@miqueasvalentinhernandez3998 28 дней назад
Very interesting document. We all know about how Latbie and Lituania love this sport, but what about Estonia, Finland, Sweden... not everyone knows.
@DrOherd1994 Месяц назад
Habe Puudub :-D
@mikkprosin2024 Год назад
Shit im speechless how fast they come
@fbl926 Год назад
see võiks olla spotifys
@mikkprosin2024 Год назад
Jah võiks
@mikkprosin2024 Год назад
kuradi hea live
@RobertRatRaissar Год назад
Super lugu, kümnesse 😂
@urmasmeisner2900 Год назад
Julgen lugupeetavale ette heita, et ta jättis saladuseks selle, et Eesti U19 koondis alistas valikmängudes tänavu sügisel Itaalia enda 2:0 ja Bosnia 3:2 ning pääses edasi eliitringi. Mõelge, Eesti noormeeste koondis edestas ametlikul valikturniiril Itaaliat ja pääses otse edasi, Itaalia ise pidi lootma lisakohale, et samuti edasi pääseda ja edasi ta ka pääses. On ju natukene alatu see fakt unustada. Aga ülejäänud hädakisa veidi kahvatub, kui ülihea tulemus avaldada. Populistlikum on see oma infost välja jätta, ilmselt lootes, et ega lai avalikkus seda ju nagunii ei tea, loodetavasti ei saagi teada.
@aarnetalussaare939 2 года назад
Love this song MAN
@user-zx9ys8xg2x 2 года назад
Ei kõla nagu räpp … rappimine … sõnad on ok kuid see on ka kõik
@theharshtruthoutthere 2 года назад
Even satan can´t deny the beauty of FEMALES, cause haven`t you all notice: even though females do change their looks by becoming a transgender and males do the same but it`s the males who have to cover their faces with colors, we call "the make up" and afterwards we/the world/ calling them “beautiful womens” - they arent females, so how can they be called “women”? - they are and stay handsome - so how can they be called “beautiful”?. Praise GOD who created EVERYITHING AND EVERYONE PERFERC: FEMALES = BEAUTIFUL AND MALE = HANDSOME. Even satan ain´t denying it even though he tries hard to hide it all. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-TZLWwDjZTpk.html Haven`t ye all notice it? Haven't you all done TRANSVESTIGATION? You all complain about GOD AND HIS WILL, but why are you all WILLING to do rituals for satan? Be ye fire on GOD and seek out HIS WILL that you can do and save others from forever torment. Transhumanism = clay + iron If you not sure that you family is no longer your family then: That`s why there`s saying: Keep your distance from them as often as you can for 2 reasons: 1.) They are greedy, selfish and pure evil and will corrupt you too, 2.) They will not be what they seem to be. They seem just like your parents, siblings, friends, co-workers - right? - you 100% sure they are? What if they aren`t even humans? Celebrating our b - days = making ourselves idols for whole 24 hours. Let GOD be our idol always. Isn`t death and ageing our last enemies that will be found no more? - so why celebrate it? Be ye SOBER - ALWAYS. For the devil is lurking around. I wished to be FREE and I was FREED by GOD. Now tell you, why do you wish to remain in slavery? I have a Brother who truly thinks/believes that a 1 year old child can decide what gender she or he is. Is truly the TRUTH that much hidden? - i mean the decision about are we boy or girl is not even given to any of us to make, IT WAS AND IS MADE FOR US. We either born as MALES OR AS FEMALES. Broken and heavy burdened souls, CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD - YOU WILL BE SAVED and HEALED TOO. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-YtnQq6byng4.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-k5ZtZEtDEGo.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-14A8SsLF0S0.html ru-vid.com/group/PLHYOKu9d9bz5wNVuo3rRX5Afi7hCShbTL ru-vid.com/group/PLHYOKu9d9bz4C3cQSNdox1372n1iOljGt ru-vid.com/group/PLHYOKu9d9bz76Dn5iMAmrIofhzUHtJxpu ru-vid.com/group/PL8bt_6drZB49wkl9av8Lgfcu4m8GF86LV ru-vid.com/group/PL6jqQQLDUKSzqfchW2-t42mEyjHWuzBnd ru-vid.com/group/PLHYOKu9d9bz4xUIXjs1NENXj2YuHhnGfG You never have heard the saying: DIE AS YOU CAME TO BE. (that means: do not mix your DNA) there`s 2 side of every coin: THE TRUTH on one side and THE LIES on the other side. Which side of the coin to you use/live after? THE TRUTH or THE LIES? No human soul stays on earth "hunting" after death - they either go to HELL or into ABRAHAM'S BOSOM to wait to be JUDGED. In situations like these videos show - you ALWAYS deal with DEMONS. Why nobody amongst you say these words: GET BEHIND ME SATAN AND LEAVE ME IN PEACE, to them that hunt you? - It dose work. For my house was once hunted too and now for many years is peace under the roof. About the RAPTURE: HE/GOD come as a theft in the night catching the WORTHY away. Be ye all on watch. Be ye all READY. What awaits us all?: We will hunger, We will freeze, We will be betrayed, We will die. The question here is: are you all TRULY willing to lay it all down for CHRIST sake? ru-vid.comvideos
@henrikikerpill8704 2 года назад
mis see drillem seal teeb? raha?
@henrikikerpill8704 2 года назад
@henrikikerpill8704 2 года назад
suur papa ja kutsu oleks ka siis oleks hull a ja reket
@Interface-qe6vy 2 года назад
Kohutav! 👎
@Interface-qe6vy 2 года назад
Osad nendest kodukootud räpparitest peakski trenni minema! Igast otsast paistab välja liigne alkoholitarbimine ja sellega kaasnev idiotism! Spordiaasta esinemisele sellist kräppi küll ei laseks!
@UNDERCOVERbeats 2 года назад
1:01 mis see on see 5miinuse liige? unustas sõnad ära?