Commonwealth Policy Center
Commonwealth Policy Center
Commonwealth Policy Center
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The Commonwealth Policy Center (CPC) is dedicated to preserving the bedrock values of life, marriage and fiscal responsibility in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. It affirms as stated in the Kentucky Constitution that our civil, political and religious liberties come from God. To that end, it seeks to educate the general public on critical issues of the day, work for policies that grow the Commonwealth, protect our freedoms, and influence elections on behalf of conservative candidates. CPC is a non-profit, non-partisan organization and seeks to elevate the standards of conduct in the political process.
@FactsMattuh 17 дней назад
May I make a recommendation? When you talk about "healthy and productive people who contribute," we on the other side hear, "You know, the ones who aren't lazy moochers." What we never hear is actual empathy based on actual reality. We always hear that you'd like government to work only for those who can help themselves. It always feels like it lacks humanity. The REALITY is that, as Jesus said, there will always be the poor and downtrodden. There will always be people who can't "be productive" because they're traumatized, or they have a developmental disability, etc. There will always be people who are not "straight, white, Christian breadwinners." How to "cast a better economic vision" FIRST requires that you INCLUDE all citizens. All of them. And that you center it around compassion first, your own greed (or security) second. BUT if you're always against Free Lunch Programs for poor kids, or are always diminishing people on welfare but never diminishing Wall Street fraudsters...we get the feeling you're kinda just in it for the 1%.
@AttorneyCraig 18 дней назад
As we, as god’s people, realize that there is not an invisible man in the sky, we can live better and more fruitful lives.
@mikesorbassguitar 18 дней назад
Work is not the meaning of life. Life is what happens when you’re not at work. Work is an 8 hour interruption of the day. A necessary evil that must be tolerated in order to survive. I am not a lazy person and work to meet my responsibility, but if money was not an issue I would happily never work another day in my life at a job. Volunteer my time for causes I care about, yes. Report to a job I have zero passion for, no.
@bobbyvee8941 28 дней назад
He's in Oregon.....need I say more? Of course he's for "Mail-In Voting"!
@matthewtenney2898 28 дней назад
I was privileged to hear in person in Washington, DC, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. deliver his "I Have a Dream" speech. His speech heavily emphasized "all men are created equal", an idea that most people accept. That idea cannot exist apart from a Creator and if the people don't accept a Creator, they cannot accept equality. Our job as Christians is to teach that God is our Creator and that He loves us. It is wrong for us to try and get government to do our job.
@colechillen7700 Месяц назад
Are you making the point that America is or was intended to be a Christian nation or just pointing out the fact that most founders were Christian?
@hankscorpio6111 Месяц назад
We aren't and never have been a Constitutional "democracy". We've ALWAYS been a Constitutional REPUBLIC! This fact is only codified in the Supreme Law of the Land otherwise known as the US Constitution! Anyone who knows the Pledge of Allegiance by heart would know what your saying isn't true!
@Bob_Barney Месяц назад
Turned 70 this year, NO PLANS to ever quit working. We own our own business so no chance of getting fired. 🙂 Unless health prevents it, I will continue to work until I die. Retirement starts on the day I die, and then I'll find out what Jesus has for me next.
@juanquiroz7888 Месяц назад
Imagine kids taking parents ID, exposing parents information to virus and harmful website. Good job Lawmakers you just exposed people's personal information, forced porn site to be more responsible than the parents.
@ghostbaz12 2 месяца назад
Don't exist age verification in ky i watch porn every day stop making clickbait video
@wrightcargle 2 месяца назад
@JavierDiAz-gs9cd 2 месяца назад
That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Schools are not business
@queenofpain7067 2 месяца назад
Best first move is to fire teachers who teach LGBTQ delusions..
2 месяца назад
Why focus on entitlements? All of this is moot if wealthy individuals and large Corporations pay their taxes. Wouldn't want to hurt MAGA donors. This is a phony waste of time without true and factually analysis.
@heidi459 2 месяца назад
I left Kentucky because my son deserved better schools. The school boards are overpaid and ruined districts in the name of diversity. Shut down the school boards and let the parents take over!
@nnevelo 2 месяца назад
Yes. Because parents always do what’s in the best interest of all children. How about you elect better school board members. And allow them to do their jobs. It isn’t the school board’s fault. It’s the fault of the government for not properly funding education. And this is especially bad in red states. Which shouldn’t be surprising as every study ever conducted on the subject shows that Republican voters skew towards the less educated. So it makes perfect sense as to why they want bad education systems. It’s how they cultivate and keep their voting base.
@JoanneVance-oe4lc 2 месяца назад
I'd like some references to the studies that show lower income students do better in areas with school choice. Thx
@jamesmitchell8234 2 месяца назад
If you're not a US citizen you can't vote already!!! This is just false messaging to keep ignorant republican voters enraged.
@sonjafritsch8804 2 месяца назад
School house: make corporations and churches rich. Keep kids uneducated. Uneducated easily to control
@sachmo0196 2 месяца назад
Send that msg. This tells the leaders "business as usual" is over. They R figure heads that do the bidding of the constituants, not the other way round.
@scoreyj13 2 месяца назад
First one is meaningless since they already cannot so what is the point other than being racists since we know who this is aimed at. The other is horrible because it basically gives wealthy families money to send their kids to private schools since they will still be the only ones that can afford it. Just another way to take money from the working class and giving it to the wealthy.
@1solosoldier 2 месяца назад
@lovemypets254 2 месяца назад
Just read that unfortunately you were removed from your position. I’ve been a Baptist for years but left when my Baptist pastor was promoting a hater of people trump in 2019. I was mourning and walked out of church because it was politics at the pulpit. The pastor turns to me & calls out the devil didn’t like his message and that I left. That’s was the last time I went to that church. Later I hear the doors closed for good. I went to another and trumps signs were at the entrance. I seeked membership but not offered membership because I asked if it was right for immigrant children to be separated from their parents? Now seems I have been ousted because I believe JESUS CHRIST GIVES US CHOICES and only each person knows & understands their choice in their decision making & I have to respect their choice as they respect mine. My friend & Savior is Christ and no physical building or political influencer can replace HIM! The HOLY SPIRIT MOVES MY CONSCIOUS and I was not created to judge my fellow man. But like there are STANDARDS TO PREACH THERE ARE STANDARDS TO BE PRESIDENT. I didn’t vote for Mike pence but now I admire that his principles were strong enough to do what the Constitution stood for at the last minutes of besieged & his life was in PERIL. That’s being a true Christian.
@toddthompson4666 2 месяца назад
To concur with the first post, the problem isn’t the fact it exists the problem is the handling of the fact. Government needs to stay out the home and free rights, if I wish to see porn it’s my right under the free speech act. Now as a parent and grandparent it is my duty and obligation to keep what I choose as viewing , away from My children and grandchildren, not the government. You are now stepping on the first amendment, you let people deface or tear down monuments, blasphemy the lord and our flag , you get , government involvement in our homes and lie about the problems. Maybe this is one of many times, government should let the families decide. Government is over stepping its bounds now and moms and dads need to step up , instead of hoping you jackasses will fix this. Leave our rights and amendment rights alone. Stop trying to fix things and support and defend our constitution and rights
@aquaponicsphx9996 2 месяца назад
What about people in a bad marriage?
@anon1972sa8a 2 месяца назад
Mind your business. My marriage is none of your business.
@mikaelrosing 2 месяца назад
Thats why you should go to a classic protestant church or Roman Catholic or EO or OO Insted of these mall churches tgat have no link to the reformation or even the early church.
@ritasmith2914 3 месяца назад
Good to see Daniel Cameron and glad for his continued work.
@bryanzam1412 3 месяца назад
So why then is there not enough homes for abused and homeless children? Christians that say we are all brothers and sisters , dont practice what they preach.
@BGPD70 3 месяца назад
So assigned genders can sue non assigned genders for getting misgendered hmm
@arjanwesselink3418 3 месяца назад
No God has ever been proven to exist, no evidence anywhere on this planet. Plenty of evidence against it!!!!!
@PaulvanEgmond 3 месяца назад
I don't believe this guy
@williamnaman3570 3 месяца назад
That's why your candidate,Trump said he would suspend the constitution. He added seven trillion to our debt. He banned bump stocks with the stroke of a pen.
@charlesmoore6140 3 месяца назад
Conservative folks do all the attacks! They hate ! It's what they do!
@pashaveres4629 3 месяца назад
When the gov't puts their thumb on the scale it distorts economic reality. Like rolling a bowling ball onto a trampoline. It distorts the actual space, which necessarily distorts the relationships between everything in/on that space. It's fair to say that the gov't fu**s up everything it touches.
@Matthew-tv3fz 3 месяца назад
This seems silly and is play whack a mole with an issue that goes far beyond kids seeing adult content. The idea we allow grown adults to purchase devices for their kids is legal is the problem. The internet and smartphones are tools. Similar to guns, a tool is as good as the user therefore we much show the respect of such tools (smartphones and guns) with a sense of caution around children. Taking actions such as limited time with ONLY adult supervision or an absolute ban all together would be the most effective means to curb this issue. Having individuals required to provide sensitive personal information to a database, which is prone for infiltration, is reckless at least an unconstitutional at most. Those who struggle with adult content addiction is a byproduct of a more bigger issue. That issue is being depression and a sense of loneliness in our modern time. For the issue at hand no bill at this moment would be able to address the necessary actions required to fix and resolve such an issue, doesn’t mean we should fail to follow up with these issues in the next session.
@mrandrat625 4 месяца назад
Not like the rich aren't already sheltering their earnings.
@vstefe1280 4 месяца назад
Bet this guy is rich and votes for trump who said he’s going to give another 2 Trillion tax cut for them 😂
@joemexico7969 4 месяца назад
OMG! WE STILL have TRICKLE DOWN robber-barons???
@prismbrandingrealestatebra6301 4 месяца назад
This guy is just spewing the same propaganda told to us in college. He knows certainly well that what he is saying is nonsense.
@elsenored562 4 месяца назад
Tax the rich, if you want poverty. Then use poverty as an excuse for socialism.
@rohantherockwiththerocketh7871 4 месяца назад
When the working class can own a home, cars, boat or caravan/trailer and have good savings let alone a healthy middle class then you have a robust and healthy economy! It has never been the rich that creates a healthy economy because they always try to not pay any taxes.
@darrellqueen8073 4 месяца назад
This is propaganda using oversimplification. Those legal shelters he speaks of can be reinvesting profits into research and development, expanding the company, giving higher wages, donations, etc. During some of the most prosperous decades in the 20th century were during higher tax rates for large corporations.
@mal878 4 месяца назад
Do what the convicted felon Trump does, cheat.
@jacob7922 4 месяца назад
This is the guy who the rich pay to make you give up taxing them before you even try. Wealth disparity is astronomical, the "stewards of the economy" have failed and are now hoarding 99.9% of the wealth. We NEED to redistribute or things are going to get very bad very quickly. Don't let these empty circular talking points distract you from that
@jonathonlong111 4 месяца назад
They do number 2 now.
@lilmsgs 4 месяца назад
lol what a bunch of hogwash. Are trust fund kids the stewards of the economy? What are your sources for your specious claims?
@jwbjpb1338 4 месяца назад
Voting for Trump is voting for evil
@garyevans5605 4 месяца назад
Tax the rich till they ain't rich no more
@Uncletoast52 4 месяца назад
I’m a job provider and a tax payer and I approve this message. FJB
@federicobellin1895 4 месяца назад
Trickle down economy is a proven lie. With no demand from the middle class there is no economy.
@brianh9358 4 месяца назад
This is BS. We allow them to hide their money and those loopholes need to be closed.