New Life Of Albany Ga.
New Life Of Albany Ga.
New Life Of Albany Ga.
It is the mission of New Life of Albany to serve our community in any way we can through the love of Jesus Christ and to exalt Jesus in every aspect of our lives. We believe the Bible is divine and inspired by God Himself (2 Timothy 3:16 & 2 Peter 1:21). We believe that, the way to be saved is through repentance (Luke 24:47), Baptism in Jesus name (Acts 2:38); 1 Peter 3:20-21) and being filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:4; Romans 8:9-11). When we commit our life to Christ it is one of continual growth and holiness (Hebrews 12:14; Titus 2:11-15).

We have been commissioned by Christ and given the power to be witnesses (Acts 1:8) to share this gospel with the people of Albany and the surrounding area and ultimately the world.
Final Assessment Of The NKJV For Now
19 часов назад
Codex Vaticanus And Corruptions
2 часа назад
Corruptions Found In Codex Sinaiticus
4 часа назад
The NKJV And Dynamic Equivalence
14 часов назад
The Text Behind Reformation Bibles
19 часов назад
5,800 Biblical Greek Manuscripts
21 час назад
@mrmansmith4154 20 минут назад
I was recently told that I should stop reading the kjv bible because he slept with men, he was a homosexual. So now I'm looking for an older Bible that uses the true name of the Father Yahuah..
@josephjones4207 Час назад
@Truthseeker424 Час назад
1 John 3:16 KJV Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. * Job 13:6-10 KJV Hear now my reasoning, and hearken to the pleadings of my lips. [7] Will ye speak wickedly for God? and talk deceitfully for him? [8] Will ye accept his person? will ye contend for God? [9] Is it good that he should search you out? or as one man mocketh another, do ye so mock him? [10] He will surely reprove you, if ye do secretly accept persons. * Deuteronomy 4:35,39 KJV Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the Lord he is God; there is none else beside him. [39] Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.
@tsgtr Час назад
Pastor Waldron your RU-vid channel is a goldmine. I just listened to the audiobook for Excavating the Evidence for Jesus at your recommendation. Do you happen have any other audiobook recommendations? Thank you
@rescuebabybirds 3 часа назад
I have learned so much from this pastor. His knowlege about what the Bible truly teaches is amaaaazing. I recently learned this, proving to me, that I can trust the Bible, even though we do not have the orginal autographs, and this for a time, troubled me deeply. Yet this discovery, you all might already know this, deepened my faith. 1. Odd books in the New Testament, mentions of the name of "Jesus": 7 times 70 (exactly, not one more, nor one less. The odd numbered books have much more words than the even numbered books, a little over 55,000 total) 2. Even numbered books in the New Testament; mentions of the name of "Jesus": 7 times 70! (we have to remove all false mentions, such as in Hebrews when it is referring to Josha. Now that is astonishing. Both, odd and even numbered books, have exactly the same. Both have when I divide them by 7; 7x70 Yet in all my years of studying this book, this has remained undiscovered. 7 is God's special number in the Bible to show in these patterns This more than anything else proves who is the Author. How many "amens" in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation? 777 The more I research this, the more evidence “Truth is Christ” Brandon is gathering that could not possibly have been done by the many authors and manuscripts. NO OTHER BIBLE HAS THIS Psalm 12:6-7 from the King James Version (KJV): 6 The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7 Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. When I want to find a review, this pastor has in my opinion the best reviews. But my new favorite version, is the King James Bible, I have listed just a few proofs above, that God's hand was over the KJV translators.
@Normal1855 5 часов назад
Alexander Schorbey is the best. I have the Bible on MP3 disk. When my truck radio worked, I would listen to it whenever I was driving.
@Normal1855 5 часов назад
I have a very inexpensive NKJV Bible, that I got when I got saved. It's worth more than all my other Bibles combined.
@Normal1855 5 часов назад
I have many hard copies of the Bible. I have a couple in the living room, a few in my bedroom, in my truck, and in my trailer.
@Freddy-Da-Freeloadah 5 часов назад
The fact is a lot of church people just don't like the KJV. The NKJV is a happy medium. Preachers need to preach to the people in the pews. That being said the NKJV is literally 50% different. IMHO
@royalpriest89 6 часов назад
Nkjv is a good version, just as the kjv. I use both quite often
@donniegillum1867 7 часов назад
Excellent!!! -Donnie
@hp7093 7 часов назад
NKJV does not cut the mustard. KJV or nothing. KJV1611
@cameronhart7979 11 часов назад
Fk Jesus
@donniegillum1867 12 часов назад
@SimonDMal 16 часов назад
That's because modern translations are based not only on Vaticanus but also on an eclectic family of manuscripts. It is not about being inconsistent but about choosing the variants that are best attested by the oldest manuscripts as well as most manuscripts. They are consistent in their commitment to translating out of the best manuscripts.
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa 4 часа назад
Not really. I’ve just done a series on that.
@israelrivera3009 18 часов назад
lets not Settle 😎
@outlawgt3045 19 часов назад
Is this the one Ammon Hillman translated that says Jesus was a chomo?
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa 17 часов назад
Not sure
@outlawgt3045 4 часа назад
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa I'm the only one with proof that the true God spoke to me in a prophetic word. Tangible proof. There was a song I heard when I was 5 or 6. It was a warning. I picked up on it when I was a kid. Then 20 years or so goes by and I hear the song again. I fully understood and I realized what I have become. And I see how the world is. My name is Mike and I work with Mechanics. The song I'm talking about is an 80s song called Silent Running and it's sung by a band called Mike and the Mechanics. It's a song about me
@koreyoneal2623 19 часов назад
Just remember that the majority can be wrong , we don't want to say that something is correct just because the majority says so , just as we don't want to say that the "oldest and best" manuscripts are correct just because they're older . We actually have to figure out what Yeshua and His Twelve Apostles were teaching , then base the best readings off of that
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa 17 часов назад
No doubt
@Christiantalk153 20 часов назад
Question, I am pretty close to kjv only or better said preferred as you have said you are in the past. I use majority texts bibles and the ones before the kjv such as Geneva and Matthew’s etc. My question is though, with the nkjv some times when it says hades instead of hell and renderings like this, do you think it is a better translation then the kjv in some places making choices like this to better convey the original languages? However I am aware in places like it says the path to heaven is hard instead of narrow or where it says being saved instead of saved in a last or current tense.
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa 17 часов назад
I haven’t sussed that out fully yet. I have read some very accurate translations in the NKJV for sure, it’s just inferior overall.
@Christiantalk153 17 часов назад
@@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa thanks for the reply, and agreed. I’m still comparing it seems some is very very good and some places are very bad in a few key places. Probably has to do with the copyright laws. God bless!
@user-ii9kw4gj3e 20 часов назад
Great video, it's good more and more people are getting out the truth. There are so many people that don't know this.
@SuperPerrylee День назад
Nkjv is a false bible
@fatahabukar День назад
Thank you brother
@ItsMe-fk4tc День назад
You didn't even explain what the text even means wow thanks for nothing lol
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa 17 часов назад
I think I had done that on another video.
@samuelknipp6978 День назад
I am oneness however I believe in the word ( IS ) Paul wrote to Timothy Without controversy Great IS the mystery of Godliness..he didn't say WAS the mystery..it IS he did use was as if he was solving it..Uou and I can read the exact same scripture and totally disagree..We are as dust. and God is aware of that..If you disagree with me about the oneness you still believe Jesus came , died for our sins. resurrected ..as do i.. for me to say your going to hell is almost to wish that you were to prove im right..( Sad ) David couldn't build the Temple but God said because it was in his heart he did well... God knows us and before a word rolls of our tongue He knows it altogether..I would that none would perish if I'm wrong I don't want to perish and if you're wrong nor do I want you to perish..I don't want to be right yo where you lose your soul..where is my Agape in that..if You're wrong my prayer is Lord forgive them. and guess what. he'll forgive and if I'm wrong you ask God to forgive me and guess what He will...They were nailing Him to the cross He said Father forgive..So if I ask God to forgive because the whole of the mystery is not known unto you or I..That's the Agape that's the Love..Believe what you believe and let Agape unite us...God Bless..
@scottsnyder7909 День назад
Thank you Brother
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa День назад
Your Welcome!
@donniegillum1867 День назад
Wow! The consistency of inconsistency!!! -Donnie
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa День назад
@harveynailbanger День назад
Then consider in the end the niv which is based on these texts is owned by the same company that owns the rights to the satanic bible. It is the version that is copyrighted and can not be reprinted with out lincense. It would seem in the end its all about the money...
@Truthseeker424 День назад
2 Thessalonians 2:1-5 KJV Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, [2] That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. [3] Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; [4] Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. [5] Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
@LeonardoIdino День назад
Stupid video
@alanhales6369 День назад
New life of Albany, the NKJV is the most accurate translation to the Biblical Hebrew and Greek. Why do you compare the NKJV to the less accurate KJV.
@Truthseeker424 День назад
KJV is better
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa День назад
I guess your not watching the videos.
@alanhales6369 День назад
@@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa so you agree that the NKJV is more accurate than the KJV.
@alanhales6369 День назад
@@Truthseeker424 the NKJV is better and more accurate than the KJV.
@Truthseeker424 23 часа назад
@@alanhales6369 not even close.
@user-pt7pf7by4y День назад
Yes? YET? Compare scriptures is 1 thing but the Geneva Bible lacks in scriptures as well" verses missed to paragraphs? The Geneva Bible lacked in scholars an? In translation!( 1611) Translated OF King James had( 48 to 53 scholars yet said? 50' King James had the ability an? Work force of scholars to obtain an? Translate! Where Geneva Bible lacked in? Yes a Good Bible to compare an? Read yet? Story's to verses fall short"( that ye did not say or bring to light
@PastorErickDMarquez День назад
Amen God bless you for this video Many have fallen away Glad to see your still holding strong
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa День назад
Yes, thank you!
@Davey8063 День назад
True research guarantees it comes from Rothschild idiots
@donniegillum1867 День назад
Astounding! Thanks for sharing. -Donnie
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa День назад
@michaelwhite6505 День назад
Did Jesus use the septuagint, by David Daniel's is a great book. I just read it in one night. If ye are fallowing the catholic anti christ you won't like the book
@MasonHaas-g9m День назад
Hello Steave, my wife and I have been listening the are Dewell audio Bible King James Version. And we are new to learning about Christ. We for the most part were always lukewarm christens until about 7 mouths ago. Are lives are vary different now that we have described to indulge in learning about Christ. However I have questions for you about how could I find reliable Bible studies from cover to cover, deep drive study’s. It’s easy to find sermons that jump around, but I always seem to feel like there’s things left out and untold behind the scene stories that I have a burning feeling are very important. However deep dive content that is organized and reliable as far and few between in my research do you have suggestions? I also fell if you where to do such a series it would be vary informative on the account of your diverse knowledge -Thank you
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa День назад
Willmingtons Guide to the Bible, Jensens Bible Survey, and Unger’s Bible Handbook are good places to begin, as well as the Premier Study Bible by Insignia books.
@MasonHaas-g9m День назад
@@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa thank you and God bless
@AgnelloAffonso-xp5gm 2 дня назад
@joshuaa3075 2 дня назад
@hitmann4013 2 дня назад
2:13 you have to consider that the "philosophumena" from Mt Athos is of Sabellius... but because the false doctrine "must" come, then they give credits, first to hereticus origen and second to so-and-so hippolitus! But if you read careffully the text of the Refutation you will find the surprise: "the autor name himself as being Sabellius"... see Book 9!
@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa 2 дня назад
Thank you!
@hitmann4013 День назад
@@NewLifeOfAlbanyGa sorry again, is just my supposition! but durring the lecture, this will pop-up in your eyes too!
@ryandawson2877 2 дня назад
Love Brother Reynolds.
@SS-rl9bg 2 дня назад
I study Hebrew language, and the J is not pronounced, nor is it in the Hebrew alphabet.
@RyanReadsGreek 2 дня назад
I had the 1611 KJV produced by Hendrickson, bad production with words duplicated in text that are only supposed to be there once, all throughout that edition.