 reddit relationships
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AITAH for slapping my husband in the face?
19 часов назад
AITA for going "Against" my husband?
14 дней назад
@kjnjhfztghkbjhgfkhjzhzugjk9789 10 часов назад
Based father.
@untiedshoelaces2588 12 часов назад
That's not a relationship, it's a contractual arrangement.
@allamericanslacker2378 День назад
The wife is a gold digger who is throwing a tantrum because some of the money her husband isn't going to her and, has decided to weaponize their unborn child against him. He should start looking for a good divorce lawyer.
@stallempir3 День назад
definitely the asshole. if it was a lower salary i could understand, but 763k makes it somewhat negligible. And weaponizing your baby is terrible. Bro needs to get out of there or they need to go to couples therapy.
@bencruz563 День назад
2nd story: The fact that this guy is even asking means he's a fuckin simp
@bencruz563 День назад
1st story: Its NEVER just a question. You're a chump if you stay and trash if you're both good with it. Only trash engages in open marriages. There are no exceptions.
@QueenJuliana89 День назад
Story 1: Husband is an idiot
@mindyalfaro3613 2 дня назад
Op. Not the AH. No money is enough for me to betray my father. And i can say that personally. And guess what,just hope that her hubby doesn't do that to her. Loyalty and morals are better qualities in a person.
@cyndirankin День назад
Not all Dad's arent worthy of such loyalty. Consider yourself blessed you have that Dad. My girls Dad rarely visited, called once every 3 or 4 months with promises he didnt keep. So it's no wonder neither of them want him to walk then down the aisle. Btw, I maintained an open door policy. Anytime he wanted to come he was welcomed.
@mimiwhite1963 День назад
She didn't betray her father, her mother did.
@mrb00ce2 2 дня назад
He makes alot of money and she has no say in what he can spend it on, his money his rules. On top of that they have enough money in case of an emergency and he's working overtime to make it back and what's with her weaponizing the baby?
@LordofDungeons32 2 дня назад
Story 2 NTA ditch her you are NOT HER ATM!
@LordofDungeons32 2 дня назад
NTA but your husband is a little bit of a idiot wait a while before you make a big choice.
@Grawwler 2 дня назад
Yes yatah
@FrostLordOni 2 дня назад
Kid isn’t even born yet and they’re already being used as a weapon by their mom
@aum1040 2 дня назад
Story 1: OP is a huge A-hole. Husband was an idiot to ask. She said "no" and cried. He apologized. If you were willing to get divorced and make your child grow up in a broken home over a single instance of stupidity, then you had no business getting married in the first place.
@alyzu4755 2 дня назад
Story 1: NTA, and that last comment hit the nail on the head. Story 2: Definitely NTA.
@thequeenofdemons666 2 дня назад
It's his money. As long as he can afford it, then let it go. Weaponizing the unborn baby. How phucked up is that? Kanye West... "Gold Digger" He picked the wrong woman. YTA
@ApatheticEyebrowRaise 3 дня назад
@QueenJuliana89 3 дня назад
Get the vegan friend out of the friend group.
@Frightmarelordofthenightmares 3 дня назад
Apologize to her? Still didn't learn anything. THE VICTIM SHOULDNT APOLOGIZE TO THE VILLAIN!😑
@user-eh8qq1kk8z 3 дня назад
Why does this shit keep repairing
@Catherine.Dorian. 2 дня назад
Probably ai? Definitely not the worst, I watched one video where they literally rephrased the same part four times to lengthen the video
@pcastrohp 3 дня назад
Wow, the amount of rationalizing in the comments for the husband deliberately leaving a child in unbelievable pain is a freaking joke. Stop acting like this has anything with man versus woman, she didn’t immediately get the kid because she was flabbergasted by his behavior, stop trying to justify what he did, it was selfish, self centered and cruel. Pathetic.
@Mickey0891000 3 дня назад
Try less comments at the if they are gonna repeat the same 3-4 points, it gets boring fast
@lesleygreen273 4 дня назад
Report the entire department and take a lawyer with you when you speak with HR. How much worse can it be?
@QueenJuliana89 4 дня назад
The man is normal; the woman is not. I got sad hearing that story and I wasn’t even there. Her lack of empathy is terrifying.
@QueenJuliana89 4 дня назад
I’d speak to the headmaster about the teacher shaming the child.
@rissagarrett2840 4 дня назад
Fun fact, what they did is ILLEGAL.
@raunmackin5801 4 дня назад
Go back to HR with a slick lawyer.
@Elinor0987K 4 дня назад
It sounds to me like op's ex was trying to play mind games with him and got mad when she didn't get the response she was hoping for. He did the right thing by blocking her and hopefully he learns from this experience and finds someone better.
@leonardorodriguez425 4 дня назад
Typical reaction from the woman. In todays age women want to be considered equal to men but she couldn't have bothered to bring her son to the car herself so they could leave to the hospital. Your kid broke their ankle, they weren't actively dying. With how you had time to go outside instead of bringing your kid out it's evident how non urgent it must've been. Also you reverse the roles any guy would be labeled a monster for not being understanding towards a woman's past trauma in this situation. Divorce him so maybe he can marry someone less selfish. Mental health for men only matters when it's not an inconvenience to the opposite sex. As soon as his mental health involves you having to be understanding that's when the true colors show
@csarzeli 4 дня назад
Yta for multiple reasons the biggest one is calling your husband to come home and pick up your child with a broken ankle, you shouldve called an ambulance or an uber immediately then told your husband to meet you at the ER, how long did that child suffer in pain for dad to get home
@smsff7 4 дня назад
YTA. He needs therapy, OP is a shitty person. This is a trauma response, not him being an AH. he can do far better than OP,
@tucagwathiel3380 4 дня назад
I'm not saying I'm completely on hubby's side, but... YTA. Because from what it sounds like, if this decompressing in the car ritual is a response from trauma then you, OP, became that trauma he's trying to decompress for before facing. Congrats, I guess. Even just in little things like the dinner thing. You KNOW he's like this, so why not bump dinner time back 10 minutes so that it's ready when he comes in and not just cooling off on the table for 10 minutes? That or simply go ahead and start dishing you and your kid up first. Such an easy, simple solution for a problem you say you constantly yell and fight with him over. Because at this point, it sounds like you actually like this dichotomy just so you have the chance to yell at him rather than either talking calmly to him in an adult manner, adjusting the dinner time a bit, or simply going ahead yourself. And if you're like this just on the dinner thing, I can easily see you like this on other things as well. Why is your first response, to finding him in the car, to pick that time to fight and cause a scene and delaying going to the hospital rather than getting your kid into the car and saving the disappointment for AFTER your kid is treated and where he can't see it or listen? If anything, to me, it would make more sense him to simply stay in the car, at the ready to drive to the hospital asap or for the mom to be ready outside with the kid before the husband gets home anyways to avoid that issue entirely in the first place. Hubby has issues he needs to work on but OP is equally as bad (if not worse) imo. There is NEVER a happy home life for a kid with the mother yelling all the time.
@sguizzooo 4 дня назад
Sorry, YTA She should insist that he gets treatment for his OCD, yelling at him isn't gonna do squat, reassuring him and convincing him to get help should be the first advice. If he still adamantly refuses treatment, then yeah, maybe consider divorce.
@FrostLordOni 4 дня назад
Why couldn’t she just take her kid to the car? Is she in a wheelchair? Are her arms pool noodles? She had time to go out and yell at him, so clearly she had no problem making her son wait
@erickaennis2738 4 дня назад
NTA. Even after she came to the car, he still said 2 more minutes. Dude needs therapy. OP needs to go. She can't trust him. Sorry. He's not the first person to get cheated on. Again, NTA. The husband is mental. He can't help for 10 minutes?!!! Also it's not his kid. She's free. She never ever has to see him again. How is he twisting this to make himself the victim? His boundaries. The kid was hurt. His family can go f*ck off. His response was I wanted to help, but I was stuck. And she's making a bigger deal out of it. Get the divorce. Block him. Smdh.
@formanga8871 4 дня назад
Why can't she just carry kid to the car as it was just right outside.
@LordofDungeons32 4 дня назад
@Squirreltasticqueen 4 дня назад
Cool so have you ever actually dealt with OCD? Because medication helps a lot. A structural difference in the brain isn't going to get fixed by therapy alone, brain chemicals aren't acting right isn't going to magically get fixed.
@LordofDungeons32 4 дня назад
YTA there was nothing stopping you from loading the lid in the car yourself!
@ashutoshverma237 4 дня назад
@RepublicPixels 5 дней назад
2:01 💀
@livewellwitheds6885 5 дней назад
nta op is way too patient. if gaming was his profession i may understand, but its not. jake is not ready to be a father. he literally laughs at his wifes pain! what a pathetic excuse for a father. i dont blame op. if anybody is selfish and irresponsible, its jake. op needs to get out now! its also absolutely unacceptable to allow your friends to harass your wife and not defend her!
@sharonbeach8780 5 дней назад
This is too stupid to be real; and it's a good thing there's an audio version, as the written version is awful.
@ladyweasellou3367 5 дней назад
@lindaholder-tk2ud 5 дней назад
You"re not the a**hole for reporting the boss, just the idiot for complying.
@rochellemarshall3804 5 дней назад
John ruined Johns career.
@marie34K 5 дней назад
Not Europe either .... terrible guy 😡
@chuckphillips5682 5 дней назад
Major, MAJOR, hostle work enviroment! Lawsuits for everyone!
@chuckphillips5682 5 дней назад
Also, I doubt it's US or UK. Maybe Korea?
@Lily_of_the_Forest 6 дней назад
The last story. OP is right! The amount of people who tolerate cheating is disgusting. YES your parents’ relationship is your business. When your parent cheats, he/she is risking your stable home too. I hope OP holds his boundaries!
@Lily_of_the_Forest 6 дней назад
NTA. If anyone, ANYONE! barges into a room where I am 1/2 unclothed he/she/them are getting a sexual harassment lawsuit and they are getting put on blast and shamed for being sexual perverts. I’m telling my child too when he/she is old enough to understand, MeeMaw and PeePaw are disgusting deviants.
@cmsxcb 6 дней назад
Anybody telling anybody "How they should feel" (AKA most of the commenters on the last story) are making themselves look seriously dumb and insensitive. One of the problems with Reddit is that, when people don't know the correct action, they wait to see which way the first commenter goes and then dog-pile onto the same argument. This is why Reddit cannot be trusted to give genuine help and advice in complicated situations.
@Lily_of_the_Forest 6 дней назад
Reddit is also full of cheaters so they guilt hurt people like OP into tolerating slu++y behavior because they don’t want to feel guilty for being cheating slu+s themselves.
@cmsxcb 6 дней назад
In the Delivery Room, NOBODY has ANY rights EXCEPT the one giving birth. And husband needs to be told that this will be his ONLY child until he grows a spine.
@nothinghappens9811 4 дня назад
Dude, absolutely. I would totally ream my mother if she pulled this with my wife.