Alok kumar Badatia
Alok kumar Badatia
Alok kumar Badatia
Hello friends,
My name is Alok Badatia. I am a Digital Marketing Coach & Consultant with a decade of Industry experience. I help Individuals, Startups, Mid-sized and Big enterprises in achieving their career & business objectives.

In this competitive job market, lack of industry skills pulls a student back from making a decent salary and sometimes debars from getting even meager job. And it's the biggest issue in our country.

I hereby, at my channel promise my viewers to serve and offer top-notch digital marketing industry skills that will not help them to get a better job but also inspire them to start their own business and contribute to the national economy.

Apart from Digital Marketing training, I'd also share my business experience and skills around freelancing, building an agency & make money online opportunities.

My Channel will Cover SEO tutorials, Facebook Marketing tutorials, Google AdWords, Blogging tips & various other Digital Marketing courses.

Subscribe & Enjoy :)