This person I met not so long ago
4 месяца назад
Neighbour is a b*tch
4 месяца назад
But what about the other cleaners?
4 месяца назад
Entitled Coffee Regular
4 месяца назад
I Think My Family Are Entitled
4 месяца назад
I just don't understand some people.
4 месяца назад
Small town drama
4 месяца назад
My friend offered to buy my house for $1
4 месяца назад
My mother is an entitled bi***
4 месяца назад
@sandramorgan9636 2 месяца назад
Yes if she asks you to stop out of respect you should
@AkirMoonsFanpage 2 месяца назад
Or she Just won't do her lunches anymore
@blurp9347 2 месяца назад
Bro what, she does it out of pure kindness, and this SIL is not entitled to it, it is OP’s labour and decision, if OP likes to add certain things to lunches to make herself happy in the process of making it, who cares
@blurp9347 2 месяца назад
“Out of respect” my ass
@1996miata 2 месяца назад
Nobody is the asshole, this is not a problem, dont make it one, just stop making the "extra touches" on hers and keep doing it on yours and your husbands
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: She is not paying me for the lunches and it takes me an extra ten minutes maximum to add a fun touch to them, so I was confused on her train of thought. I thought that maybe her coworkers were taking her lunch and she didn’t want to tell me, but I agreed to make the lunches less fancy because I wanted her to feel comfortable. Since I make the exact same meals for all three of us, now I just don’t put effort into the presentation of one of them. Since my husband drops off the lunch on his way to work, there has been one or two times where he has accidently given her the wrong box. I have labelled which lunch is not flourished, but in the rush of the commute there is still the occasional instance of taking the wrong box. My sister-in-law asked me a few days ago if I could just stop making both me and my husband’s lunches “fancy”, due to the risk of her being given the wrong one. I refused, as it makes me happy to see the extra touch of personality in the food and told her that she wouldn’t die from one accidental “fancy” meal, which she was furious at and hung up on me. She has been refusing to talk to me over the past few days and when I tried to call her to reason she kept hanging up. She has told my husband that she will only talk to me if I agree to stop making all of our lunches so “bourgeois”. I am still making her lunches every day and my husband dropping them off, and while my husband agrees with me that her demand was out of order, he has now said that maybe I should just make all the food less flourished just so that she will not be angry if there is an accidental swap of lunches. I know it would be easy on me to just not flourish the food, but I don't want to give up my hobby for a theoretical chance of her recieving the wrong box. AITA for refusing? Edit: This is out of character behavior for my SIL. She is usually a very sweet and considerate person, she watches my daughter for free, and has never been so reactionary about a lunch before. I'm unsure about completely stopping giving her lunches due to one issue when she is normally so kind. I will provide an update when I talk with her and my husband.
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: Anyways she was ordered to pay child support, since we live with dad. I am 19 and only see her for holidays/family events for the most part. A while ago I asked my dad if she actually pays it and he told me no. He also shows how much she owns. She made like three payments in 5 years This weekend, all the kids went to the family gathering. My mother was going on about how awful my dad is and basically she is the better parent. Really it started a hate train with her family and I had enoguh. I told the whole group that my mother is behind on her child support. This was a shock to them and my mom was pissed. Everyone was questioning her and in the car ride home we got into an argument. She thinks I was being a huge jerk, my dad thinks it is hilarious but I know he doesn’t like her
@s.c218 2 месяца назад
the real travesty here is that poor child being deprived of any visual stimulation and introduction to color because of the beige mom shit
@jayking2228 2 месяца назад
The worst part is that it's detrimental to the child's development, these granola crusties need to get their head outta their bleached aholes and realize that an aesthetic doesn't outweigh their child's needs
@walterwhiteoffical 2 месяца назад
I don’t get why she laughed
@emileighswaggirt2661 2 месяца назад
Me either
@GabrielaRiveraRodriguez-sf7xi 2 месяца назад
Kind of a long first name
@Nistio1 2 месяца назад
i have something like the op i do have autism but its quite usally hard to not laugh at inappropriate times and the name sounded goofy so thats probs the reason.
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: Spelt EXACTLY like that. And then i burst out laughing, and said 'You cannot be serious' I am now banned from all family dinners Is the name really that bad? Was I really a massive asshole? UPDATE: After writing this post I decided to call my sister and apologise, as when i wrote down what happened i did realise what a dick move that was. I said I was sorry for laughing and I apologised for using my mental disability as an excuse and offered to treat her to lunch as an apology Understanably she was reluctant to forgive me, but she did which i am thankful for. She said she was hurt by my actions which I understood but was willing to look past it. I knew posting this story on here would give me the slap in the face that I needed which I appreciate And if anyones wondering, the name is staying. I didnt comment at all on it
@Hyperfrogge 2 месяца назад
His dad's house is my life lol. I have 3 younger siblings who never take care of anything, and they are always loud. I have an older brother, too, but he isnt at bad as the other 3. Its just constant messes and loud noises. In fact there has never been one whole week where the house was actually clean, and nobody got into arguments.Actually I take that back, the only time the house was clean and quiet was when me and my older brother were babies, and the other three were not born yet.
@QuantumDraco_1 2 месяца назад
I have 6 siblings
@Hyperfrogge 2 месяца назад
@@QuantumDraco_1 holy guacamole I'm sorry for you 😅
@KILLZPAUSED 2 месяца назад
You have the freedom to choose to stay with your mom it’s obvious u don’t wanna stay with him he should just accept that
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: I've tried to tell him politely that I want to stay with my mom. Her treatment isn't that major. She says it was caught early and everything should be back to normal before the end of the year. He didn't take it well, and is telling me I don't get a choice here, he's my father, and my mother "isn't a fit parent" right now. I don't agree. My mom is fine! There's not even a custody order in place or anything, and it seems too late to get one as I'm already 16. We had a huge argument. He's calling me disrespectful and says I need to obey my parents. His other kids are joining in to say I'm being a spoiled brat and that I'm part of the family and living with my mom isn't "real life".
@laurab5750 2 месяца назад
How do you set a price on something you got for free?
@themoon8703 2 месяца назад
Shes a college student, who doesn’t know what is right and wrong is???. You don’t go altering a dress that you have borrowed.
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Agreed! it's not your property so you try to keep it exactly as it was, not alter it.
@AnnHunter-b3y 2 месяца назад
Omg!! Stroke on a plate
@Sikudhanii 2 месяца назад
All that damn cheese. 🤢
@Matty_magpie 2 месяца назад
Yea fr just ruined all that food😭
@beeenie822 2 месяца назад
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: In the pictures it is a mini dress, which is how it sits on me and Ava. Mia admitted that she got home and preferred how it looks on Ava, so it got altered, however she didn’t cut the fabric off, just hemmed it so I should be able to get the dress back, after picking out the stitches. I got upset at Mia, and when she handed me the dress, it would be very hard to get the dress back to its original state. Taking out the stitches could leave holes in the silk and the dress fits more like a long top now. I asked Mia to reimburse me for the dress, and told her I was upset she had stitched and altered it without asking me before. She said she didn’t know that she couldn’t stitch silk and it was an accident. My husband said Mia made a mistake and asking her to reimburse me for the dress that I got for free, which at its original price is a lot more than she can afford as a college student. He said I didn’t shouldn’t have let her borrow it if the dress meant so much to me. I accounted for Mia spilling something on the dress or getting it dirty, but I don’t think it was fair of her to alter it without asking me, and I can’t wear it as a dress anymore. I am quite upset about the dress, so maybe asking her to pay full price is too much, but she is an adult and it wouldn’t be fair of me to treat her like a child.
@alishiahampson3351 2 месяца назад
Nta but make her pay for a seamstress to try and get it back to it's original state instead of paying full amount for a dress you got for free
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: I don't feel though this is a 50/50 deal, more like 80/20 deal with him benefiting more than me. I would pay a maximum of $150 a week rent plus bills and groceries. That is around the amount I am willing to pay, not $300 a week rent plus bills and groceries. As a side note, my income is around $75K, and his is around $85K (half of which comes from his rental from his own investment property). AITA for not giving 50% of my rental income to him if I move in with him?
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: So I intentionally chose not to put my name down so they would have to wait. I made this decision because they didn't leave until I got there. I share my location with my wife and she did admit to checking to see where my dot was before I called. I don't care about waiting, I am just tired of it always being my responsibility to wait and it being forced upon me. I told them I was going to wait in my truck. They did not ask me to put in my name when I called but we're upset that they had to wait when they got there. They expected it to have been taken care of. I am an on time person. I am tired of them being late on purpose so they don't have to wait their turn. They said I was an asshole because I could've put our name in but intentionally did not but I think I was just being fair to make all of us wait. So am I the asshole for intentionally not putting our name in until they arrived. EDIT: For more context it was a ramen restaurant. They don't do reservations or take call ahead. There is a sign up list at the front. You write your name and party size. As a group, we had to wait 11 minutes - BIL counted.
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: Ben and Liv sat down with my wife and I this past weekend and offered some suggestions to help make Liv's time here easier. Their first suggestion was that if I want to drink, I should do it in private and not around the kids. I tried to interject when they suggested this, but they asked to let them finish before saying anything. Their next suggestion was to allow Liv to cook vegan meals for us so that we didn't eat so much meat all the time. She offered to do grocery shopping and meal planning to provide vegan meals for us instead of our usual meals. Finally, they asked if I could remove the mounts from the walls of the house until they go back to school in 6 weeks. When they finished, I asked if it was ok for me to talk now and they said yes. I told them that my answer to all of their suggestions is "no." I told them that I appreciate Liv's offer to cook for us and she is free to cook a few vegan meals for us during the week if she wants, but we are not going to completely change our diets for one person. But as far as their other suggestions, not happening. My wife spoke up and said that maybe it wouldn't hurt to try their suggestions for a little bit and see how things go. She said it's only 6-weeks and that changing our lifestyles a little bit for a short period wouldn't kill us. I told all 3 of them that if they want to change the way they live, they are free to do so. But they are not going to force me to change the way I live in my own home for a temporary guest. I told them if that means I cook separate meals for myself, so be it. But the mounts stay and if I want a beer or a glass of wine, I'm going to have one. All 3 of them think I am being unreasonable and that they aren't asking too much of me for a short period of time.
@AdamAdam-bm4og 2 месяца назад
It your house do they pay the bill or maybe if you still got a morgage??
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: Where I stopped being fine was when she called me after the visit asking for a lot more money than I’d expected. After probing a bit, I discovered that she’d lumped in there an estimate of how much she’d spent on gas to come visit me and not just the pasta salad she bought for me at lunch (totally fine) but also the pasta salad she bought herself. I’m happy to treat her for lunch, and often do-treated her for dinner that very night-but I found it odd she would just go ahead and add her lunch to the bill. I hadn’t offered and aren’t I the sick one? It was only 20 bucks altogether. But the reason I cancelled her visit tomorrow to come over and help some more was because I couldn’t believe she’d pass on her gas expenses to her sick adult child to visit her. When she said she was coming to visit after learning of my condition, she omitted the part of her plan where she’d charge me for her gas to get here. Sure, she complained about the cost of gas when she arrived, but never did she share her plan to make me cover it. She’s never done anything like this before. It’s not the money. It’s the principle. And I had no intention of paying for her to visit me tomorrow, too. I plan on sharing with her my feelings about all of this once I’ve given some thought to how I’ll navigate it with her. I would feel so ashamed as a parent if roles were reversed. This whole thing makes me question why I haven’t billed her when I’ve gone to visit her after falling ill. Of course I could never bring myself to actually do that. The thought of it makes me feel sick. So AITA for cancelling her visit? Edit: thank you all for weighing in. Many of you have encouraged me to probe her financial situation further, or consider her mental state. All good advice. I will do so when I speak with her about this. That said, I’m confident she is doing fine financially. While retired, she regularly goes out to lunch with her friends, sees plays, goes on a couple trips annually (she has a trip to Italy to look forward to in the Fall), etc. So while her income may be modest now that she’s retired, she’s not in dire straits financially as some of you wondered. As one commentor pointed out, she may just have a “quirky” relationship with money. I could see that. While this is the first time that she’s billed me for her gas to visit me, she’s treated other family members like this for other expenses, despite their not treating her that way. She can get anxious, so there may be something there in terms of mental health for me to be aware of. Appreciate the comments encouraging me to look more at things from this angle. To be sure, she did visit out of love. She was terribly worried about me and genuinely wanted to look after me that day. I’ll update again after having the convo with her. Will be borrowing suggestions on how to approach it from the comments. Thank you.
@nicholasholmes7703 2 месяца назад
He will die if he can't afford the treatment! You said it yourself that he was a good father. But you'll gladly rob your kids of that for your own benefit. Disgusting.
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: I see no reason why they can't downgrade their quality of life. They live in a multi-million dollar house and his wife is decked out in designer clothes and has a face full of procedures. I told them no and they have been pressing me to waive my alimony payments. They've even made my daughters bring it up. He's called me coldhearted and said he had been "good to me" and would have helped me out if I was going through a hard time. AITA? Edit: He has early stage thyroid cancer. It's very treatable. He's not going to die.
@Sceocca 2 месяца назад
What a child. Open a window.
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: About 5 weeks ago, I find out from a mutual friend their wedding is coming up, and invites went out a while ago, everyone in our circle but me invited. As a gay guy, I’ve experienced being iced-out of some of my straight friends’ lives and events in ways minor and pronounced, but this one has definitely been something that has had me thinking about my time and energy with people. I decided I would take the hint and begin to distance myself. Three days ago, John texts me asking if I am around in early-to-mid August. I say I am. John asks if I wouldn’t mind visiting like I have before to look after the animals and property, I said “sorry, I can’t.” He calls to talk about it. We run through the same conversation, polite but a bit tense, so I finally say “I just won’t be visiting your home.” After a moment of silence, I bring up that I’m disappointed that I appear to be the only person in our group of friends not invited to his wedding, and that I can't be helping like I have before if I’m just a background friend at this point. I wrap up the call positively and sincerely with me wishing them a good wedding and trip, and that maybe we can grab drinks soon. Jane reaches out two days ago sending follow up texts saying John is upset about what I said and with her because she made the final calls about friend invites, and that I am taking this the wrong way, there is only so much capacity and that the others in our friend group have partners that took up space. She adds that she hopes I’ll change my mind and help out them out because it would put John’s mind at ease. I’m not entitled to the company of others or invitations to anybody’s events, but am I wrong for setting my own boundaries in response to theirs? I try not to frame my friendships as transactional, but they obviously want something out of me here despite their not inviting me and then avoiding even bringing it up with me until they needed help with covering their honeymoon.
@OboVr21 2 месяца назад
Yea maybe you can USE IT WITH YOUR HUSBAND
@lolapop854 2 месяца назад
She Only wanted to use it once, and the husband wanted it after using it severals times before. He is just mean, this is HER gift.
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Thats the full story, hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more!
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: We were talking about babies (sister and other SIL both have young children) and Jane looked a bit uncomfortable with the conversation. My sister said that I was really lucky to get pregnant with twins right after I started trying. After that, Jane started crying and left the room. We all went after her to talk to her and she said she feels awful having to constantly hear about our babies. She went on a long rant about how she feels excluded because she’s the only one of us without a child now. She thinks our mom treats her like she’s less than my sister and other SIL because they have kids and now that I’m pregnant, we don’t talk about anything but kids. She said it’s insensitive when we know that she’s infertile. She was like this for all of my sister and SIL’s pregnancy. She insists on coming to all the gender reveals and baby showers and birthday parties but spends all her time there wallowing in her misery and even starts crying sometimes. I kind of want to uninvite her from my baby shower next week because I’m scared she’ll ruin the vibe. WIBTA if I did that. I feel bad for her, but she can’t keep bringing negativity to all of our celebrations. I told my mom that I want to uninvite her and she said I shouldn’t because she’s family and we need to support her instead of excluding her even more. Edited to add paragraphs
@jcim259 2 месяца назад
fake the age gap changed from 2 years too 2 months
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: I told him I can't because it's far away and I can't even get a taxi because I don't have money (not just on me, in general, I'm waiting to get paid from my job). After a minute of searching again he eventually found them in his backpack. And again he told me "you're gonna pay for this". So AIAH? Info: I ALWAYS lock the door when I leave for safety reasons of course. But this time he couldn't find his keys and was angry that couldn't get the order from the delivery guy. And our apartment is ground floor apartment so if I leave it unlocked then anyone can just go and open it from the outside UPDATE: I broke up with him. Packed my things. Called my dad and left. Now I'm home, my actual home with my parents
@shortspecimen 2 месяца назад
Nope missed an opportunity to say it was a girl tho lol
@mobinashah3896 2 месяца назад
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hi! full story is on the pinned comment so it would be easier for people to get full context without needing to look for a second short
@Zyclon_Break 2 месяца назад
He just declared himself not the A Hole before even telling his Story. Definitely A Hole if you try to take it from me.
@wheee3949 2 месяца назад
pretty sure it was the subreddit ruling, not the op herself. she did nothing other than be a girl her dad/stepmom didn’t want, and then tell someone she didn’t want to live with them because they called her a liar and never apologized
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: They hated my brother too, and wanted nothing to do with him, but he was so good having two parents that he never cared about siblings. He calls himself an only child. I'd hoped to be close to my stepsisters but they bullied me and said I would never be their family. My grandparents noticed that I was left out of a lot, noticed the bullying and the rejections. They live out of state and when they'd come to visit and we'd all go out I was left behind with them while my dad and Mel took the other three out to amusement parks and stuff. Mel would tell me to my face in front of them that she's not my mom and yet beam when my brother called her mom. They also noticed that when my brother and stepsisters got treats I rarely, if ever, did. They brought it up a few times and were basically ignored. I know they had this big talk with dad about it and he denied anything was going on. I also know they asked my aunt, who lived close by and saw us a lot, to keep an eye on me. She didn't. Two years ago I'd gotten really depressed after being stuck with dad, Mel and my brother during Covid and being ignored, that I told my aunt about everything and asked if I could live with her. She got pissed on my dad's behalf and she called me a liar and told me not to be so jealous, that I wasn't a kid anymore. And no, I couldn't live with her. She was so mad at me that I avoided seeing her for months. I was so afraid she would ridicule me in front of them. For some reason she realized a couple of weeks ago that I wasn't lying. She came and told me I could live with her now and she told me it was awful what my dad let happen and that I shouldn't be there anymore but she would get me out and she'd protect me. I was shocked. It came out of literal nowhere. She didn't apologize for what she said before though. And so I told her I'd stay. That I didn't think living with her was a better idea anymore. She got mad and asked me why not and I told her because she can't call me a liar and then expect to swoop in and for me to see her as a hero. She told me I got so hung up on nothing. AITA?
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: s I stood there in shock, my father's girlfriend excitedly told me they were throwing me a surprise gender reveal party. Since I'd already told her, she had taken it upon herself to order a cake with colorful frosting, decorate the apartment and invite a bunch of people over. The guests included her mother (whom I don't get along with), some of her friends, my MIL (not my mom) and four of my friends. As I later found out, my MIL and friends had been told I'd changed my mind about gender reveals. I had not. Still in the doorway, I looked over at everyone and said, "It's a boy. You guys can go home now." I left without looking back. Hours later, my father called me furious that I'd ruined the party. He said his girlfriend had put a lot of effort, money and love into planning it, and I should have shown respect and gratitude for it. Apparently, she hadn't stopped crying since I left. It's been almost a week, and they're both still upset. Even after I explained I never wanted that party in the first place, they're insisting I could have sucked it up for an hour, or at least cut the cake. AITA?
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: After lunch she was mad because I put her in a position where she said she came off very inconsiderate with her comment about getting our own checks (and thus, others would be paying their own). I assured her no one thought that and it was not a big deal, but was still angry that I had put her in the position and she would have never said anything if I had told her prior to lunch. I apologized for not letting her know in advance, as I never want to hurt my wife's feelings, but I maintained it wasn't a big deal, no one thought that she was being inconsiderate at all. It's not about the money at all, everyone at the table could easily afford treating everyone else, she is mad about the position I put her in. I really don't think this is a big deal, the whole interaction was 3 seconds tops, and no one thought anything of it. TL/DR: AITA for thinking my wife inquiring about paying our own way at lunch (and thus, others paying their own way) is not a big deal? Thanks!
@angelinahu6975 2 месяца назад
No your not
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: I THOUGHT this was a way of him reaching out for help. If we live there then he would be able to see us and his grandbaby more often and maybe he wouldn’t be so lonely and drink so much. Well fast forward to now, we discussed it more in depth and he wants to do $30k worth of renos to the basement before we move in, which he wants us to pay for in monthly payments once we move in which… ok fine fair enough. THEN he says he wants to stop working once we move in and in 2 or 3 years he ‘may’ decide he wants to ‘do something with his life’ like travel the world and take out $30-$40k against the house to do so, at which point he would ‘have to’ start charging us rent (amount unknown) to pay for that loan… Am I nuts or does it sound like he wants us to fund his retirement and drinking? The whole point of us moving in was we would save money, now we’re basically going to be back to paying what we are in rent now, stuck in a house that we have no equity in which he could literally sell at any point. I basically told him off because this is NOT how he first offered it to us, and he got pissed off and started screaming at me like he has since I was a kid. As if he offered us this great thing and we just pissed on it. I mean, if i was in his position and my kid was in my position with rent/house prices the way they are I wouldn’t be charging them rent on top of utilities, the house is paid for! It’s not like he would be supporting us whatsoever, we would be buying our own groceries, driving our own car, both working FT, etc. So AITA for refusing this great offer?
@VelvetDraginfly 2 месяца назад
Look I'm a Parent, So I Get it. They need to be Sleeping with / Caring for Their Own Damn Kids. They made them, it's Their Job to Care for them or Find Other accommodations. Not Pawn them off, on a younger sibling/ cousin who is unwilling. Because that is a Great way for your kids to get Really Hurt.
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
Completely agreed!
@AITAReddit.Stories 3 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: Obviously, we don’t tell anyone in our lives about this as it would be extremely embarrassing for Alex. I only know because I currently live with them (I’m helping around the house+with Alex). Unfortunately, Mark called a couple nights ago wanting to apologize (allegedly) and him and my sister had a pretty nasty fight about Alex and my sister ended up telling Mark about the sleeping problem. Mark was pretty surprised (allegedly) but just hung up. I figured he actually felt some guilt towards his son for once but I heard Alex going crazy in his room and when I went to calm him down he just showed me his phone and he got exactly 3 texts from his dad telling him to “man up”, “stop annoying his mom” and “if he didn’t man up he’d tell all of Alex’s friends”. I was appalled. Second my sister came home I marched straight to Mark’s mom’s house (where I knew Mark was staying) and chewed him out. I don’t think I’m the asshole for that, he deserved it. But Mark’s mom and his sisters and their husbands and kids were home and I told them what Mark’s been saying about his own child. I didn’t have to, it’s none of their business, but I knew they adore Alex and his mom was extremely angry. One of his sisters even went “WTF is wrong with you.” Now Mark’s mom is giving him a week to find somewhere else to live and he’s yelling at me for essentially making him homeless and dragging his entire family into things. He called me a dumb kid and said idk what it feels like to be a parent and that he’s human too. He admits that he could’ve been more decent with Alex too so perhaps he’s reflecting (I doubt it). I suppose I went too far regardless. AITA? For reference, I’m 21. My sister is 34, Mark is 35.
@XxBrickxX 2 месяца назад
Your a gentlemen and a scholar for reposting the whole story
@AITAReddit.Stories 2 месяца назад
@@XxBrickxX Thank you very much for your kind words😌
@kyuutatsu 3 месяца назад
Simple solution, get separate apps. I am one of those people who can devour an app by myself, so my fiance and me get separate apps. Also, how someone eats is kinda just something they learn in childhood and then it’s impossible to unlearn. Leave the man alone, get separate apps and live happily
@AITAReddit.Stories 3 месяца назад
Agreed! When we go out we order seperate dishes and give a bite of each others for a taste test, besides that different meals
@ImTheScottMann 3 месяца назад
Man probably works hard, nobody's the asshole, maybe get separate entrée like your supposed to.
@AITAReddit.Stories 3 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: I said as much to him and when he said he didn't see what he was doing wrong, I told him "you're acting like you've never seen food before, it's embarrassing." He didn't say another word to me after that, and has barely spoke to me today either. I don't think I'm the asshole for telling him I was embarrassed by how he was eating and annoyed that most of the appetizer was eaten by him, but I may have taken it too far with the last comment. For further context no, this isn't the first time this has happened. I've told him multiple times it's embarrassing when he does this and asked him why so I can try to help or at least understand a bit better. It's only at this specific chain and his answer always is either idk or that he "really loves the spinach dip" they have. He also does this at home but I don't really care when he's at home because I'm not going to dictate how he acts in the privacy of our house. Also to note because I'm sure people may ask, no he did not grow up in a food insecure household, they weren't rich but not struggling that much. And neither are we struggling now. No there is no history with an eating disorder either in him or his family. With all that said, aita? **Edit because people keep asking the same questions so just for clarity: Yes I have had this same conversation before with him in much nicer ways and usually in private. He actively knows I hate when he eats like that. Yes he eats like this at home - but never when there are people over and not when we go to other peoples homes. I don't give him shit over it because I'm not gonna police what he does when he's in private. No I'm not going to divorce him over this. I know in my head this is one of very few things we argue about. Is it annoying? Yes. But it's a wild take to tell me to divorce my husband over it. We continue to go to this place because it's a cheap, convenient option for when he has a super late shift (gets out at 11 or later) because it is 5 minutes from our house and is one of the few places open at that time No my husband was/is not in the military
@AITAReddit.Stories 3 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: It's been a tense couple of weeks. Last night I think we both kind of lost it. My son needed feeding and she was in the chair; I asked her to move which she whined about but did get up. Everything was fine for another hour or so until she demanded my brother pay for her to go to a hotel for the remaining nights because she can't cope with me and the baby. He asked what she meant and she said that he's clearly big enough to be on real food and I enjoy making her uncomfortable by feeding him in front of her. I got embarrassingly upset and told her that she should keep her mouth shut because she clearly doesn't know the first thing about parenting and certainly doesn't know anything about me or my son. We argued the same points for a little more until my son woke from his nap and I left to collect him. She then left after telling us all, loudly, that she needs to "protect her peace" (which is honestly not a phrase I thought real people said). My brother told me I was being immature and left with her. My dad is on "my side" but did tell me I should have removed myself from the situation as I'm a grown woman and she's still a teenager (I'm three years older than her so I think thats BS). My mom is neutral but is still trying to convince my brother to come home and ended up paying for their hotel. She thinks I could have been a lot more understanding. AITA? Was I completely out of order?
@AITAReddit.Stories 3 месяца назад
Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like and subscribe if you want more! Rest of the story: We’re at the restaurant eating, joking around, having a nice time, when my aunt (Jo’s mom) [the official “adult” of the family vacay] said & I quote “you’ll be sleeping in Jo’s room with the kids so your elder sister & her husband can have some privacy”. I honestly didn’t think she was talking to me until my uncle snapped at me asking if I was deaf. I looked around, everyone was looking at me, waiting for my “ok or yes, ma” But I said no The vibe of our table changed. My aunt basically ordered me to hand over my room card, again, I said no. She then said it was wrong of me to expect adults to be sleeping in the same room with their kids when another child has a free room (I’m 22 but I’m also the youngest) [sorry I’m 24] Again I said no & asked her to ask someone else At this everyone turned on me asking why I needed a room to myself, what was I doing by myself that would make me not want to share with kids It was so uncomfortable I left The next day, we had plans to go to the theme park, but they all left without me. I called my cousins, but they won’t pick up I texted & was left on read I called my dad about this & he told me not to worry he’ll handle it Dinner that night, I was called a snitch, that I had run to my dad when I was the one being disrespectful. Then my aunty asked me to leave the table or give my “elder sister“ my room card. (It was like a go to your room moment), so I went to my room called my dad again & this time he told me to just change rooms to hold the peace My mom & brothers said not to, that they were looking for a free babysitter (her kids aren’t unruly half the time) but I’m not here to babysit Today, I was left behind again I don’t know, I’m really upset about this but I also don’t want to give in. I’m thinking to just go home, but it’s quite expensive to change my ticket So 3 days left of this. 😢
@aikakai3220 3 месяца назад
Just go vacation by yourself 😅 there are probably plenty of things to do without company
@killereria9945 3 месяца назад
Absolutely un acceptable! I am amother of 2 and married. If i go on vaycay with my kids and husband i’m not going to expect privacy. It’s a family vacation. Do not make someone else babysit ur kids because you lack forethought
@Dew_Dew22 3 месяца назад
Yes you are the asshole your daughter is spoiled
@winterserpent6966 3 месяца назад
NTA you are protecting your daughter and doing what’s best for her.
@mariefreeman4235 3 месяца назад
@cricket8438 3 месяца назад
Not the AH
@jordanhedger330 3 месяца назад
@Tomas-xt2gq 3 месяца назад
NTA, theyre being horrible and blaming you for it