Jews for Judaism
Jews for Judaism
Jews for Judaism
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We connect Jews to the spiritual depth, wisdom, beauty & truth of Judaism with educational programs, materials & counseling that keep Jews Jewish. We feature Rabbi Michael Skobac a leading counter-missionary authority & expert on Jewish continuity, cults & eastern religions.

Comments are subject to approval by JEWS FOR JUDAISM, 3110 Bathurst St, PO Box 54042, Toronto, ON Canada M6A 3B7
T 416-789-0020 • www.jewsforjudaism.ca • info@jewsforjudaism.ca
@arioctober 3 часа назад
... So science backs up Divine Providence? 😂
@russrussel3947 5 часов назад
Proud of you, young man! Awesome, achi 🕎🚸
@yoseftzaddik9752 6 часов назад
Rabbi skobac is amazing
@EngHazem-nq2dh 8 часов назад
I am Muslim and I am following you and I like your lectures. I believe you are missing the point of Mr harari..
@AsherSolomon777 9 часов назад
Thank you Rabbi
@AJ21969 9 часов назад
Is choice and will the same?
@miriamgonzalezsiegel6478 10 часов назад
A life of choices
@saschamilenkovic4320 11 часов назад
I agree with pretty much everything Ari is saying here and it is presented very clearly. But in the 22nd minute of this talk he says that the New Testament was written by 'Christian Missionaries'. This might merit a more detailed explanation as it seems that at least parts of it were written by Jews (who arguably had converted to Christianity, Joel Baden of Yale Divinity school talks about this in some of his talks) and not in Hebrew like the Tanakh but in Greek instead. So effectively Jews continuing to write the bible, but this time for a wider audience: gentiles and effectively for the rest of the world. Now the question is: who were those breakaway mavericks and what were their motivations? The influence of Greco/Roman Hellenistic culture is clearly visible throughout their work. But I would of course agree that the NT is not a valid extension and continuation of Tanakh. The two books don't really go together and anyone who studies them (especially Tanakh) will see that.
@saschamilenkovic4320 11 часов назад
Brilliantly good Ari! Very clear exposition of the so widely misunderstood topic of the Messiah.
@carolinospelt2932 12 часов назад
Thank you Rabbi Skobac!
@BennyPowers 14 часов назад
Thanks Rabbi Skobac, Yasher Koach!
@okeyduru7391 15 часов назад
Keep it coming Rav Skobac. Your videos opened my eyes to the truth of the One true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and I will forever be grateful. May HaShem bless you with long life.
@tzveeble1679 18 часов назад
I still don't understand why Him 'knowing' what's going to happen, including our decisions, robs us our freedom of choice. The same way we can 'predict' outcomes when viewing an event from an objective viewpoint (e.g. outside time), the same way G-d can view the motivating factors and our own thought processes, and know the outcomes.
@user-wd7ex4gr6b 18 часов назад
Hashem sees the future, yes, but He doesn't change our decisions, otherwise we wouldn't have free will.
@aprylvanryn5898 18 часов назад
The free will debate is fascinating. I like to think about it from time to time, but from a functionality perspective, if we don't have free will, we still have to behave as tho we do. The real world has real-world consequences. Good talk, rabbi.
@dorland3 18 часов назад
Why don’t you post more videos, Rabbi Skobac? We’re parched out here.
@JewsforJudaismCanada 18 часов назад
Fasten your seat belt.
@user-wd7ex4gr6b 18 часов назад
​@@JewsforJudaismCanadaYAYYYY, Rabbi!!!!!! Looking forward to your new videos -- THANK YOU, and may Hashem continue to bless you and your families!!!!
@soumakirimoto2195 15 часов назад
​@@JewsforJudaismCanada Yes boss
@BushraIqbalfromPakistan 14 часов назад
@@JewsforJudaismCanada 👍 Fastened!
@u.y.3643 10 часов назад
Yes, Rabbi Skobac, we need many more videos from you and Jews for Judaism. May you always Go from Strength to Strength.!
@Majobri День назад
Amazing! Thank you, the Jews are the light to the nations
@sharonlee7111 День назад
@lawnmowermanTX День назад
Martin Luther is the “father” of the Protestant movement against Judaism in the 1600’s. Christianity was engineered by Martin Luther to destroy Jews at Jews’ expense. As a former Christian, I am an outcast of Christianity, I noticed, G-d has blessed this young mature gentleman with the truth about the deception of missionary Christianity.. Side note, the current Christian culture is plagued with mistranslations, complacency and lack self awareness and self discipline. Today’s Christian culture is about raising money, false “feel good” teachings and scandals among Christian Church Leadership… May all Jews stay vigilant and disciplined in Torah and Talmud. Amen, Todah HaShem.
@brotherlogicrmf2199 День назад
I am not a Christian. At all, and I remember you said there's no prophecy in the Jewish Bible. Say a prophet can't return after his initial duty. But Elijah returns, when the true Messiah arrives?
@JewsforJudaismCanada День назад
Of course there's prophecy in the Jewish Bible, otherwise, why would we call so much of it "The Books of the Prophets". Only prophecy itself has ended. But the Prophet Elijah will return.
@gregoryroby4742 2 дня назад
its nice to see a younger generation of getting involved
@madeirafonseca6383 2 дня назад
This is the most succinct presentation I've seen on this subject. This is a great video to share with Christians. It should be noted, some Christians try to say the Jew in Zech. 8:23 is JC; however, the words "you" in that verse are plural in Hebrew, so it cannot be referring to an individual.
@LizaVincent 3 дня назад
Rabbi schobac is a great teacher Because of him I ended up my Christianity
@LizaVincent 3 дня назад
Awesome teachings, thank you for sharing this
@PCongeries 3 дня назад
So how you will find "Real Messiah" who will be related straight from Salomon ? Also are all Jewish in Israel are from 12 tribes ?
@JewsforJudaismCanada День назад
In much the same way that I know that I am a desendent of Aaron, Moses' brother... because my Father told me, his father told him, and on and on... all the way back to the time of the giving of the Torah at Mt Sinai. Julius Ciss, Executive Director, Jews for Judaism
@andrzejostapenko378 3 дня назад
Thank you so much. Raw Skobac's school: an excellent way of speaking, understandable even to those who do not speak English very well. The basics of Torah, especially important for those who live in a strong Christian environment. Only those who are able to deliver such a lecture themselves do not need to listen to it.
@JehuKitoli 3 дня назад
This presentation explains why xtianity has always been uneasy and uncomfortable with Jewish people. Why? Because it's only Jews who knows that xtianity is extremely a fake religion, a new form of idol worship, used as a profit making enterprise to unsuspecting people.😢😢
@hanaaa6394 4 дня назад
Who is this speaker?
@JewsforJudaismCanada 4 дня назад
Ari Burger is the Narrator
@tryme3969 4 дня назад
Isn't it strange that Christianity is not in the New Testament?
@davidbradberry7637 4 дня назад
There is no dying/rising demigod in the Tenakh.
@milagrocruz2783 4 дня назад
May Hashem continue to blessing you and your family.
@milagrocruz2783 4 дня назад
This is so deep and powerful teaching, I love it.
@aprylvanryn5898 4 дня назад
Some interesting takes in here. I guess i agree with a lot of it, but this whole god of mercy and love thing missed the mark entirely. He is a lot of things, but merciful and loving don't make the list. God of wrath and genocide would be more appropriate. As for the young man who presented this talk, very well done. It was articulate, well pased, and captivating. You could have a very bright future in politics with the way you carry yourself.
@milagrocruz2783 4 дня назад
Thank you so much for this teaching, I totally understand.
@JehuKitoli 4 дня назад
What a wonderful exposure of the missionary lies 😮
@NonoNono-cw9zi 4 дня назад
The Jesus story could have been written as a literature to entertain jews in hellenic culture and also used to destroy Judaism from the inside, just like a super hero story today that somehow people started believing it was real. The ancient kind of a viral hoax. Paul was for sure a roman agent that corrupted the Torah.
@claudioas 4 дня назад
best video ever!
@bookmouse2719 4 дня назад
Well said! Thank you
@ChuckDowl-lh1ir 4 дня назад
Because that's what the 26 books of the Bible says. Christians don't study they don't try to learn the truth.They always sick their head in the sand and want you to be-lie-ve
@rita2216 4 дня назад
Wow young man ! How blessed are your parents !
@milkamilosevic9626 4 дня назад
A great job yung man bravo!!! You wil be very good rabbi! Baruch Hashem🙌
@SusanPlott 4 дня назад
So as a foŕmal Christan I know that Jesus Could have NEVÈR been a messiah. Thank YHVH foŕ His trouth . Want to reach out to you all, I am now a Ben Noah 1:21:41
@joecheffo5942 4 дня назад
I guess you meant former not formal
@lawnmowermanTX 4 дня назад
Most Christians I met, use Jesus Christ as a blanket cover.. Most never read their own bible and never go to church unless it’s Easter, and Christmas. Torah predates both Islam and Christianity. Yet Judaism is the scapegoat of both.
@donaldhbramwell 4 дня назад
Nice! Shalom!
@SusanPlott 4 дня назад
Thank you Tanakh is true and FACT in no marrer world !
@solvingpolitics3172 4 дня назад
As a Jew, please go easy on them. They have the power to end anti semitism by saturating Islamic, fascist and socialist social media non stop with the love of Jesus and converting them all.
@MFPhoto1 10 дней назад
Jews who foolishly supports our enemies should be warned. Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist groups are out to destroy all Jews. Just because their supporters welcome you in for now, does not mean you are not on their list. You are just not at the top, but you are still on the list.
@greatkhan9323 17 дней назад
The truth is that Z10NISM has hijacked Jewish religion for their personal gains. Sad thing is that majority of jews have fallen prey to them. Few jews are standing with the right side of history who follow Torah in true terms. All other Jews have fallen prey to Z10NISM. Alas!
@yabits Месяц назад
A Jew who recognizes that a Palestinian person has basic human rights that should be respected has to be "dealt with." Really? Nazis denied the humanity of Jews, and the Zionists deny the humanity of Palestinians. Members of my family were killed by the Nazis. (Treblinka) I know Nazis when I see them -- and Zionists are the new Nazis. Deal with that.
@houseofsofia6650 Месяц назад
Denying aliyah to brother Daniel was shameful. Not only he never denied his Jewishness, he risked his safety to save fellow Jews. It's the opposite of kapos. This is one of the few things the state of Israel is 💯 wrong.
@deborahfreedman333 Месяц назад
Every group has their race traitors, willing to sell out their people, so that the enemy will like them. It never turns out well for them.
@yabits Месяц назад
Why can't this employ more honesty? There are righteous anti-Zionist Jews. In fact, TRUE Judaism IS ANTI-Zionist. PLEASE try to be more honest.