Just Some Guy
Just Some Guy
Just Some Guy
Yapp Session
Месяц назад
Dead Mouse
Месяц назад
3 1/2 years gone
Месяц назад
This would fix comment sections!
Месяц назад
Start Slow
Месяц назад
My Issue With The Fallout TV Series
Месяц назад
Stop Being So Entitled
Месяц назад
Just a video of my dog eating grass
Месяц назад
Appreciate it
Месяц назад
We Need Some Good News
Месяц назад
Are We Friends?
Месяц назад
So when did it start?
2 месяца назад
Someone came to my house ...
2 месяца назад
Push Up GOD!
2 месяца назад
Full Spring 2024 Anime Tier List!
2 месяца назад
I Really Like Soup
2 месяца назад
Stop The Hype!!!
2 месяца назад
Why Are You Not Having Fun?
2 месяца назад
This one is a bit more serious ...
2 месяца назад
Remember the good times ...
2 месяца назад
Campaign Skips? My take on Ziziran's take
2 месяца назад
This Looks So Bad - Suicide Squad Isekai
2 месяца назад
Why Solo Leveling Season 1 Is Mid
2 месяца назад
Go outside
2 месяца назад
Keeping up with games is hard
2 месяца назад
@TheSpearPoint 3 дня назад
Feel like your back at wendys. LOL. Thank you for the laugh!
@MrBud85 5 дней назад
@RachaelAlucard 5 дней назад
Things insane, grats.
@anthonymullins1869 6 дней назад
Bro meat looks so good!!!
@crzyslain8445 6 дней назад
Glad to see all is well chief yeah I will be cooking on the flat tops out over here as well but currently just kind of cleaning up the house so enjoy your weekend chief
@XDeitado 6 дней назад
Yooo you're master chef Pog i want 8 xD
@brynamyte9902 6 дней назад
I just cleaned and reseasoned mine after it was sitting all winter, I love it! Take care!
@MrBud85 16 дней назад
miss you baby
@Greenie123 17 дней назад
looks dope, plus giga p produced that song so thats a hit too
@stevevaughan1583 20 дней назад
Looks amazing to me. You do know the suicide squad live action movies were shit right?
@evanescence408 21 день назад
Depression is rough. The first step is realization. I think after that just keep trying little by little to enjoy life. I'll keep trying to make you do things or visit when I can 😎 you'll get to a better place.
@jamesgiles4517 25 дней назад
"I don't care how a company treats their employees aslong as my product is good-" And just like that you've earned a dislike Edit: Dude... you shouldn't even have to negotiate for higher pay. The higher ups should NOT be underpaying you in the first place
@OnboardingInformation 29 дней назад
Having a job and pets is a great motivator for speaking words. Love your window view by the way.
@crzyslain8445 Месяц назад
Well if you want to go to youma if it just for the day, you have a spot here to sleep, Chill or hangout. I only 20-30 minutes from there. Worse case you ride in with me when i go work it. And you just take my car back to the house. Let me know. Your always welcome here any time 😊
@acucumbergrowingoutofthegr2223 Месяц назад
your attitude is amazing, I'm trying to get some routine and structure into my life so I can function better and I think I'll take your advice by taking it slow to not burn myself out. Thank you and I believe in you, hope you have a nice day!
@wildarms25 Месяц назад
yeah how it's when you get older have at the con
@jaysphilosophy1951 Месяц назад
Dude your house reminds me of Amityville.....😂😂❤❤
@MrBud85 Месяц назад
Hi buddy
@eclipses3131 Месяц назад
Actually looks pretty good but ig…
@vigfuss Месяц назад
I don't think you ever told me that Appa was meant for me 😂
@MrBud85 Месяц назад
Hey bathroom!
@MrBud85 Месяц назад
@strategistoftheba4946 Месяц назад
shogy, frost said that hes too busy to watch animu with us on saturday
@MrBud85 Месяц назад
Frost is a coward
@jaysphilosophy1951 Месяц назад
Man you got issues, but not the worst. It could be worse.
@RachaelAlucard Месяц назад
Imagine the smell of that toilet appa
@MrBud85 Месяц назад
@Nocare89 Месяц назад
The old ways of weekly episodes I didn't ever finish anything. Even when they just release half a season I never watch the 2nd half. I just wait a year or whatever until the whole thing is out before watching it. That said, binge watching stuff flat out is unhealthy for your mind. But man I even do it with books lol.
@wildarms25 Месяц назад
nice job
@justsomeguyYT Месяц назад
Thx homie
@kaizerprobablydoesntdoanyt180 Месяц назад
Well today I learned you can buy Screen repair kits, that info would be super helpful if I didn't live on the ground floor appartement in the city. The building manager put iron bars on the outside to prevent break ins, so I can't put a screen in.
@justsomeguyYT Месяц назад
But a screen repair kit and some duct tape and just make a screen on the inside of the iron bars *5head*
@kaizerprobablydoesntdoanyt180 Месяц назад
Shit you are so right.
@vigfuss Месяц назад
I went through a lot of guilt after I made the decision to put Busdy down. It's a really difficult spot to be in. You've got a solid job, a to few good friends and the means to get yourself back on track. Take some time to rethink and restructure those life goals. It's good to see you looking to come out of that hole.
@crzyslain8445 Месяц назад
Being honest with yourself is the best teacher. Glad to hear going in the right direction. We got your back as usual. Plans are in the works to be more available if need be to come and assist. Keep moving forward your doing great chief 😊
@spadetrump Месяц назад
I wasted the last 9 years of my life
@josephmasloski4962 Месяц назад
The fact that you're able to realize the issue and share what's on your mind is a big step in the right direction. Once you've corrected one small thing, it usually leads to more positivity, and everything else will kind of follow suit after that.
@BlackBaneWH Месяц назад
When I was locked down for a couple of months at the start of rona all I did was sit around on computer. Let me tell your leg atrophy real fast. work your way back up slowly. But set a goal and a time frame. Book that trip to Japan at the end of this year or the start of next. have that thing to work towards.
@anthonyz3400 Месяц назад
Well you've got the money problem cleared even with the "failed" content creation thing, that's more than what a lot of people can say. Because of that you've got the freedom to do stuff as long as you can physically pull it off.
@wildarms25 Месяц назад
You working on it now you were big in E7 If you've got the talent to know what people look for an entertainment just Focus on something you passionate do ok do some like with anime or write web book
@MrBud85 Месяц назад
Just hit up town. . Go out for lunch vs at home. Just see some humans. Working remote sucks. Maybe you work in office once a week. Just gotta sometimes get out there. I hate working remote only for lack of socialization. Its cool being remote, but you die sooner.....is it worth it... Do something crazy and shave all your hair!
@HanSDevX Месяц назад
my life was better pre-covid aswell getting laid at the very least once a month, now pretty much living the incel life. I think you should just start doing excercise and eating healthy, but easier said than done.
@MrBud85 Месяц назад
U never got laid
@jaysphilosophy1951 Месяц назад
I look for Authenticity.....Not positivity. Honesty is rare on youtube these days.... Thanks for keeping it real. Keep your head up man. I live in Kentucky so I know about the weather....lol
@sunspirit4517 Месяц назад
Yeah i started doing some DnD again near the end of covid just to see more people and now i'm getting a better social experience.
@gjcarpe Месяц назад
You reached an interesting conclusion, but i must ask of you: Do you really wasted 3 and half years? Don't you think that at least you got wiser? It seems to me that you learned a lot about yourself and the way the world work during this time. Sometimes we may feel stagnant and trapped, but there's always an exit. It think that you are heading to a good direction now, you know what you want and you are determined to become a better version of yourself. I believe that you will be improving on a steady pace from now on! I myself am constantly battling my inner demons too, and keeping them in check is hard, but as long as i'm improving, even slowly, i'm a happy person. Lost some money trying to invest on something? At least you got the experience from that, and next time you will be wiser. There is always something being received, even when we loose. As we age our wits improve and our talents increase. The important part is to never loose focus on the long goals. Have a nice day and as always, God bless.
@antx24 Месяц назад
or,hear me out. I may sound crazy but maybe show some self-control and spread out he episodes and watch an episode every other week.
@Doomguy_74 Месяц назад
2:50 had me dying bro. What a chad. LOL totally not the direction i thought this was going XD gave you a sub just for that.
@josephmasloski4962 Месяц назад
I'm not going to lie; I paused the video halfway through because I wanted to look up that sweet Nobu wall art. I couldn't find it though.
@justsomeguyYT Месяц назад
I got you www.ebay.com/itm/115706085028?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=b90AVuRzSwK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=n_R22nsrRu-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
@josephmasloski4962 Месяц назад
@justsomeguyYT you're the best. Thanks bro.
@anthonyz3400 Месяц назад
I'ma buy that for a friend's birthday
@anthonymullins1869 Месяц назад
Trash VIDEO!!! Just kidding! Just wanted to troll you real quick. Your a real chill dude
@davidzarr1832 Месяц назад
It does suck waiting for a year to watch a new season. Usually I just forget the whole series and move on to other things.
@wildarms25 Месяц назад
if weather forecasters say it 50% chance them saying I don't know. That's their trick in saying I don't know and not be wrong
@chadbertrand1460 Месяц назад
I typically hate bingeing, as it impacts my enjoyment of each subsequent episode, in the same way food tastes better when I'm hungry. Normally it's easy for me to spread out viewing one series (except when I dove into Red Dwarf), but for Fallout I binged to I take in all the post commentary, videos and articles without fear of spoilers. It's not the end of the world.
@ellegsbre5221 Месяц назад
That's actually a really great idea :o it'd change many stupid and absurd comment sections fosho
@supermstash29 Месяц назад
I think season 2 will be weekly given the discussion of it and hopefully it’s more episodes than 8
@crzyslain8445 Месяц назад
Always watch to the end before commenting cause that just what I think supposed to do