Hi guys!
I'm a newer streamer trying to get a name out there!

Streaming here when the Leafs aren’t playing :)
The "Normal" Episode | Slay the Princess Ep.2
7 месяцев назад
This Game Is TWISTED | Slay the Princess
7 месяцев назад
FIRST TIME playing Demonologist
Год назад
Destroying Friendships [PICO PARK]
2 года назад
ALL BOSSES [Ender Lilies]
2 года назад
Dunk Contest [Golf With Your Friends]
3 года назад
Big Game Hunting [Sea of Thieves]
3 года назад
@franix97 4 дня назад
Talk to you as a Digimon virgin who just like Jaiden always played/watched Pokémon and never Digimon (I just watched the 2000 show to begin, Adventure, and as you suggested in the video and other people suggested me, I will start the games with either survive or cyber sleuth). I understand your point at around 2:20, but as an external who knows NOTHING about Digimon and look for a starting point, she's 100% right. I found 2 people suggesting me Survive or Cyber, after being very polite and kind for like 20 minutes of asking me what type of games I like and what I like about Pokémon, Megaten etc., but doing a research for your own (again, as a Digimon virgin) you find a lot of "yeah survive is good, if you like sitting through a 3 hours visual novel, then boring mechanic tactic fights" (I like tactics, just saying what I read while researching) or "Yeah Cyber Sleuth is good, but only if you loved Persona, since it's basically a cheap copy of persona 5 with Digimon". Now, I'm sure those people exaggerate, or speak pushed from hate for Persona 5, or tactic games, or whatever, and sure a Digimon expert can give you a better analysis of why they lie and you should start with those. But as an (again) external, those are the only thing you see, fights on why this game is crap, why this game is good except X Y Z, or why you enjoy this game only if you sit through this boring things, so I fully understand why is so hard to chose a starting point, and why (in my opinion, not knowing about the other Digimon games) Jaiden's choice was very wrong but extremely understandable.
@Monzae_The_CRT 10 дней назад
@TheFatestPat 14 дней назад
I also tried to play this game, it it went about exactly the same.
@bass-dc9175 28 дней назад
I love how every franchise has the "Running gag which even newcommers point out." As with this one, where Jaiden walks into a room. Smash-KOs Leomon and the quest he gives you is "dig a grave" because he dies IN NEARLY EVERY PIECE OF CONTENT HE IS IN. And I know next to nothing about Digimon besides having seen the first 4 seasons of the show (Fav is Tamers btw). But even I know that he is basically the Sean Bean of Digimon.
@waleniyi2898 28 дней назад
Your opinion is kind cringe
8:38 Yelena Stare Intensifies
@kailebtyak1045 Месяц назад
Did I just see some adepts mechanicus is jaiden a warhammer 40k fan fuck yes
@firebender9010 Месяц назад
Never made for any handheld system you say? Like Cyber Sleuth and Next Order were? 🤣🤣🤣
@somethingbanter Месяц назад
it feels like jaiden's issue with digimon is that it's not pokemon's dumbed down turn based rpg type stuff, and that's a lot of people really. cyber sleuth really is the only one that finally hits that pokemon feel. and also that she listens to other people too much. like, relating cyber sleuth to persona only based on the art style was definitely very regrettable behavior.
@BitingLlama Месяц назад
2:08:54 yes
@BitingLlama Месяц назад
Just realized you didn't put chat on stream
@DiogoKuvino Месяц назад
She likes Devidramon and Dorugamon. She knows what is good.
@Shnickerman 2 месяца назад
I have certain points that I definitely agree with Jaiden and many that I do not, I just hope that it converted a few fans instead of turned people away
@axels3188 2 месяца назад
This was a good reaction.
@axels3188 2 месяца назад
8:02 that Snowagumon a subspecies of Agumon.
@stefanspelt3578 2 месяца назад
The fact that Some Digimon talk and some don't really shows how much Yo-Kai Watch was better. Also, watta ya mean ya don't need a map!? Yeah sure, and you're speedrunner.
@nhazulkimonalos9895 2 месяца назад
@lovelyshit.animation 2 месяца назад
Thank you for supporting animation with React. It is an honor to visit our channel🖐️🙏
@jonathanstar4468 2 месяца назад
played digimon dawn recently , I really enjoyed it. i loved the quest system and the mazes. it took me 53 hours to finish it
@BetterCallPapyrus 2 месяца назад
no no digimon adventure the psp game is the ONLY correct choice for a new digimon fan, as it tells the whole story from the anime and even later sessions like the hackmon/royal knights arc with all the agumon leaders [ie guilmon, savers agumon etc] and it has a fan English patch cyber sluth is the INNCORRECT choice as its too confusing for new players and has too many branching paths.
@BetterCallPapyrus 2 месяца назад
it even has the mega evos before tri featured them. [yeah they are all the same] vikingmon, hohomon rosemon etc.
@BetterCallPapyrus 2 месяца назад
its also the ONLY place you will see the other warp evos, asides from agumon and gabumon.
@blockdparty 3 месяца назад
I love digimon survive
@fullmetal_3961 3 месяца назад
Idk man, Digimon World DS is actually alright. The Dusk and Dawn isn't great tho. Also, having played P4, P5, and Cyber Sleuth, it's basically Digimon Persona.
@BetterCallPapyrus 2 месяца назад
personaly like i said the psp digimon adventure is great for newbies as its just a retelling of the 90's series, the omnimon vs diablomon fight and the xroswars crossover thats it. and it has new game plus and an English fan translation honestly its a 10/10 it plays better then any rpg out there,
@darkrai_680 3 месяца назад
I am planning to watch a few Digimon, I know the main 6 Digimon from gen 1 but still I like gammamon in my opinion
@thomasschafer5939 3 месяца назад
I personally dosagree with you on one point: Digimon World 3 was kinda baller^^ That game ate so many hours of my youth^^ Kinda wish they would re-release it on the PS Store, but knowing Sony... im not holding my breath^^;
@fullmetal_3961 3 месяца назад
I LOVED digimon 3 as a kid, but replaying it as an adult... I still love the game, but man it has a LOT of issues.
@thomasschafer5939 3 месяца назад
@@fullmetal_3961 Of course it does, it's a PS1 game^^ Still though, I'd LOVE to play it again. Sadly, it is quite rare to come by these days which is why i still hope they'll one day re-release it
@stalelemonproduction 3 месяца назад
"because it's better" unfortunately it's stuff like that where fandoms hate eachother for
@ruane211 3 месяца назад
As to the question what type game it was for the ds there was digimon ds then they tried to pull a pokemon with having two versions of the game with each one misisng some key digimon it was dusk and dawn i played it a ton groqing up.
@ruane211 3 месяца назад
I as a digimon and pokemon fan (more classic pokemon and digimon) that I have found pokemon fans no matter how badly the game is that nintendo pops out they will ravinously defend almost all aspects, but fir digimon fan while we love the games we can still pick iy apart bit by bit but still enjoy most of it.
@KGKSkull 4 месяца назад
She should have chosen dusk
@citriosis 4 месяца назад
I was concerned that this was gonna be a HARDCORE DEFENSE APOLOGIST VIDEO but was pleasantly surprised to find that it was honest and enjoyable, lol. I think the internet has jaded me. This was pleasant to watch.
@imtryingalright8555 4 месяца назад
The pure amount of coping on this guy's end is infuriating. A bad game is a bad game, your personal enjoyment doesn't make it good.
@pranjalkumar8721 4 месяца назад
I loved your critical thinking before voting and explaining everything to us!
@foxyfighterprochampion8610 4 месяца назад
ngl Pokemon is better
@dailybugle2147 5 месяцев назад
Asked on the wrong video but what mods did you use?
@tionysus. 5 месяцев назад
A few that were used were Zeak6464's Random Market, shops, and data. Dantles1992's Ultimate Digimon Pack Pherakki's Skip Dialogue Rodrigo Aguilar's Advanced Item Shop
@dailybugle2147 5 месяцев назад
What mods did you use?
@thundergaming155 5 месяцев назад
11:19 how in the emperors name did they get there?
@MsJustanotherviewer2 5 месяцев назад
Stoked to see a Digimon version of Nuzlocke 😄 I don’t recognize the Digimon that Maia is, what’s their species?
@tionysus. 5 месяцев назад
That's Ryudamon! I actually have the rest of the series edited and ready for upload and just never did lmao I'll make sure the rest of the series goes up soon :)
@DragonguyA 5 месяцев назад
I haven't seen Digimon in a hot minute, the last thing I watched that was Digimon related was Jaiden's video and this one. Then there were the *other* kinds of content when I was in my porn addiction phase with all the...Renamon business... among other furry content. But I'm over my porn addiction. I've been clean for well over a year, maybe 2. Do I have cravings? Sure. Do I fall into them? Nope. (Having a gf helps.) Not sure what my point is. I just wanted to say that.
@davidmartin5483 5 месяцев назад
You don't know about SnowAgumon? That's why Agumon is a Blueishwhite colour. It's an Agumon variant of the many there are out there
@Tai_Wu 6 месяцев назад
I played digimon world and it was tedious. All the side quests to do the main story was frustrating. Idk how I did it as an 8 yr old going throuhhendless labyrinths
@ooga69booga 6 месяцев назад
Clearly a set up.
@AAAc33s 6 месяцев назад
4:24 lol Fucken right with ya bro
@cloudburp8485 6 месяцев назад
Bros goated
@Cameron42310 6 месяцев назад
@holdensaia5962 6 месяцев назад
I am sorry I have gotten a minute into this video and I can’t finish it. The main thing is saying that Digimon is better then Pokémon. I am not saying that Pokémon is better than Digimon but you can’t say that especially to people who are hardcore Pokémon fans. No franchise is better then the other and no franchise is worst then the other (yes there is a difference.) let people like what they like and for GOD’S SAKE DON’T SAY THAT THINGS ARE BLACK AND WHITE WHEN MOST THINGS FALL IN A GRAY ZONE!!!!!
@Innerpandora 6 месяцев назад
Calm down jesus
@fullmetal_3961 3 месяца назад
Brother's never heard of a ribbing joke.
@Stargatelover 6 месяцев назад
As somebody who played through DS and Dusk, I can confirm, these games were brutal in the wrongest way possible. And they're the grandparents of Cyber Sleuth, being the first few Digimon Story games as that is what is in their title, not World.
@GregTheLion 6 месяцев назад
"why is Agumon Blue?" You're the digi-fan! you tell me!
@blazesaber1383 6 месяцев назад
honestly if she played digimon world 3 i think she would have been fine. but yes cyber sleuth would have been the best choice. i don't know why world gets so much hate it's better than most digimon games IMO
@Jack-The-Gamer- 6 месяцев назад
I would have recommended Digimon World 1 on the PS1, with Cyber Sleuth being a good second. Digimon World 3 would probably get third place.
@des_8493 7 месяцев назад
i liked digimon world dawn XD
@Pikmanipulator 7 месяцев назад
1:46 - "Nah, they're all good." 3:07 - "Just ignore all of these." 6:04 - "If you'll have any chance to never play a Digimon game that was made for the DS or any handheld system, take that opportunity." 9:15 - "Anything after Digimon World 2 and up until the latest Digimon World and the Cyber Sleuth series, I've kind of wiped most of these games from my memory because they're not good."