Faith Simplified ZA
Faith Simplified ZA
Faith Simplified ZA
Faith Simplified, is a diverse faith enrichment and nourishment venture that aims to inspire, empower and equip Christians and in particular Catholics around the world to know, love, believe and live out their faith.
Pondering as Mary did
14 дней назад
Ugandan Martyrs with Fr  Mngadi
2 месяца назад
Corpus Christi with Fr  Monwabisi
3 месяца назад
Preparing ourselves for Lent
6 месяцев назад
Christ Founded the Church
6 месяцев назад
Intentional Prayer with Father Fusi
7 месяцев назад
End of year reflections
7 месяцев назад
The Significance of small Christian communities
7 месяцев назад
I AM WHO I AM - with - Tiyiselani Msimango
7 месяцев назад
Review and Community Feedback with Teboho Mashoeng
7 месяцев назад
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
7 месяцев назад
Marriage - a call to emulate the trinity
10 месяцев назад
Faith as a resource and danger to mental health
10 месяцев назад
Trusting God's Promises over your life
10 месяцев назад
The Dark Night of the Soul
10 месяцев назад
The entrepreneurial guide to the promised land
10 месяцев назад
My Grace is sufficient for you
10 месяцев назад
@pinkymongale2245 2 дня назад
Thank you Fr LP for your teaching & informative guidance❤
@chris-heidyntaote2254 3 дня назад
Very insightful!
@MiguelMangada 12 дней назад
Great channel from which the protestants should listen.
@MantikaMotloung 13 дней назад
Indeed spending more time with God can make you content in life. The best thing ever is to make Him the centre of your life.
@mitchellosmer1293 21 день назад
When was the last time Mary is mentioned in the Bible? Under what circumstances?
@MiguelMangada 12 дней назад
You do not have answer to your own question? are you reading the bible compiled by the Catholic Church and which is borrowed and used by many Christians ? Please read the book of Luke. One of these is " And my soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior for he has looked upon His handmaid loneliness. Behold from now on will all ages call me blessed and the Mighty One has done great things for me and holy is His Name . His mercy is from age to age to those who fear Him. " Hail Mary full of grace.The Lord is with you." That verse is in the bible .
@mitchellosmer1293 12 дней назад
@@MiguelMangada quote---You do not have answer to your own question? --unquote Absolutely I DO!!! >>Quote----are you reading the bible compiled by the Catholic Church and which is borrowed and used by many Christians ?.. unquoye NO "Christian" would ever use a catholic bible My bible has 66 books!! Catholic bible has over 72!!! SO, I DO NOT use a Catholic bible!!! <<Quote--Please read the book of Luke. ..etc.. unquote Oh, but I have MANY times!!! What does "hail" mean?? TO GREET!! And, MARY SAYS Jesus IS HER SAVIOR! ONLY a sinner needs a savior!! ---"Full of Grace"--compassion--thoughtfulness!!!
@sistermaseko4486 25 дней назад
Thank you, Fr Boshom, we will definitely revisit the book of Ruth.
@lelenkuthazulu 25 дней назад
Gob blesses good and honest Purpose, Intention and Humility.
@sistermaseko4486 Месяц назад
Thanks for the teachings, Fr Fusi
@sistermaseko4486 Месяц назад
A message from God, delivered by an Archangel- Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you.
@mitchellosmer1293 21 день назад
Greeting Mary, you who is compassionate and thoughful, God is with you.
@normamalete5875 Месяц назад
We suppose to be working together in our parishes so that we can be called The Synodal Church journeying together with love.
@normamalete5875 Месяц назад
Go for it Theko .with prayer for God's guidance .He assured us in Isaiah 30:21 that if we wonder off the road You'll hear His voice say "Here is the road Follow it. Mme Norma Malete @ St Joseph M/lands.
@hunadidabula654 Месяц назад
Perseverance is mother of success. It is not over till God says on. Soldier on and praise Him
@lelenkuthazulu Месяц назад
God bless and protect you Reverend Deacon, now and always. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen 🙏🙏
@sistermaseko4486 Месяц назад
Your journey is a bitter sweet story, but we thank the Almighty Father who gave you the Spirit of Courage and perseverance
@sistermaseko4486 Месяц назад
Thank you, Father God, for the gift of Reverend Deacon Thaki. We believe that God will carry him through his priesthood, and we place this prayer in the capable hands of our Mother Mary.
@sistermaseko4486 Месяц назад
Oh yes, Reverend Deacon James
@sistermaseko4486 Месяц назад
Amen and Amen
@pinkymongale2245 7 месяцев назад
Thank you Fr Fusi
@lelenkuthazulu 11 месяцев назад
One of my favorite poems. It speaks about the one thing that we have to always protect at all costs, no matter what. Losing/selling our souls!!!
@lelenkuthazulu 11 месяцев назад
Wishing Fr Ziphozakhe Ngwenya, protection from the Holy Spirit in the Ministry. I wish I could have been part of the discussion. Unfortunately my network coverage is a serious issue. God bless you Fr Ziphozakhe 🙏
@sistermaseko4486 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for the teachings Fr. Your scripture from Genesis and the Emmaus story are almost the same. Hagar running away and the disciples moving away from their situations that made them doubt God, but the loving, caring God went and drew them back to Himself. He is the God who sees and hears.
@normamalete5875 Год назад
Greetings to you
@normamalete5875 Год назад
Thank you very much awesome talk
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
Wow! Great segment to help with introspection just as Lent is about to begin. ...' and they will know we are Christians by our love, by our love.'
@pinkymongale2245 2 года назад
Amen Fr Sompane
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
Hopefully we will all be together on this journey towards spiritual common ground.
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
Absolutely 🙏🏽
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
Yay. It's wonderful to be able to 'unpack' the Scriptures again. Wonderful to hear, listen and watch you all, again 🙏
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
Thank you, it’s good to know that we haven’t lost you due to our long break. We are back in action and ready to resume our journey with you all. May God bless us all. 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph is an example of virtuous living, to me, and as parents, Mary and Joseph show us, that, as parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children our Faith. Not always easy as our children grow older, but our Faith and Hope steer us along. Thank you, all, at FAITH SIMPLIFIED for re - catechizing some if us. Wishing you a Prosperous New Year 2022, filled with many blessings and many more subscribers 🙏🥳
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. May you reap the fruits of your hard work and may Faith Simplified multiply in Subscriptions
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
Great segment. I hope the Youth makes full use of this platform so that they can voice their challenges and/or ideas.
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
A very interesting unpacking of the Scripture. Yay, women power!!! I had never before, until today, thought about Mary's confidence as she set off all alone and pregnant with a child who was to be someone so much greater than herself, to visit her cousin, Elizabeth. How did she manage to slip past her parents and set off alone? Were there repercussions when she returned home? I suppose Mary was not worried, she had accomplished what she had set out to do. Never thought about this.
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
That is true Faith in God… She believed that God is with her and Elizabeth proclaimed that much. “Blessed are you amongst women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus Christ.” We are truly blessed but equally challenged to embrace our Faith and to always strive to live righteously. As we prepare for the coming of our Lord Jesus, let us be like Mary and Elizabeth, bring and Proclaim the Good News of God to others, especially the poor and the vulnerable.
@XoliswaMoraka04 2 года назад
Apology is not repentance
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
It's the Season for sharing and caring. While we declutter material items as well as emotional issues, I often struggle, in this busy time, with sharing my time with those who are lonely and with nothing to look forward to nor rejoice.
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
Thank you once again Ana for engaging us. The struggle is real and that is the challenge we ought give to ourselves especially since we are able to identify those challenges or struggles. In building our faith, we remain on a journey where the starting point and the destination are fixed but the scenery, the curves, the potholes and the weather conditions will never be the same or even the way we would have imagined them to be. Therefore, as Fr. Martin would say, whether it is repentance, change or overcoming our struggles, it is a process that we should allow to take its course so “we don’t scare the neighbours.” It’s work in progress, let’s continue to pray for God’s Grace and Mercy upon ourselves, our loved ones, our neighbours, those who are less fortunate and even our enemies. That is the sort of preparation we should apply in order to welcome Jesus in our hearts and be able to share and make Him known to other people.
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
Great idea to have a segment on the Synod 2021-2023. Simplifying the Synod. Hopefully all will climb aboard and move forward together sharing a united church.🙏
@sellomokoka33 2 года назад
I joined the group at midnight 00:00
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
A very busy time, Advent, as we 'spring clean' ourselves and declutter the year's load, unchaining our souls, and others, on our way towards the Light.
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
This is a great platform for the youth who have been confirmed to comment and tell us, themselves, why they just stay away, after being sealed with the Spirit. Generally parents are the ones that practically insist that their teenager gets confirmed before matric, because of all the study load and Confirmation classes just don't fit into their schedule, then after matric there's college/university/ work and they are out there living their life until they have a child or decide to get married and then the Sacraments call them back to church. Hatch, match and despatch Catholics, a name given by a particular priest. For the youth who remain after Confirmation, and want to commit, they're up against the 'old wood' and restrictions...'no you can't do that, no, we've tried that it doesn't work'. If we believe that with the Sacrament of Confirmation we receive the Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit, then we should encourage and nature the newly confirmed, so that these Fruits and Gifts within them can be their tool to go out and be witnesses.
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
Thank you so much Ana, for your valuable comments. Indeed we really do need to fully engage with the youth, hear them out instead of telling them what to do or not. It really is a growing trend that most of our young people leave the Church post Confirmation without addressing their reasons. In a week’s time or two, we will be engaging the Archdiocesan Episcopal Vicar for Youth in Archdiocese of Johannesburg (Fr. Abel Maluleke) and the HOD in the Youth Office (Sr. Juliana Abioye) to let us in on the role of the Youth Office and how we can best engage with those who have remained. We hope to have more youth participation in the New Year, God willing.
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
🙏 I really enjoyed this segment and await the follow up. Personally, the Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of all the other Sacraments. Unfortunately, like Xoliswa mentioned, some people don't respect nor fully comprehend Baptism, especially when it concerns Sponsors/Godparents. These have to be chosen with wisdom and logic and with the best interest of the child, (if you are the parent making the selection for your child) Years down the line, parents have asked for the church to erase the original Godparents, as they are no longer friends and add new godparents. I just think that once a Sacrament has been documented/registered it is for life. When you register at home affairs, you exist, you can't go and tell them I want my name off, because I'm moving elsewhere 🤔
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
This is true Ana, decisions have to be thought through and most importantly we have to choose God Parents/Sponsors that will work with us to enrich the faith of our children not because we are friends.
@bokamosomedicalbilling512 2 года назад
@musashangase33 2 года назад
There is a big question though that was asked by my schoolmate long time ago “ why do we honour the dead more than the living “ ?
@musashangase33 2 года назад
As Christians, we believe that we are on pilgrimage here on earth. We believe that the way and manner we live on earth determine what becomes of us after we die. As the book of Daniel declares “ many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever “
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
I like the idea of 'Adopt a Saint'. Great assignment, especially for Confirmation youngsters who will really be surprised how much in common they have with the personality of their personal Saints name. I came across one of St Augustine's quotes: ' Every Saint has a past and every sinner has a future'
@kholekaqokela8847 2 года назад
What a powerful topic one of the sacramentals that we usually take for granted as Catholics #The sign of the cross. Faith simplified is giving us an opportunity to revive our Catholic Faith. Our Priests are reminding us about the teachings of our Catholic Faith and we appreciate that 🙏🏽🙏🏽
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
Thank you once again. I was educated by religious sisters, and yes, when it came to Religious Instructions, it was best to listen. Asking too many questions on why we say it or why we do it, was not often tolerated. I'm not disrespecting our dear sisters, that's just how it was back then.
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
We are grateful that you continue to get value from these discussions.
@musashangase33 2 года назад
Rosary to some of us is a religious focus , more or less speaking it is trinket that one would use to help keep track of their prayers. To others , the Rosary is no different than the Bible . They regard the rosary as being nothing more than a tool that is used in ones service to God, and serves as aid during their prayers.
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
You’re correct Musa, the rosary is indeed a different spiritual and prayer tool to different people. It has and continues to fight spiritual battles in many people’s lives, a lot of people connect deeper and longer time wise when they pray the rosary than when they say other forms of prayer. We are yet to afford an opportunity for testimonies of the power of the rosary and how it has transformed, inspired and protected most of us over the years.
@kholekaqokela8847 2 года назад
Rosary is a very powerful weapon that helps us in times of need. I pray my Rosary every day in order to ask for mother Mary’s intervention. When we pray Rosary the devil trembles and runs away.
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
Amen, the grace of our Lord is sufficient. Let's pray the rosary to change our lives and make this world a better place.
@musashangase33 2 года назад
It is interesting to note that , Bartimaeus the blind man did not believe because he was cured . Rather , he was cured because he believed, and humble cried out for help . So , seeing his faith , Christ said to him ; “ Your faith has cured you. “ There is a simple saying that: “If you are not tired of praying , God is not tired of listing to you. “
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
"He was cured because he believed," our faith will set us free from any bondage we find ourselves trapped. Our mission at Faith Simplified is inspire, empower and equip Christians to make faith living a way of life. Thank you for sharing Musa
@musashangase33 2 года назад
Yes Father World mission day : the church invites us to reflect on our personal response , to Christ’s mission . It is a special day to revitalize our faith , and to rededicate ourselves to Christ’s mission . It is also , a day to show special solidarity to all true missionaries who have responded to Christ mandate ; “ Go, make disciples of all nations” 🙏
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
This is so profound Musa I think everyday should be an opportunity to intentionally commit ourselves to lead Christ like lives and use our gifts in service to other people. We can make this world a better place.
@anadefreitas2001 2 года назад
'Lord have Mercy' just became more meaningful after this 'unpacking'.
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
You are so right Ana, we are finding so much meaning and understanding ourselves. Our faith is rich and we are well equipped with every spiritual gifts to lead meaningful lives.
@kholekaqokela8847 2 года назад
Well said thank you Fathers for this kind of reflection,we are all blind in a way. Some of us are blind physically and some of us are spiritually blind.We need Jesus to open our spiritual eyes.
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
Amen, you are right Mam Qokela we are all blind in some way or the other. "If we believe" , Jesus himself has the power to heal us. Faith is our key to Freedom and healing, we just need to call upon him and ask him to give us our sight so that we can follow him and do the works that we have been called to do on this earth.
@tembaniwright9458 2 года назад
Faith is about commitment into the Life of Jesus as He is committed into our Life. Love this deliberation.
@FaithSimplifiedZA2021 2 года назад
Thank you so much for your comment Tembani, please do subscribe and continue to watch and enjoy other episodes.