thingamabobs that don't make it to my main channel.
@lukenawrocki5042 22 минуты назад
i remember crying with laughter to this when i first heard it
@alpinesgenesis Час назад
Had my snurcumsnicion to this song
@Joe-nq4gb 20 часов назад
I think she wants to go to snurch
@anemone9173 2 дня назад
The first AAAAMMMEEEEENNNN caught me so off guard I genuinely flinched
@donna_thedead 3 дня назад
"she demands a snackarifice" is by far the best lyric ever.
@StealthfiretheHexagonal 3 дня назад
Laughed the whole time listening to this
@StealthfiretheHexagonal 3 дня назад
'Ill tell you my snins' broke me every time
@RedbeardJack 3 дня назад
Apparently someone has my mental disease. I want to formally apologize for the distress this causes in the mind. No, I'm aware I'm not responsible for this individual being infected, but the nature of the illness is such that I sincerely wouldn't wish it on my greatest enemy. This poor soul was so overcome by it they actually made it reality. That must be truly painful, if you feel others must suffer as well, seared alongside with utter disdain for mental health.
@AceWolf456 4 дня назад
Hey, pro tips for the traffic laws stuff. Don’t speed, stop at stop signs and red lights, use your turn signal when you’re about to make a turn, yellow signs are some kind of warning so keep an eye out and maybe let off the gas, and if there’s a siren behind you pull over and let them pass. That’s like 90% of average driving. There’s some other niche stuff but you’ll learn that in a driving class and then proceed to forget it all. If I had to pass the paper test to get my licensee again I would fail.
@klee.365 4 дня назад
Idk why I got this now but this is amazing
@UnicornCharlotte77 5 дней назад
It gets even funnier when you sing along pinching your nose 😂😂
@barnykirashi 5 дней назад
@mistermangoman69 5 дней назад
My humour is so broken that someone putting S at the beginning of some words in a song is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen
@MeonLights 5 дней назад
The tone in "high snorse" kills me every time. A masterpiece.
@LetsSyncFanEdits 5 дней назад
When she sung: "so you can snarpen your snife" I felt that! ❤
@Marzi_Mello 5 дней назад
watched this as I dont have a license and its a bop practicing with this on, but I gotta ask where that assassination attempt vid is. I really wish i downloaded that ish 😭
@transsexual_computer_faery 5 дней назад
we have public transit here and i cant afford a car anyway
@SupahTrunks7 5 дней назад
I have a license and I got it the day before I left for college. The only drive I have ever done without a second person supervising was a single victory lap around my neighborhood after getting that license. Learning to drive is what forced me to discover I actually have clinical anxiety bc it is apparently not normal to accidentally run a red light on an empty intersection and have to pull over to cry
@axiss5840 День назад
The wording of this has destroyed me ty
@tinywafflerat 6 дней назад
i remember watching this 2 years ago
@bobhonkhonk9843 6 дней назад
Had the same opinion until i learned how to drive and now I drive better than some of my friends, but I agree that women should probably not drive except for my mom who’s a very good driver.
@theaveragecomment1014 2 дня назад
what the fuck
@Just_Some_Dude73 6 дней назад
"Walking 10km to a friend's house because driving is scary" gang WHERE YOU AT
@fuzzy5055 6 дней назад
i like to imagine this was done in one take or else her voice would have become non existent
@Flippo___ 7 дней назад
based. public transit ftw
@Violet_bayolente 7 дней назад
Girl my permit expired how far would I go if I can park? (':
@Kakomss 7 дней назад
Smh can't sleep
@Kakomss 7 дней назад
I wish i could like twice
@user-zt4lp7fn1q 7 дней назад
gonna start sending this to everyone who keeps asking me this
@ChasmChaos 7 дней назад
Living life in hard mode if you're in the US or Canada
@innocehnt75 7 дней назад
america's car dependency is not just a funny american quirk. its very much intentional. in the 1950s, the automotive lobby convinced the government to destroy trolleys, train stations, parks, entire city blocks and neighborhoods, all to build massive highways and encourage people to buy more cars. and it worked. the damage is too far gone and I'm not really sure if the effects of american car dependency will ever be reversed in my lifetime, or even my children's lifetimes. ill see the rest of you guys in the Netherlands where i can enjoy my bike lanes and trains in peace.
@dotdash2284 5 дней назад
@innocehnt75 5 дней назад
@@dotdash2284 yeah the gov can be cringe
@dotdash2284 5 дней назад
@@innocehnt75 euros don't realize how big north america is. Trains and bikes are nice if you live in the city
@innocehnt75 5 дней назад
@@dotdash2284 but you do realize the railroad is one of the main reasons the US even became a global superpower right? if America is "too big for trains" then how did the inter continental railroad literally build the country? the size of the country isn't the problem, the size of the automotive lobby is.
@dotdash2284 5 дней назад
@@innocehnt75 freight trains are different from personal transport. I don't have an issue with advocating for trains, but I couldn't do my job without my own vehicle. Also I'm canadian so not exactly the same situation as the states, and I'm not really an expert. I just don't like it when people trash my society and assume they understand it
@creativecutieprincessd 7 дней назад
Finally, people who are just like me, I do not want to be on the rolling death trap that is the open road. And I hate that society forces me too I don't care about driving I care about living, and the way I want to live being in the back seat vibing to my ipod shuffle
@asven1277 7 дней назад
Without a license you can't say "I am speed" in a school zone
@Hana_H 7 дней назад
@santtu6930 7 дней назад
People with anxiety disorder / autism /adhd:
@theaveragecomment1014 2 дня назад
Literally! I got all 3 and I feel rlly guilty that I don't wanna drive... like I know it's a privilege to be allowed to do that. There's plenty of countries where autistic ppl are banned from it.. my parents are great drivers and they're autistic I feel rlly bad that I don't want to... it's just really scary to me
@mearvu_rae 7 дней назад
yup this is exactly what goes through my head whenever I turn my car on 😍
@LelaniWaterflower 7 дней назад
This is DEEPLY relateable to me-
@XannisV 7 дней назад
Now I have something to send to people when they ask me if I want to learn to drive or whatever nonsense
@Runealin 7 дней назад
the next time someone asks me if ive gotten my license im just gonna show them this
@HoneydewBeach 8 дней назад
Me for real
@tearoses9940 8 дней назад
I have my license and drive places but I still feel this way honestly. If I’m driving anywhere I’m not 100% sure of where I’m going (even if I’ve driven there before), my anxiety is anxieting.
@RichardK6K 8 дней назад
I have a license, but I really don't wanna have one. I did not drive in the last three years, and I will avoid it for as long as I can. I don't like cars, I don't like driving, I can't deal with stress while driving, and I get very stressed while driving. I don't know the most basic shit. My driving instuctor was a piece of shit, and said stuff like: ,,Nah, you don't need these specific lessons. Just let us drive again through the same area, we were driving through all the time before. It'll be fine. You don't need to learn how to drive at night, or on highways, or any of that." I still don't know how to use the headlights. I feel like my driving license is fake, and my driving lessons were a scam. Who in their right mind would give me a driving license?
@seth8395 8 дней назад
@santtu6930 7 дней назад
When there are no other drivers driving instantly turns fun LOL. It's not the driving itself but other traffic and traffic rules that make it stressful for most people.
@robinthespider9447 8 дней назад
Assuming you live in americabl you will one day be required ro get a license for your own benefit. American infrastructure is based on the personal vehicle.
@innocehnt75 7 дней назад
im hoping I can get out of here when I'm older so I can raise my children in a place where they aren't trapped and isolated in a massive sprawling American suburb and completely left helpless and dependant on a parent to drive them around to school, activities, and friends. because apparently in most of Europe and some parts of east Asia, safe walkable cities with dependable public transport is the NORM, not the exception. i want my kids to grow up in a place like that rather than here.
@santtu6930 6 дней назад
Guys move to finland ;). Cars are handy but we also have great public transportation and bike roads so you won't necessarily need a car.
@bomb4r719 8 дней назад
Very American problem
@reformedtoxic1488 8 дней назад
Le quirke = funny xD pooped my pants btw xDD louuuuuud noises xD this could have been made without singing and just captions and it would still be insanely obvious a woman was behind it.
@Pupcat_Is_Amare 8 дней назад
@user-cp9id1mj8b 8 дней назад
I'll probably won't get a license ever, either. If I ever get one i'll probably be dead within the year. I love speed and I hate life
@santtu6930 6 дней назад
@charles7623 8 дней назад
yet another banger
@hazard7732 8 дней назад
This song was hilarious, even though I'm outside the demographic. I have a class A CDL so I can drive 18 wheelers and basically anything that's over 26,000 pounds. I also have endorsements that allow me to transport trailers full of liquid, and another that allows hazardous materials. I also learned how to operate a manual transmission with 12 gears on an 18-wheeler. Idk what y'all are on about, driving is FUUUUN!
@whatswiththisnewhandlesthing 8 дней назад
I mean I just tell people it's because having a parking space in the city is too expensive you don't have to call me out like that
@ninjacookie3 8 дней назад
I had literally two lessons and went nope, fuck this, I can walk everywhere
@dutchalfred553 6 дней назад
I only had one and that was enough for me to decide never again.
@addymant 8 дней назад
so badly wish i didn't have to drive