Since 2006 Fort Lauderdale Baptist Church has been the independent, fundamental, Bible believing church in the Fort Lauderdale area where God's Word is magnified above all. You can expect to hear the Word of God proclaimed faithfully each Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening, Wednesday. While we believe prayer and singing have an important place in a church service, the emphasis is on the preaching.

The truth of God revealed in his word the Bible is sufficient for all matters of faith and practice. We hold scripture as verbally inspired, supernaturally preserved in the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts, and accurately translated in the English Authorized Version. Pastor Price’s passion is to proclaim the Bible so that Christians will develop a greater love for God’s Word. His preaching is characterized by verse-by-verse exposition.

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Copy of FLBC - Sunday Morning
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Systematic Theology - The Gospel of John
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The Book of Luke Chapter 3
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Synoptic Gospels - Matthew 1 / Genesis 38
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Sunday School Teen Class
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The Book of Daniel Chapter 7
10 месяцев назад
1 Corinthians 10 / Exodus - Sunday School FLBC
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Will Rice - Psalm 37
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Will Rice - God's Will
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Will Rice - Joshua 2
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Daniel 5
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Psalm 24
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Crown Him King of Kings
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Prince of Peace
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A passion for Thee
10 месяцев назад
Worthy of Worship
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FLBC Men Singing Calvary Covers It All
10 месяцев назад
Jesus Lives - Song & Testimony of Kids
10 месяцев назад
Kid's Singing Gloria in excelsis Deo
10 месяцев назад
Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God
10 месяцев назад
Susannah & Patrick Baptism
10 месяцев назад
Frank's Baptism
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@joelauretta4067 День назад
Talk about twisting scripture,wow ! Let's see what it actually says,.... The end of chapter seven Paul's talking about his inward conflict with the flesh....then he says Romans 8:1-2 Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. [2] For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. Now he starts comparing those who are saved and those who are not.. Romans 8:2-8 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. [3] For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, [4] so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. [5] For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. [6] For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, [7] because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, [8] and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. IF Paul didn't continue, I might agree with this pastor. But he does continue.... Romans 8:9-11 However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. [10] If Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness. [11] But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Again we see the contrast between someone who is saved and is not. It's not until verse twenty six does he start talking about our victory in Jesus Christ. This is a common theme in Paul's letters. If he never pointed out the contrast between being saved and not, how would we truly appreciate what we have in Jesus Christ ?
@wallacegrommet3479 День назад
Wrong, woe to this false teachers as he’s teaching his congregation of 3 people and the janitor. Wickedness doctrine taught by demons in a suit.
@christopherskipp1525 4 дня назад
The whole world isn't going to heaven because the whole world isn't elect.
@renomoore3487 4 дня назад
good preaching
@michaelpoapst9465 5 дней назад
Yep, get rid of Acts 16:31 !
@aservant2287 5 дней назад
Lordship theology is simply knowing Christ is Lord and living as if He's Lord if you don't believe that you aren't saved. It's just that simple
@jeffouellette9946 5 дней назад
Well I don't know if this guy is still alive but this guy sure didn't know how to tell the truth.
@evongreiff1 5 дней назад
This whole bickering about PREDESTINATION vs FREE WILL, is the same bewilderment physicists experience when confronted with the mathematics of relativity (determinism), and the mathematics of quantum mechanics (probability); they work well for their own setting and purposes, but the two aren’t compatible with each other. This whole mystery dissolves for those of us who have had our eyes opened to the TRUTH of scripture, and its mysteries revealed. I’m just going to touch on some key points here to give an overall view of what I’m talking about, as to go into full depth would mean writing a lengthy book. One of the basic truth’s we need to establish here is that JESUS and the WRITTEN WORD are ONE AND THE SAME. When we are told in the scriptures to SEEK JESUS, there is no other place to seek Him except through His Word. This is why the scriptures state: “If ye continue in MY WORD, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you FREE.” (John 8:31-32) Notice that it is the TRUTH that sets the individual FREE, and of course we all know that TRUTH IS JESUS. “If the SON therefore shall make you FREE, ye shall be FREE indeed.” (John 8:36) Another basic truth to recognize is finding this ABSOLUTE TRUTH is not something easily obtained, and it is certainly not obtained with earning a Bible degree at some so-called theological seminary! This Truth is revealed by God directly to the individual who is desperately loving and seeking Him through His Word. It is when this event is granted by God to an individual that the following scripture takes place: “For by grace are ye saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT OF GOD: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) Notice that it says we are saved by grace through FAITH, and where, might I ask, do the scriptures state we obtain this “SAVING FAITH”? “So then FAITH cometh by hearing, and hearing by the WORD OF GOD.” (Romans 10:17) Jesus stated that unless a man in BORN AGAIN (received the Spirit that he alone gives), he cannot enter the kingdom of God; and how exactly do the scriptures state we become BORN AGAIN? “Being BORN AGAIN, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the WORD OF GOD, which liveth and abideth for ever.” (1 Peter 1:23) Are we beginning to see a pattern here? It is the act of LOVING and SEEKING GOD THROUGH HIS WORD, that moves Gods’s mercy and grace to grant you the Gift of salvation by giving you of HIS SPIRIT, opening your eyes to the Truth and giving you complete understanding of His Word: “Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out MY SPIRIT unto you, I will MAKE KNOWN MY WORDS unto YOU.” (Proverbs 1:23) When this happens not only will the confusion of the Bible vanish and read as plain as a children’s book: “All the WORDS of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them. They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that FIND KNOWLEDGE.” (Proverbs 8:8-9) But you will also be granted TRUE REPENTANCE with the acknowledgement of the TRUTH, and be given the strength to resist sin and escape the snare of the devil! “if God peradventure will GIVE THEM REPENTANCE, to the acknowledging of the TRUTH; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” (2 Timothy 2:25-26) All that I’ve explained so far is to help you understand the following; the reason the Bible is so confusing to the average person is all that it speaks about to the individual reading it, refers to everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen to this individual AFTER HE’S RECEIVED THE GIFT OF THE SPIRIT! So for someone to try and make sense of what’s written that has never experienced this Gift, the Bible will make no sense, and of course this is where doctrinal diversions take place! In saying all this I’m reaching the meat of what I want to point out about predestination and free will. The Bible does indeed have many passages that reference predestination as well as speaking about things in predestination context; those passages are meant for the individuals who have in fact already received the GIFT of the SPIRIT, in order to give them the ASSURANCE of what they’ve experienced and TRUTH of the scriptures, as well as the amazement of the supernatural origin of the Bible. They are meant to strengthen their FAITH in the WORD OF GOD, so they may continue growing in the knowledge of HOLINESS and resist the seduction of false doctrine. At the same time the FREE WILL aspect of the scriptures is plainly evident and there for all who care to love and approach them. The WORD OF GOD is accessible to ALL! The Gift of God’s Spirit is God’s good pleasure to give to ANYONE, but any individual who wants it needs to of his “OWN FREE WILL” choose to make himself ready to receive it by filling himself up with and loving God’s Word! Otherwise if he was to receive it when he isn’t ready for it, all that would happen is he would ultimately be worse off and brought to ruin: “No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put NEW WINE into NEW BOTTLES, and BOTH ARE PRESERVED.” (Matthew 9:16-17) Unfortunately those individuals who haven’t received the GIFT, 9 times out of 10 will simply have some so called pastor digest the WORD for them rather than reading and studying it themselves, when chances are these pastors don’t even have the GIFT themselves and are instead trying to “climb up some other way “. In other words, “the blind leading the blind” in which BOTH SHALL FALL INTO THE DITCH!! And honestly even if the pastors know that the only way to obtain the TRUTH is by reading, seeking, and loving God through His Word yourself, do you really think he is going to reveal that to you and put himself out of business? Keep dreaming! People WAKE UP! The Truth is there for the taking of anyone that would care to find it! When the Spirit enters you and those WORDS become HOLOGRAPHIC with 3D like properties, jumping out of the pages and speaking directly to YOU after the HOLY SPIRIT enters you, it will be then that you come to the full assurance and utter realization that the following scripture: “I AM the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by ME.” (John 14:6) Is obviously the BIBLE speaking of ITSELF !!! God Bless.
@johnnymuen4948 5 дней назад
@pastormitchell3621 6 дней назад
Satan tests Job's longevity of Faith and question whether GOD IS GOOD enough for us; for Job?
@bozzskaggs112 6 дней назад
God chose Abrahm. Is that okay? God also chose Pharaoh and Judas do be who they were and do the things they did. Is that okay?
@joywatson3764 7 дней назад
@deanhendrix3179 8 дней назад
This a circular argument that is right and wrong. That is like saying your rich, but you haven’t gotten it yet.
@johnnymuen4948 9 дней назад
great video & topic very helpful
@45Nasman 9 дней назад
So chapter 8 says those who are in the flesh cannot please God. So I could be a carnal Christian, who is unable to please God ? So I can be saved but an enemy of sorts with Holy God. Verse 9 seems clear that those types of ‘Christians’ do not belong to Him. You sure about your assertions brother ? I can a foot in the world as well ? Surely not
@leighnapier4505 13 дней назад
He chose us before the foundation of the world ! No one can come to the me unless the Father draws him.
@LookinUp_ 3 дня назад
When Jesus was crucified it was a call to ALL MEN to believe. All are drawn, but many will refuse.
@plalelal 13 дней назад
Best get some Poll watchers trained!
@carlospadron488 13 дней назад
Church eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we’re rapture🙏
@noneofyourbusiness7055 14 дней назад
Fun fact: Kent Hovind has phony credentials but real fraud conviction, among others, who constantly lies through his teeth and couldn't even be trusted by a wife - at least 3 of them. That anyone still takes his word for anything is a colossal travesty.
@mellissa82 15 дней назад
@PastorCarpie 15 дней назад
Lordship salvation is not the same as regeneration salvation (not a Calvinist here). I preach regeneration salvation--that when you are born again, your nature and very root system changes, and your fruit comes out of your new nature. If one is not born again (regenerated), one cannot see the Kingdom of God. A living branch can be cut from a dying tree and grafted onto a new tree. If the branch does not take root--that is, grow into the new tree with the tree growing into the branch, the branch is dead and must be burned. If it does so, it abides, and if it abides, it bears fruit. Fruit is ONE of the evidences we can look at in our lives to see if we are saved for this reason, but Peter was clear that Christians CAN go through periods of fruitlessness, and Jesus was clear that not everyone bears the same amount of fruit. At any rate, the fruit doesn't save nor is it the ONLY evidence one is saved. I have had a conversation in which someone said that he saw no evidence in his life that he was saved, because he struggled with sin. I asked, "Did you struggle with sin before coming to Christ?" "Well, no." There's your evidence. That struggle against sin in itself is fruit. I'm not talking about works-based salvation but salvation-based works. We can't let people think that they can "decide for Christ" and then go back out into the world and live like the devil either, because being born again means we are new creatures with new natures. I would also caution people who are saying whether others are saved or not. Job was called righteous by God Himself, but as you read the book, Job and his buddies had some bad theology (called retribution theology). Yet, despite bad theology, they were saved if you look at Job 42.
@watchmanendtimes 17 дней назад
But it says about being saves
@watchmanendtimes 17 дней назад
There wasn't much righteousness. During convid or since
@watchmanendtimes 17 дней назад
Can a saved christian preach a fakse gospel ?
@mrjohn9933 19 дней назад
What about the Ethiopian Bible. 88 books no less from 350AD?
@stanleywest2619 24 дня назад
Thank God Jesus Christ died for all not a certain few but for ALL for all have sinned and come short of his glory. Only through Jesus Christ will anyone be saved from eternal loss and separation. Jesus paid it all alone for all mankind. Thank God he can and will save anyone no matter what the sin, how little or how much sin , how far one has gone, how ugly, open, hidden or deep the sin, God is able to save them if they would only believe him by trusting Jesus Christ as their Saviour. God proved his love to all the wold by giving his only Son to die in man's place to pay for all man's sins so that whosoever, any and every individual believeth in him, Jesus Christ should not perish but have everlasting life. The only ones who are excluded are the individuals who excludes themselves by their own unbelief, they choose to not believe the record God gave of his Son and be saved. Thank God Jesus saves even the vilest of sinners who believes on him. All who ever trusted Jesus Christ as their Saviour he has saved them and that forever and not one can ever be lost or forsaken or ever cast out. For l am his and he is mine not just today but everyday all through life, even at death and then in glory forever and ever, nothing can change it not man, not l, not Satan, not things present or to come, nothing whatever or whoever cannot change it now or ever and God will not.
@barrysmith1202 Месяц назад
great! now, yer gonna love this: an absolutely verified, total-word-count of the KJV is exactly 7x7x7x7x7x7x7, or ''7 to the 7th power''. see literally hundreds more such math patterns in th KJV at youtube channel ''truth is christ''. discovered only a few yrs ago. totally christian fundamentalist approach to the content. all involves 100% observability, measurability, repeatability, testability, verifiability, falsifiability. none of the other translations demonstrate this.
@robusc4940 8 дней назад
Hooray Barry, yes I'm also a KJV fan :)
@robusc4940 8 дней назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-XAqkTbw15Kw.html Only found in the KJV
@barrysmith1202 8 дней назад
@@robusc4940 well, waddya think about all that math embedded in the KJV, and ONLY The KJV? there's absolutely NO way humans could get ANY of that done.
@robusc4940 8 дней назад
@@barrysmith1202 That's the whole point :) Anyone who thinks that the Bible was not supernaturally inspired has serious problems. eg the 12 stones in Rev 21:19-20 Curently there are OVER 300 known gemstones. Of them only 16 are UNIQUE - ANisotropic. The 12 listed in Revelation are ALL ANisotropic The chances of anyone picking them by chance are in excess of 18 to the power of 12 That's 1 chance in EXCESS of 1,000,000,000,000,000. Also Google Maths Pi E In Gen 1:1 & John 1:1. Let that sink in too :)
@OnlyJesusSavesSinners-gy3he Месяц назад
God does not hear the prayer of the unrighteous, therefore sinner’s prayers are not biblical. The moment the sinner believes the gospel they are saved, and then they can pray all they want to their father in heaven.
@thebabaa5001 Месяц назад
Has Shakespere ever been 'Rewritten'. ???? '
@thebabaa5001 Месяц назад
Scripture: The Word of God - Empowers the reader, to a deeper walk in Grace, as it expounds and opens open more understanding, in meaning and application. Scripture also corrects, by means of the Holy Spirit that only He can do, to encourage, chasten, REPROVE, and direct the "way we should go".
@thebabaa5001 Месяц назад
Are those earlier versions both Old and New .?
@stanleywest2619 Месяц назад
Continue to stand for the truth of God's word. Too many out there forget the nation of lsrael place in all this. Jesus was speaking to what would be happening to the Jewish nation as recorded in Matthew etc. and in Revelations. He is not speaking to the church here. The Jewish nation is God's elect and to many forget God's dealing with them. Believers in Christ make up his church both Jew and Gentiles will not be here when Christ comes to caught up to be with Him in the air and so shall they ever be with the Lord. We as believers shall not suffer nor go through this Tribulation on earth, we are taken out before this Tribulation not mid way nor at it end. When Christ comes back to earth at the end of the Tribulation with his armies we who were in Heaven shall come with him. He is coming to earth to rule and reign at Jerusalem a 1000 years. God bless you brother and keep standing and proclaiming the truth that in God's word. Also note on RU-vid can be found The Law of Liberty don't remember his name but he too like many others refers to a mid-trib, prewrath as believers in Christ will go through and not pre-tribulaion rapture. Again they say little about the nation of lsrael in this and alot about the church (believers in Christ) in this. God's dealing with the nation of lsrael is one thing, His dealing with this world another and His dealing with the church, believers in Christ another. We, the believers in Christ shall not suffer the judgement coming upon this earth, we're with our Saviour in Heaven.
@tanalee229 Месяц назад
Personally, if be ashamed to show my face in heaven if I were raptured without having to experience any of the tribulation martyrs have suffered for more than 2000 years. We Americans have it so easy. Think of the people in places like China and the Middle East where people walk for DAYS to get to a home church and maybe copy part of the Bible to take home with them. Many are arrested and tortured. Nope. I don't think cowards have a place in heaven.
@cassiamurray5253 Месяц назад
weasles walked like that!?
@user-cn1fk8er9n Месяц назад
Great sermon, pastor
@BiblicalFlatEarthJoshua Месяц назад
nice fake spinning globe
@davidlawrence616 Месяц назад
Actually, Sinaiticus is now believed to be an 1840”s fraud. Non of those supposed old manuscripts (Sinaiticus or Vaticanus) have ever been dated.
@Michael-CharlesAust-ee5oo 2 месяца назад
The Illuminati trusts themselves while at war with the Living God.
@Fuzzball777 2 месяца назад
Praise God there is still many normal Christians out there not the cult followers of calvanist
@Galatians-vr8xd 2 месяца назад
@jeffouellette9946 5 дней назад
The Bible doesn't say faith alone.
@Galatians-vr8xd 5 дней назад
@@jeffouellette9946 Belief is mentioned over 250 times in the New Testament, Believing is faith! Do your research
@theedifyingseerofJESUS4106 2 месяца назад
@theedifyingseerofJESUS4106 2 месяца назад
You see that today
@CarolusMagnus-eu4 2 месяца назад
This man really is the personification of "You're not a clown. You're the entire circus."
@AlanCanon2222 3 месяца назад
It's good that the MAGAs put their stuff online, so we can keep an eye on them.
@user-lv5lq1nf5d 3 месяца назад
At least your patents took you to church. Mine went we stayed home. Now in college i actually went througb different bibles..all different bibles. All different words. All different beliefs. What i found ? More and more peoples actions are the oppsite . They read the bible. And now they know. So they will be tested on what they now know. Each person they come in contact with will test them out. Doing the opposite of what was resd. Now i read hindu. Can yuou believe as soon as i did i had other people come out of the woodwork that had those beliefs as well. Every time i read the basement of all the religions people would come out and do the oppsite. Today? I have read kjv. I noticed that there are so many coming out of the wood work , gay, lesbians , trans, liars , thieves, sexual content , tarot and predidicting the future, sluts, men who are antiwoman. Family that mimic what i do and say. I have tech attached to my skull . The people around me does as well..they are programsd to undo what ive done 7 hours before . Why is all that. The lord says its ok to use tech, to harm someone ? Tech controlling what people do and say? The other one that is around, she goes to church . Why? Why do that to harm and steal from them? Keep them poor by knowing all they do? No right to privacy? The entire town is being controlled . County being controlled ? Why the tech...they dont want people free? Constitution is now nothing ? If they control the persons brain they control gods outcome for them? And they keep harming then blaming the victim. Where is god in the controlled tech world . Did tech over step there boundaries ?
@johnsonglaude8721 3 месяца назад
Amen! Keep preaching the Word!
@Elevation27 3 месяца назад
Another case of “Please don’t look at/into the Septuagint LXX”
@mark9531 2 месяца назад
The King James translators depended heavily on the LXX Septuagint. Yet modern versions did not use the LXX Septuagint at all.
@AVKingJamesBible Месяц назад
The Septuagint is a sham. “Scholars” always repeat that the Septuagint was created in 285BC and that Jesus and His Apostles used the Septuagint. They didn’t. This lie is pushed because the Septuagint contains the Apocrypha which contains many unbiblical teachings, many of which Roman Catholicism uses to push much of their nonsense. There is little to no evidence that holds water that proves a BC Septuagint nor that Jesus and his Apostles ever used it. There is so much deception. Satan is working so hard to attack God’s Bible (in English The King James). I urge you to check out David W. Daniels work. He has an entire series on here about the Septuagint and has written books that speak directly to this issue. One is called “Did Jesus Use The Septuagint”. Search for chicktracts on here and look at his play lists. You will find the one for the Septuagint.
@mark9531 Месяц назад
@@AVKingJamesBible Good afternoon AVKingJamesBible. You said; "He has an entire series on here about the Septuagint" I don't know why David Daniels spends any time trying to discredit the LXX Septuagint. NONE of the modern Bibles use the Septuagint to translate the OT. Because all scholars recognize the deficiencies in the LXX. ____________________ *HOWEVER* the KJV translators used the Septuagint, exclusively to translate the 14 books of the *APOCRYPHA* The 1611 contained the Apocrypha. And the KJV contained the Apocrypha until 1884.
@AVKingJamesBible Месяц назад
@@mark9531 he explains all that as well. Worth checking him out! He’s one of the best KJV researchers out there in my opinion.
@mark9531 Месяц назад
@@AVKingJamesBible I am interested in what YOU understand about the KJV translators using the LXX. I am not, in the least, interested in what David Daniels teaches. I would like to know what YOU know.
@Calem-ky9hu 3 месяца назад
Isnt it amazing!
@sylvesterpalermo937 3 месяца назад
You my friend are a False Prophet. You had told untold untruths in just 7 minutes.
@djaconetta 3 месяца назад
* Acts 16:31,I like this vs. so much because it is so explicit in it's message... I will attempt to break it down in regard to it's verbs..from the original Greek text...The vs. says ,Believe on the lord Jesus Christ ,and thou shalt be saved....Believe is the main verb...it is a aorist active ,imperative of the greek verb Pistos ,to believe. The aorist tense is a point of time that you believe. This is a special aorist tense that takes this point of time and perpetuates it into infinity..The active voice ,the subject ,produces the action of the verb,you believe. The imperative mood is a command. Saved is sozo, a perfect passive participle .A participle is an auxiliary verb that supports the main verb..The perfect tense show a completed action. The passive voice unlike the active voice ,says the subject (the one believing in Christ)receives the action of the verb rather than producing this action...In this case he receives salvation. So based on the original text The vs.is more accurately translated. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and at that moment ,you are saved for ever and ever.. * Notice repentance is not mention because a spiritual dead person is not capable of doing anything to save himself.