This is the channel for Chibitasm, a small convention artist duo consisting of wives Emily and Brittney.
Join us as we draw cute (and occasionally serious) artwork, make fun little animations, talk about our many passions, and make whatever else feels right.
All artists are welcome in our little community!
Remember, if you make art, you’re an artist. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not good enough- only you can be you! ^v^
chibi animation - a bouncy little guy!
2 года назад
2 года назад
DAILY DRAW - somebody…
2 года назад
DAILY DRAW - where’s Squeeba?
2 года назад
DAILY DRAW - valentines
2 года назад
DAILY DRAW - orb boy
2 года назад
DAILY DRAW - down by the banks
2 года назад
DAILY DRAW - same… hat?
2 года назад
daily draw - today is snail day
2 года назад
DAILY DRAW - this one is SONA
2 года назад
DAILY DRAW - what is ****?
2 года назад
DAILY DRAW - have you met Deta?
2 года назад
I made a my OC into a plushie!!
2 года назад
@L3Afe 9 часов назад
I have a character who kills kids .. I have yet to draw him alive , I only draw him as a demon cus he’s funny looking as a demon
@BlueSpiritFlame 12 часов назад
Omg, I have an oc for each one of those except for murderer I haven’t thought of a murder oc
@Golden_Official100 День назад
The Punching Bag: I have... Over 10 of my OCs being tragic af.. but it's either from epic story inspiration, or depression I had. And as for relatability.. they're either psychopath, or basically wronged and depressed. No happiness is allowed. Ever. The philosopher: most of my characters are somewhat based on philosophy. Even some discutable ones. The cool character: uuh... Do I have any ? I guess I do, but since I know the entire Trigintillions of years of history that my story has (literally), I know where everyone fits. The innocent child: I may have one? The Chosen one: kinda the mc, but they aren't like you described it... They are just fucking complex or depressing. Why is my story so centered with depression? The murderer: yes. Yes, I have too many psychopath characters that are just.. INSANE. One of them is literally a hater to the point of eternal damnation on one man for eternity just because he hates him. And a lot more, but this is a comment, not a description. I love psychopath, they're just so... Insane.
@Golden_Official100 День назад
The Self insert: yes, my self insert is God himself. Even though you could technically say 3 other characters or so are also si.
@purrsnickitty 2 дня назад
i wish i could make an oc :( i never know where to start and i feel like the final product is never something im happy with
@arlequinelunaire418 2 дня назад
My fanfic Persona: the Beautiful (finished btw) hits all of these: The Punching Bag - Honoka Nakamura The Philosopher - Azuma Sakurazuka, though a more negative example The Cool Character - Nightshade The Innocent Child - Reina Higashizawa The Chosen One - Lauryn (well, originally anyway) The Murderer - Can't say here due to spoilers, but if you've read P: TB you'll know who The Self-Insert - Colette Claudius
@Kanoki_Reo 2 дня назад
Literally all my ocs are murderers 💀
@fishingnxj 3 дня назад
My Chosen One is fucking stupid
@zarkthemuffin 3 дня назад
None of my ocs really fit these😭 I might have a few semi self inserts and maybe a chosen one but idk😭
@kiyohime-wl4vl 4 дня назад
Bro my “philosopher” is the one bullying my punching bag😂
@PossiblyDvD 4 дня назад
Is it strange I have no punching bag OC
@locuzpokes741 4 дня назад
Another interesting thought about Chosen ones is that I've noticed, at least on my end, that they can embody a sort of helplessness? You've been thrown into this situation with no warning, no consent, and there's no way out except through. The ability to take situations you have no control over and just keep pushing forward, no matter how much you wish you were anywhere else, is a desperation I've accidentally handed to a lot of my Main Characters. Oops
@aeolus_or_aeolie 5 дней назад
Me, with the "Joker" oc, who used to have a hopeful view of the world, but with time, started getting surrounded by the negative side of the population, which made him turn against them, think they never deserved to thrive, and go into a rampage, murdering every single being he encountered: (I never read DC comics, nor watched any of the movies, including the Joker movie, to be fair. This OC just came from my deep thoughts that came to my mind at the average 1:00 AM Saturday.)
@theespacioguy 5 дней назад
i have made 2.5 ocs that arent supposed to be an entire species and the one you are looking at right now is just a random one, the 0.5 oc that made it here is a sentient disease that can talk by using its dead hosts, it can have many at the same time thus kinda making it a species while having 1 personality EDIT: its 3.5 if we consider my self insert. but i put slef inserts in the same category as joke characters and if we consider joke characters too then i made7.5 ocs that arent a species
@_aWiseMan 5 дней назад
I just realized i somehow wrote all my characters in a completey weird typing. The mc is a philosopher character (but considering he actually dies and had the original antagonist take over a the protagonist before it introducing many characters mentioned before the first arc or through the story. As they all take over and fight in a war. It kind makes sense. He even had a powerful chosen one type student who) already wnrt through an entire almodt more interesting spin off story. Before the entire main story. Then mostnof the interesting lore comes late into the story or revealed after. Because everyone including the actually still alive of mc come together into a group. Even the antagonists eho have a whole story from their povs that really have them be the more traditional almost shonen stereotypes. Honestly i think i made everything too complex but all of it came from vivid ludic dreams i would get eay too lost in so eh.) The first antagonist later becomes the protagonist after the firsts presumed death. That actually doesn't change they still mc until the end where a lot of characters become a main group rather than one main character. With it bejng a war setting. The second to last antagonist is actually not even evil or bad at all. (He does commit mass genocide and destroy multiple universes but he does is out of necessity and goes through a very disturbing mental breakdown after tho. Honestly they fit into thr lunching bag role mornethan any other....except their secondary antagonist who is the "cool character" (hes honestly really cool and menacing. Dudes ehole schtick is he just cant die. He wrnt through everything he did too die. But eventually realized he just can't. This is because hes the living concept of nothing. Literally. Hes beyond death oe being altered. And can kill concepts because of just heat he is. This is so disturbing to the gods and the other living concepts of the world (their called essence bings canonically but its too long a name so i just call them the entity of blank or just by the concepts blike death or everything and nothing) their fear causes them to in advertently cause the whole conflict. With the entitiry that is the concept of death merging with his son. Because its the one thing he wouldn't harm and. The god of deaths who came together into an organization called the reaperd took his kid. This coincided eith teo events that literally destroyed everything because he finds his home burned down his son missing and this all happened on the day of his wifes death anniversary.....he was so mad and had so much grief his emotions had physical consequences on the world or wolrds really. And wirh teo other events similar too with an alternate versionnof the og mc and antagonist both mourning eachothers death cauing three calimitesnso bad it destroyed everything. With the "cool", character pulling himself out of it in time to stop it. He still destroyed a thrif of everything but him stoppting let it come bwck and it made a barrier stopping the other teo in their tracks. Making them a large void and anti-void respectively. The original timlines thebword eas built on collapsed and after they wete remade by the cosmic force behind reality call the eaking mind to be far stronger. Becoming an infinitey stackin and stwcking snd staked infinite amount od same stacks flodingin on eacher other cslled the manifolds. This is the settingnofnthe story. With all the characters being either from the of timeline. A essence being or new essence being as most of the originals all died to help save everything. Except for the concepet of everything eho is the og mc. (Technically its actually split amongst multiple forms like the manifold the waling mind and the essence being skull ehich is where all magic comes from. Each of these take hoses eventually too. Woth the skulls weilder being the fianl big antagonist and the waking minds host being a main character eho is teased early on and introduced laternin the ladt src. He is also the main protagonist of the finsl arcbeith it being a battle of relsity vs magic. One is the source of espers and kinetic based powers and is actively a counter for reality benders. While the ither had the ability to use all magic known and not and used it in a scene at once. Callinf it allmag or all maja with the rest of magic being cut off but keeping the full ja sound of the g. The coodlest scene from my dreams and the most vivid.
@FiereTheCatBoy 5 дней назад
I'm a warriors fan and I have a few ocs. Most do fit into these Punching bag: Crumble (Parents died and kidnaped before even being an apprentice) Philosopher: Sable (Generally just knows a lot of things that he learned from traveling) Cool character: Dark (totally original name I know, with the totally original concept of duel enjoyer) Innocent child: Amber (Got tossed into the middle of multiple wars and tried to make peace) Chosen one: Risk (Alternate universes are Canon and every time she dies she goes to a new one, her soul is like 5 centuries old at the current point in the story) Murderer: Crumble, but only sometimes (Some alternate universes she gets pushed a bit too far) Self insert: N/A (There isnt a full self insert char, most chars just have a little bit of me in them)
@RyannaD08 6 дней назад
My self-insert be like: The innocent child (during her childhood years) The chosen one (the reason why she was hunted) The punching bag (those years she's hiding from the bad guys) The cool character (her powers and appearance) And the murderer in another au😂
@Fuzzf 6 дней назад
I think I’ve made a character for all of these Punching bag: a character I made as the main character of a prequel to a main story was orphaned and had his eyes burned out by his insane aunt and was tortured in an asylum for 16 years before dying and being resurrected as the god of death Philosopher: an older member of the main cast acting as a wise old past his prime artist that eventually dies dramatically bc that just has to happen to wise old characters Cool character: a shark character that wields 6 kunais on chains, I just liked the weapon Innocent child: I made a literal innocent child that got lost so the main cast had to return to their parents Chosen one: the main character of my main story had such a connection with the world and lore that he only discovered through searching the lands like it was fate for him to take pilgrimage in defeating the main antagonist Murderer: one of the main antagonists of my story who sees people as worthless parasites in comparison to the beauty of the natural world and ends up incinerating a city Self insert: I never actually made one lol Tbh I wanna turn the story these characters are from into a reality bc I’m actually really happy with how it’s made
@MagnusRocks 6 дней назад
I’ve had an oc for a VERY long time, who was actually my very first oc that I’ve kept as a kind of brainstorm character. His name is Magnus (COUGH COUGH I still love him, don’t judge me. No, I’m not a 13 year old) and he’s kind of a mix of all OCs (again, brainstorm character) he used to be your classic edgy, trauma-filled, scar-covered, emo, op cat boy, but I’ve tweaked him a bit when I got out of that phase and he’s been the same ever since. I like to throw him in different scenarios or shows or really any idea I think of. Usually if I find a plot I really like, I’ll build off of it. He kept all the basic information, he’s an orphan with a sister (sometimes I like to fantasize what would happen if he had another unknown sibling or his parents came back, etc.) and can turn into a black jaguar in the majority of settings he’s in(I really love cats what do you expect from me. Also sometimes, depending on what setting I throw him in, he can shapeshift) Personality wise, he’s still kind of edgy, but only in an introverted way. He has a social life and a close friend named Luke(the charismatic character.) he really loves his sister and she kind of mothers him (there’s a set time he has to be home or she starts to worry.) Now, the twist is, I enjoy fight scenes. A LOT. So depending on the setting, he’s either a normal school dude who gets picked on (no longer super op, so he can lose and would rather opt on running than fighting) or he’s geared up with two cool daggers (he’s a knife boi, gets it from me) and does some cool fight stuff. I do a lot of kidnapping stories though so a lot of the time he’s held down or tied up (definitely more of the punching bag character.) When I’m not being violent though, there are some really wholesome moments with his sister and friends, and even some heartache. (If he gets in a fight with his sister. Really emphasizing the brainstorming aspect) 🤪
@jose2519 6 дней назад
am i the only one in this god damn insane asylum that has OCs with actual backstories instead of just tragic slop and shitty "traumas"?
@cialsimmer6647 7 дней назад
self-insert oc called me out, dude. wtf.
@THATBLUEBLAZER 7 дней назад
I have less than 7 OCs overall
@ChaosandBlue 7 дней назад
My murderer is the cool character
@kitsune7388 7 дней назад
I feel called out when you mentioned a novel to write
@Nexus-ib2ps 7 дней назад
The cool character is really accurate, I never really shared about him, I have 3 OC's I had for years, I think it's a signal to work on them and thy story's.
@Dapper_Swordsmachine 7 дней назад
Well... My characters fall into the 'Punching back', 'Innocent Child' (Tho she has just been an innocent child for about... well, the beggining of the story, considering that after some shit happens they pretty much just turn completely broken and stuff with her father desperately trying to make it up for abandoning her during an specific traumatic event... And here I am yapping too much, sorry.), 'The Murderer' (In a way I made she simply be the most unhinged thing I could imagine), and... Well, kinda the 'Choosen one', but I am not sure if it is completely relatable.
@Nova120-re2jc 7 дней назад
These are the OCs most people have? Mine are literally just some chill people with some cool powers and that's all it is to them
@shuporangporang.linoss 6 дней назад
The last oc I made is a person who is so traumatised and exploited sexually, that he believes that he was made for other people to use him as a sex toy 💀 idk I need help
@Nova120-re2jc 6 дней назад
@@shuporangporang.linoss Meanwhile mean is literally just the Urban Dictionary definition of a Florida man
@shuporangporang.linoss 6 дней назад
@@Nova120-re2jc the difference is insane-
@Nova120-re2jc 6 дней назад
@@shuporangporang.linoss Ikr lol
@Stardust-b8d 7 дней назад
my mettaton recreation(?) has probably the most (and worst) psychological trauma in existence
@thespacedinos4037 7 дней назад
my ocs are sorted into three categories (and some subcategories) the three categories? average joe, the main character (wow!) and the eldritch horror
@Omniversal_ruler 8 дней назад
I make a lot of god-level OCs but everyone says I'm fair with it (I assume that means I allow myself to lose or get hit at all lol)
@MAGOL0R-IN_DA-VOID 8 дней назад
You forgot the ones that are based off of songs.. I have a oc for a song about damn cannibalism..
@RacoonAlt 8 дней назад
The chosen one is literally she-ra
@corruptedskid4148 8 дней назад
you forgot to mention the goofy ones
@jayfox4291 8 дней назад
If i didn’t already comment EONS ago. I only made a few. I’ve never been the kind to make TONS. I typically used 1-3 at a time. Rarely have a few side ones. My characters were typically a mix of these. Not ever 1 category. And typically self insert, but also just a part of who i am. My 1st character was like a ‘rebirth to innocence & youth’ for me. Happy go lucky, and trusting, friends with everyone. The 2 side ones were like an evil & good side. Or a demon & angel who follow the 1st character trying to affect there life. At times i had ‘forms’ for my 1st character. An emo side. A murder side. A demon side. A powerful mage/good guy/chosen one. Much later my main 2 are: - a cynical self insert who expresses my rage & grief in life. Choosing unhealthy coping mechanics. But is generally also the ‘cool guy/murder’ but not very murdery. More of enjoys combat & winning. - an expression of who i’d like to be. An angel/religious character that also expresses my struggles to be devoute. And someone who can come to terms with my past, anger, & sadness. Moving forward in a healthier coping.
@StephanieRamirez-m8v 8 дней назад
Jackson Nancy Gonzalez Amy Jones Margaret
@ElGatoSushi3D 9 дней назад
1-i normally dont like to give a trauma to characters in a exagerated way, mostly because i start to disosiate how really BAD something is, i find that a character that haves just one BIG trauma and show how much it changed the character is more tragic than the ones that haves 3924823849098245 traumas and still the same, that leads to the one character with a STUPIDLY BAD trauma i made, wich for me is maybe the poor punching bag(im so sorry for you lil dude) 2-the protagonist of my story lmaoo 3-Ino, this mf haves quite litteraly the inmortal snail power 4-Jean, another poor punching bag that this story haves(there are 4 including her husband) 5-dont have one i think, i mean, i really hate the chosen one theme and i think is hard af to make a good story with it, but if i had to put a character of mine in this maybe is the protagonist of a 3d story i made but idk 6-the literal villain of my main story(not antagonist, the antagonist of this story doesnt quite fit here, mostly because even if they kill, they do it fast, not in huge quantities unless is necessary, since they dont take any liking on killing people) 7-i really hope i didnt a self incert in any of my stories, i really hope that cuz it normally ruins the story, but only time(and people) will decide if i have a self incert
@The_Nexium 9 дней назад
YOU FOOL, I HAVE 700 DIFFERENT OCs AND DIFFERENT. (most of them is just me)
@Trixies-_-World 9 дней назад
I don't have many OC's, but I definitely have a self insert OC, who's an active character in a jjba au that I've built in my little brain (Diavalo dies in it so now it's canon 😈)
@TempestsFist 9 дней назад
Joke's on you I made my singular distinctive OC the Philosopher, Cool one, Chosen One, little bit of murderer, punching bag, AND is technically a self -insert. (every other character I make tends to flow between things with time)
@abrahamlincoln378 9 дней назад
Is that the fucking freshie armor from deepwoken????
@kingdavidsaures8479 9 дней назад
I've been all of these except for the chosen one and the killer, and I have gone from the punching bag to the philosopher of my fried group, and now I am a companion of a punching bag, so this really hits home for me.
@GhostWasHere0 9 дней назад
My version Kindhearted yellow female character. 0:45 Cool character after he gets his memories back 2:16 Same character before he gets their memories. 4:24 The twin brother of the punching bag character who also ends up a giant huggable teddy bear even as an adult 5:59 I have 14 of these guys 7:32 The cool before he gets his memories and the enemy/cursed undead child who survived an impossible accident/the yellow punching bag character after losing everything and everyone. 8:59
@ashleyjoy-is8fx 9 дней назад
60% of my characters are literally murderers and not your casual angsty murderer teen powerhouse, my murderer charachters are either the void, satan, pure insanity and fueled with trauma
@Kitsune-Jivy-fan 9 дней назад
Comment your OC's here... please😊
@Kitsune-Jivy-fan 9 дней назад
0:21 thanks😊 The problem is I can't draw so there are all written
@Oidiotico.definitivo 10 дней назад
6 Years ago, my OCs where like these, nowadays, they are people that don't exist, it is cool to think how my own universe slowly evolved inside itself.
@The_only_trueX3 10 дней назад
“Pshh, no way they can guess one of my oc- Oh fook they just did..”
@giggigo 10 дней назад
the cool character fits almost every oc I have (as in coming up with a super cool concept and building a story after finishing it)
@GeneralSand 10 дней назад
Idk abt everyone else, but I find myself only drawing the cool charater oc.
@The-one-from-some-where 10 дней назад
2:08 "If they could make it, I can make it too." My OC that has died twice and is somehow still alive: "Yeah, sure you can."
@Terra8290E 10 дней назад
I make character's for D&D campaigns, and my cool character is now a diety. Keep being cool, it pays off. He's also my murder character, but don't think about that.