Donjojohannes - Birett Ballett - Kathmedia
Donjojohannes - Birett Ballett - Kathmedia
Donjojohannes - Birett Ballett - Kathmedia
katholisch - humorvoll - bärtig!
catholic - humerous - bearded!
Oratory build - Timelapse
3 года назад
3MC 41 - O que são pecados?
7 лет назад
3MC 70 - O que é o Pai Nosso?
7 лет назад
3MC 68 - O que é oração?
7 лет назад
3MC 67 - O que são virtudes?
7 лет назад
3MC 64 - O que é o Inferno?
7 лет назад
3MC 63 - O que é o purgatório?
7 лет назад
3MC 62 - O que faremos no Céu?
7 лет назад
@glennlanham6309 2 дня назад
Pretty good for a Hermit in the Piedmont!! I lived in Saluzzo, so know the area somewhat...
@pawelwyrwas 3 дня назад
Stopnie są pomylone. Diakonat to święcenia 1 stopnia a episkopat 3 stopnia.
@user-ug7sm7ud6r 3 дня назад
McDonald's old logo 0:03
@donnag1582 3 дня назад
Following from Canada by way of the other side of the mountain. Powerful message!
@basic9254 4 дня назад
We are created imperfect and all trying to find our own way. You believe one version of things as the truth, but it may not be that simple. Conforming to ones understanding is not always healthy and in fact can lead to extremism. We also need an open mind to accept new ideas and new understandings as they present themselves. The world would be very boring if everyone conformed, and in some way we need to be challenged by the outliers and the unconventional as these have brought actual progress time and time again. Remember how the earth was flat until a crazy man declared it round.
@basic9254 4 дня назад
Much love. Not religious but share 99.999% of the philosophy. Encourage more to spend some time being mindful.
@jerzykrzysztof8485 5 дней назад
0:41 z tymi Grekami to bym był ostrożny... Wszak, to Grecy twierdzili, ze prawdziwa miłość, to jedynie między mężczyznami może się zdarzyć. Dobrze by było, aby księża "oddolnie" zmienili płytę; uczyli chłopaków - dziewczyny również - prawdziwego życia, a nie bajek rodem z disney'a. Zbyt wielu mężczyzn się wylogowalo przez tzw. kobiety, zbyt wielu gnije bądź zniszczono w więzieniach, zbyt wielu mężczyznom tzw. kobiety zniszczyły życie. A PRZEDE WSZYSTKIM NISZCZONE SĄ DZIECI, MŁODZI LUDZIE, KTÓRZY Z PATOLOGICZNYM OBRAZEM SWOICH RODZICÓW WCHODZĄ W ŻYCIE... #RedPill po katolicku...
@henguspod3899 5 дней назад
i wish you well for the future johannes
@71suns 5 дней назад
I've been thinking about you in recent days... missing your posts... spending time with you here. I hope you are well. 🫂🌹🫂
@martinsmith8939 6 дней назад
Dear Johannes, In one of your teachings, I think you said that pantheism fails because of the problem of evil. You said, "For if God is all - and all is God there is nowhere, for example - to put Stalin or Hitler - in contradistinction to God." But isn't that simply because we attribute omniscience to God? If God is all, and all is God, then God is omnipotent in the sense that God created itself (the universe) at the Big Bang, including the laws of physics that govern how the universe unfolds over all time. Where did the requirement for omniscience come from? Why is omniscience a requirement? I think, if God is omnisicient, then God must be bored out of his mind because he can never be surprised. He already knows who will be saved and who will not. He already knows which prayers he will answer and which he will not. He already knows when he will change his mind, and he already knows what he will decide to change in the world. He already knows all the effects of all his changes in every detail. Eternal life with omniscience would be hell. I think God is not omnsicient. God created itself (the universe) to come to know itself. Our conscious awareness is God's conscious awareness. We are all sons and daughters of God, agents of God's process of coming to know itself. Evil is a choice made by conscious, self-aware beings. God didn't create evil; God created the possibility of evil. Stalin and Hitler chose to be evil. Sincerely, martin
@sandravera292 8 дней назад
What an incredible journey to follow "The Part-time Hermit" around the hermitage. Your steps led us towards Heaven with your insights and reflections! Thank you, Pater! When you have a chance, check out “Dawn of a Mystery,” a documentary by the late Archbishop Picchierri of Trani, Italy. There’s more there than meets the eye!
@suzannebarbeau8937 9 дней назад
Avec les vertus, la véritable croisade consiste à s'améliorer soi-même, tout comme le véritable Jihad, qui ne veut absolument pas dire la guerre, le jihad signifie l'effort que doit faire le croyant pour suivre la volonté de Dieu. C’est un mot arabe signifie « effort » - l’effort que fait le croyant (même chrétien) pour s’élever par plus de piété sur l’échelle de la perfection humaine. Éthique religieuse et guerre sont donc incompatibles. Bei den Tugenden besteht der wahre Kreuzzug darin, sich selbst zu verbessern, genau wie der wahre Dschihad, der absolut nicht Krieg bedeutet, sondern die Anstrengung bedeutet, die der Gläubige unternehmen muss, um dem Willen Gottes zu folgen. Es ist ein arabisches Wort und bedeutet „Anstrengung“ - die Anstrengung, die der Gläubige (sogar ein Christ) unternimmt, um durch größere Frömmigkeit auf der Skala menschlicher Vollkommenheit aufzusteigen. Religiöse Ethik und Krieg sind daher unvereinbar. (excuse my German...I just hope it is understandable).
@suzannebarbeau8937 9 дней назад
La prudence perfectionne la raison / Vorsicht perfektioniert die Vernunft..........La justice perfectionne la volonté / Gerechtigkeit vervollkommnet den Willen..........La force perfectionne l'irascible / Stärke perfektioniert das Jähzornige...........La tempérance perfectionne le concupiscible( Tendance de l'appétit sensible à posséder un bien) / Mäßigkeit vervollkommnet das Begierde.
@suzannebarbeau8937 9 дней назад
Les vertus sont un outil pour avancer vers le bien / Tugenden sind ein Werkzeug, um zum Guten zu gelangen..........la vertu est fondamentale / Tugend ist grundlegend.
@suzannebarbeau8937 9 дней назад
«Si Dieu existe, il y a une norme pour la conduite de l'homme...» C'est l'évidence même. Le Bien reste le Bien et le Mal reste le Mal..........Das Gute bleibt gut und das Böse bleibt böse
@Ace_392 9 дней назад
can i use olive oil for this or does it have to be virgin oil
@robshepherd2974 10 дней назад
Nothing online is greater than thee,, save Adoration online. Thanks be to God. ☘️🔥
@irenemendez8851 10 дней назад
Y como pueden entonces resucitar los cuerpos que se han cremado y solo estan sus cenizas, o a los que se han esparcido sus cenizas ?
@noelyarredondo5222 12 дней назад
Que maravilla
@PattyEacobacci 12 дней назад
@enricogiannino7007 13 дней назад
Si potrebbe obiettare a questo ragionamento dicendo semplicemente che la causa prima di tutte le cose potrebbe esistere, ma allo stesso tempo potrebbe non essere Dio..
@donjojohannes 13 дней назад
certo, non è una prova di un dio o Dio particulare, ma si arriva a un principio di cui la filosofia in sequito puo ragionare qualche charatteristiche (come unicità, unità, atto puro (che vuol dire non-potentialità) e altro che corresponde a una certa concezione del divino. Vero, questa concezione per esempio va difficilmente identificato con Zeus (concepito solo con un essere potente), ma è consonnate con un Dio trascendente (che è l'essere) .
@agrepinodossantosneves1491 14 дней назад
O mal é irracional e inlogico. Ele é arrogante e por isso gosta de pisa nos outros. É imaturo e por isso não reconhece os seus erros. Para ele Deus e o mundo são culpados e ele é a vítima inocente da história. O mal é antissocial e por não consegue viver em paz com os outros. Ele viver sozinho e morrer sozinho. No final não tem ninguém para carregar o caixão. O mal é fraco e por isso não trabalha para construir um futuro. Isso mostra que ele também é preguiçoso. O mal é corrupto e por isso está sempre ser envolvido em alguma sujeira. Vício, depravasao, orgulho. O mal é miserável ele prefere passar fome, para não gastar dinheiro
@nati4048 14 дней назад
Katechozm kościoła katolickiego to w większości stek bzdur.
@nati4048 14 дней назад
Dogmaty Maryjne 1. matka Boga - źle 2. zawsze dziewica - źle 3. bez grzechu poczęta - źle 4. wzięta do nieba ciałem i duszą - źle
@robshepherd2974 14 дней назад
Johannes, you bring God’s Peace to my home. Not that he was not already here,, but with you he comes via the internet….. a wound surely felt by the evil one. ☘️🔥
@robshepherd2974 14 дней назад
Forgive me l should have capitalised “He”.
@Sophiad-Mikeyrankin 15 дней назад
Dear Father Johannes, thank you for a beautiful channel. This keeps me sane in this crazy world. 🙏🏼 Please can you tell me how I can find your Audio books for "From Liechtenstein to the Holy Land"? I am so very interested to listen. 🙂
@donjojohannes 13 дней назад
Hi, I have not had time to translate the Jerusalem books yet, nor record them. Currently I have to finish a book for an Italian publisher. I was meant to record the German original, but that likewise is not complete yet.
@Sophiad-Mikeyrankin 13 дней назад
@@donjojohannes good morning Father Johannes, thank you for your reply. Good luck with the Italian Pulisher. I wish you well, have a blessed day. ☺️
@lucinelsonrosagoncalves9597 16 дней назад
Se fosse um vídeo imoral, sem sentido e inútil teria um bilhão de visualizações e curtidas, mas com é informações de valores reais passa despercebido 😔
@patriciaalvarado2525 17 дней назад
Muchas gracias por compartir que Dios los bendiga siempre 🙏
@Jesus_isKing3 19 дней назад
Signore Perdonami Amen✝️
@adenivelle7256 21 день назад
Humble meditation
@paulevans4469 21 день назад
I have come to deeply appreciate your reflections. Those that followed the 12-month journal videos (which I have listened to more than once) and those contained in these two Q&A videos. Marietta's story of her experience was wonderful and affected me more than I would have expected. I will look at beautiful things, especially those in nature, differently than I did before. As I and many others struggle with questions of faith and happenings in the world we search for things that might offer comfort or other ways of looking at the same thing. Struggling with faith questions requires one to learn and listen to others. You have provided that for me. I am grateful. Paul
@enemanozzle 22 дня назад
Christian Link[1] schreibt im Kapitel "Gotteserkenntnis im Horizont der Schöpfung" unter Berufung auf verschiedene Aussagen Calvins in dessen Hauptschrift «Institutio Christianae Religionis» der 3. und letzten Ausgabe 1559: "Der "Sündenfall" wird auf dieser Linie - bemerkenswert genug - als Folge unserer mangelnden Erkenntnis, das heißt als ein zuletzt intellektuelles Problem dargestellt." Offenbar ist sich Link dessen nicht bewußt, daß Dietrich Bonhoeffer[2] bereits 1943 in seinem im Gefängnis Tegel verfaßten Aufsatz "Von der Dummheit" nachweist, daß es sich hier theologisch nicht um einen intellektuellen, sondern um einen menschlichen Defekt handelt. Damit besteht nach reformatorischem Verständnis die Wurzel sowohl der Ursünde als auch der Erbsünde der Menschheit in der Dummheit im Bonhoefferschen Sinn, woraus sich die von Augustinus formulierte und von Calvin weiter entfaltete doppelte Prädestination ableitet, die nach Auguste Lecerf[3] das Zentrum der reformierten Theologie darstellt. Hierfür lassen sich in der Bibel 21 Beispiele finden, darunter nur ganz wenige positive, so Jonas Predigt und Ninives Buße (Jona 3,1-10). Quellen: [1] Link, Christian.: Die Theologie Calvins im Rahmen der europäischen Reformation. Reformed Historical Theology / Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021, S. 181. [2] Bonhoeffer, Dietrich: Von der Dummheit. In: Widerstand und Ergebung: Briefe und Aufzeichnungen aus der Haft. Herausgegeben von Eberhard Bethge / München: Chr. Kaiser, 1962, S. 17-20. [3] Lecerf, Auguste: Études Calvinistes, recueillies et introduites par André Schlemmer. Série théologique de l'actualité protestante / Neuchâtel: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1949, p. 25-31.
@PattyEacobacci 22 дня назад
At 4:27 notice the image on the white sheet of a dove sitting on the branch! Just above Johannes’ hands.
@lilirehak5569 22 дня назад
Thank you for answering all these questions. I love seeing the pond in winter.
@WANDA30100 23 дня назад
1:52 Co za piękny widok - CHWAŁA BOGU NAJWYŻSZEMU ❤🌹🌹🌹
@Ace_392 23 дня назад
1879 was the age of the eon empire\
@makenziegaffney8717 23 дня назад
whats that mean
@happychelovek 24 дня назад
ложь. жуть.. Исус это великий учитель и пророк истинного бога света а ваши священники одержимы злом.
@user-fc1co6dv3u 8 дней назад
и ваши тоже))
@happychelovek 8 дней назад
@@user-fc1co6dv3u у меня никаких священников нет. Я их не признаю всех!
@Paolo-fy6lo 25 дней назад
@paoloberti, legga VITO MANCUSO
@Paolo-fy6lo 25 дней назад
@paoloberti, è assurdo pensare che il peccato dei padri ricada sui figli, tant'è che Maria ne fu preservata !
@linda6725 25 дней назад
Your channel is so spiritually uplifting. Your respect for all creatures great and small touch my heart. A very lucky family indeed loving under your house .❤
@feistyhuman3579 26 дней назад
Benedicat tibi Deus! In orationibus meis te servabo. Traditional Latin Mass Girl
@ruggeroroccato6683 28 дней назад
@mariajogonro8410 28 дней назад
Couldn’t love these videos more❤
@smoovegittar 29 дней назад
I am thankful for your videos as they have brought a great healing to my heart.
@dannyshorts1383 29 дней назад
Hi Don, i finally found you on RU-vid. Yet to find you on Google maps, but i know where Martin Doolaard lives, so you must be not too far. God bless both of you guys. 👍
@nickjenkins1283 29 дней назад
Technological advancements that were actively resisted by all churches, but particularly the Catholic church. I like your videos but when your rationality and pragmatism breaks down around the dogma of your faith it reminds me of the dangers of religion. If science focuses on 'narrow questions', then I'm happy to leave the rest to theologians as long as they stay on their side of the philosophical fence.
@donjojohannes 29 дней назад
Hi there. So what technological advances you have in mind that were resisted? Btw, if you do some googling you might be surprised to find how many priests were at the forefront of science like Fr Gregor Mendel for Genetics or Fr Julius Nieuland for rubber, or Fr Georges Lamaitre in modern Cosmology to just name 3. There is a wikipedia page on it. Note also that Copernikus was a canon of the church and controversy with Galileo on heliocentrism broke out 73 years later for some more "human" reasons (and the problem that Galileo's arguments like on the cause of tides were actually wrong though his thesis was factually right). And of course arguably the most important technological advancement in the last 2000 years, the printing press, was developed by the catholic, monastery-educated Johannes Gutenberg (who printed letters of indulgences, dictionaries, and the bible for a start.) So I'm not sure what you are referring to in such a "global" criticism and charge. There are of course technologies the Catholic Church rejects on moral grounds, but that has little to do with a stance towards science.
@nickjenkins1283 28 дней назад
@@donjojohannes Hello. I suspect I was more in mind of scientific advances - but the ones that spring to mind would obviously start with Galileo and would include evolution, stem cells, abortion and contraception (and yes, I count the last two as technological advances). I know a little of the roots of science in the church (Francis Bacon, the Jesuits etc) and acknowledge the contribution. Googling was interesting at it seems the PR dept for the Vatican (amongst which I count your good self) has adapted with the times and are now heavily contributing to Wikipedia articles - possibly to counter the narrative from popular atheists.
@donjojohannes 28 дней назад
You have too much faith in the abilities of the Vatican and its supposed PR department 😉. Or to quote some pope (though I'm not sure it is authentic hence it has been ascribed to different ones): "You want to destroy the catholic church? Look, we, her clergy, have done our best to do so for 2000 years and havn't been able to do it". Galileo is an interesting subject and "popular Atheists" instrumentalize it more often than not basing things on old polemics rather than history. And it was not a battle of Church vs science, because Galileo himself was member of the church as were his supporters (to which the pope belonged until Galileo insulted him rather cheerfully in his work "The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems" (1632)). Galileo's daughter was a nun btw and we have their letters. There are books on the subject, so I recommend going beyond usual polemics. Evolution is a protestant issue more than a catholic one (since biblical literalism and fundamentalism is a protestant pet). Catholics have people like St Augustine ( died in 430) who did not take the days literally all the way back then. He even has the idea of evolving species from basic forms, though certainly not evolution in the modern sense). Stem cells, abortion and contraception are moral questions for a reason and the first two (as some of the third) touch the non religious question of when human life begins. Here the Church is far more reasonable and logically and biologically coherent with its answer (conception) than the advocates of these things that don't wanna answer the question because it endangers their preferred outcome (end justifying the means i.e. consequentialism is ugly to say the least). Yet even if they said that they did not know when it began or that "personhood" probably only comes "later" they would have to err on the side of caution which they refuse to do too. There is no dilemma or moral quandry. There is only the important question of when human life begins. If you could prove that 3 months in the womb was it, then the Church would have little issue with abortion up to that point. But if 3 months in Europe are the legal limit simply because killing the babies in the womb is easier up to that point (suction - after that the child's head gets to big) than one just doesn't want to see an evil that is clearly there. Not the first time in history either - and not the first time it was called "progress". Remember Eugenics?. Only way out: atheistic nihilism. But then again "moral arguments" against the Church and "its crimes" such as Dawkins and Hitchens have provided with scorn would instantly become silly and incoherent. i.e. they are parasitic on the remnants of Christian morality in a society in order to justify and engender outrage. For in nihilism there is no morality. Hence why Nietzsche in my book is one of the few honest atheists - critiquing himself the atheists still living in the shadow of the God they slew. He was so honest he went mad, which is the most "reasonable" thing to do if you really go through with it. At least this is how I understand it. Cheers.
@nickjenkins1283 28 дней назад
​@@donjojohannes so the PR dept of the Vatican would probably be the Dicastery for Communication (if you want to google it). Which has a stated mission of meeting "the needs of the Church’s evangelizing mission through the use of production models, technological innovations and forms of communication currently available and those that may yet emerge." As for Dawkins and Hitchens, their outrage is real. If you see it as self serving then you should probably consider the same charge against yourself. Dawkins I'm less sure of, but to label Hitchens a nihilist is just silly. He spoke at length on his view of human morality and was an ardent socialist and reformed marxist. And no, I don't 'remember' eugenics - I am not old enough. I am aware of it just as I am aware of the concordats the church made with those that perpetrated it.
@donjojohannes 26 дней назад
My point on the "new atheists" is not that their moral outrage is not real but that it is (like concepts such as good and evil or "human rights") parasitic on a fixed moral order derivable only from some sort of theism (and historically exactly derived from that). Why? Because atheism (atheist materialism) itself does not have a basis for morality other than man. And since man is a fundamentally materialistic entity in that view he cannot have absolute moral qualities. All he can have is will. But will is a category of power not morality. Sam Harris' attempt likewise is valiant but futile because he cannot base his starting principle on anything other than "preliminary" consensus, which is a meaningless moral quality in anything other than the same "might makes right". Here too Nietzsche is more self aware and coherent. Frustratingly even Alex O 'Connor, who I find the most pleasant and often thoughtful atheist I regularly listen to, falls into the same trap when he has argued for morality on a basic "avoid evil/suffering". Because if there is no value to the individual grounded in something outside the individual, (something above man) any evil done to the individual can be justified with the good of the community (like in the totalitarianism of any collectivism) and even the defense of some collective good of humanity will always suffer the charge of speciism. Because I can justify genocide simply by saying that I make way for the domination of future civilisatiobs of crows or dolphins down the evolutionary road whose societies will maybe be more successfull than that of man. Mind you I wrote "successful" because "better" would be a moral category not available to atheists, even though success too implies final causality which atheists if pressed only grudgingly admit.
@ruggeroroccato6683 Месяц назад
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo
@Jckferreira15 Месяц назад
Informação nunca é demais. Deus nos ama e deseja ter um relacionamento conosco, mas nossa desobediência nos impede de ter essa comunhão com Ele. A Bíblia diz que todos nós desobedecemos a Deus e por isso estamos afastados Dele (morar eternamente no Reino de Deus). Romanos 3:23 Para resolver esse problema, Deus enviou Jesus Cristo ao mundo para morrer na cruz e pagar pelos nossos pecados, nossa desobediência. Ele ressuscitou dos mortos e agora oferece a vida eterna como um presente gratuito a todos que creem que a condenação dos nossos pecados caíram em cima Jesus. João 3:16 Para ter vida eterna com Jesus, precisamos aceitá-lo como nosso Senhor e Salvador pessoal e confessar nossos pecados. Romanos 10:9-10 Quando aceitamos Jesus como nosso Senhor em nossas vidas, somos perdoados de nossos pecados e nos tornamos filhos de Deus. João 1:12 A vida eterna começa aqui na Terra, quando vivemos uma vida de obediência a Deus, e continuará para sempre na presença Dele assim que partirmos desse mundo. Quando você quiser ter esse compromisso com Jesus, e começar sua nova vida com o direcionamento de Jesus, é só fazer essa oração abaixo: Pai querido e amado, lhe agradeço por ter enviado Jesus Cristo para morrer na cruz para me libertar de meus pecados. Abro a porta da minha vida e recebo Jesus como meu Senhor e Salvador. Obrigado por me dar a Vida Eterna. Toma conta da minha vida e faça de mim o tipo de pessoa que desejas que eu seja. Em nome de Jesus. Amém. Estamos a sua disposição para conversar e tirar suas duvidas sobre esse assunto.
@purplelilacs6706 Месяц назад
I’m in awe - your artistic talent is seriously amazing! The carpentry & artwork done in your chapel is extraordinary- what an absolute pleasure to watch you create something so beautiful. Your hothouse garden is full of nutritious & interesting veggies & fruits - very inspiring. I’ve watched each of your episodes several times - you are also very talented film producer, editor & writer making every aspect of your experiences so interesting & informative …. and, thank you for showing us the beauty of nature that surrounds your home high on a mountain in the Italian Alps - filming & photography is excellent. I’m just one of the many that relaxes with your vlogs & am so grateful that you decided to do this !
@jamielandis4606 Месяц назад
You produce the most beautiful, serene videos on RU-vid. I wish you all the happiness in the world!