JChuck Vlogs
JChuck Vlogs
JChuck Vlogs
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10.5 Search Odd Artifacts Found
6 часов назад
Searching Near Last Known Point
2 часа назад
For Dear Susie’s Entertainment
14 часов назад
Criminal Law Lecture In Perspective
14 часов назад
@DJMoore-001 4 часа назад
I copied both articles for you. If nothing else maybe you can spot something I am missing in them for any hint of a clue. Both are news paper articles. Just google will not let me post external limks.
@JChuckVlogs 3 часа назад
That is a little weird that nothing was found by SAR in both cases.
@JChuckVlogs 3 часа назад
There must be a difference between rallying up to 200 searchers at a time for a search versus dozens and outside volunteers. Alvie and Jim did not voluntarily walk out: they must still be there physically on those mountains.
@JChuckVlogs 3 часа назад
Both Jim and Alvie can be found with enough resources. The problem is SAR doesn’t have 100 fellows at a time. If there were hundreds of SAR at a time sweeping the mountains: they would be rescued alive. SAR local teams don’t have such resources. I appreciate the articles and what SAR conveyed on Jim. He’s gotta be there.
@DJMoore-001 3 часа назад
@@JChuckVlogs One thing that happens I think is how many people are available when the call comes in. People with families go on vacation, Family comes in for visits who knows. Alvie Webb, David Lunde, Daniel Lamthach, Ian O'Brain, Jim Shadid all within 34.7 miles straight lined. Ian was found by fishermen in a river. I know I piss people off when I always ask questions. But if there are no answers how does a person use information to form a educated plan? I know I do not buy into the Aliens took them. I can believe a lot of crazy shit but that one is out there even for me. I don't know J. All I have is questions that no matter where I look, How many times I read something I can't get answers to. I know one thing, I have never seen someone out for a walk/Hike/Jog and they are there one second and gone the next, I can't wrap my head around that. Don't take it personal when I leave a comment and it is full of questions. I am just hunting for another opinion or maybe a answer. What I know is Jim and his wife went out to scout that area to hunt elk. They split up and she went back to the pick up. He radio'ed her and said he was 20 minutes out. She waited for 45 minutes, Tried to contact him and nothing. She called the Sheriff and they came out. They contacted SAR and the search was started. If I remember right with'in 3 hours there was no trace of Jim. Searchers couldn't find anything. Dogs could not pick up a scent. They had people on Horses, Foot, 4 Wheelers, and Helicopters with thermal. They asked other hunters in the area to look as they hunted. The results? Not a damn thing. How? That is as fast and fresh as you can be on a search. Scent would be strong and fresh for the dogs. Helicopters with thermal would hit everything producing heat, They would have the shape for animal or person. See why I always ask questions?
@phildavis4878 4 часа назад
Hi my friend I lived in that same area for 20 years growing up there are tons of Hazards you got two kinds of bears you got mountain lions out there you got Bobcats every kind of mouth every kind of animal that could be dangerous not to mention the tons of illegal Minds the ones that even even put up yet for somebody to just disappear like that he could have fell down a hole not to mention the tons of caves out my area and be aware for Bear traps what you're doing is not easy I understand but keep your wits about you have received very carefully cuz you don't want to be like this guy so just be careful and good luck and you're fine
@DJMoore-001 4 часа назад
Missing Durango hiker Jim Shadid’s family members say they are coming to peace with whatever the outcome is during this upcoming weekend’s search. Countless efforts from multiple search and rescue agencies have been taken since Shadid, 79, went missing on Sept. 3. The family is grateful for the efforts made by search-and-rescue teams and the community. About 100 volunteers participated in the search last week, in addition to rescue teams. Now, a team of 25 search-and-rescue team members this weekend will hike into territory that hasn’t been searched previously to look for the missing Durangoan. Shadid was last seen hiking between Little Elk Creek Trail and Elbert Creek Road. Multiple helicopters, bloodhounds and drones were used in the search efforts by both volunteers and search-and-rescue officials. On Tuesday, the search status for Shadid had changed to a search-and-recovery mission. “We believe that La Plata County Search and Rescue has done an absolutely incredible job,” said Jamie Shadid, Jim’s daughter. “It’s really mind blowing all of the resources that they pulled and their expertise.” Shadid went hiking around 11 a.m. Sept. 3 to scout Elk in the Elbert Creek area, near Line Canyon. His wife, Marilyn, said that it wasn’t an area that he hiked around often. Shadid has been hunting since he was 12 years old, and he’s been living in Durango for over 20 years. Marilyn Shadid said her husband studied trail maps religiously before heading out on the trails, adding that his intention was to check out the trail, quickly come back to grab lunch and take his pack, which had all of his gear. But with about 20 minutes left in the hike, he never returned. “Everything was in a pack that he was going to take with him after lunch,” she said. The two have been married for 56 years, and Marilyn said Jim always loved the mountains. JIm retired from being a dentist in Wichita, Kansas, 20 years ago with the desire to move to Durango because of its access to outdoor recreation, Jamie said. “He was very familiar with hiking, backpacking, hunting and very experienced in the wilderness,” she said. Skiing at Purgatory Resort is among one of his favorite activities, and he became passionate about pickleball in recent years. The Shadids are still hopeful about finding Jim, but understand the reality of the situation. “Of course, we would like to find our father, but the reality is that it’s been 10 days, and he didn’t have anything with him,” Jamie said. “We know that he’s in his happy place in the mountains.” As hunting season approaches, however, the Shadids also want people to be on the lookout for anyone in the Elbert Creek area who may appear lost or missing. Furthermore, the family told The Durango Herald that La Plata County Search and Rescue will be offering a digital map volunteers can use to look for Jim. The map allows for people to check off surrounding areas where they have looked for him.
@DJMoore-001 4 часа назад
Alvie Webb, 86, of Muldrow, Oklahoma, was on an elk hunting trip in the Colorado wilderness in the Divide Road-Roaring Fork area of the San Juan National Forest on the morning of October 19, 2019. Alvie, a former principal and teacher, was with his son, grandson, and others. They had camped near Road 564A. They had been elk hunting in that location for the previous five years and knew the area well. On October 19, the family took Alvie 100 yards down a trail, and he was left alone to hunt in a location close to the camp, near a meadow where he had hunted the previous year. They told him, “Now we'll pick you up at the bottom of the hill, on the road around 10 o'clock.” The unnamed trail meets the Roaring Fork Road (Forest Road 435) after about 2 miles. The area is rugged and mountainous, west of the Colorado Trail, 4 miles south of Rico. The search for Alvie Webb When the hunting party members checked on Alvie several hours later, they could not find him. There was no sign whatsoever of him or his belongings. The hunters searched the area where he was meant to be but came up with nothing. At 4 pm, they contacted the authorities to report him missing. A larger search mission was started at around 5 pm. Alvie was wearing an orange stocking cap and orange hunter vest over a heavy camouflaged jacket. He had a few food bars and water, but no overnight gear. Montezuma County Sheriff Steve Nowlin said the county search and rescue team, deputies and a K-9 Search and Rescue Team, and friends and family of Webb conducted an on-the-ground search of the area, but nothing was found. Sheriff Nowlin said, “We looked all over and searched a large area 30 yards at a time, but there was no sign of him, no clues. We had people 30 feet apart and that's mostly aspen meadows in that area. We cross-covered areas we had already been over. We should have found him, but there was no sign of him anywhere. It's frustrating. Nobody's finding anything.” A Colorado National Guard Blackhawk helicopter, Flight for Life helicopter and Mesa Verde Civil Air Patrol plane also searched the heavily wooded area from the air. The search included Montezuma County Search and Rescue, Montezuma County Sheriff deputies and K-9 Search and Rescue. Drones went up at night with infrared, but no heat signatures could be detected. Alvie had a cellphone, but it was turned off, or the battery ran down on Friday, October 18. The authorities attempted to pick up a signal but with no luck. On Monday, 25 searchers were searching the area in a grid pattern and at about 9 or 9.30 am, someone said they thought they heard a muffled gunshot, but there were signs of animals (being killed). The official search was called off, but family and friends continued to search the area for some time after but with no result. Alvie has some trouble walking, given his age, and was not expected to hike a long distance, so the authorities were puzzled as to why he could not be located after an intense search in the vicinity of the trail. Friends and family members said he did not have any disabilities and that he was very mentally alert. Sheriff Nowlin said he didn't think Webb would have walked very far. The altitude at that location is about 9,500 feet, and he said Webb had only been there a couple of days before going off hunting and had not had time to acclimate to the thinner air. He said there had also been a dusting of snow in that area Sunday morning. A strong winter storm moved into Colorado after Alvie’s disappearance resulting in a large temperature swing, dropping temperatures to the 20°F level or lower (-6.7°C).
@DJMoore-001 5 часов назад
That is the corner where the 2 Bulls were fighting, LOL. Here is what Ron told me in a email, Copy and pasted from email: Good Morning D.J. - - This one still has us “second guessing” ourselves. The reporting parties indicate that the last contact with Mr Shadid was a FRS transmission - words to the effect of “I’m about 20 minutes out from the truck - the Point Last Seen. He departed the PLS headed to the West - and it was believed that he was doing a “ quick out and back” so expected to return from the West. There were no other tangible clues at the time or discovered during the multiple day search. As reporting parties indicated that they did hear 1 series of 3 shots - but given the canyons and resonation - it was hard to determine a direction - we put a good amount of effort - human and 5 Canine Teams into this area - a number of different times. Hope this helps - it would be appreciated if you would add your track to the map. LaPlata County Search & Rescue Nothing was found. Unless there was foul play, And they want evidence kept from the public for future criminal charges. Mining is all over here in Colorado, But as far as I can find there are no old mines in that area, If you go back towards Rico you are getting into a lot of mining. That is about 15 miles as the crow flies from that spot. I measured the distance between Jim and Alvie Webb another Hunter that went missing over by Rico, October 19 2019, His son and grandkids dropped him off in a meadow to watch for Elk to move through, When they came back to pick him up, He was gone. No tracks He was 86 and crippled up, He didn't get cold and walk out. 7 Miles exactly from where Jim went missing. When you say logical, There is no logical answer. I start out with questions, Then I search for answers to my questions, With Jim and Alvie all I get is questions. One is as healthy 79 year old, Great shape and is 20 minutes from his truck, He vanishes? The other is 89 good health but has a hard time walking, He walks out about 10 minutes from the road to his hunting spot and vanishes. Sounds like I am crazy as a shit house rat. But how did 2 older men just float off with no trace?
@DJMoore-001 6 часов назад
WTF?? That looks like an illegal dump site. We have been getting a lot of illegal dumping since all these Californians have started moving in. I found one here when I was up scouting. It won't be long and the Forrest service will start shutting down areas.
@JChuckVlogs 6 часов назад
That glove stood out: it looks like it’s been there some years.
@JChuckVlogs 6 часов назад
One angle I am curious about is if there is any history of criminal activities: illegal gaming? If he might have stumbled upon something whether a man made hazard or bad persons.
@DJMoore-001 5 часов назад
@@JChuckVlogs Gloves degrade fast. They are hard to tell how long they been out.
@DJMoore-001 5 часов назад
@@JChuckVlogs Crime is everywhere sad to say. It use to be you could park out there for days, Never lock your doors and leave your windows down. Never worry about your camp. Now it isn't like that, 2 years ago a friend of mine had his entire hunting camp stolen. Wall tent, Wood stove, Sleeping cot and bag, Cooler full of his food and supplies. I hate it, People need to realize going in a tent is the same as walking in someones house, They can legally be shot for that. I would investigate that dump site a little more. If you want. Get video of it and everything there. Let me find out how things turn out Monday, If it all works out I might be able to head over tile Friday.
@sugarcube700 День назад
Who is Susan, and why is she trying to break your spirit?
@jefcla1172 День назад
Camping in Colorado seems much nicer than in the DNWR because of all the clear running water. As long as winter is delayed that is.
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@jefcla1172 I slept up on DNWR adjacent from the shaft: a little north east of the shaft. I held a vigil to a fallen pioneer, legally I can’t say if wine was present. The desert is also beautiful at night. If I had drink: then be sure that I toasted him first before I drank.
@DJMoore-001 День назад
Dammit, You have me timing how long it will take to get there.
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@DJMoore-001 It’s a good idea to team up to maximize the chances. You know what your doing out here. We can divide it up.
@jefcla1172 День назад
Hey DJ, havent heard from you in awhile. You and Jchuck are on to a new case I see. Good luck with it.
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@DJMoore-001 If Jim had kept heading SW, he surely would have run into Little Elk Creek Trail that even has a fence on the section I saw. The focus might be between the LKP and the trail. To the what I understand he was supposed to be right back ASAP: if he got disoriented but headed west he hits the trail.
@DJMoore-001 День назад
@@JChuckVlogs That looks like the opening at the end of Elbert Creek rd. When I was there there was fresh cow shit everywhere. But that was the flattest spot I seen up there. If it is, If you go out on that trail you will see where I went through the gate out to the rim and looked out where you had been.
@DJMoore-001 23 часа назад
@@jefcla1172 Hey Jeff, No I still research a lot on Kenny and watch some videos. I just don't share out anything. This one has me puzzled, This is damn near my backyard, I am right on the other side of the San Juans from this. 125 miles from my door to this location. I just hope something breaks for him family.
@jefcla1172 День назад
I think Silverheals is more correct about SAR than anyone. Even if you go over to Red Rock, they will cite internal bureaucracy as the reason not to show you Kennys file. That is simply arrogance and an impediment attitude toward solving anything.
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@jefcla1172 I hope your foot is getting better from that mishap. Get you back outdoors soon.
@jefcla1172 День назад
@@JChuckVlogs I go outdoors all the time. However, Picture Canyon is not just a stroll in the park, you know that well.
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@jefcla1172 That’s true. I still think Kenny likely fell descending from the ridge: there are steep drops.
@jefcla1172 День назад
@@JChuckVlogs Entirely possible but then the question of "easy to see a body laying at the bottom of a cliff" issue arises.
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@jefcla1172 There are sections of dense vegetation if he fell into the ravines. There is a bit of bush and going around deep brush.
@jefcla1172 День назад
Every indian culture in Colorado has Bigfoot legends by various names. However, anything biological that size would be documented so if the sightings/legends are true, it is a paranormal species.
@fourbandits День назад
What did I just watch?
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@fourbandits You watched the video of someone mental.
@DJMoore-001 День назад
See what I mean, It is uphill in every direction except for back to the starting point. It makes no sense how someone goes missing following a draw like that.
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@DJMoore-001 Has there ever been a history of hunting mishaps (unintentional cases ending in tragedy)? I wonder if there were a lot of hunting activity on that day Jim vanished? Has there ever been a case of a hunting accident and someone panicked panicked and did the wrong thing as opposed to right thing?
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@DJMoore-001 I would value your opinion on what you think happened to Jim just as what you might think happened to Kenny? What’s your theory?
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@DJMoore-001 In the case of a hunting mishap and bad folks, surely they would the dogs would have sensed it. There would be forensic evidence. There two possibilities right: he got disoriented among trees and perished or some bad hombres.
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@DJMoore-001 I guess one believe his out here to search. They just need to keep searching
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@DJMoore-001 DJ you agree there is not such thing as Sasquatch (Yeti Bigfoot) nor “space time” portals right? There is only logical explanations for everything under the sun and firmament.
@billschannel5162 День назад
We get a cargo van with a bed , table, gas stove and electric stove. We got out telluride with no problem finding a campground wherever we go even in Grand Teton NP.
@DJMoore-001 День назад
We stopped right there when we was over there.
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@DJMoore-001 Doing search now: briefly a signal since scrambled up a side hill. This place is easy to lose orientation absent multiple GPS and backups.
@DJMoore-001 День назад
@@JChuckVlogs Be safe and let me know when you have signal all is well.
@donavantew8278 День назад
I have the same bayonet. Argentinian I believe. Ww1
@Reaper-sb6xp День назад
Looks like an SKS bayonet
@JChuckVlogs День назад
Once you go missing nobody cares about you. Durango is packed full full of tourists like some Waikiki resort beach: they ain’t caring or searching for Jim
@EdwaldoDogliani-tw6jt 2 дня назад
That is awsome dude, what a collection
@DJMoore-001 3 дня назад
Vanish with in 1,000 yards of their car. Draw a line from the road to the pond. Going up hill, In a draw you have to go up in every direction except the Pick up. Yet no trace? How is my question. I do agree with you about navigation for people. I think the Garmin inreach mini 2 or the mini. Hit the oh shit button if your in a jam and help is on the way. Something everyone that goes out should have or at least consider. I figure if Thru Hikers use it to hike the AT, CDT and the PCT and it connects their foot step no matter where they are it is a handy tool. One time purchase and 15 bucks a month that can be shut down when it is not in use is worth it. Jay buy a fishing license for Colorado, Even if you don't fish, That license covers all SAR costs should anything happen while you are out. SAR fees can run into 100's of thousands of dollars that you would be charged if anything did happen. Think of it as a safety net. All it takes is a stick rolling out from under your foot to be in a jam.
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@DJMoore-001 While encamped there: I don’t remember if there is a regulation against drinking while camped (not operating a vehicle). I don’t have a problem with drink but I tend to drink in evenings. Trying to find that trailhead sign with the regs. Checking the laws before bringing night supply there.
@DJMoore-001 День назад
@@JChuckVlogs You can drink up there. Smoke if you do that as well. No one is going to bother you for having a few in camp in the evenings.
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@DJMoore-001 reality has dawned on me: this is not peak bagging mountain peaks: if we maximize recovery there has to be a team: you wanna come over DJ?
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@DJMoore-001 That’s a deep sigh of relief for me regarding the beers man.
@JChuckVlogs День назад
@@DJMoore-001 Two birds one stone: it’s game season and also you can search man
@JChuckVlogs 3 дня назад
Based on available information on Colorado: I have been searching in the wrong place. New paradigm: Jim walked into an area with trees close to the vehicle: got “turned around” lost sense of direction as anyone would (hence the safety lecture). This is clearly a case of space disorientation “walked past a tree line into trees”.
@JChuckVlogs 3 дня назад
@DJMoore-001 3 дня назад
Think about this. They went S.W. up the draw towards the pond. With that logic, You would hit the road if you came back down the hill towards the Pick up. You would follow the road back to the pick up not go cruising all over the damn Mountain. That is why my focal point was from the road to the rim/hiking trail above the pond. Unless something got him and carried him to god knows where it makes no sense to look below the road. And that is another canyon steep as hell. It's not like they had car trouble and he walked out to get help. And all they would have had to do was wait for 5 minutes and someone would have drove by they could flag down if they had needed help. You have 4 wheelers, Side by sides, 4x4 Pick ups, Cars all going by at least 3 or 4 a hour. There is no reason to drop below the road. But I get SAR procedure, They have a A.O. and then it expands from there. Once they started searching below the road and back up the Ski Resort hill it was desperation, More of a what if he did this or that. But he would have had to come out at the road at any point. There are roads all over, There would have been people up there Scouting or getting ready for their own hunt. I am saying hunting because they asked Hunters to keep a eye out while they were hunting. Not to mention the searchers on Horses. Nothing about this adds up. A 79 year old man doesn't walk off into the woods to play Grizzly Adams.
@DJMoore-001 3 дня назад
The Yellow pin on the corner of the road was where they basically parked, (Where you drew the red line) His LKP is easy to find, Follow the creek bottom to where it splits into 2 draws, At the top of the split there is a old logging road, Near the corner where that road bends is where him and his wife split up. Jim went S.W. towards the pond. He made radio contact one time after that and was vanished into thin air after that last transmission by radio. Once you get to the parking place it will all make sense. Maps does not show that there is a road pull out where they parked. SAR has them parked on the actual road corner. There is a good cow trail that you follow up the draw. It is impossible to get lost, You go uphill all the way to the pond. You can bench out above the pond and work the timber like we did. My son went with me so I was covering twice the area as I could have alone. Shit I can just post a screenshot for you.
@JChuckVlogs 3 дня назад
I’ve seen that pond multiple times towards the south before trailing the creek south. It will make better sense in days ahead.
@DJMoore-001 3 дня назад
@@JChuckVlogs If you can save the map screenshot I will tag you in it.
@JChuckVlogs 3 дня назад
You and your son having searched specific areas is good. I think you should note all the areas gone over: I think it is good to keep track of all routes and areas grid searched: be it Kenny or anyone else. I think keeping track of all searches is helpful for those who don’t know which areas have been searched by SAR or searchers not related to the County SAR.
@DJMoore-001 3 дня назад
@@JChuckVlogs We covered a lot of ground, And the rancher I talked to on his horse was going to keep a eye out as he could. I wanted every step tracked but I had no signal to be tracked on maps. That is a pretty good water drainage so signal is pretty hard to get. I didn't even try to make a map of my search because honestly I have no real idea of where all I was. I know when I walked out to that rim and was over looking where you were searching it gave me a new perspective of how big it is. I think the Sheep range is a bad ass but the Sheeps would get swallowed up where Jim got lost.
@JChuckVlogs 3 дня назад
@@DJMoore-001 Very true: Jim’s area dwarfs Sheep Range. Outback Wilderness areas are easy to get lost: if some one literally goes ten paces into a tree line and they are lost: no visible markers back to trail, everything looks the same. Everyone should have multiple nav redundancies. Many have perished because they couldn’t find way back the trail in and past a tree line. They lose all orientation.
@JChuckVlogs 3 дня назад
Update: I thank the SAR team and everyone who seeks a final resolution. I have no new questions to ask of the County SAR team. There is nothing additional needed. All searches will be specific & targeted based on the most probable areas, with the end final result as the goal. Again, nothing further is needed. God Bless SAR Team. Thanks All. This video is outdated: I have nothing to request. Focus on results that’s all.
@JChuckVlogs 4 дня назад
Email sent to Jim’s SAR team: awaiting their response.
@davidcagle9775 5 дней назад
What r those brass? Gold?? Pieces?
@jackriley-j1d День назад
powder measure
@SwagDomination 5 дней назад
You say alot of wierd things like ur using casting and spelling
@Yippikiyeah 5 дней назад
Where are You now?
@JChuckVlogs 5 дней назад
Getting my gear together (tent) with intentions of Colorado long term search.
@JChuckVlogs 5 дней назад
Is the primary search (county authorities) for Aidan still pending or has it been conducted already?
@JChuckVlogs 5 дней назад
If they searched in September already hope they covered the North and ways out of the area.
@icevoss9917 5 дней назад
It's my belief that the M cave is entirely somewhere else, therefore he will never being found.
@icevoss9917 5 дней назад
Man you are so weird 😅.....just go and search already, stop waffling on
@JChuckVlogs 6 дней назад
LEGAL: I think based on Daniel Robinson, I mean his Father is apparently trying to change and improve the laws on missing persons and obligations of law enforcement so families can’t be left in the dark. Daniel Robinson: I don’t think he is alive. I think he would have been spotted by now and something bad happened. We have to focus on cases with clear cut potential resolutions.
@JChuckVlogs 6 дней назад
Long Live His Divine Imperial Majesty: descendent and a son of Amaterasu. The Emperor of Japan is Amaterasu’s relative by descent. Theologically the Emperor can only be understood as a reflection of the divinity BECAUSE he is a descendant based on the Nihon Histoy texts on lineage and descent: an No secularisms can change theological fact.
@JChuckVlogs 6 дней назад
We can’t just let Kenny go without validating to the best of abilities every inch of ground that may or may not contain him. To Susie: what if he is fallen this whole time?
@JChuckVlogs 6 дней назад
Separate note: what Susan thinks Kenny did, well that would not be possible in some authoritarian framework. Americans have rights. So no: one can’t go to Baltimore or Slab City and go “nosing around”. If he walked off: it will never be solved. If he is fallen on the mountains: it will be solved. If not on mountains then to Susie: it’s the end no one will ever solve the Kenny case IF you are right (to me a Big If). Love and respects to Susie. I might 70% think Susan is right but that still leaves a 30% so we can still search the targeted and most promising area. I found HIS Art (he must be near). How can his art and handiwork be on the mountain and he “just walked off”? No no no his art of rock was found and he has to be in that area.
@JChuckVlogs 6 дней назад
All soldiers of Japan who served Japan and reached Yasukuni: do NOT reincarnate as the highest level is reached. To answer the question of don’t the souls (even of the Japanese soldiers) reincarnate? I answer no. The Yasukuni Spirits are eternally forever divinities. All the spirits whom I communed with at Yasukuni are final stage reaching the highest spirit realm. I bowed multiple times and gave my offering to them. Material Offering was in form of donations offered up to spirit.
@jefcla1172 6 дней назад
Is that proported to be bear/Bigfoot proof or do you have to provide your own hand canon?
@JChuckVlogs 6 дней назад
@@jefcla1172 That imperial Japanese garment is not intended to be a shield against bears. That is not best protection but we are in fact headed directly into bear country, respecting the bears (I love bears), but being prudent in terms of behavior in bear country and bear inhabited areas.
@jefcla1172 6 дней назад
@@JChuckVlogs Colorado is bear/Bigfoot country so dont leave food in your truck/tent. They will smell it and trash the place. You have to put food in a duffel bag and pull it up into a tree.
@JChuckVlogs 6 дней назад
@@jefcla1172 Food containment best practices will be followed. Bears and Big foot are different: a female Sasquatch has to be treated differently than a non-female Sasquatch and a man of the wilderness: he claimed that he was commanded by a female Sasquatch against his will.
@JChuckVlogs 6 дней назад
THERES a lovely video of his own testimony on the encounter
@jefcla1172 6 дней назад
@@JChuckVlogs That guys is all over GLP, hes a nut. LOL