Eternal Motivation
Eternal Motivation
Eternal Motivation
If you're looking to get ahead, take charge of your path, or just watch a series of life-changing videos, then this channel is the place for you.
This channel features short, inspiring videos that are meant to motivate and help you improve yourself. You will definitely find at least one video that truly speaks to you and just may change the way you think about your life and what is possible.
No matter what type of inspiration you're looking for: motivational interviews with business geniuses, speeches by great people, artist sharing their secrets of perfecting their craft, and entrepreneurs that worked very hard to be successful.
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@MrEffectfilms 6 часов назад
This can happen with anything, not just video games. Anything when done excessively can have disastrous results, watching TV, using the Internet, reading books, exercising, etc. Absolutely anything can be addictive and detrimental if you do too much of it.
@fouadbenrezzak8398 15 часов назад
Pre-workout are just legal crack I will never use them never letting my body be used to them I know this shit used to drink high concentration caffeine coffee espresso from machine Guess what after I stopped my body was doing shit always tired headache all the time the body was used to it so I stopped and I only drink time time house coffee normal one Pre-workout are just basically high concentration caffeine Some add l citrulline some add beta alanine some add creatine And some weird chemicals we can't even say their names So why listening to those dumb peds users who sell products or any supps company I myself believe if we need supps we only need two creatine and whey protein
@saud-w8r 22 часа назад
i feel like everybody knows what to do but some dont like it and rather to be lazy than actully acting on info thats my opinion maybe im wrong no is the same (;
@Brian-gs5is 2 дня назад
Yes and once you keep playing games even though you are bored of them then you start playing youtube in the background while you play, then when thats not enough is where drugs make games funner then your first time playing them. Once you get use to the drugs and even high as a kite you still cant decide which game to put in cause they all seem boring. Games will always be there, thats why its the hardest thing for people alone in there house to quit because without games life looks like a giant book without words.
@bigsamuil 3 дня назад
Elon is clueless of His competitors. They r starting to each his lunch 🥪
@richardbaer711 3 дня назад
This is why I get drunk before work. It's the only way I can enjoy it
@kristinaulrich2223 4 дня назад
Ohhh how I love to see this. Because I know that's the truth -... and of course because it is so wonderful to see Rick's presence and how he has his antennas aligned phenomenally. Elisabeth Gilbert Palmer says exactly the same thing in her book Big Magic... For me, the consequence of this is not the worry that someone else will steal "your" idea, but the worry that once we have received an idea, we miss the opportunity to implement it ourselves in our own personal way without worrying about the rest of the world...
@Pin_me_..629 4 дня назад
Yeah absolutely 100 million percent facts from this guy just described my whole life
@Icantbelievethisshit 5 дней назад
This man has a major stake in Mateína.
@Nowhatsgoingon11222 5 дней назад
Stopped drinking coffee and switched to Yerba mate and I personally love it! Coffee only after few hours I feel asleep already while Yerba mate lasts longer for me
@michaelbrownlee9497 6 дней назад
Hes right, but for a hour or two, a day, to do something interesting. I watched metas 15 minite jfk movie and was blown away, the way they superimposed the actual film.
@blamethebillionaires 7 дней назад
hes a billionaires🙄they control politics
@briancannon3987 8 дней назад
It's definitely the future 😳
@ap_greed 8 дней назад
Lucid loses hella money every year
@nexis__ 8 дней назад
Bro i have the opposite i started to care abt my look , realtionship etc. So he is not 100% right
@Dina_kayyyy. 9 дней назад
The metaverse is like a curseverse like the it’s creepy
@zsozso411 10 дней назад
Data is oddly human in this monologue that just shows you how advanced technology has became…
@a.nobodys.nobody 12 дней назад
Of course Mr. 200 Billion can't comprehend people wanting to escape reality or enjoy infinite imitation luxury reality
@amexicano78 13 дней назад
He’s scared that’s why he said that
@vmeza2331213 14 дней назад
Can we discuss that being self-critical is not being self-aware, please! People mistake being self critical with being self-aware.
@milocabral7428 15 дней назад
Yeah this is pure cope
@a200tq1 16 дней назад
yeah but before this happen you mfer will be done because of the overdose lol.
@ronaldtentschert6876 18 дней назад
Lucid and Rivian infrastructure is terrible, it's non-existent.
@Pamela-wo5go 18 дней назад
@parvisgaming1030 18 дней назад
I’ve been almost constantly playing video games for 20 years, own 10 consoles, over 400 physical copy’s, I’m in good shape for my age, I’m addicted to video games yes but I’m also addicted to other hobbies that I love at the end of the day it’s better then drugs and alcohol, only thing he was correct about is that I don’t have a girlfriend but that’s also because I work a 2nd shift in a warehouse and half the women are druggies and I don’t want women like that 😂🤣
@astralgamer666 18 дней назад
When depression comes from fellow human beings, games will save you from suicide addiction and other stupid things 40 years of life experience Go game guys ignore this dude
@shayejay46 21 день назад
Wooww maby that is what I am going true in combination with pain in my pelvic Floor, but during and after a work-out I feel so anxious and depressed and in the gym I feel watched and I don’t have any motivation left, I really have to drag myself to the gym, I now have this about a year, and it started after 2,5 years of training, exactly at the moment I finally began seeing the results I trained so hard for. Of course the pain doesn’t help either, but never in my mind I ever thought about pre- workout destroying my drive! I am going to pick myself up and try training without pre-workout and see how that goes, thank you so much for the tip!
@HassanAhmed-tl3mu 21 день назад
Great content 💯
@audreycandycornaudreycandy2750 21 день назад
Today I was Born thanks Goggins
@Thisishard2333 22 дня назад
Rivian will never make money. Every household in America would have to buy one just to break even . Volkswagen just wasted 5 billion
@Snookenu 24 дня назад
Omg i get it, but never will
@minichanti 26 дней назад
"Actually, there is no evidence to suggest that abstaining from sexual experience enhances a person’s capacity for attaining either the fourth or the fifth state of consciousness. Indeed, there is much evidence to the contrary. The “struggle with the flesh” that engaged such a large proportion of the energies of hermits, monks and “holy men” produced, in many cases, mere cripples and neurotics or devil-obsessed psychopaths whose ingrown lusts, transformed into cruelty, sadomasoquista, pedophiles and religious intolerance, compelled them to project their deformed fantasies onto the minds of their fellow-men, whom they then proceeded to burn alive for such fancied offences as having sexual intercourse with devils." J. G. Bennett #ConoceMas-Narcisismo #VidaVista #wakeupplatform #FuerzaExternasti #TheRoyalwe #Mibsaglezlifestyle #AyarB #Charismaoncommand #UnHombreMejor #Doctordecisive #IñakiPiñuel #Aeteracademy #SatYogaInstitute
@thomasnaliiii1314 26 дней назад
this guy obviously never played fallout 4
@zainmahmood9088 26 дней назад
Buy the FUD
@flowstateofmind 28 дней назад
I love mate as a variation to coffee
@erick7brian 28 дней назад
Andrew Shapiro
@trentstegvz 29 дней назад
Thanks for starlink elon
@thebruckler3707 29 дней назад
Something is changing significantly with Rivian!
@JaggerMackenzie 29 дней назад
Now we have VW also backing us up along with Amazon and at&T. -worker at Rivian. Your welcome 🎉
@stevengoldstein114 29 дней назад
But Jordan does not follow this, and there are many videos he has made to demonstrate it. He attacks the question and never answers it. This is Jordan TRAINIG and GROOMING you into accepting his CULT authority, which is what he was trained to do in psychology and POLTICAL SCIENCE too. Here is the design of CULT psychology he is using on you. The Psychology of Cults: How They Lure People In and Take Control Cults recruit new members anywhere you might expect to meet new people: social media, discussion groups, community clubs, events, and the like. These are typically nonthreatening, public situations that would not cause anyone to be suspicious. Cult recruiters get to know as much as they can about people and identify individuals who may be receptive to meeting a group of the recruiter’s friends at dinner or another social event. Though the chosen targets are generally unaware, these seemingly innocent gestures are the first steps to being drawn into a cult. Targeting Vulnerable Prey Receptive people are those who are looking to escape something-such as an unhappy life situation-and to belong, be accepted, and find meaning. Cults prey upon the vulnerable among us, such as teenage runaways, drug addicts, abuse survivors, those who have lost someone close to them through death or a breakup, those suffering from insecurity or mental health issues, or anyone who feels disconnected from society. Drawing in Recruits Once the potential recruit is in the presence of cult members, typically still oblivious to the group’s agenda, they are showered with love and validation. This tactic, referred to as “love bombing,” makes the recruit believe they’ve found what they’re looking for and more likely to return for group activities in the future. This is critical in the early stages of cult indoctrination since the recruit is not yet under their influence and needs to feel secure. Taking Control As they indoctrinate new members, many cults separate them from their families, friends, and jobs, slowly remaking their identities to suit the group. They may force recruits to surrender their money, belongings, and bodies to the cult’s leader and other members. Sometimes they compel new members to marry people they just met. They may use punishment, deprivation, and other tactics to wear them down. These efforts, which sometimes include threats, make new members dependent on and afraid to leave the group. Fully indoctrinated members often engage in behavior they never would’ve considered in their former lives.
@ignaciosx Месяц назад
Volkswagen wagon just jumped in the rivian gang
@JFox4587 Месяц назад
Most people are repressing self awareness with drugs and technology. Take those away and you suddenly have an overwhelming flood of self awareness. Then the person says “oh God this is uncomfortable!” And goes back to their distractions. Self awareness isn’t a mysterious thing you get, it’s a thing you have that stop running from.
@aneloekwueme3275 Месяц назад
As ai takes our job on earth.. we transcend into the electronic world. There would have more jobs lol😂
@vilmosczuczor5725 Месяц назад
I loved this
@RebeccaGorin Месяц назад
@RebeccaGorin Месяц назад
Making money is action, saving money is behavior and growing money is knowledge. The basic step to acquiring wealth is figuring out your goals and plans, with the heIp of financiaI pIanner you will gain rapid financiaI growth and enjoy the benefits of managing your finances....
@RebeccaGorin Месяц назад
FinanciaI growth was rapidly gained (gathered over 1M in 2years) through my financiaI pIanner. Got my 2nd house in May, hereby making my goaIs a reaIity.
@RebeccaGorin Месяц назад
Rapid growth in my finance was attained (gathered over 1M in 2years) through my financiaI pIanner. Got my 2nd house in May, and life has been good ever since...
@RebeccaGorin Месяц назад
Whosoever tries this sureIy acquires wealth. Get to her..
@RebeccaGorin Месяц назад
@signifidelica2819 Месяц назад
Simulation theory, by definition, insists that there is indeed a non simulation reality. When, indeed, it is all the same reality. It is all maya. And it is not a simulation of life, it is life.
@youvanshmodi Месяц назад
i couldn't really understand can someone explain it in easy words?
@steve8510 Месяц назад
Don't believe a word this far right grub says, all he does is lie
@danielcolina4266 Месяц назад
Good try Elon
@pandaman1331 Месяц назад
I must be doing something wrong because nothing he described happened to me. Maybe I need to play more.