Sarah Byington
Sarah Byington
Sarah Byington
@HumanAki 13 дней назад
This is an amazing analysis! Appreciate you making it! 😁
@Elidrys 29 дней назад
From hilarious silly cool sexy badass anti-hero....His character moments later on are so heart warming and heart breaking it brings to tears to the eyes.
@carloslwanga3143 Месяц назад
I have been reading The Complete Signet Classic Shakespeare, and in the introduction they talk about how popular plays about knights fighting monsters and becoming better for their lady loves were during Shakespeare's youth. It was so popular and cliched that Cervantes wrote Don Quixote partly as a satire of the whole genre. The point is Spike is embodying a very old ideal. That loving someone or something and being loved in turn makes us better irrespective of your gender.
@Sunshine-is_here_to_stay Месяц назад
👉Will you do more Buffy character analysis please??? Thank you for great video! 🙌🙌🙌
@jaimekennedy5750 2 месяца назад
I think this analysis is flawed. Spike is neither good nor bad. He's probably the most "human", because he goes by his instinct...
@JorgeAFlores 4 месяца назад
Buffy is the show with most amazing growth of all the characters, the worst in that was Xander and grew as well
@angier2858 5 месяцев назад
I love that he doesn’t ask to be let in Buffy’s home. We were watching S2 recently and Angel asks Willow to let him in. I thought, wait if he is so moral then he should know the risks of letting himself in. Angel would understand the power of gaining entry and he would understand how dangerous he is. I think this shows there is still a bad guy in there making moves. And maybe Angel, or Liam, was not as good a person as Spike, William. That could be part of Angel’s trauma, knowing his nature is more selfish than he would like. Love this show, never get tired of it
@eyeseer1 9 месяцев назад
William “Spike” Pratt with Drusilla in Season 2 were opposing relationships from the platonic friendship of Xander and Willow. Later in his origins Spike became a foil of Giles in a Entertainment Weekly interview with Marsters and Stewart Head ; Giles is what Spike use to be when he was alive and Spike is what Giles refuses to be from his past.
@JR-sx3gl 10 месяцев назад
I love where he starts off before becoming a vampire. He's such a nice guy. We can laugh from modern perspective he was a typical simp and mamma's boy, but so good natured and played so charmingly by James. You can say he needed to grow some teeth to realise his full potential and save the world in the end.
@Mahrimae 10 месяцев назад
Wow… Spike is the perfect progression to good. Finding desire for something. Then someone - as in to possess them. then desire for them to be happy with you/make them happy. Then happy even if not with you. Then that desire turns into a desire to care for one’s own happiness and to care for oneself which you find out can only happen when those around you are happy. It’s all beautifully selfish. It’s how humans work.
@friendship6668 10 месяцев назад
His relationship with Dru and food/human comforts shouldnt be avoided either. And looking at who William was. He was soo good as a human, it wasnt about soul but his nature. Whereas Angel's human natural inclinations were debauchery. Angel is more a recovering addict whereas William's higher nature was always love. Itd be interesting to see a continued analysis of the Angel last season and the comics.
@69SalterStreet 11 месяцев назад
I met James at a Comic-Con and he was so humble. I told him his performance made the show for me and he replied “the writing made it for me.” Also, he had crazy soft hands.
@snowytyler3793 11 месяцев назад
I love his character arc and he’s such a great actor !
@CaramelKittyKat Год назад
@ffejpsycho Год назад
a shame you did not follow his character arc throughout his time on Angel Season 5.... It is is rather amazing how his character's confused search for legitimate retribution, then spurious answers is divinely fought for entirety, and then finally to it's conclusion with the Angel Series Finale (Not Fade Away), actually provides him with a better and more narratively satisfying conclusion to not only the Hero without calling spike, but as well to William being now burdened again with a soul. One would think that him being brought back (as Angel main cast) to the (UN)living right away after his noble sacrifice in the Buffy Finale (Chosen) would have done nothing good for his character, and only saw to his sacrifice becoming both destructive to Buffy's finale, as well as irreparable to Spike's arc. However, they managed the near impossible by not in any way demeaning the value and gesture of Spike's sacrifice to wearing that (wolfram & hart) medallion-light-ray-laser-show-bonanza to close the Hellmouth, but vindicate his return and then add upon his character, and what he is experiencing after making such a supposed "final" action except not so much. Him coming to grips with not actually feeling as though he had finally earned a bit of the respect he was never able to taste in the entire lengths of both his living, and un-living existences... his one chance to "be" someone who really mattered when it counted... was taken from him.... It is really superbly compelling, and I cannot recommend it enough... In my opinon it is the far more conclusively effective, and poignantly emotionally to Spike specifically rapping up personal narrative arc (His own experiences, from pre-vampire => post-resurrection) not just his Buffy obsession. Would love to see you do an update to this video, and try to close out his Analysis by adding his time on Angel as well. It really is quite integral to truly understanding the whole of the great character known as... 'Spike'... However..... in some not quite so well know facts... he was actually was also known as that name, and another prior to being sired by Drusilla... The first was... 'William The Bloody' (on account of his poetry being absolutely bloody awful!) And yes..... finally, 'Spike'... (This moniker is from when one party-goer declares he'd rather drive railroad spikes through his head than listen to any more of the poetry!)
@TomE.V. Год назад
Ive ALWAYS been Team Spike. Him saying "No you Dont was the most Gangsta/Metal thing Spike could say😎
@Snowwie88 Год назад
Spike should have deserved a total Spin-off, not Angel. Angel is dull, boring and drooling.
@michaelploskina1681 Год назад
SPIKE is my all time favorite fictional vampire
@tommyellenbecker4117 Год назад
Fuck Angel
@yellowrose0910 Год назад
How do you deal with the "ALL actions are selfish" argument?!
@potdog1000 Год назад
i honestly thought him english lol
@gaaranara1 Год назад
I know this is late, but I wanted to say that this is the best spike retrospective I have ever seen
@brite1217 Год назад
That look of surrendering and being human for Buffy, and then how he treated Joyce and Dawn from then on… this is why Spike is sooo much better than Angel
@andreacastrocortes620 Год назад
Spike was the best, buffy wouldn'y be the same without him❤
@Eponine_Sandon Год назад
So I have a thought. Angel never really loved Buffy but spike did. Now before you come for me just hear me out. Angel only loved Buffy when he had a soul and as soon as he didn’t he was going to kill her. Spike loved Buffy when he didn’t have a soul, so much so that went and got himself a soul.
@id3794 Год назад
I love the action at 16:20, where Spike reaches for Buffy but when she turns her head away he immediately pulls away, respecting her wish not to be touched. That, coupled with him saying "when I say I love you, it's not because I want you, or because I can't have you, it has nothing to do with me" is the peak of his development, for me. He's respecting her boundaries, and he has developed a selfless love. It's not about doing things to "get the girl," or "to be loved and accepted," he just genuinely wants her to be happy and to feel believed in at a point where she feels no one does.
@Ester-cj4dx Год назад
Love this character analysis
@iamsemjaza Год назад
William Pratt was knocking around in there, always.
@Wodenseyes Год назад
I literally cried the first time I watched spike try to rape Buffy. That scene makes my stomach hurt. I hate it so much
@ruthalber4658 Год назад
Which means spike is impotent in other words he can't perform in the basic vampire way he normally would have mingle kill destroy turn vampire sex basically
@ruthalber4658 Год назад
There are just some characters you love to hate and some you've just dropped right love but my question is why do I love James Morrison's character Spike what is it about him that just goes off this creepy but yet warm glow
@stefinsalvatore6130 Год назад
We learned that in real life and in movies and in TV shows men will always sacrifice everything and women will sacrifice nothing
@MARYWTHER Год назад
What I feel like are underrappreciated moments that show his evolution are the ones where Spike listens. Just like he says, he's not a thinker or a rational person, he's a person acting with his heart, and that's always been the case, even when he was a human. He was a romantic, full of passion type of guy and being a vampire only highlighted that, while also twisting his version of love - if we consider his relationship with Drusilla. But Buffy finds comfort in moments of silence and "silent sharing" with Spike. Yknow, one of the first turning points stated in this video is a moment where Spike "gets it" without Buffy having to say anything. Then there are other moments like when Buffy shares with him first that she was dead in Heaven, peaceful and happy. This is the most intimate thing she's ever told anyone at this point, and she told it to him. These are moments that also provoked Spike's evolution, because they're moments where Buffy lets him in. They're the moments where she truly connects with him and allows him to feel like he's someone worthy of listening to her and comforting her in some ways. Some people tend to forget, that love and trust build themselves on a ground of confidence and intimacy, and I feel like where sometimes Angel wasn't recepient of this intimacy coming from Buffy, neither Giles or her friends, Spike always did the job on that part. Also shallow me really loves the fact that Spike is brought back to life in Angel, even tho it serves to destroy his relationship to Buffy (just like it did with Buffy and Angel) or even Buffy's character to begin with.
@friendship6668 10 месяцев назад
Exactly. I'd include the experimental sex they have with that too- how she let him in, even in a self destructive Plutonian kind of way. I mean in the comics she does choose him. And then they part and stay friends. I like that Angel was a vehicle for her relationship with Spike. The one with Spike being more profound and personally evolving. Angel just isn't worthy and Buffy has a hard time accepting her monster side so she keeps rejecting it as a physical person, which is Spike
@kathelenmayfield93 Год назад
This show made me feel way too many emotions at a young age
@marktaylor6491 Год назад
I'd argue that there were two turning points prior to Becoming. 1. His injury 2. The return of Angelus This marking the beginning of protracted period of humiliation, thus leading to his ultimate redemption.
@vickilindberg6336 Год назад
Oh come-on - over analyse do we?
@stephcollins728 Год назад
Am I really the only one with a Buffy dance? Like... when the theme song plays you dance continuously until your almost... ummm... dead? lol
@stuartomahony5364 2 года назад
He returned for the final season of Angel and possibly died stopping another apocalypse
@Liz279-2 2 года назад
Spike would never of been a Manchester United fan 😂
@joimumu Год назад
Well he was soulless when he said that
@lucymay446 2 года назад
I think the r scene is coupled with both the fact of not having a soul and him being in abusive relationships in the past and understanding how to act properly.
@lucymay446 2 года назад
Spike was a better person with more depth than angel ever was with a soul
@lucymay446 2 года назад
When buffy was using spike and it was basically killing him how she would use and abuse him, I really felt for him. The show really tried to hammer home that buffy was right to use him because he's a terrible person (which is why I think they made him try and r buffy)(which I really don't think spike would where do at that point as his worst fear was to hurt buffy even when she was treating him like shit). But he's not a bad person and I don't think he really ever was even without his soul.
@warrengday 2 года назад
Conclusion, to quote Terminator 2: if Spike, a Vampire can learn to become a hero, maybe we can too.
@daghettoghost5539 2 года назад
His devotion to her is so attractive he’s loyal and loving even when they were at odds
@dewshbag16 2 года назад
Great video
@Red_Spirit11 2 года назад
Spike drove a "1959 Desoto Fireflite" the sign falling down at the end of the last episode is homage to his arrival in Sunnydale in season 2 where he runs over the welcome to Sunnydale sign.
@chaneldial8927 2 года назад
Spike was the most sexiest vampire in history 😍
@Matp78 2 года назад
@Ana-tt8rv 2 года назад
I think even after one becomes a vampire in buffyverse, the most prominent part of their personality is preserved and sometimes accentuated.Angel before being a vampire was a sleazy guy who followed Darla to get laid .Later he goes to extremely cruel means to get Dru. For Dru, she became crazy( or we can say she had visions) before being a vampire and that part stayed and made her paranoid. For Spike though, William was a hopeless romantic, that part remained and at times accentuated to a bit creepy Mr. Nice guy. Spike was better than Angelus coz William was a better man than Liam. ( It's hard to tell if Spike had felt empathy).
@marilyngregory103 2 года назад
I love spike