How is This Fair? (Shadowfax Stax - Historic Brawl)
8 месяцев назад
How do you make Adventures good?
9 месяцев назад
I'm Not Smart Enough to Play This Deck
9 месяцев назад
Historic Brawl: Obyra, Dreaming Duelist
10 месяцев назад
The Kaalia Chronicles: MOM
10 месяцев назад
Historic Brawl: Ghalta and Mavren
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Historic Brawl: Gisa & Geralf
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Let's Play! Celeste: Part 6
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Let's Play! Celeste: Part 5
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The Kaalia Chronicles: SIR Update!
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Let's Play! Celeste: Part 4
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Yugioh! Duelist of the Roses
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Let's Play! Celeste: Part 3
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Let's Play! Celeste: Part 2
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Yugioh: Duelist of the Roses - Pt3
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Let's Play! Celeste: Part 1
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Yugioh: Duelist of the Roses - Pt2
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Let's Play! Ender Lilies: Part 6
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Let's Play! Ender Lilies: Part 8
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Let's Play! Ender Lilies: Part 5
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@urghablurgha8531 Месяц назад
Kaalia was also the card that convinced me to get into magic, found your vid by searching for an arena deck for her, which there are surprisingly little of. Unfortunately since im relatively new I cant even afford to make her deck XD
@HeroGirlsVT Месяц назад
It's probably because she just came out! And yeah, the deck is incredibly wildcard intensive, so I'm planning on brewing a budget friendly version so newer players can enjoy her too!
@tianhaowang8519 Месяц назад
Nice, one of the most iconic commander back in the day. Was curious how she does in the current Brawl meta. Think you got the right idea, was fun to see the deck run smoothly. Thanks for the game and video.
@MisturTentacles Месяц назад
Oh how I'm relating to this through my playthrough rn. Rushing through the story just to fully experience all the content that everyone is doing at the cost of losing out on the story experience. I never was a story and lore kinda player anyway but I would make an exception for FFXIV since so many people have been vouching for it. I'll just have to do the same thing and catch up on all that story when I finish endwalker I guess xD
@Alkayde Месяц назад
@xxxLeromexxx Месяц назад
That ff14 500 hr vid was great! I really love her vibes! Now check out her channel real quick before i start looking more digimon tcg vids... A long way to say i love this channel. I subbed immediately when i found this vid
@beetlebot1 Месяц назад
started playing the game a week ago, needless to say its nice to see a vid like this in my recommended. your channel isnt crazy huge but i hope to see you grow! your content is pretty enjoyable :)
@sleepy33333 Месяц назад
videos like this one make me appreciate the game a lot more! i was burnt out and this really helps me rekindle my love for this game again! it was really heartwarming to see your journey ❤
@oldladytrexarms 2 месяца назад
Current MMOs suck because of them dumbing everything down. Aion (a Korean MMO thus hard, not the one you see today but the original one released) was my first MMO. I had to fight for skills, levels, gears, etc. I remember spending weeks in a dungeon for just a pair of boots. PVP was everywhere. You had to run to dungeons instead of teleporting... it was insanely hard but it was great when you achieved something. Almost everyone I played with is still in contact with me 15+ years later even though I haven't played Aion in years and it's all because of the camaraderie we felt by playing together. FF14 is literally the closest thing I have gotten to this feeling since that game. <3
@oldladytrexarms 2 месяца назад
As a RDM/BLM/SMN by default, I am disabled and it's a real beeyotch trying to be a tank and healer with arthritis/nerve damage/hEDS in your hands. Yet somehow I found the Asphodel and challenging stuff easier. Go figure. I'm about to return now that the new expansion is out and am thinking of doing New Game +.
@HeroGirlsVT 2 месяца назад
Completely valid. Enjoy NG+ !
@Dhio07san 2 месяца назад
endgame better part?! sorry to break it to you, you played it wrong ; )
@sjacpswbs03162005 2 месяца назад
Field Operations not mentioned rip But yea I love having an alt just to explore what I rushed through as well! I’ll come back after finishing
@HeroGirlsVT 2 месяца назад
IN MY DEFENSE none of those are in ARR. Even Diadem is locked until you can go to Foundation ;u;
@sjacpswbs03162005 2 месяца назад
@@HeroGirlsVT true! It’s only really PotD that’s a different thing isn’t it For me I cannot get out of bozja im forever stuck in the trenches lol I really need to prog my alts but there’s so much time fillers before DT 😭
@worldsworstgaming79 2 месяца назад
This is a great video. It checks all of the boxes. There has to an extra layer of fulfillment that comes with how many people have seen and appreciate all of your hard work and heart. I love how the video is proof of how much you deserve your 💐💐. #thefriendsyoumake 🕺🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾👍🏾
@sxkasper9465 2 месяца назад
Hi, this video has now sparked my want to play FFXIV again….thank you!
@Jade-tr4ee 2 месяца назад
this video is really good
@Narnia164 2 месяца назад
What class did you start as?
@LoafyGoblin 2 месяца назад
One of the best joys is when my sprout friends and I on a new, unleveled class fight treants in the black shroud that are twice our level and treat them like bosses. It teaches new players exactly whats waiting for them down the line, and its funny when you're the same level as the treants and killing them in a few hits
@36luki36 2 месяца назад
"wink" my brain: i feel like you dont know how winking works and then you actualy included it xD
@eyrilonakestrysswyn3513 2 месяца назад
I was not expecting the "Don't tell Caffeinated Dad I said that" line, and yet, that was exactly who I was thinking the moment you called that armor a fire hydrant.
@veradrost9654 2 месяца назад
I've been very slowly playing through the game as well, because I'm basically writing a novel worth 3000 pages on the story of this game and I have not even finished ARR (in terms of writing) I hate that people say the ARR story is "the worst part of the game" because on God, the storytelling is so good. It's the "Game" part of it that undermines it. That's a whole tangent I won't get into. This video was really nice and motivated me to also play my "story character" more broadly. Gonna be a 6000 page novel by the time I'm done... Ugh... Lord have mercy for my Autism and my Special Interest.
@JaylalaBear 2 месяца назад
i only found rath games a few weeks ago but his videos and stream are great and super chill. im finally lvling up my gatherers while waiting for dawntrail and its way more fun than i thought it would. i caught up on youtube video essays and adult comedy cartoons like futurama, clone high, smiling friends, animaniacs, etc. golden saucer was something i neglected a lot due to do just doing the daily mini cactpot and checking my retainer there before going to my island. i have cul to 90 but i also need to lvl the rest of my crafters. rip my inventory
@oliverurbanik9647 2 месяца назад
Liked the thing with the coffeedad .. so true :D
@daveholechko874 2 месяца назад
Over the last three months I decided to create a iite version of what rath did. All of my gears including rings, necklace, earrings etc were crafted specifically and when I hit praetorium with that warrior it felt amazing. After getting all of my crafting classes to 50 felt amazing, now I take my break from ff14 for a break as I recharge and get ready for dawn trail
@Local_custard 2 месяца назад
I too have started an alt and this has been the most fun I've had with the game. I am doing a simple challenge- do many things offered from an expansion inside the expansion. This includes tribal quests, crafting, gathering, fishing, gearing up, leveling up, trying alternate leveling options, unlocking deep dungeons, clearing out every yellow quest, and so on. This alt is my everything alt because I did everything I wouldn't do on my main.
@BakedValkyrie42 2 месяца назад
Similar experiences are some of my fondest memories of this game. I knew almost no one who took a similar approach to the game, and it brings a tear to my eye knowing you've now enjoyed the slow stroll as well. Thank you for sharing, and with luck, inspiring even more people to give it a try. <3
@bentaylor9134 2 месяца назад
I'm glad that peoplpe are embracing this "unconventional" aspect to the game, playing it in ways that are currently seen as weird or uncommon but they can find enjoyment in doing. I was inspired to pick up FFXIV again by Rathgames, I'm not doing a solo challenge, but I'm trying to do everything myself as much as I can and more or less on content. No free-hand outs, I work for all of my gear and everything included. And it's been fun, am I overlevelled and putting off MSQ a lot? Hell yeah I am, but I'm enjoying every minute of it, even if I haven't beaten Garuda yet. Even with some friends telling me I'm insane to have all my crafters and gatherers to 50 already and trying to get these upgraded tool levels. But I don't care, cause this is fun. Pushing the game to it's limits where I can and going with that. I hope you'll come back to Themora one day and explore HW with her as well or that your main will be able to stop and smell the roses along this path. Best wishes for Dawntrail and I hope you'll enjoy what fun you can discover and make for yourself there!
@HeroGirlsVT 2 месяца назад
I'm still playing with Themora every day! It's getting bad because I still haven't gotten my main ready for Dawntrail! XD
@Howlflame 2 месяца назад
You might want to check out Grinding Gear. They've been working through the game for the last two years and it's been an amazing journey to witness.
@ursulcx299 2 месяца назад
Dunno who you are but this was very based and heart warming. I will however remain unapologetically a trans catgirl on and off ff14
@HeroGirlsVT 2 месяца назад
Never apologize, oomfie 😤
@mkdynasty272 2 месяца назад
You playing PLD w/ love for Blacksmith, Armorer, and Goldsmith really just sounds exactly like me. I feel like we're friends just by shared stuff. Lol
@ozziethedivine 2 месяца назад
This is my exact experience too! I started the game and i had friends that would tell me things like "when you get to shadowbringers you can finally play with us!" and "I wish you were at endgame with me". This caused me to speed through everything, and by the time i finally reached them, they left the game and i was alone. I left the game for a few years till after endwalker came out, i was gonna log into my main and continue till i realised i knew nothing about what was going on. So i made an alt and started over, this time i took my time and went slowly through things, enjoying the game at my own pace. I'm glad i did, cause i met the man who became my husband. and now we go an adventures together all the time! We're waiting for dawntrail to continue our adventures in a whole new place and i am so happy!
@zeldapwnz 2 месяца назад
Why not just use the newgame+ feature? Nonetheless, gratz on your hubby! wooooooooooo~
@evanwetmore 2 месяца назад
y did yur "friends" not play through the game with u? if i was a friend, i woulda helped u play through it instead of just making u speedrun the game
@steelclackers2611 2 месяца назад
@@zeldapwnz tbh personally, it's not the same. Sidequests imo greatly enchance the experience by giving good flavour to the world around and lower levels make you feel more immersed. Not to mention MSQ pasince at times can be wonky and having something to do in between greatly helps with immersion as well. You can't get in on NG+ Also at times its easier to make a new character sicne old might be linked to bad experiences you had.
@andream5462 2 месяца назад
I'm so glad you had this experience. Thank you for sharing it. The pictures throughout were a nice touch too! I hope you can slowly get your maim just as immersed as Themora
@brickerboom 2 месяца назад
Never played the game but happy to be heee and show some support! Well done! Good editing, video work and I can tell you worked hard on the script ❤ bravo
@Vivid_Dreamer 2 месяца назад
What a journey this whole video was. Thank you for sharing it and thank you for helping me fall in love with this wonderful game <3
@GohLow 2 месяца назад
Your friend's got good taste! Void Rains was my surprise favorite last year. Cool to see you playing it.
@HeroGirlsVT 2 месяца назад
I'm glad! Lookin' forward to playing more next week!
@RaineBans 6 месяцев назад
fun fact: digimon are non binary. renamon in the anime said digimon have no gender :)
@HeroGirlsVT 6 месяцев назад
Good shout! Ofc, that doesn't prevent digimon from using specific/preferred pronouns or identifying one way or another, but nice reminder for one of my favorite lore tidbits. <3
@RaineBans 6 месяцев назад
yh they use he/she@@HeroGirlsVT
@Glitterblossom 8 месяцев назад
@scipio6142 8 месяцев назад
horse power
@Glitterblossom 8 месяцев назад
You’re a menace! I love it.
@screamingshroom3221 9 месяцев назад
The "then" ruling was wrong, you can activate the second part of Megadeth even if you can't suspend an opponent's digimon. "■Effects Divided With “Then” Some effects read, “<X>. Then, <Y>,” effectively splitting themselves into multiple parts. When activating effects like these, first perform <X>, then perform <Y>. You can activate these effects even if you can only activate half or none of the parts. It is also possible to meet conditions for “<Y>” by performing “<X>”."
@screamingshroom3221 9 месяцев назад
The Davis digivolve effect also happens on the declaration of the attack, so you would've had a 15k Imperial on the attack as well, not just after the attack
@screamingshroom3221 9 месяцев назад
But hybrid for game in an explanation game is funny
@christopherbennett5858 9 месяцев назад
You two are quite fun to listen to. Would be cool to see you two trying different decks.
@Glitterblossom 9 месяцев назад
You two are hilarious together
@piralos1329 9 месяцев назад
This is a super, super cool deck!! I love all the card draw, and how the adventures are inherently card advantage!! The deck looked super fun to play, and the video was super fun to watch!! Thank you for it!!!
@Vivid_Dreamer 9 месяцев назад
value value value value va-
@Glitterblossom 9 месяцев назад
!!! 💖💖💖
@Glitterblossom 10 месяцев назад
@ty_sylicus Год назад
You've made me want to try some new cards in my Aurelia list!
@HeroGirlsVT Год назад
I'm so glad! Thanks for watching!
@ty_sylicus Год назад
This intro is sweet!
@blueheartorangeheart3768 Год назад
Tasha is so pushed haha. She is basically format defining for me because you basically can’t get rid of her without dedicated planeswalker removal
@HeroGirlsVT Год назад
@blueheartorangeheart3768 Год назад
Honestly same
@Glitterblossom Год назад
@ChthonicDepths Год назад