Injury Claim Coach
Injury Claim Coach
Injury Claim Coach
InjuryClaimCoach.com helps average people understand the personal injury claim & settlement process. Whether you've been injured in a car accident, slip and fall, work accident, medical malpractice, or other injury-event, our experienced attorneys will give you strategies for getting fair compensation for your injuries. Learn your rights as an accident victim, how to value your injuries, determine liability, negotiate with insurance companies, and many more insider tips to get a fair personal injury settlement.
@davidparsons6588 3 года назад
What about a man traveling in his private automobile my household items 9-109 and a police officer deprive me of my rights I was kidnapped and held for Ransom 28 hour's in jail as a man the sapreme courts are well aware of the rings to travel it's a fundamental right not a fraction I can only be a man
@Mouyam 4 года назад
Watched this in class, great video ! Thank you
@quenessyomy6924 4 года назад
I really need this, bc I was self employed but couldn’t file taxes and I only worked 33daysof the beginning year, so nothing to report.I was thinking an affidavit.. this is better‼️Thank you.
@MeladAlsendy 4 года назад
Icbc scammers. They will try anything to avoid paying for customers injury or car value. And I did happen to me. And. Trying to comparing my car to other cars on Craigslist. It's only matter of time till we get free option to choose the insurance company. And shop around for cheaper rates.
@jessebowman161 4 года назад
hi. i live in colorado and was on my way to a job interview when I slipped on some ice outside of a circle k. there were clumps of snow and ice around. the last snowfall we had in denver happened at least 5 days before (indicating negligence on the part of the business). When I slipped, I found, to my dismay that I had broken my ankle. The break was severe. I had to have a plate put in my foot, along with several screws. Because of the resulting pain and an inability to care for myself (i am a bigger guy and it is dificult for me to get around in my apartment); I had to go back to the hospital several times. I will likely need physical therapy just so that I can learn to walk again. Thus far, my medical bills have totalled over 260000. What's more is I am stressed, angry and depressed because of this injury. I can't go to the gym (the place where i go when I am stressed, angry, etc). I can't look for work, which may result in my being homeless. I am furious, so, so furious at circle k for not protecting their customers and causing me this much pain and anxiety. I did nothing to them. I did nothing wrong. i was paying attention; had i known that there was black ice, i would have walked around it. those sonsofbitchs suck, suck, suck. Now, i think my case is worth over a million dollars (or so my lawyer tells me) but, who knows? maybe i'm being delusional. maybe i'll just end up on the street with a broken ankle. any advice would be appreciated
@anthonyquevedo474 4 года назад
What about an intentional injury with the intent to cause permanent damage??? I was told that I had a benign vocal cyst and woke up from surgery being told that there was no surgery and that nothing was done but all of a sudden I had diminished pitch and range and was running fevers and spitting blood for about 3 months and was refused imaging from the emergency department to my primary care physician for almost 4 months and when they finally decided to give me a ct scan and mri, it still showed profuse swelling and inflammation in my pharyngeal mucosal soft tissues. I have tried to schedule with other local ears nose and throat doctors and they are refusing to see me claiming to not be qualified in voice disorders but I know that is because they don't want to get involved in what's going on. According to all the research I have been doing since this happened points to a superior laryngeal nerve injury which is a paralysis of the cricothyroid muscle, the muscles which control vocal range and pitch. I cannot sing anymore or make explosive sounds and this injury is most common in cervical spine and thyroidectomy surgeries so it should not have been a risk factor in my microlaryngoscopy. I know I was set up because when I requested my medical records from this doctor it said that my initial complaints were strain and decreased pitch. I only had strain in loud environments but I never said that I had decreased pitch but now all of a sudden I do. I'm only 28 years old and this is severely affecting my quality of life. I know it's not an intubation vocal injury either because my speaking voice is just fine but I cannot go up in my range and pitch now which points to a paralysis of the cricothyroid muscles which he most likely injured bilaterally. I cannot find any doctor willing to help me and I'm suffering in silence. What do I do????? Please help!
@mrs.anderson8332 4 года назад
An alias, don;t you know. So realize that you ARE being recorded every time they call you, and and they have this innocuously simple but insiduously trick question of , "How are you? " My own response , "I still suffer from a traumatic brain injury and I am not able to make a statement at this time. Talk to my attorney. Good bye. " They hound me week by week. Remember, they are adversarial.
@mrs.anderson8332 4 года назад
An alias, don't you know. As I sit here with a brace on my neck, I believe this video advice is wrong. It only seems to deal with presettlement negotiations. Your claim will settle for some, all, or more than the amount of the insurance liability coverage. You are justifiably owed for pain and suffering and medical expenses past and future and expenses of personal care to come and property damage and wages. The assets of the responsible party are on the table to cover for and make you whole. This video disregards the assets of the responsible party and I feel it is misleading. You sue that party and not their insurance carrier. Your judgement is against their person. Their purchase of insurance does not limit their responsibility. Furthermore, my lawyer advises that I don;t talk to any insurance representative as they are adversarial. My own insurance company will cheat me and has squirmed out of the contracted coverage by which ever method they can. They become contestants. I hope this helps to empower you to stick your litigation through and don;t be pressured to settle early.
@ivalinapasse2469 4 года назад
Excellent information!!!!
@christoffesedao3579 4 года назад
Thank you so much for this video. It is helping me approach my settlement with much more efficiency.
@was4wa 4 года назад
May i wish you the very best of luck buddy!
@levinesstolzmanhamiltonp.a8299 4 года назад
Do I need a lawyer for a car accident settlement
@lynnlabier819 4 года назад
I was hit by a hit and run driver. I now have osteo arthritis in my neck, cervical strain, bruised shoulders, and my chest hit the steering wheel. How much is that worth?
@galfandbergerllp2905 4 года назад
Can I sue for getting hurt at work
@4everu984 4 года назад
Thank you! Super helpful.
@miltontaylor1952 5 лет назад
Hello I was in a car accident last year and July and I have a lawyer that handled my case now I will always let a good lawyer deal with a car accident because you don’t want to make no mistake on your case this is just my opinion that all I hope that everyone will enjoy there day and god bless
@12fabulus 5 лет назад
If they verbally tell you if there is any additional damage they will directly settle it with the body shop. But will issue you the estimated repair amount only. Should them telling you if there is additional damage they will pay the body shop if they agree on it should that be written in the release form
@theworldisyours2241 5 лет назад
Great Video, advice worth lifetime .. Thanks
@Narcissisticbehaviors 5 лет назад
Great video 👍
@Narcissisticbehaviors 5 лет назад
This is the key to getting to know what the adjuster thinks.
@foustinakp 5 лет назад
Can anyone give me advice? I wasn’t in the vehicle when the accident happened but my truck was completely totaled while my friend was driving it. The other driver was distracted and completely at fault. I lost my truck and hurt myself in the process because when I was running to the scene I fell and went flying and got really hurt because I was worried about my friend. I’m a single mother and I have to take care of my disabled mother by going to her house at least every other day to check in on her and I sometimes have to drive her to her appointments which are two hours away. This negligent driver made my life even more difficult than it already was and they want to give me $2800. What should I do?
@kimberlycorley4164 5 лет назад
I feel alone, no help at all. Haven’t worked in 3yrs. Everyone wants me to go back to work. I feel like I’m still being watched and I don’t feel comfortable or healthy. Ppl expect me to jump back in the game, but I now have limitations. I feel claustrophobic around a lot of ppl due to the trauma. I want to pursue my happiness. Go open a small business get me a nice car, and home. I’m currently homeless and battling daily. This is sad. They wouldn’t let me use my notes so I wasn’t able to say everything. Because my memory has been off. They recently denied my disability on top I haven’t had any money. Can’t even pay my storage bill. I’m about to loss everything I worked hard for.
@kimberlycorley4164 5 лет назад
Yeah I was injured on the job. Now I’m suffering daily. I haven’t had a settlement yet. I’m being denied all around the board. I’ve been going through mental trauma. A coworker raised up the train while I was on the train cleaning my car. As I was climbing down and couldn’t touch the ground I noticed the train was elevated. I then had to jump down causing my patellar to be thrown off track. I’ve been harassed, mental trauma, no proper health care. I need help. I went through a period of mental loss due to being followed every day. I was denied everything. I lost my car my 4 bedroom home. I’ve been experiencing depression and haven’t been able to return to work. I need help
@healthyamerican 5 лет назад
i`m wondering what my settlement will be...uhaul truck pulled out in front of me..the guys insurance doesnt want to take responsibility, and the driver didnt report accident to uhaul. the other driver was cited. my car estimate is over $2300...i had to go to chiropractor for 8 weeks for whiplash and shoulder pain...chiro said i`m not getting worse but i`m not getting better. the lawyer has just received the paperwork from chiropractor. i`m wondering who is going to be responsible, uhaul or other drivers insurance, or driver himself?
@ultimoskillit1714 5 лет назад
So, in other words you the person injured by another person's negligence is required to pay 3 times.. Once for being injured and missing work, second paying premiums and 3rd through your settlement.. It's utter b.s.
@johnbeall940 5 лет назад
Is it possible to win some but not all of the financial damages you are seeking in small claims court? For example: I'm seeking $3600. $1000 of that will be easy to prove liability & damages. The rest of the $3600, won't be so easy. Might a judge award me the $1000, but not the full $3600? Does going after the full $3600 hurt my chances of an overall successful outcome?
@erikfritz7478 5 лет назад
Don't overlook the psychological factors involved in representing yourself, even if you're technically competent to do so. I am an attorney with years of PI experience but would NOT handle my own case because of the emotions involved in constantly having to think about my accident and resulting injuries.
@GG-rt8bs 5 лет назад
What if you’re attorney doesn’t have the skill to get a higher settlement
@runneryg 5 лет назад
@sharkordhe 5 лет назад
the insurance companies want your money for nothing in return
@trangwuong7689 5 лет назад
Thank you.
@Jcfootballer1 5 лет назад
Why if you gave your insurance your social security number?
@ltony6907 5 лет назад
This was SOOOO helpful !! Wonderfully explained!! Thank you !!
@lupelunaluna8835 5 лет назад
Help 😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
@kcmo1127 5 лет назад
Espero que encuentres la ayuda que buscas. No sé cual sea tu problema pero te FE en DIOS!
@lupelunaluna8835 5 лет назад
@@kcmo1127 thanku sir almost over i had a slip an fall damage my knee real bad the had to do surgery on it total knee replacement plus soft tissue back injury bad but gettin better thanku 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@kcmo1127 5 лет назад
@@lupelunaluna8835 you must certainly welcome and I'm really sorry to hear about what you're going through but I am also glad that you are doing better. I had an accident at work and I ended up with something called spondylolisthesis I'm getting surgery next month and I am really nervous😫😖😩😨
@lupelunaluna8835 5 лет назад
@@kcmo1127 hope u got an attorney k dang sorry hope it comes out ok if u need to file a law suit do it cus they dnt care about nobody but them self k pls 😭😭
@kcmo1127 5 лет назад
@@lupelunaluna8835 thank you for the advice I will totally hire one ASAP 🤗☺️
@lupelunaluna8835 5 лет назад
I need help 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭nowwwwwww🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕
@ravenfeathesDVM 5 лет назад
I was lightly tapped on my rear bumper by an angry woman. Absolutely no damage (I even wondered if I had even been hit it was so light) and I went along my way. I got cited for not reporting it. She called it in as a “hit and run” on my part but she hit me and I didn’t even notice it. Is that even a citable offense? Now I have to pay a fine and/or go to court. This will put points on my record. Not fair at all. The police woman was rude, aggressive, and wouldn’t let me explain.
@runneryg 5 лет назад
@letsgomario 5 лет назад
Very detailed and helpful information.
@bajkhan1874 5 лет назад
My little sister maliciously kicked me and I almost died from a severe #concussion. It's nearly ruined my life. Can I sue her?
@yannitoob7525 5 лет назад
You could but if she doesn't have anything to get it's a waste of time. You could pursue her criminally possibly
@captainheinie6355 5 лет назад
This does not include the UK.
@rhondaw5285 5 лет назад
6:02 "Don't purse a malpractice case without counsel".. well I guess medical records saw me coming, no wonder the secretary was thrilled to tell me how much hospital rules had changed when it comes to release of medical records. I walked in their office and gave them everything they needed, little did I know I've just helped them out in their defense against me. so I'm fu#!
@JPREEDY77 4 года назад
@M M she tried to keep her lawsuit in her Purse
@shereerabon8551 5 лет назад
Thank you for sharing. I feel real sick now.
@sarahendrix3132 5 лет назад
Useful video! Thanks!
@supaswagg251 5 лет назад
And screenshots of the type of "projections" meant to tatter my reputation as well as ppl directly lifting my ip. Keep gaslighting my restitution.
@supaswagg251 5 лет назад
Pain & Suffering is the stolen ip, attempts at tattering of my reputation by ppl I dont work for. So unconstitutional. Im going to win, all going to my pocket. No reason, I should be destitute.
@myfavorites1016 5 лет назад
how can you remember to do and say all of this
@bookies5309 5 лет назад
myfavorites1016 write it down and keep it in your glove box
@ianross8646 5 лет назад
That’s very convenient to the business of the legal community to advise against giving a statement, and to preface that with the opinion that a statement serves no legal purpose. Very self-serving. It was said your statement can be given at deposition....which means they are representing you, and will take 20 to 50% of your settlement award. Indeed, Insurance is a contract, and providing a statement at the onset DOES serve a legal purpose, that is “cooperation”, which is a clause in your insurance contract. You wont need an expensive lawyer at a deposition. If you dont give a statement at some point, your claim will be denied due to non-cooperation.
@mrs.anderson8332 4 года назад
You might need an attorney, and their cut should only be 1/3. I negotiated for 1/4.
@roepowell 6 лет назад
this was extremely helpful!!
@ivanrubio142 6 лет назад
I'm Ivan Rubio I'm admitted in the grossmont sharp hospital for an infected open wound on right leg and I underwent a surgery for a skin graft on my right leg (tibula/fibula area). The skin graft turned out fine he used a piece from my thigh, however he also remove muscle and tissue from my calf. This wasn't discussed during my consultation with the surgeon. He failed to mention that I'd now be left with another open wound . I spoke with an orthopedic doctor on the floor here and he said that the surgeon didn't have to remove the muscle/tissue from my calf and that the hospitals recycle tissues/muscles for other procedures/patients (such as like blood). He told me I should sit down and discuss with you the surgeon the procedure and exactly what he did. The wound that the tissue/muscle that was removed is larger than the original wound I walked in with and that the surgeon couldn't have used all of the tissue he removed the fill in the initial wound and he probably harvested my tissue/muscle for whatever reason. And now I'm worried, they talked of possibly discharging me tomorrow, if they send me home with an even bigger open wound I'll likely be at high risk for another infection. I could seriously use some help or advice this isn't the first time I've had problems with a surgery. The infection originated from a gunshot wound I received back in February 24th I have a metal rod prosthetic inside my right tibula/fibula and the orthopedic surgeon Dr. Michael Bongiovanni left the bullet fragments inside which lead to further complications and ultimately led to the infection I'm currently in the hospital for. I followed up with Dr.Michael Bongiovanni for two months after the surgery in February, he'd be like a broken recorder constantly saying "you're young, that thing will heal just be patient". He prescribed me with morphine 15mg tablets upon which I had to be taken to the hospital again for a possible overdose. I understand that it's not cool to sue people. However I believe that there has to have been a malpractice or poor healthcare service provided I constantly get advice from relatives and loved ones instructing me to look into this and that I risk losing my leg everyday I'm not getting the proper healthcare I need
@robertstv8045 6 лет назад
ALWAYS determine the insurance coverage available before hiring an attorney. As and adjuster for 30 yrs I told many, many people do not hire and attorney as coverage is limited and your injury was serious. I paid the limits, usually 10 to 50K. Some people did not believe me, even after seeing policy documents, and hired and attorney who got 1/3+ of the same limits.
@myson04 5 лет назад
insurance coverage as in our own policy? Or is it the at faults policy?
@Gorwn 5 лет назад
As an adjuster with 12 years experience for the most part this video is accurate. But I caution it is also very generalized and insurance claims often have lots of legal rules that vary from state to state. And other considerations. Like when he said no law requires you to give a statement he is right, but if you are a first party claimant your policy contract my require it
@morrismom04 4 года назад
Roberts TV How do things like recent surgery affect the claim for pain and suffering?
@tilu3303 6 лет назад
Is there compensation available for someone who is determined to be 80 percent responsible for the accident?
@codymiller9414 6 лет назад
"I'm a Medicare HMO patient, and I've been infectious with Chlamydia for nearly ten years now because of miscreant physicians denying proper services in order to force me to perpetually doctor shop. And I was originally assaulted with the Chlamydia by a derelict jailbird of the sheriff's..."