i worked my whole life so im retired now and im building my sons empire. soon when iv recovered a bit more.. then ill help my family grow their empires. theres no rush. My son is only 10. And the system hasnt fully fallen yet.
@jeniferjohnson374 День назад
You sound amazing! I'm returns o build my son's empire now. How did you retire early?
@annsmithwick264 День назад
I was struck by his notion that humans can work to free the slaves and oppose the oppressors.
@mrFAhR3Nh3iT День назад
Work = Force x Distance
@breaneainn День назад
Who hikes with a dog strapped to their chest?
@NoGreaterLove111 День назад
Oh..I stopped at 'potential something for something'. I respect Mr. Peterson but I believe he is missing the point here. Noone except God is something and the moment any creature gets the slightest idea of actually being 'something'..Well that's where the fall happens. Being worthy of this title of Child of God lies in the paradox. Which is that we are but a grain of sand, we are on our own ever only dirt. And yet! Look at the majesty which is the Love of God for his creation. He is glorified, only He. Yes, His mercy endures forever. So any ego is simple ignorance, BUT the total faith in God combined with utterly humble wisdom might lead to knowing the measure of His Love. That's all that matters, the Love of God. The rest is just a bunch of things we talk about to get to that Love, to know we are worthy of that Love. What I'm trying to say is that, we as a little grains of sand will find ourselves even only when we turn away from our petty creation of self, and toward God and others. God is so sweet and as gentle as Almighty. The fire of His Love might feel like it could consume us in exctasy, thankfulness and joy. It's the sweet centre of existance where death and rebirth are almost one.. He is all good, we should always turn to Him first. So yes, God is Love and Love happens to be the greatest commandment we received from Him.
@sherrymacaroni5916 День назад
Ok... Here's hoping. Please stop yaking the Lord's name in vain, Mr Peterson. Please.
@timothygorman9806 День назад
I come as One,.. and I arrive as 10,000
@robertdfondren4962 2 дня назад
This mere man is s gift from God; just like all of us 😢😢😢😢
@shawnpatrick4703 2 дня назад
Horrible, cheap microphone that turns highs into something awful.
@chankio 2 дня назад
thanks for the Contract Jordan . pleased to Cooperate with you
@sarahposey7166 2 дня назад
Great as usual, not too simple and not running over people that are struggling or not as bright. You Sir are not just a star, I believe GOD helps you heal and in turn help others on the path of healing. ✨🙏
@philipholding 2 дня назад
Reminds me of an evangelist with a bit of Pavlovian imagery thrown in
@alvideos2145 2 дня назад
WTF did ANY of this have to do with being a lone wolf?! He doesn't understand introverts, or lone wolf types at all. They aren't lazy FFS, they are LONE WOLFS. There is a huge misunderstanding going on here I think.
@user-er5qd7su5m 2 дня назад
Selfish man. Or self centered???
@user-er5qd7su5m 2 дня назад
What is a filosofer????
@user-er5qd7su5m 2 дня назад
DADella should try attending a local A.A. meetin g
@RobNeeth 2 дня назад
Path of the loner? Peterson is the spokesmen for cuckservatives. What is this? Is this like harley davidson owners pretending to be criminals? Or christian metal groups?
@PhilipShawn 2 дня назад
What MONSTERS detect is charity which it is their mission to eliminate.
@hansslane7080 2 дня назад
Introspective analysis can be accurate or inaccurate as a autobiography or lee I a Coke a Renabohm phosphate while waiting for your sweet smelling antidepressant.
@erinvela1555 2 дня назад
I love Jordan Peterson.... but this message didn't help at all.
@pauldaggett6759 2 дня назад
A few years ago I was thinking about an uncle who lived to 105. I think perhaps the reason was he had a son who had polio when young resulting in significant permanent physical damage. So my uncle dedicated his life to his sons care and making his sons life interesting. So he just kept going well past a standard life span. Sooo I decided that if he can do that perhaps so can I. Now I don’t have a handicapped child but I do have children and grandchildren to help as needed. So I decided to live to 105 perhaps longer. I take good care of myself - go to the gym 3 times/week, take a carefully selected group of vitamins and minerals and eat a healthy diet. Perhaps the most important thing I do is continuous learning. Every day I spend all my spare time learning on the web. I am blessed with an inquiring/analytical mind. So life offers many many questions that can be answered. So I continuously gather information and work to connect the dots, so to speak. I am 81 and I seem to have stopped aging!! Perhaps even getting a little younger. So it may be that aging in the traditional sense is about your state of mind. Life needs a constructive Purpose. At least in my case I have decided to establish a meaningful purpose. So the pursuit of that purpose seems to be working for me. My purpose is not to just extend my life, it is to Learn, become Wiser, be of Service to my family, Service to my Heavenly Father and friends.
@pauldaggett6759 2 дня назад
Hey Jordan, set death aside and focus on Love Light & Joy. In reality life is ALL ABOUT LOVE. Death is merely transition to the next phase of spiritual existence. It is nothing to fear, period. When you practiced as a clinical psychologist it was fulfilling for you because you loved helping people that truly needed your help. And I expect you loved many of your patients. Do not worry about perfection/avoiding mistakes. You are human like the rest of us. Get back to doing what you LOVE. All the rest will take care of itself.
@SantiagoMendoza-eo7kh 2 дня назад
Calm is power to move forward a bright answer to see light in the fog👍 by not giving up