How to Grow Taller
7 лет назад
How to Jump Higher
7 лет назад
Mr. Forthright Will Never Sell Out
8 лет назад
How to Stop Terrorists
8 лет назад
How to Get a Girlfriend
8 лет назад
How to Survive the Apocalypse
9 лет назад
How to Dominate Black Friday
9 лет назад
How to Get Out of a Ticket
9 лет назад
How to Conceal a Fart
10 лет назад
How to Respond to Fan Mail
10 лет назад
How to Get Rid of the Hiccups
10 лет назад
How to Give an Epic Eulogy
10 лет назад
How to Make Your Own Fireworks
10 лет назад
How to Deliver a Baby
10 лет назад
How to Take a Selfie
10 лет назад
How to Get Ripped
10 лет назад
How to Protect Your Identity
10 лет назад
How to Get Out of Jury Duty
10 лет назад
More Ways to Win the Superbowl
10 лет назад
How to Win the Super Bowl
10 лет назад
How to Pretend You Understand Art
10 лет назад
How to Be a Gangsta
10 лет назад
@amban1352 13 дней назад
2024- and I still remember the laughs I’d get from watching him. Hope heaven is treating you well Mr. Forthright.
@CO84trucker 19 дней назад
One of my coworkers tried to get disqualified from JD by saying that she supports public executions. It didn't work, the powers-that-be kept her in the jury pool!
@iphonewalkthroughs 20 дней назад
That Fast and the Furious 15 joke had great foresight, Mr. F
@dwp.euphoria 2 месяца назад
@dwp.euphoria 2 месяца назад
this was really helpful
@EnbyBee 4 месяца назад
I miss him so much. He’d be 99 if he were still alive
@Vault_boy3000 5 месяцев назад
This guy was probably deployed with Rico Rodriguez
@stoogethree4438 5 месяцев назад
Yeah none of that works in civil court
@LimeLimess 6 месяцев назад
Never gets old
@julesjedi2332 6 месяцев назад
It worked
@abhaykumar-sk4nz 7 месяцев назад
he indeed was 92 years YOUNG. RIP
@ganeshbaskar5063 8 месяцев назад
Rest in peace. This guy made me laugh a lot !
@kragxciv2794 9 месяцев назад
Aw. Rip man.
@ld1501 10 месяцев назад
im the 500 like
@dianascoggins3074 10 месяцев назад
i typed in how to escape a nursing home am preparing.....lol this is what i got
@vitonamous 11 месяцев назад
fly high mister...
@MrsLana92 Год назад
Found these videos back when they were new, can't believe it's been 10 years already. Actually married my husband and the wedding unfortunately only ticked 5 of these boxes. Covid counts as "during the plague" doesn't it?
@gabrielcapodilupo2465 Год назад
I say yes to Mary Jane
@poochy Год назад
Just found out, rest in peace Mr Forthright. Thank you so much for all the advice over the years
@loversroll1 Год назад
Blame the baby😂
@dwightdeisenhower53 Год назад
he died? :(((((((((((((
@shonteshields7758 Год назад
Can I wear me a regular Adult police officer woman Halloween costume to go trick or treating with kids to get some free candy about October 31st around the neighborhood, and can I use a plastic bags for Halloween candy of trick or treating.
@Inv_Enot Год назад
Trick or treating as a kid: normal Trick or treating as a adult: ok to some people weird to some (idc how old a trick or treater is) Trick or treating as a older person: wholesome Odd isn’t it 😕
@jadeenglish5255 Год назад
Your Amazing
@lanagreen8509 Год назад
I love this
@Robin_Is Год назад
@Robin_Is Год назад
@Robin_Is Год назад
@modestoctopus14 Год назад
This man is a legend in my eyes. RIP
@modestoctopus14 Год назад
@charisma7268 Год назад
Avatar 2
@pedrosil77 Год назад
Be blacc Throw up gang signz Sell drugz Ask "aye where u from cuh?" Eat nothin' but chicken Congratulations u r now a real gangstuh
@TheDrGoggles Год назад
gone to soon
@suvojitchoudhury374 Год назад
Indicated Suvojit Choudhury When is intracranial pressure monitoring indicated? Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is a medical procedure used to measure the pressure inside the skull. It is typically indicated in patients who have conditions that may cause increased ICP, such as head injury, stroke, brain tumors, or hydrocephalus (excess fluid in the brain). It may also be used in patients who are at risk of developing increased ICP, such as those with severe brain injury or certain neurological conditions. ICP monitoring is typically performed in a hospital setting, and may be performed continuously or intermittently, depending on the patient's condition and the clinical situation. It is usually performed in patients who are critically ill and require close monitoring, or in those who are experiencing symptoms such as headache, vomiting, or changes in mental status that may be caused by increased ICP. ICP monitoring is generally considered to be a safe procedure, although there are some potential risks and complications, such as infection, bleeding, or injury to the brain or other structures in the head. It is important that ICP monitoring be performed by experienced healthcare professionals who are trained in the procedure and familiar with the equipment being used.
@suvojitchoudhury374 Год назад
Heterozygous Mutation Definition Suvojit Choudhury Heterozygous mutations A heterozygous mutation is a genetic mutation that occurs in one copy of a gene in a pair of genes that an individual inherited from their parents. Heterozygous mutations are sometimes called "heterozygous variations" or "heterozygous variants." In humans, genes are found on chromosomes and are inherited in pairs, with one copy of each gene coming from the mother and one from the father. When a heterozygous mutation occurs, it affects one copy of the gene, while the other copy remains unchanged. This means that the individual has one normal copy of the gene and one mutated copy. Heterozygous mutations can have a range of effects on an individual's health and traits, depending on the specific gene and mutation involved. Some heterozygous mutations may have no detectable effect on an individual's health or traits, while others may cause a range of disorders or traits. For example, a person who has a heterozygous mutation in the gene that codes for the enzyme lactase, which is involved in the digestion of lactose, may be lactose intolerant, meaning that they have difficulty digesting lactose-containing foods. In contrast, a person with two normal copies of the lactase gene would likely be able to digest lactose without any problems. It's important to note that heterozygous mutations are different from homozygous mutations, which occur when both copies of a gene are mutated. Homozygous mutations are usually more severe than heterozygous mutations, as they affect both copies of the gene
@suvojitchoudhury374 Год назад
Pseudoautosomal Dominant Inheritance  pseudoautosomal dominant Pseudoautosomal dominant inheritance is a pattern of inheritance that occurs when a gene is located on the pseudoautosomal region (PAR) of the sex chromosomes (X and Y). This type of inheritance is called "pseudoautosomal" because the PAR behaves like an autosome (a non-sex chromosome) in terms of inheritance. It is called "dominant" because a single copy of the mutant gene is sufficient to cause the disease or trait. In humans, the PARs are located at the ends of the X and Y chromosomes and are involved in the normal pairing and recombination of the sex chromosomes during meiosis (the process of cell division that produces eggs and sperm). Genes on the PARs are inherited in a similar manner to those on autosomes, with one copy inherited from each parent. Pseudoautosomal dominant inheritance is relatively rare and occurs in a small number of genetic disorders, including certain types of dwarfism and hormonal imbalances. It is important to note that not all genetic disorders are inherited in a predictable pattern, and the inheritance pattern of a particular condition can be complex and may not fit neatly into one of the standard categories of inheritance.
@suvojitchoudhury374 Год назад
Phasarum polycephalum ciliate Suvojit Choudhury Phasarum polycephalum Phasarum polycephalum is a type of microorganism known as a ciliate. It is a single-celled organism that belongs to the phylum Ciliophora, which includes a diverse group of protists characterized by the presence of cilia, hair-like structures that they use for locomotion and feeding. Phasarum polycephalum is a common inhabitant of freshwater environments, including ponds, lakes, and streams. It is a heterotrophic organism, meaning that it obtains its nutrients from other sources rather than producing its own food through photosynthesis. It feeds on a variety of small organic particles, such as bacteria and algae, which it captures using its cilia. Phasarum polycephalum is of scientific interest because of its ability to regenerate its cilia after injury, a process known as ciliogenesis. This ability has made it a useful model organism for studying the molecular mechanisms of ciliogenesis and cell division.
@suvojitchoudhury374 Год назад
ML Code and Example Suvojit Choudhury Writing machine learning code and example Sure! Here's a simple example of machine learning code that trains a model to classify images of handwritten digits: Copy code import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras # Load the MNIST dataset (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() # Normalize the inputs x_train = x_train / 255.0 x_test = x_test / 255.0 # Build the model model = keras.Sequential([ keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)), # input layer (1D array) keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'), # hidden layer keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax') # output layer (10 classes) ]) # Compile the model model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) # Train the model model.fit(x_train, y_train, epochs=5) # Evaluate the model test_loss, test_acc = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=2) print(' Test accuracy:', test_acc) This code uses the MNIST dataset, which consists of 60,000 28x28 grayscale images of handwritten digits (0-9) and their corresponding labels. The model is a simple neural network with an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer. The input layer takes in the flattened images (28x28 arrays are flattened into 1D arrays of size 784). The hidden layer has 128 units and uses the ReLU activation function, and the output layer has 10 units and uses the softmax activation function, since there are 10 classes (digits 0-9). The model is then compiled with the Adam optimization algorithm and the sparse categorical cross-entropy loss function (since the labels are integers, not one-hot encoded). The model is then trained for 5 epochs (iterations over the entire dataset), and finally evaluated on the test set to assess its performance. Suvojit Choudhury By this code what happened In this code, the following steps are performed: The MNIST dataset is loaded using the load_data() function from the keras.datasets module. This returns the training set and the test set, which consist of pairs of images and labels. The inputs (images) are normalized by dividing each pixel value by 255.0. Normalization is a common preprocessing step that scales the inputs to have values between 0 and 1. A simple neural network model is created using the Sequential class from the keras.models module. The model consists of an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer. The input layer is a flatten layer that flattens the 2D images into 1D arrays. The hidden layer has 128 units and uses the ReLU activation function, and the output layer has 10 units and uses the softmax activation function, since there are 10 classes (digits 0-9). The model is compiled with the Adam optimization algorithm and the sparse categorical cross-entropy loss function (since the labels are integers, not one-hot encoded). The model is also compiled with the accuracy metric, which will be used to evaluate the model's performance. The model is trained using the fit() method, which takes in the training data (images and labels) and the number of epochs (iterations over the entire dataset) as arguments. During training, the model will update its weights and biases to minimize the loss and improve its accuracy on the training set. Finally, the model is evaluated on the test set using the evaluate() method. This returns the test loss and test accuracy, which are printed to the console. Suvojit Choudhury tensorflow uses in michin learning TensorFlow is an open-source software library for machine learning and artificial intelligence. It was developed by Google and released in 2015. TensorFlow is used for a wide range of tasks, including training and deploying machine learning models, performing numerical computations, and building deep learning networks. Some of the ways TensorFlow can be used in machine learning are: Training and evaluating machine learning models: TensorFlow provides a variety of tools and libraries for building, training, and evaluating machine learning models. This includes support for popular algorithms such as linear regression, logistic regression, and support vector machines, as well as deep learning frameworks such as convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks. Preprocessing and transforming data: TensorFlow includes utilities for preprocessing and transforming data, such as scaling, normalization, and one-hot encoding. These tools can help improve the performance of machine learning models by ensuring that the inputs are in a suitable format. Optimizing model performance: TensorFlow includes a number of optimization algorithms, such as gradient descent and Adam, that can be used to fine-tune the performance of machine learning models. Visualizing and debugging model training: TensorFlow includes tools for visualizing the training process, such as TensorBoard, which allows users to track the progress of their models and identify areas for improvement. Deploying machine learning models: TensorFlow provides support for deploying machine learning models to a variety of platforms, including mobile devices, web servers, and cloud platforms. This allows users to easily deploy their models and make them available to users in a variety of contexts.
@suvojitchoudhury374 Год назад
Understanding variables in programming Suvojit Choudhury Getting your head around variables A variable is a container that holds a value or a reference to a value. In programming, variables are used to store data values, such as numbers, strings (text), and other types of data. Here is an example of a variable in Python: Copy code x = 10 In this example, the variable x is assigned the value 10. The type of the value that a variable can hold depends on the programming language being used. For example, in Python, a variable can hold values of any type, such as integers, floating-point numbers, strings, and so on. It is important to choose descriptive names for your variables to make your code easier to read and understand. For example, instead of using x as a variable name, you could use age if the variable is going to hold someone's age. You can also change the value of a variable by reassigning it to a new value. For example: Copy code x = 10 x = 20 In this example, the value of x is first set to 10, and then it is changed to 20. I hope this helps to give you a basic understanding of variables in programming. Let me know if you have any questions!
@Sp0on777 Год назад
@shades541 Год назад
Gamers, This was not the Alpha we deserved, but the Sigma we needed
@Sp0on777 Год назад
@Sp0on777 Год назад
@Sp0on777 Год назад
@garnyd777 Год назад
this video aged like a fine wine
@Axoltolion Год назад
When I just discovered him 😢
@Hussienberkznuts_420 Год назад
This old ass man Is a even bigger g and comidian then me
@jamesmcdonough7238 2 года назад
I still always go back to "How to be a G.". Hold your remote sideways. Thug life. RIP old boy.
@AdamDeathstars 2 года назад
Keep. Watching. These. Tips.
@jasonpbass 2 года назад
i miss him so much
@Anonymity038 2 года назад
I just escaped
@HEXPO 2 года назад
this was hilarious made me laugh the whole vid.
@LockeSoriku 2 года назад
@LockeSoriku 2 года назад
Wonder where Ms "I'm offended at the mexican joke" is on this one?