Be Imperfectly EXTRA-ordinary
👑 𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘐𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳 🇨🇾 𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘓𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘳

Living an extraordinary life is not common, as it requires a certain mindset to make it a reality. It is a goal that many of us aspire to achieve. To approach the "School of Life" with a high-value mindset, we must be intentional about our growth & development

Self-awareness is vital to identify areas of improvement & develop skills. Prioritizing continuous learning & being open to new experiences helps us remain adaptable & responsive to life's changes

Meaningful goals aligned with our values & vision are vital. Accountability for progress towards our aspirations keeps us motivated & focused on personal & professional growth

Cultivating positive habits & practices that support our well-being & personal growth is essential

Journey ur way to self-improvement by learning about relationships, mental health, self-care, stress management & positive mindset & the transformative power of dance

Marina G. Roussou 💋
Signs Of The Opponent
21 день назад
The Winner Of Non-Negotiables
Месяц назад
Dusties Rule The World 💋
2 месяца назад
The Truth About Men All Women Need To Know
2 месяца назад
The Path Of Achieving Work-Life Balance
2 месяца назад
You Are A By Product of Your Past
2 месяца назад
The Art Of Questions
2 месяца назад
Money Cannot Save Your Flaws
2 месяца назад
Strong Independant Women & Men Speak
2 месяца назад
Love, Self-Hatred & Self Sabotage
2 месяца назад
Are The Wealthy Injust ❓
2 месяца назад
Do You Really Have A Man ❓
3 месяца назад
Are You Lacking❓
3 месяца назад
Born Believer Or Conditioned Follower ?
3 месяца назад
Kizomba Social Dancing @ Limassol AGORA
4 месяца назад
Kizomba Social Dancing @7Seas Limassol
5 месяцев назад
@MohamedleminSalah 3 дня назад
أنا بحب رقص معكم❤❤❤❤❤
@MohamedleminSalah 3 дня назад
@kabtennameq 7 дней назад
This is the end of all h####.
@colmpullen4702 Месяц назад
You seem so busy protecting yourself you are unable to notice how men often are offering to be of service. Being of service to others is the core of being a man. Women, not understanding men, are told to protect themselves rather than in a clear, direct ways tell men what they desire.
@steveb4186 Месяц назад
The woman ends six out if every ten relationships. Three out of the other four men leave because the women are cheating. Just the facts
@mgrqueen Месяц назад
women do initiate breakups more frequently than men but it affects both genders regardless. the question is why dont men then have a better selection criteria & choose quality women? ppl always prefer to go to familiar patterns. theres the clue and solution. men are the least on the spectrum to go get therapy and discover more things about relationships on how they can make things work and what causes infidelity and human behavior.
@hdcvo2570 Месяц назад
No use.
@AlfieDoolittle007 Месяц назад
I hope every woman out there hears you and buys into what you are preaching. I hope they end up being as indifferent to and against partnership between the sexes as you are. Marriage is dead; modern values and women like you ruined it. Men built this world and are gifted with the abilities to remake it into something that does not require partnership with you. Every man I know in my age group wishes he were single. I pity the young men, even those we know and are related to, who continue to risk their sanity and life earned possessions into a partnership with women, especially with American ones. So I wish you luck, I thumbed up your rant, and will subscribe too - just doing my part to ensure women like you get traction. As I see it, it is insufficient that men like me caution the young men to stay single; we also need women convinced that partnership between the sexes is dead. Thanks to social media and "liberated" women, the urges can be occasionally satisfied through passing hookups; the emotional needs will in time be defeated by hearing women like you and seeing what happens to other married men. The earth could also benefit from population decline. It all sounds good to me. Keep at it.
@williamsaloka9043 Месяц назад
The door swings BOTH ways. Remember this fact.
@mgrqueen Месяц назад
@TheDao586 Месяц назад
If men are a waste of time then why do these older women still want to deal with men in a relationship where he pays majority of the bills. Why do these women still want sex? Please provide proof of your stats. Who raised these men when they were boys? Wait for it.
@jamesmanter8731 Месяц назад
Old spinsters should be giving anyone advice, unless they want to become a old spinster…. She’s just another man hater
@Boofi-quat Месяц назад
I’m not so sure our generation is qualified to give *any* kind of relationship advice, frankly😑
@mgrqueen Месяц назад
i am open to listening you.. so why dont you get behind the camera talking about it since you are qualified.. im open to different thoughts of people.. i am not here to serve you or what you find qualified...i qualify myself !
@esmeramsay8179 Месяц назад
They won’t reply honestly anyway
@wingnut71 Месяц назад
Ughhh..stay single men. No more being used for money and having our house and family stolen from us.
@mgrqueen Месяц назад
just ur brokeness speaking to other broken men agreeing.. hopefully one day you realize this instead of being in victim modes and take accountability for your lives & traumas and stop blaming others... the reflection teaches alot but most of you do not wanna take a look in the mirror and heal yourselves.... educated yourselves men.. and level up...reflect reflect reflect your past... open your eyes ... and allow healing to reach your lives.!!
@wingnut71 Месяц назад
@@mgrqueen Just the usual feminist bullshit gaslighting with a side order of meaningless word salad, dressed with hypocrisy sauce.
@OlderThanDirt-ii3rp Месяц назад
ROTFLMAO! Nothing to see here, just another feminist man hater with a nice set of boobs ;) Probably the last time she seen a dick, Nixon was in office :)
@adamb1229 Месяц назад
Because men are capable of unconditional love. Most women aren't. Women's love comes with conditions.... That doesn't make you more emotionally intelligent. It means you're a self absorbed asshole. Men's and women's brains are bear identical. There essentially no differences other than how they are socialized. This video is so incredibly ignorant and sexist it's ridiculous.
@adamb1229 Месяц назад
Most men are predators? Time to log off the internet honey. You're freaking delusional. Women listen to advice from other women too much now. That is a large part of the problem. When you do that you end up saying things that are completely divorced from reality like you have here
@lewisvogel466 Месяц назад
As a single, educated, financially well-to-do male who is very available, I find myself wanting to be alone. I'm attractive looking, I go on cruises, I eat at the finest restaurants, and I don't have to work. I can have most any woman I want, but I would rather be alone. I'm not the guy you're talking about. You can be picky about men while you're young and reject every guy that comes along. But when you get older, all of that rejecting will catch up to you. I'm the guy most single women want. But I would rather be alone and not deal with a woman who wants a husband three levels above her paygrade who knows she can divorce him at anytime and take half of everything he worked for.
@perieven6357 Месяц назад
That you "don't have to work", disqualifies you in the eyes of most intelligent women.
@lewisvogel466 Месяц назад
​​@@perieven6357 Are you sure about that? My experience has shown me otherwise. Alot of women don't really like to work, especially after the age of 35, especially this generation. Yeah, there are always exceptions. But most would prefer a guy, or a husband, with money who likes to travel and do fun stuff all the time. That's me. And alot of women I know want that. I won't tell you about the offers I've had. And honestly, I don't care if she's intelligent or not. Compatability would be what I look for, and also looks. Yupp, looks. She would have to be good looking. But again, I'm happier by myself.
@mgrqueen Месяц назад
you are just simply not sure in yourself, if y had trust in the full purity & goodness of yourself you wouldnt have to worry about a woman taking everything you worked for. You are missing a piece of the puzzle on your journey. look into Danny Morel's Work and Yada Awakening if you want to truly elevate as a man.. And, in addition as a bonus, i do not find you attractive.. cause you are still unhealed with all due respect & kindness and love.. my messages are highly triggering & not everyones cup of tea.. but it is what it is!! hope one day you get it and heal from all the pain that the mother & father caused you! ❤
@TheCraigy83 Месяц назад
@@mgrqueen Your replies are utter garbage 🤣. 'Most men are predators' ...you mean less then 1% of men...ALL criminals in jail right now for every type of crime is sub 4% combined .
@lewisvogel466 Месяц назад
@@mgrqueen I was married once, so I know women will take everything in a divorce. It happened to me. But I recovered. You should go to college and take a writing course. You made some bad spelling and grammar errors in your comment. Furthermore, you should also see a psychiatrist. Apparently you're angry. I'm doing well for myself as a single man, and I encourage all men to stay single as well. But you seem to think my parents have something to do with me not healing. No, my parents are fine, and I'm fine, and I'm not upset you don't find me attractive looking. But seriously, take courses in college and try to earn yourself an Associate's Degree to help you become a more effective communicator, and go see a psychiatrist to help you get over being angry.
@VladislavBabbitt Месяц назад
Men also need to protect themselves from most women out there.
@marybowers6090 Месяц назад
Women stop sleeping with men. The most important decision of your life is who you choose as a husband. The most advantageous time to do this is in your prime, before 25. After that your value goes down. This is reality. Do not marry for money and think you will have a child and divorce as a financial endeavor. Humans form soul bonds and there is a spiritual component to bonding. If you are a single mother you will lower your value. Men do not want to raise the children of another man. My mother always said, you should love that man but he should love you more to ensure he doesn’t stray. Be wise. If you act like a prostitute you will be treated like a prostitute. No sex until you are husband and wife, you will weed out all of the players. Only men who are seriously in love with you and want to provide for you will stick around without sex. If people lived according to scripture the world would be a better place. That moral code is in place for a reason. It fosters strong families and strong societies
@martinmonty7014 Месяц назад
red flag red flag so so many red flags
@mgrqueen Месяц назад
yes, you are also missing the red flags within yourself... look into that also love.. reflect on your triggers... i might seems a red flag now.. and might turn to a green flag later ❤
@martinmonty7014 Месяц назад
@@mgrqueen by experience a red flag is a red flag. some can change but most will not. iam a man i reflect a lot with the guys..
@Lusitano1 2 месяца назад
First of all youre not a queen, you should change your nickname. Second, you seem mentally ill, youre not in a position of giving advice to anyone. 3. If you give the type of advice that youre giving, you are part of the problem. You seem extremly toxic. Youre just another bitter feminist who got some sort of trauma from past relationships, and now youre trying to make money of other clueless and unstable women who are probably in the same situation as you. You are a bad influence to younger women, who will listen to you and grow anger and repulse towards man.
@mattdarwin6497 2 месяца назад
If you want to be treated like a lady, then you have to act like a lady. Maybe you should consider talking about all the terrible stories that men have with women as well to give an equally balanced view of the mess that comprises the modern dating scene.
@AnthonyManzio 2 месяца назад
All women today don't look or smile anymore on their cell phones 24/7. All dating apps are only for hookups. Dating is dead. I've given up 55 inverted here LTR is dead globally all due to smartphones.I hate women with animals, with tattoos, body piercing except on her earrings, drinking problem, doing drugs, smoking and acting masculine all red flags.
@mgrqueen Месяц назад
maybe you can also consider healing your mother wound ... and nobody "should" do anything ... its just your ego projecting here and ur own trauma... Why don't you instead make a channel and start talking matters to make the world a better place also since you are highly passionate about that theme ❤
@steveburke7675 2 месяца назад
...A "life influencer"? Lol.....lady, put a shirt on.
@iyraspusjfzifzocyoyxyoxyoxoy 2 месяца назад
ill be as independant as you want... just please, please step on my balls!
@njegussopotic1346 2 месяца назад
I want drug she is using 😂
@Jobani1985 2 месяца назад
Connecting to the Jesus Christ server yields infinite possibilities
@chainsawlube 2 месяца назад
Talking about her own experience. One would have to be living a life in their own delusion to not see other couples around them and take general Sensis. There are plenty of masculine women with feminine men. And it's not so polarising like that anyway, which again is part of toxic splitting which clearly the narrator should be seeking advice on.
@jimmillhouse5912 2 месяца назад
These strong independent women will still take alimony
@bramposthumus9300 2 месяца назад
What's this word salad about? I'd like to believe the intentions are good but for clarity - get an editor. In any case, here's what men don't want in their lives as a love partner: another man who happens to have a vagina. Start from there.
@Sub-Scribe-Shorts 2 месяца назад
Dont be confused by the words. Listen to what she is not saying.
@user-cv2nr9jy4z 2 месяца назад
U can b authentic and strong and support your man …..it’s subtle (like a good perfume)
@axiomfiremind8431 2 месяца назад
Request Denied. I have no desire to attract you or any other of the treasonous gender. Have fun surviving the collapse. Remember when you spoke babble to everyone on RU-vid? Surprise. Doomsday is coming. You should have been receptive to others, daughter Babylon.
@MarinKarin-dj9pm 2 месяца назад
More like a strong and independent toilet 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@poffo954 2 месяца назад
She seems like she have some kind of mental illness.
@henriboylan7361 2 месяца назад
@darrylcox8267 2 месяца назад
I don’t even get this woman. Using the word independent as a potential partner means they want to be independent and not a part of a couple. That goes for men and women. This woman is talking nonsense.
@axiomfiremind8431 2 месяца назад
She is mystery Babylon. She speaks Babble. Babble is any word that can not be defined in closed non recursive terms. Like the term Woman in LGBTQIA culture. Or the term antisemitism in crybaby culture..
@Antmanwald0423 2 месяца назад
Nice tits
@KARIMBOUGHANEMI 4 месяца назад
Bon soir
@kathyprior4281 5 месяцев назад
Or it could be that some will be spiritual and have children at the same time...or those that still need to work on karma, choose not to have children because of how expensive and stressful it is in modern times. Lovers, spouses, parents, siblings, friends, co-workers, teachers etc. are still karmic attachments good or bad and everyone has them.
@MichealEmanuel-u3t 5 месяцев назад
God bless sis
@gunnar5886 8 месяцев назад
Promo>SM 👀
@sarisasidharan353 9 месяцев назад
Thank you so much🤍
@cc_phus Год назад
Speaking too fast
@mgrqueen Год назад
thanks for the feedback. it really helps if you go to the settings on the video & adjust the playback speed as you wish.
@davedave8613 Год назад
When it asks "feel others emotions" how do i answer? If it was phrased " _intensely_ feel others emotions" i would select "disagree" . If it is generally speaking then i would select "agree" … in a video JBP said intensely feel others emotions and at the question "inquire about others well being " he added _AND you care instead of soing it just for show_ … confusing
@mgrqueen Год назад
for me the above "feel others emotions" ... as a woman.. and an emotional creature.. its an innate ability.. .. i feel others emotions, without them talking.. i have that inborn gift....so was an easy direct question for me....... so my answer for sure.... i intensely feel others emotions ... the other one.. enquire about others well being...... as a lover of people i generally enquire about others well being.. so when i sense their feelings... i can make an enquiry.. but sometimes when i sense they are not open.. i keep my mouth shut... the questions are there deliberate.. so they can tap into ur personality.. just answering based on what y think should be ok... and i am sure... after few years.. if we do personality test again.. results can be different.. as depending on how you evolve.. and the level of ur personal development... its a good test..... and would sure use it for relationships and if i were to hire employees... 😉
@M.M_vids Год назад
Girl shut up
@respectgamerz001 Год назад
@emiliocastrejon7459 Год назад
Couple of things, this is coming from someone who's learning how to move on from the avoidant style: 1. If your partner is Avoidant, that is NOT an automatic sign to abandon the relationship, most of the times Avoidants don't even know why they react the way they do to stressful relationships dynamics but simply that we may be out of our element in certain situations. It is instead a time to introduce the concept of attachment theory and to see their reaction of whether or not they'll put in the effort to understand it and use it to better the relationship. If they refuse to and/or mock it then as it would also apply to almost anything else that would be significant to you emotionally, it would be good sign that they may not be a good fit. 2. Do NOT just simply look for securely attached partners, you only blind yourself to the fact that you still have an insecure attachment and rob yourself of progression and potentially scaring off many good potential partners simply because you still have things to work through. This isn't an attack and there are many hurt feelings on BOTH sides when a relationship ends between an Anxious/Avoidant dynamic but to simply say to just move on and find someone securely attached and/or without really trying to give the chance for the avoidant to get some revelations will only feed the loop of heartbreaks, not end it
@hasanraheem5061 Год назад
Very helpful, thanks.
@dailyjerk Год назад
Ha I was just telling a friend about this
@ruanedierckman3393 Год назад