Conspicuous Mama
Conspicuous Mama
Conspicuous Mama
I am a mama to two awesome kiddos, one of whom was adopted from China, and a crazy husband who likes to keep me on my toes. We are a happy family and I love to share some of the things I think might bring some joy to someone somewhere. I am also an art and music teacher and I love to create tutorials and music adventures so that I can share the arts with others who enjoy it as well!
@Jexular 2 года назад
I’m Aiden harris
@Jexular 2 года назад
thank you for teaching me this!
@TCHNGMNG 3 года назад
I'm Bryson deboard
@TCHNGMNG 3 года назад
Hi Mrs. Lions
@tiffanycantrell4477 3 года назад
Omg that was so funny
@TheArtAcademy1 5 лет назад
Very nice drawing 👌👍
@conspicuousmama2292 5 лет назад
Thank You!!!! =)
@MidnightBuzz 5 лет назад
I liked and subscribed. I hope You will like and subscribe to me.
@philoujempi 5 лет назад
I give a LIKE!!