@gorecareitidaincapcubila441 23 дня назад
The name is Gheorghe Calciu.
@sausageking-bp4tc 2 месяца назад
Why does a church has to show the amount of gold it has
@user-ph7jh6oo5w 9 месяцев назад
am botn as a daughTer i was no Son wanna be no Son. am no Holy vicT im
@myredeemerliveth83 9 месяцев назад
Cursed be Varlaam and Akyndinos and their followers.
@felixbierman Год назад
A heretic greek pagan
@altrjcss8 Год назад
Is it possible to translate it in Greek?
@sasquatchdonut2674 Год назад
What’s the name of the first chant?
@GreekOrthodox7 Год назад
🙏🏼☦️🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷 Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ Ἁγίῳ Πνεύματι. Καὶ νῦν καὶ ἀεὶ καὶ εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων. Αμήν. Ἅγιος ὁ Θεός, Ἅγιος Ἰσχυρός, Ἅγιος Ἀθάνατος, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱὲ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησόν ἡμᾶς.
@tallmikbcroft6937 Год назад
Thank you
@dahelmang Год назад
So the Orthodox are no less sectarian and divisive as the Catholics. For shame.
@magdatanasa9228 Год назад
The Orthodox had no crussades to kill tens of thousands of non-Christians. They had no Inquisition to burn people alive for their beliefs. Orthodox men cannot become priests unless they get married thus preventing unproper behaviour (while millions of Catholic priests pretend being virgins at 40 :). And Orthodox have no missionaries to give you their Bible and take your land.
@dahelmang Год назад
@@magdatanasa9228 those aren't sectarian problems. Orthodox has had it rough to be sure, but it has not helped people like these to be humble. I'm sure many of them are, but that's not on display here.
@mariorizkallah5383 Год назад
There is only One Church, this is why we profess "One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church" you will find that the Church Fathers are rather "sectarian" and catholics after Vatican 2 are more or less less sectarian.
@dahelmang Год назад
@@mariorizkallah5383 and in claiming there is one church they divide God's church into many. It's really sad.
@mariorizkallah5383 9 месяцев назад
@@dahelmang It is literally in the Bible that there is one Church and there are those that went out from the common union and deceive others calling themselves of Christ. I dont know why your having a mental and emotional breakdown.
@contulmeu7655 Год назад
Acest preot vorbeste de doua Biserici. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-o31hKbMjhJQ.html . This priest talked about two Churches...
@elainapoochie2734 Год назад
Se vede ca nu cunosti bine invatatura de credinta ortodoxa si comentezi aiurea incercand sa blamezi memoria unui om care a fost gata sa moara pt credinta ortodoxa. Cand pr se refera in linkul pe care to il postezi la biserica adevarata catolica si ortodoxa are dreptate. Nu spune biserica Romano-catolica si biserica catolica ortodoxa care este cea ortodoxa numita the sfintii patinti catolica in dogma., adica cea adevarata. Romanii au tradus-o cu sobornicesca, in greaca ea se numeste catolica. Mai cieste pe sfintii parinti inaite sa iti ia gura pe dinainte. Sau faci parte si tu din schizmatici?
@contulmeu7655 Год назад
@@elainapoochie2734 In cazul dvs viclenia si erzia atinge cote maxime. P Calciu spune clar la minutul 1:00 : " numai noi si catolicii avem acest har". Este extrem de clar ca se refera la doua biserici. Faptul ca dvs vreti sa ne prostiti pe fata nu ne impiedica sa vedem credinta eretica a p Claciu cum ca ar exista doua biserici. Asa cum noi ortodocsii marturisim in Crez "Cred intru UNA Biserica..." p claciu invata ca sunt doua biserici. Si iarasi ne inundati cu ignoranta de care dati dovada: papistii au infiintat biserica (cu b mic) catolica, romano-catolica, etc. Ei de fapt au furat termenul de catolic . In ceea ce priveste "ekklesia katoliki" , termenul Katoliki nu insemna "adevarat" ci insemna Biserica Ortodocsilor si a Credintei Ortodoxe. Iar Ortodox = credinta dreapta. Deci Katoliki insemna cei ce au credinta dreapta. Nu stramba ca dvs care impreuna cu p Claciu vreti sa ne prostiti. Toata acea inregistrare dovedeste credinta preotului Calciu cum ca ar exista doua biserici. Sa taca toata gura cea vicleana! Si corect se spune schismatici nu "scizmatici". Cu 's" nu cu "z". Cei care au citit pe Sfintii Parinti au inteles acest lucru , anume ca exista o singura Biserica, cea Ortodoxa. Faptul ca ati incercat sa neconvingeti cu argumente demonice arata ca luptati impotriva Adevarului care este Hristos si Biserica Sa! Nu bisericile sale!
@Adrian-qy9or Год назад
Din pacate multe biserici ortodoxe au cazut in erezia ecumenista din cauza sinodului ecumenic din 2016 de la Creta.. Ingraditi-va de ierarhii ecumenisti si nu mai mergeti la bisericile unde se pomensc ierarhii ecumenisti care au semnat la Creta! Pana nu se dezic de aceea semnatura nu mai putem fi in comuniune cu ei. Chiar nu simtiti ca in acele biserici nu mai este har? Mai ales unde preotii au propovaduit covrigul si waxxinul. Treziti-va oameni buni!
@lilianahutuleac4100 2 года назад
@runner0075 2 года назад
Singers are amazing. Orthodox are psycho
@marjoriebille8735 2 года назад
We were blessed to hear Father speak. I had to go up to him afterwards. He gave me the blessing🤗🙏💙💆🔥🔥🔥
@junesilvermanb2979 2 года назад
Saint Luke the Blessed Surgeon, please heal us...
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
Posted elsewhere: - - New World Order. - 1 w/ 29 verses - 2 Apparently, the Lord has been urging me to write on the subject that I speak of today [3 22 2022AD] here below. It is about China and the US government. - 3 As I wrote about the one world nation back in 2018AD, it seems to be coming to pass as I write at this time. Did you notice on Monday the 21st of this month March, 2022AD that Biden spoke about the world is changing. - 4 The change he is speaking of I believe is the One world nation that is known as the new world order or even known as the Great Reset, apparently. And if you read that post here below that is written by me as it is labeled as 2 parts called One world nation that is found written by me already in your comments found here on your YT post, - 5 Then you might see the great reset in it that post, and that America is being tricked by Biden to allow our US government to be influenced by that new world order system of " New world government". - 6 But what one should recall is this: When Obama was still in public office as president, he [Obama] said something like unto this: America may have to give up some of her US constitution to be part of the new world order. - 7 Obama even said something like this when he was president: Americans needed to be controlled by a sovereign because they are weak minded. - 8 I do strongly feel that China is currently and for a number of years, is governmentally under China direction running the US NSA, and China is therefore: Trying through the US NSA, as to hoping to ghostly legislatively governmentally convert, - 9 As wanting to totally and completely forever, as wanting to legislatively totally converting the entire US American country that is the entire US, as trying to fraudulently convert the entire US, as into a non US Bill of rights under God nation, - 10 As converting the whole US into only: As free forever of ever having US Bill of rights, as trying to change the entire US into being geared into a narrative servitude nation by sinful to God demand legislative destruction to America to become forever, - 11 As a new nation state member of China forever, to be then found as a Bill of Rightsless state member in the new world nation state order of numerous member states found in the make-up of that new world order system of government that is called new China, forever, saith God, - 12 Again: As America being void of the US Bill of rights, forever, as what was America the land of the free as then being found to and to be under China as a serving servitude state member of the new world order that is called New China, as China being America's Washington DC, sorta speak as an example. - 13 The US NSA is not with checks and balances of power any longer I believe. It is because back around 2016AD, the lawyers for the US NSA used the Russian collusion case that was at the time against Trump, as if it that case was real while being heard in federal court, as using the Russian collusion case so that the US NSA would be no longer policed by outside US departments of US government in any way forever, - 14 For the lawyers I believe were trying to say The US non NSA US government departments, some of them could be comprised by Russia and could effect the NSA ability to do their job for all Americans. - 15 What the US NSA wanted was no other US government non NSA departments of US government to not any longer be watching the US NSA carrying out their US NSA job duties concerning America, because Russia may comprise those other US government departments of US government.. - 16 I do not know if the US lawyers were able to get their case won or not at that time of 2017AD, but I assume they were granted the right to total secrecy in 2016AD, as to be able under US law, - 17 As to forever police their own selves in whatever the US NSA does for Americans, as done without interference from other non NSA government departments of the US government.. - 18 Take warning O great church in my name God. If any Christian nation's government shall follow this new world order ideology to convert in my earth my world's nations into man's ungodly nations, whether they of the order claim to be Christian government or not Christian government, I will hold such nation and or men and or women responsible for such mischief found unto me of themselves. - 19 They in government who shall ever follow this new world idea to convert my Christian nations into man's new world order that is great reset of nations, I will then totally curse such sinful to me [God] men and sinful to me [God] Christians and their seed forever, and hell shall call out unto them all, as hell wanting to satisfy its eternal everlasting longing for sinners and Christian sinner's blood, forever. - 20 And in hell ye shall beg for mercy and find none for ye thought you could change the laws of God that have all Christian nations laws of God, as changing my [God] very essence that is called Holy Holy Holy God forever as trying to change me as I am Christian holy national constituted Christian nation law forever, as trying to change me [God] into man's laws forever, saith God. - 21 And beware O Christian nations, for if you follow this new world order as to change my laws, which are my Christian nation's governmental laws into man's laws, then you have defiled yourself forever and your sin shall remain in thee forever O shameful one, - 22 For ye thought you could change times and seasons of God into man's national non Christian countries beastliness forever, as ye lie to create your beastly kingdom without God Christian laws of righteousness to have legislative man's sinful non Christian national laws forever. - 23 And as ye lie to create your beastly kingdom without God Christian laws of righteousness to have legislative man's sinful non Christian national laws forever, for you try to change my bride into shameful sinful to God beasts as you are, for he that must use wanted wickedness to create non Christian law unto God or even unto man, forever, has sinned forever. - 24 And shall I not cast thee down to hell forever O great new world order resetting government that tries to destroy the work of my hands, Christian nations forever? And shall not the man child, Jesus Christ, - 25 As fully cast thee O great resetting new world order, as casting by that man child who holds thy very lives forever in his hands called God, as casting down you sinners in the new world order forever, - 26 And even you all new world government founders, and also any and all that might come in the future to be part in governing thy new world government, they those, they shall: Shall be fully by me, as forever, casted down into the ground, as casted fully of thy selves in all that is hell, forever, as fully into hell, eternally, faithfully of thy selves into hell, forever sure and true. - 27 let me make myself clear, saith God. - 28 To become new world order and if you would succeed to accomplish such, then I will not recognize thee as a nation or nations, ever. For you would have destroyed Christian nations to become a new world order, and as no matter afterwards if you would have claimed to be Christian or not Christian, nation or nations. - 29 3 22 2022 Roger Dale Wallace, today is Saturday the 26th of March 2022AD. - -
@CM-sj9pb 2 года назад
Most want marriage as a secret desire to always have someone next to them for sexual pleasures. The male's multiplying organ and the female's multiplying organ are for, so that when the male and female meet and choose themselves by their own free will, they mate for the transmission of offspring. When these organs do something else, it is a sin . And for the inferiority complex of boys in terms of penis length: every woman needs a length that is directly equal to the length of her vagina. There are women who need 15 cm, there are those who need 18 cm, and etc. This is because every human has its own physiology and body proportions. Every human race has its own physiology. Due to the fact that there were many peoples in the same territory and they allowed this sin to mix their seed with another people (through knowledge or unknowing or under the influence of magic spells) for example a man from the original people in the territory of present-day Sweden with a girl from the original people in the territory of present-day Mongolia. In the same country there may be people with different body physiology, although according to their passport they are all Greek or Hungarian or Italian and etc.
@CM-sj9pb 2 года назад
And it is worth ordering from the priest in the church to read the akathist for your name of St. Cyprian and St. Justine and of St. Archangel Michael against magic and all enemies visible and unvisible. This is if you are baptized Orthodox. There always were sorcerers even after Jesus said it is from devil they remained in every country and on every second or third family something is put from a sorcerer. And when you intend to go to command the akathist in the church, such thoughts may appear: "Maybe tomorrow, or next week", "Maybe I'm such a freak and no one is watching me (girls or boys, if you can not anyways find a pair, or you can for some reason speak only with one girl or boy.)", "The life is this way with good times and bad times", " I am so(if you have impotence)". etc. These thoughts come from demons from sorcery spells because only the prayer of the priest can 100% protect from magic and enemies visible and invisible. Jesus Christ told the apostles(which are the first priests) "I give you the right to untie everything that is tied in heaven and on earth.". Faith and creed is opinion, is how somebody thinks with his head. Repent is changing and not auto-humiliation as many think. May be enherited soul ilnessses like despresia, schizofrenia, Tourette sindrom, insomnia, bifurcation of personality etc. as they are from soul illnesses. Firstly everyone must to eradicate schizofrenia, depression etc. from him and after that to planify making children, in order that they will not jump from balconie, have blood cancer, be born bodytobody joined twins or two headed and etc. These soul illnesses can be healed by eucharisty. In the afternoon before eucharist day you have to read " The prayers before eucharisty" where are asked from eucharisty such things like: soul and body healing, sins forgiveness, protection from devils etc. It is better to go to confession in the morning in the day of eucharisty(before eucharisty)because from evening to morning everyone can make the same sins again and again and also other bigger sins. If not to forgive someone who asked for forgiveness it is not worth going to eucharisty because the sins will not be forgiven. Humbleness is awareness that in every doing you can fall and not auto-oppresion as most do and think, someone without auto-oppression is 100% free in moves in every direction, it is like a lion at freedom .Entering(submersion 3 times with a certain prayer and crossing yourself) in water springs of orthodox saints (which are near or in monasteries)give very much power and sureness to people with depression, panic attacks, schizofrenia and other soul illnesses, there are some springs of mother of God Maria that even heal soul illnesses.
@Adrian-qy9or 2 года назад
I am a teenager and i cant find a partener and i never couldnt , but maybe it is the God's will because we are living apocaliptic times and maybe its not the time anymore to do a family. I did all things i can possibly do prayer, eucharisty, telling the sins to the priests, eating the holy body and blood, etc. That is the only thing i want in life but i just dont find any that has God's fear.
@CM-sj9pb 2 года назад
@@Adrian-qy9or you have schizofrenia.
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
Posted elsewhere: - It would seem to me that Putin in wanting to help Ukraine and Russia, then Russian Humanitarian help in helping Ukrainian people and helping them and giving them shelter and food and reasons, as to why he is doing what he is doing there on the ground in Ukraine and that might have saved many Ukrainian and Russian soldiers lives in this latest Russian security thing between Ukraine and Russia currently. - Personally, Putin should help Ukrainian people understand what is happening by appealing to the Ukrainian people directly in Ukraine by humanitarian efforts and safe passage to wherever, and maybe then Russia and Ukraine might find peace, saith God. - 3 17 2022 RDW - - -
@Oshianis 2 года назад
The Jesus prayer shouldn't be counted. Other wise the words lose the meaning. It is the only prayer I use really. I pray silently, if distractions arise then I call on Jesus' Mercy.
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
It appears to know the truth about BIO-weapons and Ukraine, one is going to have to see what China and Russia are saying apparently. It is reported that America has 336 bio labs world wide in 30 different countries as apparently maybe found through the Ukraine Russia issue at hand. - Below are some very important links unless you tube shuts the links down. - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-iJNE6BJ4pYk.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-BCydUeHAhzQ.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-J-7Rg7Nt1Bo.html - 3 12 2022AD RDW - - -
@serbanmarius77 2 года назад
@mansourannab7078 2 года назад
ربنا والهنا يسوع المسيح يا ابن الله الحى ارحمني انا عبدك الخاطئ امين
@marieegypt7091 2 года назад
Thank you for these beneficient words on the practice of prayer and your experiences in the Gulag. I was able to venerate some Holy Relics from Auid and the fragrance emanating was overpowering. Through the prayers of Fr. George and all the saints who suffered there may we be strengthened in the difficult times ahead.
@lucycastro9428 2 года назад
What a lovely maiden of the Lord she was!🌸 May she bless all of us worldwide, even those of us here in America; and may the Lord grant us His mercy through her holy prayers. Amen. 🙏
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
- 1 W / 207 verses I must be about God's business pt 1 of 8 pt. - 2 The bible says I must be about God's gospel of kingdom business in other words, which is to protect and publish the gospel message of Christianity to all of the world and even here in America. And in the course of events in doing such exercising of my Christian faith unto God my savior and King: - 3 As it is concerning my 1st amendment United States constitutional right that is found to me in the free exercise of my Christian protected by the US government beliefs, as taking in even, all of the historical church and state [state means: Federal United States government] information concerning: "The Separation of Church and State" issues and matters. - 4 And as I take in the 1st amendment US right that is found to me in that US government 1st amendment. Then that 1st amendment shield's me from the US government ever trying to stop me or even censuring me or even harassing me because of: - 5 As because of my Christian faith free exercise of my Christian right of conscience Christian unto God duties that are found directed to me in carrying out and preforming the gospel Christian religion message of God and which concerns God's own eternal kind son who is Jesus Christ, The Son of God. - 6 Those Christian gospel duties, are protected by and under the US government 1st amendment. Those things are found of God as Christian free excise faith Christian right of conscience duties as I am protecting Christianity, as done through the American press US government right, as a protected gospel of God and or even done by publishing the gospel of God press message of Christianity, - 7 And even, or its US Government guaranteed free exercise which is given unto all Christians in America forever, as a found right of exercising the US government Christianity right to the press and or unto the free exercise of Christianity found here in America and the entire world, called Earth. - 8 And that free exercise of my guaranteed US right, as it is concerning my Christian faith, as it is found concerning whatever the gospel exercising Christian faith message is according to the right of Christian conscience unto God, - 9 As that Christian faith message right of conscience unto God. It is concerning all American Christians in America living and preforming of God the right to bare the gospel of Jesus Christ, unto all of America and the entire world and space and other planets as well, - 10 As it is exercisingly Christian conscience faith that is protected by the US Constitutional 1st amendment right, forever, and is exercisingly US government protected Christianity found of God and by America. - 11 That found most eternal, God given eternal everlasting right is a kind right and is my American US constitutional right found in the 1st amendment right, forever, saith roger dale wallace, and I agree, saith God. - 12 My protected US amendment right to the press and my 1st amendment US right of the free exercise of Christianity thereof to be of my Father's Christian business protecting and or publishing Gospel needs by any one media service press or media press outlet or by all media press ways to use the media press in Gospel needs and gospel desires of thought and actions to perform the Gospel of God: As in protecting or even publishing, The gospel by free exercise of Christianity found here in America and the entire world, - 13 As publishing by the American press or protecting by the American press, the religion that is called Christianity and with all of it's entire forever, unending needs, it's gospel, as that is done by God's own Christian right to conscience direction directly given unto me and unto all American Christians forever, as directionly known as spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, whom Jesus Christ is the gospel of God unto all of the world and America and to outer space. - 14 And under that US right of conscience as found under the historical issues between church and state: Then I must here in America use the right of the press to exercise that right of conscience to protect Christian press media and or publish things that concern Christianity issues and or it's Christian matters in the Christian right to do so in the press media, whether it be Christian or non Christian, media press. - 15 And in the pursuit to happiness to preform my American right according to the US Constitution, as to be able to perform that US right that is found to me here in America as it is seen to Americans as being: A US right to free exercise of my Christian beliefs as I am an American citizen: I must, therefore: As assume the prerogatives of Jehovah who is my God, whom is Jehovah America's creator and God to all Americans forever. - 16 And my 1st amendment US right to the free exercise of my 1 st amendment right found through the historical record concerning church and state legal issues. That right is a given right that protects my Christian American conscience that exists between me and God as concerning Christianity preforming in the free exercise of religion called Christianity found here in America forever and in this world, and is so, saith God, I [God] am, Jehovah. - 17 I Roger Dale Wallace, I am as an American Christian. I am to protect by the right of conscience that exists between me and my God as I am Christian in carrying out the gospel needs and duties to preform that right of Christian in free conscience given to me of God to pursue on behalf of All American Christians and this world. - 18 My right of conscience is even protected even from the President of the United States in any presidential legislation, whether seen as the president's legal or not legal legislation in mandates and etc, - 19 For the US president who fill's the chair of State of and is the chair of the US presidency. That US president cannot be the United States national legislator of American laws, for Congress shall and does make such US legislative laws. Therefore, the voice of Congress must agree with any proposals of legislation that a sitting president may want to be found in US laws. - 20 Therefore: Without the agreeing voice of Congress and etc. Then a sitting US president is powerless to write any mandates without Congress agreeing to make into law such presidential wanted mandates. Only Congress can be the national legislature voice for all of America's citizens and nation. - 21 Therefore to write illegal US mandates to enforce a sitting presidents desire to override Congress to make into US laws or any kind of US mandates whether legal or illegal mandates, then it is seen this way, saith God: - 22 That presiding presidency is a runaway illegal US Administration found to be trying to presidenely change American US laws into presiding improper US laws and is illegal lUS laws mandated against the US right of proper US Congress approved mandates and legal US government and so found in being forever, as being against the American people's way of governmental approved, ruling government way of life in America, - 23 And such illegal practices of transgressing presidents are of predetermined opposition to proper US government function, and such presidents are those people who wish to rise to wealth & importance, - 24 As being done, as by in making Americans to become of poverty and such sinful evil presidents that may preform evil sin subjection on the American people, as done by illegal US mandates and US laws that are not made in halls of Congress, - 25 For that sinful to God president is preforming sinful evil upon the American people, and on all American citizens rights guaranteed to all Americans under the US constitution, and those issues of improper US government are even found under the mindset of such things, as found in the US early issues regarding separation of church and state history, here in the US. - 26 updated 12 28 2021 roger dale wallace - -
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
- 27 W / 207 verses I must be about God's business part 2 of 8 pt - 28 If a right of Christian conscience unto my God, would arise in my Christian American life that I would see, as seeing in that I may need to help America's Christians in any right of matters of US government legislation that maybe found here in America, whether the ruling American laws are legal laws or illegal American laws. - 29 Then that US constitutional right of the media press for me to use in my Christian duties, whether done or being done or to be done in the future as well, as done in all and or in any one form of known and or unknown, press media, as done and to be done in media press circles of old or new or current or even newer technology: - 30 I then must use such media press in freedom of Christian speech issues and or Christian matters such as is guaranteed to me by the 1st amendment freedom of speech in publishing by freedom of Christian speech to protect Christianity, - 31 As it is seen in a right of conscience, Christianly, unto God and unto my fellow American Christians and world. And is done in media press Christian issues for publishing Christianity by freedom of speech, - 32 As done by whatever means in my free exercise of my constitutional right of any and all forms known and unknown media in whatever information that I may feel that may affect Christianity to help Christianity. - 33 So, that the Christian right of conscience Christian message, can help Christians so Christians may not be hurt or informed of, as concerning whatever is happening in the United States government and or in our world. - 34 This written here below is also my personal feelings: - 35 Further, if the US government shall make law legal mandates or not legal mandates. I am free of them if they violate Christian conscience of mind I have unto my God. As an example: - 36 If an illegal US mandate is presented in real time as a real mandate but is not properly made into American law by Congress's involvement properly as in had been legitimately legislatively done. - 37 Such bogus US mandate, even if it is a bogus vaccine mandate it is not legal for Christians to have to participate in such bogusness and do or even have considered, for the mandate was an act of sinful to God evil in the US government trying to make Christians accept such sinful evil by the US government, as Christians having to preform for the US government in accepting such vaccine idea by the US government. - 38 God warns Christians to not be a part of sin and some Christians may feel it is sin to be made to have to accept such bogus US mandates to have to preform for the American government. - 39 Therefore, all American Christians can refuse by freedom of religion because Christian the right of conscience that exists forever between Christians and their Christian God who is called Jehovah. - 40 And it is because of the right to conscience, for God does not require Christins to have to obey any US government bogus US federal laws, even if the US government presents such fraudulent mandates as being real time mandates as if it or they were legal mandates, saith God. - 41 Yet, the Us government cannot try to influence nor target audience Christians to change their American Christian views, their minds as concerning Christian revelations of Christianity gospel scriptures and or Christian mindset of sprit things of the gospel mindset of thinking as being eternal kind Christians in the thinking righteousness of God. - 42 Nor shall the American US NSA ever do those things for to do so to deny, that is denying Christians their US 1st amendment rights to live in America as a free minded conscience to God people to govern America appropriately, saith God. - 43 They those Christians. they shall live as American citizens and or govern in American ways of American foundational constitutionality, forever, saith God. Those Christians shall help govern America as being done by and in Christian gospel of Kingdom Holy to God Christian beliefs. - 44 They those American Christians shall, as by Christian scripture. As live unto God when living as American Christians forever, and nor shall the US NSA infringe upon their US American constitutional rights as they those American Christians being American citizens, saith God. - 45 Therefore, the US NSA shall not infringe upon American citizen's Christins right of Conscience concerning their Christian views, as to per sway those American Christians to destroy Christianity and or hinder a Christians belief in the Christian religion, - 46 Which the religion called Christianity is to be practiced in and anywhere forever in all of America and in its lands of the world where America is assuming control over forever there or even temporary control of such land or lands forever, saith God to The O great America whom I have made to be in my image, God. - 47 The NSA shall not preform US government intervention into the religion called Christianity, whether US intervention is done in part or whole, as to intentionally harm and or destroy Christianity here in America, and nor in this world, saith God. - 48 DO not O great American NSA, as ever transgress the 1st amendment to control Christianity in America and in this world, least I discomfort thee in thy sins which thy American country, shall require explanation and remedy to be done unto thee for such transgressing of the 1 st amendment, saith God to thee O great US NSA. - 49 O US NSA, do not ever challenge Christianity in thy American bogus mandated temporary courts to ever harass Christianity or even its Christian ideology that believes in Christian doctrines, as concerning: - 50 As concerning the Christian religion faith called "Belief in Jesus Christ as this Jesus Christ, being the true son of God forever", and who [Jesus Christ the son of God forever] lives by me [God] and in my [God] spirit forever, as living by me [God] without end to Jesus, forever, as I [God the creator of all that is life forever] say O great America, saith God - 51 Again: The US government shall make no law respecting an establishment of a US government Christian church, religion. Nor the US government even be prohibiting my [RDW] Christian beliefs that I exercise in the free exercise in the Christian faith in carrying out my Christian right of conscience Christian duties that I preform unto my God who is known as the Christian God. - 52 And if the US government thereof shall violate my [RDW] right of Christian unto God duties that are found to be to me in the Christian faith, then the US government shall not violate my Christian right by censuring and or stopping me when I speak to Christians about things effecting Christianity and message of salvation and about anything that is noted in Christian scripture for all Christians to do in being Christians. - 53 Therefore, the US government cannot exercise US mandates in any kind of US laws or US rules that governmentally censure me in my Christian gospel message and or Christian faith duties that I serve unto my Christian God. That Christian faith right to conscience unto our Christian God, those Christian faith duties: - 54 Those Christian faith duties require me to be about God's business as noted in the Christian bible, and I must therefore, as help the Christians by gospel messages and or help by exercising Christian warnings about anything in the world that may affect Christians and or their Christian messages and or Christian duties unto God. - 55 Therefore: the US government shall not be abridging my 1st amendment right of Christian freedom speech to deny me participation in the gospel of God. And if the US government shall deny me my Christian right to preform my right of conscience unto God, - 56 Then I have a US 1st amendment right to complain to the US government to get the US government to stop governmentally violating my 1sr amendment right that is given to me by the 1st amendment of the US constitution. - 57 Therefore: the US government must stop any ill behavior that maybe demonstrated toward me by the US government, as found of the US government toward my part in my Christian duties that I must perform in being a Christian unto my God who is the Christian God, who is the God of conscience, true Godly righteous conscience, not evil sinful conscience. - 58 11 27 2021 but updated 12 28 21AD roger dale wallace - -
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
- 59 W / 207 verses Part 3 of 8 pt. - 60 Overreaching into the protections for Christianity - 61 The US government is overreaching into the protections for Christianity and then trying to violate the church and state issues. saith God. If Christians find that childcare is among the duties to be found for Christians unto God concerning Christian work in Christianity., - 62 Then the 1st amendment protects these Christians for the government cannot interfere nor harass not stop nor remove anything to do with a Christian exercising his American Christian right of Christian conscience unto God in expressions and exercises of doing God's Christian work in America nor in this world. - 63 Adhering to this speaking voice of the American people that is the expression of the speaking surpreme will of the American Citizen people, which that supreme will, is, and is called: "The Bill of Rights", and the US 1st amendment is the speaking supreme will of the American nation its American citizen people: - 64 Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience - 65 As a true example, saith God: - 66 To live as an American citizen, as Christian unto God. Then that is to be adherinly done, as by Christly Christian right of Christian conscience true kind expression, as being done as by Christly right of conscience Christian living as an American citizen Christian, as Christly done by honest and sincere right of Christian will conscience by true kind heart, - 67 As to then Christly live therefore as a American Christian in preforming all of the supreme Christian will of the American Christian to God, American: "Bill of Rights" in a Christian surpreme complete fashion, as to be done unto God, faithfully forever. - 68 And to live unto both: First to live by, as a Christian American unto God. Then secondly to live by: As living unto the surpreme God given rights of conscience, that are American citizen rights found of God in the gospel of God will of the American Christian: United States Bill of Rights. That living unto both: that is to be done, - 69 As to be done by Christly seen living as a true American citizen fulfilling all of the Bill Of Rights, as done unto God who God is the sovereigness of America and her sovereign American Bill Of Rights, that are eternal kind rights for all American Christians to live by, forever, saith God. - 70 Which to live by both: That is done as to be seen faithful unto God first and forever without change forever, saith God. Then to live unto his of her country called America secondly, as a true devoted American Christian citizen, - 71 As to, then live by all the US constitutional laws that are sanctioned on God's behalf as for one [all people] to live by when being an American citizen Christian, saith God. - 72 Another example which is true also: - 73 Adhering to this expression of the supreme Bill of Rights will of the American nation, as done also unto the Christian God, as done also in and on behalf of the surpreme rights of conscience, - 74 As being done as Christian conscience, as expressly adherinly living the American bill of rights as it, the Bill of Rights: Exists in the adhering expressing rights of Christian conscience that is Christian conscience that exists between Christian man and his Christian God, whom God is, Jehovah. - 75 And another example, saith God to thee O world my children. - 76 Adhering to this speaking voice of the American people that is the expression of the speaking surpreme will of the American Citizen people, which that will, is, and is called: "The Bill of Rights", and the US 1st amendment is the speaking will of the American nation its people: - 77 And is so, as that that supreme will of the speaking American people is legislatively found expressly as US government sentiments, as speaking sentiments in speaking on behalf of the rights of Christian American conscience which I shall always see performed by friendly acts of US government 1st amendment legislation dispositions of law, - 78 As those 1st amendment rights are found in US government acts of American sentiment mind and American sentiment character of the sentiment progress of those US government 1st amendment Bill of Rights sentiments which tend to restore, as always by God, as always to restore to sentiment Christian man: - 79 As restoring to Christian man, all his God given natural earthly of God and spiritual of God rights, as eternally, sentimently kindly of God, as found forever as found unto all American citizen Christian men as it those sentiment rights are and is written in the US 1 st amendment, sentiment Bill of rights for such American sentiment Christian men. - 80 And as those US sentiments rights that are called the 1st amendment are US 1st amendment sentiment adhering law: Then that Christian American man is then convinced that he: - 81 That he has no natural Bill of Rights sentiment rights of God that are found in Christianity sentiment opposition to living and carrying out his American sentiment citizenship civil social American sentiment civil duties found in obeying the US Bill of Rights, sentimently forever, saith God. - 82 For the God given Bill of rights 1st amendment is God given Christianity sentiments for all American Christian citizens to live by forever, as they those American Christians, are found sentimently living in American citizenship here in America, - 83 As they those Americans are found eternally forever, as living forever, as truly sentimently American forever sure and true, and as living faithful unto God, as eternally, kindly forever sure and true, as done by me, saith me, thy God. - 84 Updated today 12 28 2021AD roger dale wallace - -
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
- 85 Part 4 of 8 parts - 86 W / 207 verses - 87 This sentiment post is my views and my attitude and are my opinions toward the "First object of United States Legislation", which is a US constitution object: - 88 That object is called an extension of the Kingdom of Christ US 1st amendment, which is America's Christian religion liberty declaration, as declaring to all of America concerning allowance: - 89 As concerning allowance for American Christians to not be governmently controlled concerning their rights of conscience to be Christian unto God forever, and is so, saith God. - 90 That object grants American Christians forever: As granted forever Christian liberty religion values with Christian natural certain rights and Christian natural [in Christian spirit and physical] granted of God Jehovah eternal natural kingdom of Christ rights Christian sentiment privileges that are: - 91 That are both forever: The entire, complete and all, the1st amendment and is US Constitutionally granted to protect Christian religion only in privileges and rights by the US constitution, in that: - 92 In that the US shall not ever and forever, as governmently control Christianity in opinionation non making ill to his brother civil criminal laws and or in legal or unlegal US mandates and or etc, - 93 Nor shall the American government ever control a Christian's natural Christian to God rights that are found in all [American Christians] who forever, are all American Christians, forever, and it is to always be that way, saith God, - 94 Those things are granted by the first amendment unto all American Christians forever, saith God, as unto thee O great American nation. And neither shall the US government ever US governmently exercise and or control any part nor even all parts of Christianity, forever. - 95 Nevertheless: Chrtistianity owes nothing in account to the US government for man's eternal kind Christian of God given salvation that is called Christianity, for God created the original and only to ever be forever: Original Christian salvation for and unto all men, not America: - 96 As America instead being the actual original Christianity creator as America originally creating such Christian salvation for all American and world men, as being eternally forever, and America is not the father of Jesus Christ whom this Jesus Christ is the son of God, not Jesus Christ being the son of America as America being the father of Jesus, saith God, who is, Jehovah. - 97 The US became a new founded by God nation that is seen of a free world US government being controlled by the American's peoples choices, as done with American Christian people in control of their new Christian US extension Kingdom of God, American Christian government, - 98 Rather than US Christian government controlling forever: all American people without the American Christian people having a say so in their national Federal state US government in US government management and in any US government overreach as an example: As unlawful against God government federal mandated laws and etc. - 99 Yet, it was the founding Fathers of the America Religious liberty Christian dream for America's Christian US Christian Kingdom government way of American Christian life who wanted US government to be the speaking voice of what the people govermently Christianly desires and wants for a real time US Christian government, as meeting the needs of its own Christian American citizen people, - 100 As being done with US government Christian compassion and US Christian national government sincerity in mind and in Christian US govermently legislative Christian ideology thought. - 101 These ideas of a Christian government, run by Christianity, yet that same Christian government making Christians to be under religious opinionated federal laws, that would never be and would be illegal by The US government. But the US American Christian founding constitutional government is ran by the American Christians and for American Christians. - 102 For the founding American government Fathers envisioned all men would become Christians in America and therefore belong to America's way of American Kingdom of Christ Christian life forever, not of a different way of religion that isn't Christianity, saith God. - 103 And it was the founders of the US government way of life who forged America into being forever: As being Christian Religious Christian liberty heritage and Christian beliefs in one God, The God of all people who had created the earth and all who dwell in the world forever, his name, is Jehovah. - 104 So one can say America as a Christian nation was found to be governed by Christians, then government is this saith God: the US Government controlled by Christians, not the government in not letting America's people have a say so in American law making. - 105 And the founders made America an extension of the Kingdom of God that is in Heaven, as since they were Christians and wanted a Christian nation with rights and permanent rights with unchangeable privileges concerning their American government to be forever. - 106 And America, therefore, became an extension of the Kingdom of God in heaven for Christians in this world, as America being a new free Christian government never as US governmently opinionating any US religious laws as ever found in governmently controlling what is Christianity and what its Christian American people, saith God. - 107 Now to further show what the words" actions only" means according to the president of the United States at the time, Thomas Jefferson. This below is what President Jefferson meant by the words "actions only", - 108 And I have written some true examples also, as found here below, as to give more clarity to those words that are said as: actions only, as they those words are noted to the Danbury Church by President Jefferson back in that historical time, for in today's world, it is December 4, 2021AD. - 109 Updated on 12 28 2021AD roger dale wallace - -
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
- 110 Part 5 of 8 parts - 111 w / 207 verses - 112 Here is the meanings of the words, in examples below, of: "actions only", saith God. - 113 A. Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, - 114 B. Believing with you [Danbury association] that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he [man] owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act, that is of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, - 115 C. Believing with you that the Christian religion is a religious matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he a Christian, owes account to none other man nor government, for his Christian faith or his Christian worship, in that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that the whole act of the whole American people, which the American people declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, - 116 D. Believing with you that religion is a religious legal matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that a Christian owes account for being a Christian to none other person or government for his Christian kind faith or his Christian kind worship, that the legitimate powers of the US government reach into voluntary government actions only, & not into US government religious law opinions, for America and her citizens to be governed by, - 117 And, I [president Jefferson] do contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people, who and which, actly declared that their US government legislature should "make no [make no US legal opinion actions of US laws of government control and then having established, a US government Christian religion church and Christian people] opinionated US religious law respecting an establishment of US government authorized US government Christian Federal religion, or prohibiting the free exercise of public [public and or private] non US government Christianity Church in all of America and world, thereof, - 118 E. Believing with you that the Christian religion is a matter which lies solely between Christian Man & his Christian God, that Christian man owes account to none other for his Christian faith or his Christian worship, that the legitimate powers of the US government reach volunteer actions only by the US government & not US religious legal law opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, - 119 F. Believing with you that the Christian religion is a matter which lies solely between Christian Man & his Christian God, that Christian man owes account of being a Christian to none other person or government for his Christian faith or his Christian worship, that the legitimate powers of the US government reach volunteer "actions only" by the US government, such as allowing the US government to volunteer actions only of US government time and US government resources to help the public American Christian citizens and world Christian faith & not writing US religious legal law opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, and neither: The US government in having a view of opinionated US religious laws to be prohibiting the free exercise of American public Christianity forever in all of America forever, And thereof, - 120 This about US government time and US government resources. That means the US government can encourage Christianity to flourish forever in America and world as in the US government wanting to provide US government money to help finance [Loans and or gifts that are unlimited amounts of reasonable money], equipment, manpower, and everything and anything that is of the US government can be volunteered to the work of American Christianity and its American citizens throughout the entire world saith God. - 121 As an example the US government can volunteer gifts of US money and or US equipment, and or US American resources and even American government personnel, as even for the preaching of the Christian gospel in America and or anywhere in this world and or anywhere in outer space and or in all that goes along with being in outer space such as concerning planets and or stars and or etc, saith God. - 122 And therefore: The US government can also volunteer US government time and US government resources here in America and in our world and even the same in outer space and in all that is outer space, as it is: US government personnel and or American military even to be protecting the Christian gospel found in all of America and in all this world and to be in all that is outer space, saith God - 123 G. Again: Believing with you that the Christian religion is a matter which lies solely between Christian Man & his Christian God, and that Christian man owes account of being a Christian to none other person or government for his Christian faith or his Christian worship, in that the legitimate powers of the US government reach volunteer "actions only acts" by the US government, such as executively authorizing: - 124 As US executively authorize US government only acts of US government volunteering in allowing the US government to volunteer any and all: actions only acts of US government time and US government resources to and in the US government executively authorizing US government acts to help the public American Christian citizens and world Christian faith in their [Christians] acts of Christianity forever & not writing US government religious legal law opinions, - 125 I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, and neither: The US government in having a view of opinionated US religious laws to be prohibiting the free exercise of American public Christianity forever in all of America forever, And thereof, - 126 Here is a note: - 127 "The executive authorized only to execute their acts," - 128 The US government authorized only to execute their [The word their means all Christians] acts of Christianity ideology, and that neither: Shall the US government legislate acts of the US government, as for legislating in acts of Government by creating US government acts of religious federal laws in making US federal religious laws, and whether those Federal religious laws are forever laws or not forever laws, saith God] - 129 Again: As neither: Shall the US government legislate acts of the US government, as for legislating in acts of Government by creating US government acts of religious federal laws in making US federal religious laws in making Christian religious laws for the US government legally trying to control Christianity, - 130 As being done by American federal government legislatively respecting to legislatively trying to US governmently control Christian ideology by having its [it's is the US government] own Christian US government appointed by the federal government, US government official Federal state church, saith God. - 131 To sum some of this up: Yes, the American government personnel and or American military can help American Christianity and or the Christian world to do Christian bible missionary work and all the things that go along with such customs and things that do not sinfully unto God, as violate the Christian bible rights of being in the Christian bible faith in believing in the Christian God, Jehovah. - 132 updated 12 28 2021AD Roger Dale Wallace - -
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
- 133 W / 207 verses Pt 6 of 8 pts - 134 When God allowed England Christians to separate away from England - 135 Now, when God allowed England Christians to separate away from England in early history, as to become America, then that allowance of God was for separation between church and state, and was in that the Christians could always without exception: - 136 As remain in constituted power over the American government as US government made by the people and for the people, but not the government to have power over Christians as to deny Christians voices in US government doings. - 137 And in such a plan, the Kingdom of Christ in God would rule America from the inside of America in America's very foundation called "The Bill of rights". Yet, in America. Non-Christian religions ruling America government isn’t suppose to ever happen, ever. - 138 For the US government is suppose to assume the prerogatives of Jehovah by making US moral laws to govern America that fit god’s law to be found in these days but is always to be related to those prerogatives of Jehovah, for America is considered of God as being a physical extension: Of the diversified kingdom of Christ as Christ is the head over all the Kingdom of Christ in God the Father. - 139 For America’s laws are suppose to be found grafted similar from the nature of biblical Christian law, but with mercy applied to fit in today’s world in her [America] laws as applicable, because the law of God is CHRIST IN GOD WHO IS MERCY and who [Christ] is the eternal kind Mercy of God the Father who is, the creator of all that is and that shall ever be created. - 140 Christ as the head of America for America’s claim to existence, and is that God hath created America, the land of the free and the just for Christianity to rule America alone and forever as long as America shall last as a creation of God the Father. - 141 And. in the Danbury letter to Jefferson is this: "Assume the prerogatives of Jehovah and make laws to govern the kingdom of Christ". Now, what Danbury said therefore was in meaning that America is a extension of the heavenly kingdom of Christ and America is therefore called a extension of the kingdom of Christ found in this world and was from the founding of America ‘s birth as a Christian nation. - 142 Now, the word prerogatives means: Individual right or privilege: a privilege or right that allows a particular person or group to give orders or make decisions or judgments - 143 Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. - 144 So America was founded for a particular group to rule alone in America, that group, is, is called Christians! And it is because of the word prerogatives used in America's historical foundings as a new formed country, so that means that no other non Christian religion found at any time in America, then that non Christian religion is not able to be allowed to have constituted power in America because of the usage of the word prerogatives in America's early history as America being a new country, saith God. - 145 And America's protection from foreign religious initiates trying to take over Amecia's Christian government, is thereby stopped forever, as because of the word prerogatives. For these American citizens with religious ideas that are non Christian religious in trying to governmently take over Amecia's Christian government, they might try to governmently take over governing America and thereby trying to destroy Christianity in America, someday. - 146 Yet, to know this all true about the word prerogatives, then remember what Jefferson said: I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem. - 147 So here is what Jefferson means: I reciprocate I have the same legal conclusions as Danbury has in how America should be governmentally ruled, as found in your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and I will tender Danbury’s concerns which are mutual in me for yourselves & your religious association be protected from any non Christian American aggression trying to rule America, assurances of my high respect & esteem for our mutual concerns about governing America. - 148 And yes, the US government is considered an extension of the Kingdom of God in earth, as the US is a established Christian American nation forever by US law, and the US is not suppose to make legal US government opinions [religious opinions made into US law] concerning controlling by Federal law, as controlling and legislating the Kingdom of God that is found in US Christian citizens. - 149 That is a wall of separation of what the US government can do and not do to Christianity by American laws. And that walled by God forever, without end forever, that walled separation found in foundational American constitutionally, - 150 As that foundational American constitutionally is found given forever of God, as a built constitutional foundation wall of separation that is mortared of God as a everlasting eternal, kind wall that is a mortared wall of infinite, limitless, endless, impossible to even utterly change foundationally of God forever, and that situation is considered of God forever, - 152 And if the American government would make US legal opinions [religious opinions] in creating new US laws beyond creating US criminal civil matters as an example, then that is overstepping the US constitution regarding keeping church and state separate. - 153 For a walled separation between church and state in meaning, exists when a Christian is not found working ill to his neighbor involving civil matters. And, the government also cannot neither; create opinionated religious opinionated US laws, as in: - 154 Creating US opinionated religious laws to opinionate to prohibit the religion of Christianity in America, nor can the US government make religious opinionated laws that Americans cannot exercise their American citizen rights to be a part of Christianity or even to opinionate, - 155 Such as the US governmently creating religious opinions made into US law, as to abridge Christianity legally being banned forever or limited in any way by the US government, as the US government to opinionate [religious opinions made into US law {official or non-official mandates of the US government saith God}] - 156 As to opinionate to censor Christianity or even opinionate by US laws to shorten or even lengthen the official Christian bible message from it’s original volume of free Christian information [whatever information is found, then that found information can never contradict in any way, the Christian KING JAMES VERSION bible message of MAN'S salvation that is found in today's world of 12 21 2021AD, saith God] that is information that is given of god unto all Americans and unto all of the world. - 157 To show more clarity here: The US congress shall make no opinions [religious opinions made into US law] of law to respect, as by respecting by the US government governing the establishment of the Christian religion, as governing respecting beyond civil internal legal moral matters of US law that are not US legal matters of law that are eternally considered criminal working ill against his American brother. - 158 Thus a existing physical walled non opinionated legal separation between church and state, is to protect Christianity from big brother government, as from the US government ever trying to create religious legal opinion governmentally, - 159 As maybe governmentally by religious opinionated US laws in trying to governmentally control what is and what is permitted to be Christianity through US government opinions of US opinionated religious laws that the government might have deemed to be US recognized to control what is allowable types of Christianity made by man, rather than made by what the bible says Christianity is to be to all of us Christians. - 160 Nor can the government control the press as to control Christianity beyond matters that are civil matters concerning Christians making working ill against one’s American Christian neighbor, - 161 For American government is only governmently authorized to governmently execute the official regulations of US government disciplines of US government allowance of the American free rights to free exercise and free US privileges of Christianity allowance forever in all of America, as done without US government control by united states religious opinionated US government laws, saith God. - 162 Nor can the US government stop Christians from peacefully assembling and petitioning the US government in all matters of the US government, that is if the US government shall ever try to write opinions as to legally control any area of Christianity found recorded in the Holy scripture, or even the US government trying to write and create religious USA opinion laws to control all areas of Christianity that are found recorded in the Holy scripture. - 163 Thereby the US government in official US opinionated government regulations: AS subject forever, as to never by disciplines of US opinionated US laws, as to ever legislatively create US religious law opinionation in US laws, as to ever try to breach the disciplines that are found to the US government in the Bill of rights that are the US wall of separation between church and state, - 164 updated 12 28 2021 roger dale wallace - -
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
1 w / 7 verses 2 A message for the Pope Francis, saith God. - 3 Question? In Jesus's day, would you have flooded Israel with Romans in masses of thousands and thousands of Romans who believed in false Gods and severed them false Gods, why not? - 4 If you would not have, would it because you see the Roman people as a hopeless generation of people who you felt would never want Christianity but to only want to destroy Christianity? - 5 Isn't the same in these years of the earth in 2021AD when you help send thousands and thousands of non-Christian migrants to all of the free world, wouldn't they try to change the free world into serving other false religions and trying to destroy Christianity form the inside out in the free world of Christan Government? - 6 Wouldn't it had been better to not let so many thousands and thousands and thousands come into the free world in such gigantic numbers all at once, for they might try someday, as to want to overthrow the free world of Christianity? - 7 12 05 2021AD Roger Dale Wallace -
@susanpower9265 2 года назад
patron saint of greece and constantinople /of russia and roumania and georgia/and st andrews scotland/and st andrew camden london to karpasia cyprus please give your blessing today at end of very cold and gloomy day in london
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
- The ne w co ve n 10 var iant - 1 w / 8 vs - 2 If the re cent, new co ven 10 varia nt is true in real time, or not a re al var iant as appearing to be a real ti me vari ant in Afr ica. Then I would hath to assu me that the "Ne w Wo rld Ord er" who is called "The Gre at rest". Has used a bi o we apon on Afri ca or a fake Bi o weap on on the wo rld in some way. - 3 No dou bt the use of a real t ime va riant, or the use of a not a real time fake var iant by the New Wor ld Or der. That use would be trying to subtly scare the whole world as in hoping to keep the free wo rld under a em ergen cy ord er, - 4 As to be trying to kee p the free world coun tries under rul es for a pla gue so they can try to keep making a real time to change the free wo rld into a non-free w orld type real time one wor ld gov ern m ent. - 5 That situ ation of a new covid thing, has been on mind lately and maybe the Ne w Wor ld ord er is trying to trick the free world again to rem ain under their subtle by design: illegal ru les found in illeg al manda tes upon all the free wor ld gove rnments, as without end, forever, to tho se illeg al manda tes. - 6 I would think that the p ower of the em ergency US legisla tion for co vid 1 9. That needs to be broken and that power be found in each state to indiv idually, as to indi vidually deter mine how those kind of emerge ncies are be res olved. - 7 I had wond ered if a new pla gue might ap pear. - 8 11 26 2021 RDW - -
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
- 1 w / 11 verses Too Much Too Fast - 2 Today [11 10 2021] I asked our Father one whom is our kind one called God, as to put everything back together , one reason is all this that is happening I feel is too much too fast in dealing with our sins regarding our government dividing Israeli promise land that is already promised of God unto all Israeli seed forever. - 3 Its not that we don't deserve to be dealt with by our kind God over our sins in us in attempting to divide Israeli land that is sinfully found against biblical scripture in where we should have been helping Israel to gain all of her ancient promise land as said for her to have according to bible scripture, according to God the Father. - 4 I feel that our God maybe moving too fast in these things to correct us possibly in his anger it would seem, as in seeing how fast all this mess in the Christian world is today as it the mess has come up very directly to the Christian nations and America under the Biden administration. - 5 I know our God is helping us but I feel we need to be a free people even yet, not another's nation and people that may come in our future. And why is this: Sense the church has just wakened from a deep sleep to now know that we need to make our government stop dividing Israel. -
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
6 Then maybe our Great Church leader overseer's of the church, will see and now fully understand how my prophesy from back in 2009AD warned of this time that we now live in, for that prophesy: - 7 It warned of these days that we now live in currently and as to why those days would come to us if we sinned unto God in dividing, that is parting Israeli promise land. I feel that to much too fast maybe a bit too much, - 8 And that we need to see the church to be given more time to teach the flock and governments to not divide Israel away from her destiny with God. Perhaps with all this` punishment of God upon us: - 9 Then maybe the church will appoint sufficient time to properly teach the oath of God to the world and too the flock of God as never again part the land of Israel forever.. The only real answer to all this mess in this world of ours is this, saith God: It is to understand how all this mess in the world currently, as happened and why, as the mess is over dividing Israeli promise land. - 10 The quicker the free Christian world proves publicly to God, as in making the nations stop diving Israeli land, then the mess will completely go away but if Christian nations keep diving Israeli land, then the curse of God will continue as I have written already about this mess, saith god. - 11 11 10 2021 RDW -
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
A work in progress: - 1 w / 7 verses The US first amendment - 2 The US first amendment is under full attack at this moment by the Biden administration currently. How do I know that, well its simple to see. When Christians raises a Christian religious exemption to stop the US government mandating that says all workers must take the jab, which to me would be seen as being: The united States mandated worker shot to stop covid 19. - 3 Then, as the US government is now asking each American Christian worker personal questions as to why they took the Christian religious exemption to not be vaccinated from covid 19, as regarding their own personal Christian religious faith. - 4 Those questions are asking basically this in my opinion: How does your Christian faith protect you from the US government mandate to take the jab or be fired? They are asking many many many questions in prying in how the Christian religion protects Christian workers from the US mandate to take the jab or be fired. - 5 According to the US constitution and the issue of church and state that is recorded historically in America's founding as a nation. According to that history on America. The US government can not over reach into the Christian faith to pry into the right of conscience between God and Americans who are Christians. - 6 For no doubt all these many many many questions by the US government are a result of a US NSA target audience to examine in compete detail in how the Christian religion works so that the US government can gather court Christian target evidence to try a all out offensive against the first amendment to try to totally collapse the the 1st amendment concerning Christianity in the America forever, saith God. - 7 11 7 2021 RDW
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
1 This written here below is what I am working on presently, it is about not dividing Israeli promise land, for if we divide that land of promise, then the curse of God will over take us in our desired sin to divide Israel's land of promise. - 2 Why am I currently cutting thy nations in peaces saith God? - 3 W / 21 verses - 4 The problem is God is currently and has been all along fighting us to make us listen to him concerning this evil that we our country, is suffering [2021AD] by the hands of our government, as we suffer as a nation currently. - 5 We suffer because our sins are found of us toward God, as our sins are found toward God's oath with Israel, which that oath of God is forever without end of it in God forever, as the oath of God is for all of Israel and their children, and their children's children and on and on, forever, saith God. - 6 These US National sufferings that we all are suffering in todays world. That will last for America unto we as a nation have proven intentionally unto God one way or the another, in what we stubbornly want to do concerning stubbornly breaking or stubbornly not breaking the eternal oath that God swore to Israel in what land is Israel's forever according to biblical scripture. - 7 Many years now, our kind God has had me to prophesy these warnings to the church and world, as to not break the oath of God that is found in what land is Israel's according to the king James version bible. - 8 If we as a free world of Christianity nations will not heed those particular warnings, then we all those Christian nations and even non Christian nations who also then dared God to cut up our land, we will become all cut up and changed and recreated of God as other nations, heathen or not heathen. - 9 Our world of great Christian leaders that are great Christian preachers and great Christian teachers and Christian governments and on and on, we are all under responsibility to govern the things of God's holy word without change forever, therefore: - 10 We Christians, if we neglect to to instruct our governments and take charge of our governments to keep them from cutting up Israeli promise land forever, then if we Christian nations cut up Israel promise land of God. Then we will perish from and away from the earth as whatever nation we once had been, and is so, saith God. - 11 If we Christians, continue to let out our governments cut up this oath of God that is found between Israel and God forever, we will, then be destroyed without remedy to have been the nation that we once had been, and were, and is so, saith God. - 12 Presently O world [2021AD]: The Abraham accords are cutting up the ancient land oath saith God to thee O Christians, and you must stop this cutting and if any Government will deal secretly and not openly with this issue of Israeli land, then I have cursed such things to begin with, saith God. - 13 Know ye this day, deal openly on these issues to complete my promise land ancient oath with Israel, O Christian world, least I bring the sword of recompense to punish you and lay you naked to bare thy sin openly unto all the world, ye nations whom defy my oath as if it never existed, saith God. - 14 Now, many of my people will not preach these things for they are in their safe zones, rather than prefect all the will of God in their lives, saith me thy creator, O great Christians. Ye must preach: - 15 And you must teach prudently and diligently all of these things about the historical promise land oath that is sworn by me [God] over what land is Israel's forever, and rebuke thy government if they will not fulfil my ancient land oath that exists between me and the nation of Israel forever, that agreement is without end forever, saith God - 16 O great America, I am currently shooting all my arrows into thee thy government, to help thee, but I will not totally help thee until you stop this desire of cutting up Israeli promise land forever, saith God. - 17 Do know this evil in thy land O free world, it shall return to thy shores and shall discomfort thee if you fail to truly desire to diligently teach thy government and world to not cut up Israel, my land saith God. - 18 Remember, make no deals O world with Israel's enemies as to part Israeli promise land away from Israel my nation and people, as I say, O world. Least I do discomfort thee O sinful to me Christian nations and sinful to me non Christian nations, - 19 As to make thee know I punish thee because of your wanted stubborn sin to sinfully divide Israel away from my oath of land for Israel, and your life and prosperity: Doth hangeth in my hands, called life, forever, O world my children. - 20 O Christians, come together, diligently teach thy people to not divide Israeli promise land and ye shall live and not die but be blessed of me forever. And do apply thyself to these matters for these are important matters between me and the whole world, forever. - 21 Come O world and divide me not, the land of Israeli promise that exists forever of me forever, for it is for Israel thy mother O world, for she bore you, the Christ, the son of God forever and ever, saith God eternally so, as forever sure and true, O world my children and sons. - 21 11 5 2021 RDW -
@gentleben0748 2 года назад
I just tried to post about religion concerns and about America just now to you, but youtube will not let me post religion to most people I that have tried to work with in my post, only some as they are shadow banning me. They [youtube] are trying to chose who can read my relgious posts, some they allow and others youtube will not allow to read my posts on the Christian religion.. 11 1 2021 RDW
@pe7146 2 года назад
Fr. George Calciu thank you for this Profound Wisdom. Pray to God for us, to have mercy on us all. Holy Theotokos, Pray for us, have mercy on us. Amen.
@cnst.33 Год назад
He definitely needs to be canonised
@pe7146 2 года назад
Thank you for this precious youtube in English, sharing many Divine Blessings.
@T_dog1 2 года назад
Barlaam was right.
@Seraphim-Hamilton 2 года назад
You know Barlaam's position was literally that you could acquire superior knowledge of God from Hellenic learning than by the prayer of the Holy Spirit? He was no Aquinas and would have considered Aquinas' doctrine of lumen gloriae to be heretical. I know this was probably meant to trigger the e-Orthodox, but you should take care to study this issue before speaking so quickly.
@user-pj7sq7ce1f Год назад
Scott when God was giving brains you where running to hide
@magnuseng3345 3 года назад
What language is he chanting in?
@SirAdrian87 2 года назад
Romanian and some parts appear to be in Greek
@manuelanelersa7021 Год назад
Romanian and Greek
@gabrielmavrochifalos4782 3 года назад
We love you, there🤣☦️☦️
@gabrielmavrochifalos4782 3 года назад
@mariaadhiambo4738 3 года назад
I was sexually molested as a child for 2 years by a trusted adult whenever i struggle to forgive my enemy i normally remember this man and the pain lessens
@Adrian-qy9or 2 года назад
Pray to God to give you strength to overcome those tragic events you.ve had and to forgive your abuser.
@rayshoesmith1992 3 года назад
God bless the Orthodox Church and Orthodox Russia
@gentleben0748 3 года назад
- 1 Thomas Ch 29: 1-18 The Gospel Of Thomas - 2 Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, that is a marvel of marvels. - 3 Thomas chapter 29 means this. - 4 Jesus said, "If the human flesh came into being because of God's lighted spirit, that is a great lighted marvel, but if God's spirit came into being because of the body of flesh before man sinned, that is even a greater marvel of marvels, - 5 For how could that be? For human flesh we know , was created by God our Father by the word light that was spoken in light by the light one, whom is God. Our God, is the lighted eternal lighted one! - 6 I the Lord God. I doth light thy way unto all that is me [God] forever, O Israel and world. And who shall not ever fear thee, O child of God: As to when they see thy lighted Father God, protecting thee and maketh thy self great among the mighty men, of the world, saith God? 7 I am mighty and I am thy strength called life and I fear no man, neither should you O child of God, if ye be in Christ forever. They who may come at thee, they shall stumble and fall by thy side, and not get up, and I will always: Magnify my great name, Jesus Christ, O Israel and world. - 8 My angels, shall encamp against thy enemies of thy self and me, saith God. In their hands, I will deliver thee and keep thee from the snare of death O child of God who loveth all that I am, as I am Jesus Christ my son, forever.. 9 And though a host might encamp themself against thee, fear thou not, be confident, I shall uphold thee and thou shalt live for I live, saith God. And I will deliver thee, by my beauty and strength, that thou can dwell in the House of The Lord forever, O child of God, who is mine in Jesus Christ my son, forever. 10 Yet, most surely: In the time of trouble, I shall even hide thou in my pavilion [hands of God], even hid in my great House called Christianity, O Israel my child. Even hid in the secret place, of my tabernacle, I shall hide thee, for I have set thee [Israel] in Jesus Christ: - 11 As him [Jesus Christ] being thy eternal kind savior, saving you forever from all sin forever. As, you, are placed up, upon a rock. That rock, is called: In god forever, saved in Jesus Christ, forever, saith God, to Israel my little one in whom, I love forever. 12 O Israel: I will not hide my face from thee, therefore: I will not end you forever, if you accept Jesus as thy savior forever, and in doing so over this Jesus my son, O Israel: I will not leave thee nor forsake thou O Israel my son. And it is because: I am thy salvation whom is called Jesus Christ, O Israel my son, eternally forever.. 13 And if ye O Israel, shall come my way in Jesus Christ forever: I shall teach thee my lighted in Christ Jesus given ways, and I will lead thee in a plain narrow and straight, lighted of God in Jesus Christ, true eternal kind path, as done before [seen in the eyes of your enemies] all of thine enemies, - 14 And thy enemies shall flee thee in great haste as the angels of God, chasten them who would want thee harmed and or even killed O Israel my little one.. 15 I will O Israel: As deliver thee not into the will of thy enemies: I will guard thee and remember thee, if thou be found to me in Jesus Christ, as saved from all thy sins, as by his eternal, kind, precious true blood forever , O Israel. - 16 O Israel my son: Come to me in Christ and you shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. For to live, is in Christ, not without Christ. Come as you are and taste of me, and see if all I that say is true about Jesus Christ, and put thy hand to the plough and learn of me, thy God, who [God] can be found to you in the Christian bible forever. - 17 If you will come O Israel, ye shall know many things that you know not, but these things in Christ, will amaze you as you learn all about thy heritage and goodness that I have created for you in Jesus Christ forever, saith God, thy God O Israel and world. - 18 1/8/2021AD RDW -
@Eagle1349 3 года назад
Thank you!
@dibieandrew9815 3 года назад
My name is Andrew Dibie I am very proud to keep the name of the St Andrew also a Catholic member.
@andrerodrigues690 3 года назад
First Apostle introduce brother St. Peter to the Messiah follow St. Andre fellowship of comradeship to l one another in love of Christ.
@gentleben0748 3 года назад
- To Orthodoxword1: Pt 1 of 3 Pts - Zechariah 14 :1 thru 21 with prophetic interpretation, saith God 14: 1 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. - In 14: 1, it means that in the day of the lord, Israel shall go into exile in 70 AD. And that when they are exiled in 70 AD, that the city that is Israel and is Jerusalem, shall be taken by the gentiles and the spoil called Jerusalem and Israel, they (Israel and Jerusalem) shall be divided among the heathen until 1948 AD. - 14: 2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. - In 14: 2, it means the heathen shall exile Israel in 70 AD. And also in 14 :2, the Israeli true nation, shall split, into three parts--one part, is them being effected by exiling---second part, same as first part and the third part is a small amount called residue is found. - [Half means 50 percent but residue means at least a 49 or less percent for if residue was a 50 percent, then a residue can't be called a residue , but would then be called a small amount that doesn't equal a half.] - [Actually 14: 2 means 2 parts meaning 2 halves of 1 thing, and left overs is from both halves and is called a residue. Residue and half means verses 8 and 9 of Zechariah 13th chapter.] - And moreover, in 14 :2. A remnant of people of Israeli descent, shall return to Israel (Israel is also found through the term that is seen as being a city). City is the key to understanding this event in verse, 14: 2 of Zechariah, chapter 14. Remnant, is people who are found of Israeli descent. That is seen, as being, the term, city--of course. - The term, that is called, residue. It is seen, as being, a remnant. And the remnant city, it is called, Israel. And those of Israeli decent, they shall return to Israel, starting in 1948 AD and forever. - 14: 3 Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. - In 14: 3, it means two things. One is seen, as being: That when Israel is exiled in 70 AD, that starting in 70 AD an onward in time, then from 70AD, Christ Jesus shall go and fight against the exiled Israeli people with judgment of God for their wanted forever sins, saith God. - (Zechariah 11: 16 --the word shepherd in 11: 16, it is Christ Jesus---also, the word eat in 11 :16, it means to give judgment to the Israeli people survivors, who are seen as the true, exiled Israeli people---of course in 1948AD, judgment stops on the Israeli people, forever) - And, secondly it means: Christ Jesus shall stand up against those heathen nations that exiled Israel at 70AD, with judgments of god, and also, it means, that god through Christ Jesus, is that god shall offer salvation unto those heathen nations, that they may all repent in Christ Jesus, forever. - And God will also punish the heathen who exiled Israel IN 70AD, as done in his wrath in portions, as compared to Israel being punished of god starting from 70AD and forever, unless they [heathen] become Christian, saith God, "The Eternal One". - Remember, while Israel is exiled that a remnant called Israel, is found throughout all of the nations ( the word nations as it is found in Zechariah 14 :3) of the earth. - And judgment doth follow the non Christian survivors of Israel--until 1948AD. No matter what nation it is. The only acceptation to this law of god, is that if the nation be Christian, then that Christian nation, is exempted from that fiery law, forever. - 14: 4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. - Another way to see this verse in Zechariah 14 :4, is this: - And, starting in and from 70 AD, Christ’s feet, shall stand in that day, upon the mount of Olives, which is seen before Jerusalem, on the east, and the mount of Olives, - And The Mount Of Olives shall cleave in spirit in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley in spirit; and half of the mountain (mountain is the Israeli people) shall remove toward the north, and half of it (Israeli people) toward the south. - - Valley means the Israeli people , they are not seen any longer as being a nation called Israel, for Israeli land is emptied as a valley is seen as being empty of any mountain within it. - In 14: 4, it means that Israel shall be exiled in 70 AD. And starting from the time of exiling onward in time, our true Christ, he shall fight to get the nations of the world, - Saved and will also place judgment on the nations who are responsible for Israel being exiled in 70AD. And, the mount of Olives term, it is used as being symbolic in meaning of referring to the nation of Israel, - And also, the term mountain, it is in meaning of the entire nation of Israel, it (The word it, it is, the word mountain, and the mountain, is the nation called Israel.) shall split physically away from it’s own land, into being physically exiled in 70 AD. - 14 :5 And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. - In 14 :5, is in reference to What Jesus our savior said: Matthew 24: 16, Then let them which be in Judaea flee to the mountains. - Also In 14: 5, it is in meaning when Israel shall be exiled starting in 70 AD, and our true god, through Christ Jesus, he (god) shall, go and fight against those heathen nations that exiled Israel in 70AD, saith God, kindly so! - And is: that those heathen nations may repent unto God in Jesus Christ, as during that day of Israel’s true exiling ( which the day of exile began in 70 AD and does last until 1948 AD) and, Christ shall: - Also continue to fight against those nations that exiled Israel in 70 AD, to get them to repent, even after Israel would even become a nation again, in 1948 AD. - So even after 1948AD, Christ shall continue to get the all the nations that exiled Israel, as to repent of their sins, or they shall perish if they refuse to become Christian, saith god. - And, it is further seen and understood, in being said. That during the timeframe that is called “That day“. That Christ will come to the earth, in the ending part of that timeframe that is called “That day“. And Christ, shall then receive, forever true. The living and the dead of this earth, forever. - Another name for the day of the lord. It is: “That day“, and it starts and ends, when the day of the lord starts and ends. - And sometime during the day of the Lord, a time will come when: The Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee [God]. - Written 10 28 2020AD, today is 11 1 2020 roger dale wallace - Pt 1 here above . -
@gentleben0748 3 года назад
- To Orthodoxword1: Pt 2 of 3 Pts - Zechariah 14: 1 thru 21 with prophetic interpretation, saith God - But first, before the saints come: This must come to pass: Living waters [Jesus Christ] must flow from Jerusalem and Jesus Christ will therefore: seek out all of exiled Israel from 70AD, as to give them invitations, as to be saved from their sins, saith God. - Jesus Christ must cause living waters of himself in my Glory, as to flow unto all man as eternal kind salvation from all sin, forever, and must flow forever, as from himself, for Jesus Christ is whom, who is seen as: The new Jerusalem, saith God, - 14: 6 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: - In 14: 6, the words, not clear and not dark, is unto Israel, in that, as Israel, will still be looking for a clear light, of a savior. - But there is no clear light of having another savior, besides having the clear light, that is seen as being Jesus Christ, as this Christ Jesus, being one’s true savior, as being forever true, - And, the clear light from god unto Israel, forever. It is seen, as being clearly seen, as being, Jesus christ, who is sent from heaven, as the light of god, of god himself, as being forever seen. - And, when Israel would become a nation again, in 1948 AD, Israel would then, be not be under dark, true judgments of god, forever. Yet, in Israel, Jesus's birth in 01AD and Jesus's resurrection, - Shall begin what is called evening time unto Israel's nation and unto all the world, and evening time begins as dim light unto Israel and world but ends in total darkness called night, saith God. - The dimming of light means time in all of this earth, has an expected end concerning all sin forever, and, as in: that man must repent also and that God is coming to judge this world and is concerning all the world's sinners for the evil they have done and want to preform and live --- forever . - 14: 7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light. - In 14: 7, it means when Israel is in dimness of light, then the only clear light of God Israel's people shall have forever, is the clear light of God called Jesus Christ, the clear light of God forever. - 14: 8 And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be. - In 14: 8, it means that during the entire day of the lord, that the gospel shall be preached to every creature and including unto all exiled Israeli people even before 1948 AD (But remember: Christ shall not heal Israel that the Israeli people may remain forever, in their seen sin, again. The word heal, it is found in Zechariah 11 :16). - Also, the gospel, it shall be offered and preached, unto all of the truly exiled, true Israeli people, as they are found actively in exile before 1948AD. And the gospel is still given forever, unto Israeli people, as they are found again, as the nation that is called Israel, starting in and from, 1948 AD and forever. - 14: 9 And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one. - In 14 :9, And the father God and Jesus Christ his son, shall be one and the same, together, and are one, The Lord, and the Lord is therefore: Seen as One and is king over all the earth: and in that day, shall there be one Lord, and his name: One. - That day arrived, it is The Day of God, The Last days, The Day of Christ [Jesus]. Those days begin with the birth of Jesus and his [Jesus Christ my son, saith God] resurrection from death eternal, forever, as saith me, who is: Holy - 14: 10 All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem: and it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from Benjamin's gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the king's winepresses. - In 14 :10, it means that the Israeli nation. It shall be found of god in the earth again, and as a physical nation, forever. And that nation is reestablished as the land that is called Israel, forever. And that is starting from 1948 AD and forever. - 14: 11 And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited. - In 14: 11. And Israelis shall dwell in Jerusalem in 1948AD and forever, in the land of Israel, saith God. and there shall be no more utter destruction to the land of Israel as to remove Israel from all her land, - As she be Christian unto me, forever, saith God; and is so, even Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited forever, therefore, for she [Israel] shall become Israel starting in 1948AD as a nation forever, and forever, saith God.. - [As a note starting from here Zechariah 14: 12 unto verse 14: 21. Verse 14 :11 shows how 14: 12 thru 14: 21 plays out in scriptures concerning the time of the earth.] - [The key to 12 thru 21 is: is the words: Safely inhabited found recorded in 14: 11] - Then verse 14: 12 has another key, it is: The words: have fought against Jerusalem. Now that means this: safely inhabited cannot happen until first: Jerusalem has already had the 70AD war. So the words: have fought are in reference to 70AD, the fall of Jerusalem. - Because the words say have fought, as to when those words should have said: will fight if the plague mentioned in 14: 12 is occurring only after 1948AD, saith God. - 14: 12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. - In 14 :12 means this: - And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem in 70AD; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. - 14: 13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour. - In 14: 13 means this; - And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them heathen nations; and they the heathen, shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour in 70AD, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour in 70AD. - 14: 14 And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the heathen round about shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance. - In 14: 14 means: - And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem in 70AD; and the captured Israeli wealth of and by all the heathen round about Israel, shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance. - In 14: 15 And so shall be the plague [14: 12] of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents who have any captured Israeli wealth and or Israeli belongings, saith God. - Written 10 28 2020AD, today is 11 1 2020 roger dale wallace Pt 2 here above- -
@gentleben0748 3 года назад
- To Orthodoxword1: Pt 3 of 3 Pts Zechariah 14: 1 thru 21 with prophetic interpretation, saith God - 14: 16 And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. - In 14: 16 means. And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem in 70AD, they their descendants shall even go up from 1948AD to year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles, for they be Christian saith God, and for Israel and Judah is being restored as a the nation called Israel, again and forever. - 14 :17 And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. - In 14: 17 means: And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain, saith God, even here in 2020AD. - 14: 18 And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. - In 14: 18 means: And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague [plague mentioned in 14:12], wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. - 14: 19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. - In 14: 19 means: This [plague mentioned in 14: 12] shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. - 14: 20 In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, Holiness Unto The Lord; and the pots in the Lord's house shall be like the bowls before the altar. - In 14: 20 means: In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses [Christians], Holiness Unto The Lord being preached to sinners and to Israel; and the pots [Christians in the anointing of God] in the: - In the Lord's house [church shall preach the gospel and God will give as witness to that preaching, his {God} signs following that will always occur forever] shall be like the bowls before the altar found in the temple of God that was found back in the days old, saith God. - 14: 21 Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the Lord of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts. - In 14: 21 It means that Christians are seen in Israel by Israelis as holiness unto god through Jesus Christ being their kind savior forever, saith God. Those seeing Israelis and even non Israelis, - They will want Christ's blood also as their blood atonement for sin, and will want that blood to be placed into those spiritual pots for themselves, no matter where ever they [Israelis] may be found in Jerusalem and or in any part of Israel or Judah. - And Israel will see that the gentiles [Ca'na'ite] are now brothers with Israel and are therefore considered of God forever, as not being gentiles simply, but through Jesus Christ, as one with Israeli decent forever, saith God. - And is so, as by the blood of Jesus Christ forever, as saith me, thy God O Israel, my kind son. - Written 10 28 2020AD, today is 11 1 2020 roger dale wallace -
@gentleben0748 3 года назад
To Orthodoxword1: Forest fires here in 2020AD -- My opinion is that the forest fires here in 2020AD are because of America trying to divide Israel away from fulfilling her ancient of days agreement with God, as in concerning Israel having a certain amount of land forever. - The scriptures show that any nation who shall part the land of Israel will be cut up, as in meaning they will suffer judgment when trying to get Israel to break her covenant with God concerning what land is Israel's forever. - These judgments can be like unto ancient days, as when God had smited the land with different punishments until the people repented of their evil. These punishments can last momentarily or even unto years, saith God. - In the case of all these forest fires here in 2020AD, they [fires] do testify together that something is wrong in America, that wrong is like this, what is our country preforming in the world that causes punishment from God The father of eternal kind life, as punishment being currently done unto America's land and country? - It is preforming currently: trying to bring peace to the middleast in a wicked way that breaks the promise of God unto Israel in that: she [Israel] is suppose to have all of her ancient of days land forever, as for all Israeli seed to inherit, forever. - Here is the problem:: In the old testament, God said to Israel: "Make no agreements". And that is concerning Israel making agreements with the foreign nations found occupying Israeli promise land of God, that is land found in the Israel land promise agreement that Israel holds with God forever and is without end, forever. - {A note, about make no agreements: } - [Deuteronomy 7:2 And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:] - Nor does the bible record that Israel can ever divide any portion of her land inheritance to sale or even give away to any foreign people or foreign power, in that the land could have become a foreign people or foreign nation on Israeli soil. - Trump's current peace plan along with and including: all the nations who are the gathered people of the earth, they desire Israel's historical land divided away from God and away from Israel, forever: They together, have a agenda for the middleast. - Trump's agenda appears to help Israel as a two part agenda, one is make things look good for Israel's existence in Trump's land peace agreement, and the other part in trump's land peace agreement, gives to non Israeli nations and unto non Israeli peoples: - A chance unto national non Israeli right of land to be a non Israeli country found within the historical Israeli promise land boundaries, and that allowance of land by Trump, breaks God's oath of land for Israel. - And as long as Trump tries to make such agreements that breaks God's oath of Land for Israel, then hurt to our nation might become a normal way of life for America here in 2020 and forever. - Therefore, if Trump continues to divide Israel as that is shown not to happen as mentioned by me [God] here in this posting, , then America will be destroyed terribly, saith God. And, I do call all my shepherds, do not help to sinfully divide Israel, least the curse devour thee in all the works of thy hands, as saith me, thy Judge and king. - Now, these punishments from God, they are cutting America's ability to be always a prosperous nation, and as long as the world burdensome stone themselves, as to cut up Israel's land promise of God, then the burden stone curse of god will make all nations who want Israel's land divided, - As most certainly, Jerusalem becoming a burdensome stone to those non Israeli nations, for God is using his sword to cut up those particular non Israeli nations who come against God's oath of land that is land for all Israeli seed, forever. - And which that sword makes us with burdensome stone burden, as in having to deal with God's burdened stone darkened judgments on us, that is: if we sinfully try to part the land of Israel, and is so, saith God. - 10 12 2020 roger dale wallace -
@gentleben0748 3 года назад
To Orthodoxword1: Pt 1 of 2 Pts -- Deuteronomy 32:1-47 with prophetic interpretation, saith God - 1 Give ear, O ye heavens, and I [God] will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my [God] mouth. - 2 My [God] doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil [preaching the word of God] as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb [ Israeli sinners are the word herb] , and as the showers upon the grass: - 3 Because I [Jesus Christ] will publish in all of the world and in, "The Great Congregation", the name of the Lord [God]: ascribe [become saved by the blood of Jesus] ye greatness [greatness is Christianity, saith God, eternally so] unto our God. - 4 He [God] is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he [God]. - 5 They [Israel as a nation] have corrupted themselves, their spot [spot called sin] is not the spot of his children [converts to God under the teachings of Jesus Christ before he died on a cross, saith God.]: they [corrupted Israeli nation] are a sinful perverse and crooked sinful generation called Israel. - That mentioned generation is the generation that Jesus preached to before he was crucified and died, saith God. - 6 Do ye thus O Israel, requite the Lord by willful sin forever, O foolish Israeli people and unwise Israeli people? is God not thy father that hath bought thee and created you Israel, as a nation unto God? hath God not made thee O Israel, and established thee as Israel forever? - 7 Remember O Israel, the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy earthly father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee, how to return unto all that is God forever, as to live in God forever. - 8 As how, remember: A time when the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, their lands, as when God separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people's lands, as according to the number of the children of Israel, in that the number of Israel could have each have their own portion of land, found to them each, in the Israeli land promise agreement forever, saith God.. - Now, again: As how, remember: A time when the Most High divided to the nations their own each inheritance of habitation, as being called: Their lands of habitations, as when God separated the sons of Adam, - And God, he [God] set the bounds of the heathen people's lands of habitations, as according to the habitations of the 12 tribes of Israel: - In that the twelve tribes of Israel, could have each have their own Israeli portion of habitation land, land that is called habitation Israeli land as being found to them each [each person], as found: - As found to them in the Israeli land promise habitation agreement, And that agreement: Creates forever, the nation of Israel, and that agreement: Is a everlasting kind agreement, forever, saith God.. - 9 Now, the Lord's portion of land, is seen as being: national Israeli land among the heathen non Israeli nations of the world, and that land, is his [God] people; Jacob, whom are the lot of his [God's inheritance] inheritance, - And they, Jacob and the Israeli land together, are the Lord's portion, and are: his [God] own nation, found among the heathen nations in all the earth, saith me, whom is Israel and the land of Israel, forever. - 10 He [God] found Jacob the people of Israel, in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye. - 11 As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings: - 12 So the Lord alone did lead him [Jacob the people of Israel], and there was no strange god with him [Jacob the people of Israel]. - 13 He [God] made him [Jacob the people of Israel] ride on the high places of the earth, that he might eat the increase of the fields; and he made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock; - 14 Butter of kine, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats, with the fat of kidneys of wheat; and thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape. - 15 But Israel's people became the city of Jeshurun in spirit and waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then the city of Jeshurun [Israel's citizens] waxed fat and forsook God which made him [Israel's people], the city of Jeshurun [All Israeli citizens of Israel] did lightly esteemed the Rock [God] of his salvation. - 16 They the city of Jeshurun which are in meaning of Israelis of Israel the nation] provoked him [God] to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger. - 17 They the people of Israel, sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not. - 18 Of the Rock [God] that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee O city Jeshurun . - 19 And when the Lord saw it, he abhorred them of Jeshurun [the whole nation of Israel], because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters, sinfully toward all that is God, by the nation of Israel, saith God, eternally, kindly so!. - 20 And he [God] said, I will hide my face from them, the nation of Israel, I [God] will see what their [the nation of Israel] end shall be: for they, Israel, are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith. - 21 They [Israel] have moved me [God] to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people called the gentiles, as to when Israel shall be saved in Jesus; I will provoke them Israel, to anger with a foolish nation called Christianity in the eyes of the sinful world, saith God.. - 22 For a fire is kindled in mine anger toward Israel for her sins, and Israel shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase in sinfulness, and Israel's sinfulness, shall set on fire the foundations of the mountains. - 23 I will heap mischiefs upon them of Israel before 1948AD; I will spend mine arrows upon them by or on 70AD. - 24 They Israel for her wanted forever sinfulness, shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction before 1948AD: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, before 1948AD, with the poison of serpents of the dust. - 25 The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs. - 26 I said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men: - 27 Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy, lest their adversaries should behave themselves strangely, and lest they should say, Our hand is high, and the Lord hath not done all this. - 28 For they of Israel, are like one person together, in spirit, as being eternally void of godly counsel, neither is there any godly understanding, in them, saith GOD, they have become, reprobate to me [God], - 29 O that they, O Israel my son. were wise, that they understood this, their damming deathly sins that they truly desire, and that they would consider their latter end [70AD] because of their chosen forever true sins that shall cause them to be exiled from Israel! - 30 How should one chase a thousand, by being righteous in God, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock [sin] had sold them away from God's righteousness, [ therefore: They Israel, wasn't righteous in God our Father, as to have put a thousand to flight], - And then the Lord had shut them up [which is meaning: God judging Israel in 70AD for her willful forever desired, sins of that time, as to when those sins were occurring n the earth, saith God]? - 31 For their [children of Israel] rock [sin] is not as our Rock [God], even our [Israel] enemies themselves being judges, for they tell Israel, your sinful. - 32 For their [Israel] sinful vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their [Israel] clusters are bitter: - 33 Their wine [living in sin] is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps. - 34 Is not this, these judgments on Israel, laid up in store with me [God], and sealed up among my [God] treasures? - 35 To me [God] belongeth vengeance and recompence; their [Israel] foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things [Judgments of God] that shall come upon them make haste. - 36 For the Lord shall judge his people, Israel, and repent himself for his servants, when he seeth that their power is gone, and there is none shut up, or left of them that wanted not God. Then Israel shall come back and live forever, starting in 1948AD and onward, forever, saith God - 37 And he [God] shall say, Where are their false gods, their false Gods whom is their rock in whom they [sinful Israel] trusted, and they did therefore, chose to never serve me, the Lord thy God; - 38 Which they Israel, did eat the fat of their false God sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink false god offerings? let them false Gods rise up and help you, O Israel my son, if they those false Gods be real, as to protect you from my wrath to come upon all of Israel [before 70AD, saith God, eternally, kindly, truly so]. - Written 9 26 2020, today is: 10 11 2020 roger dale wallace -
@gentleben0748 3 года назад
To Orthodoxword1: Pt 2 of 2 Pts - Deuteronomy 32:1-47 with prophetic interpretation, saith God - 39 See now O Israel, that I [God], even I [God] , am he [God], and there is no god with me [God]: I [God] kill, and I [God] make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my [God] hand. - 40 For I [God] lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I [God] live for ever. - 41 If I [God] whet my [God] glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I [God] will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me [God]. - 42 I [God] will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my [God] sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy. - 43 Rejoice, O ye Christian gentile nations, with his people, Israel: for he [God] will avenge the blood of his [God] servants, and will render vengeance to his [God] adversaries, and will be merciful unto his land, Israel, and to his people called: Israel whom are my eternal kind sons and eternal kind daughters, saith God. - That Judgment in verse 43, happened in 70AD unto 1948AD, then Israel is alive again, in 1948AD and forever saith God, eternally, kindly so. - 44 And also, in Israel's past: Moses came and spake all the words of this song in the ears of the people, he, and Hoshea the son of Nun. - 45 And Moses made an end of speaking all these words to all Israel: - 46 And he [Moses] said unto them [The children of Israel], Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, which ye shall command your children to observe to do, all the words of this law. - 47 For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life, and through doing this thing, ye shall prolong your days [ In the promise land which is: Israeli seed habitation land forever], whither - [whither means two choices, but only one of the two choices will lead to having the promise land called Israel. The other choice is to refuse to go and obtain the promise land called Israel, and that choice gives no title of land to the children of Israel] ye go over Jordan to possess it. . Written 9 26 2020, today is: 10 11 2020 roger dale wallace -