ShouraiLive / 将来ライブ
ShouraiLive / 将来ライブ
ShouraiLive / 将来ライブ
@spidertrickstar 15 дней назад
Is it hard mode? Why did your party damage so high?
@ItsShouTime 14 дней назад
I switched to Safety to grind.
@spidertrickstar 13 дней назад
@@ItsShouTime You are in safety difficulty?
@ItsShouTime 13 дней назад
@@spidertrickstar Yes, to grind for EXP, etc
@467Productions Месяц назад
This was such an awesome game. I wish they kept the online multiplayer servers going.
@ItsShouTime 14 дней назад
It really is awesome
@__personalaccount__6295 2 месяца назад
That guy appearing out of the locker at 7:50 or so got me way more than it should have. Geez
@__personalaccount__6295 2 месяца назад
The atmosphere of the Police Station is great. So tense.
@0style 2 месяца назад
streamのタイトルはセンズリの意味と思うった😅 頑張れよ
@wassupwo 3 месяца назад
I like the drone sequence and how it boots. It's fun to watch for the moment. Between miles and Peter I wonder who has the better snark?
@wassupwo 3 месяца назад
I really wish Peter could have kept his job and it's really tiny but I like the way Peter runs up walls
@wassupwo 3 месяца назад
I like how MJ knows in this one too. I don't know how many Spider-Man media do that I know some do but I like when they do that. The surfing was fun to see too
@wassupwo 3 месяца назад
I really like the intro here and I like how Miles described getting bit. My experience with these games it is a mix of into the spider verse and a certain fan dub. But It is still entertaining to watch I think Peter would make a fun professor haha
@grand- 3 месяца назад
Amazing vid, keep up the good work.
@ItsShouTime 3 месяца назад
@ReallyMauve 6 месяцев назад
W video
@wassupwo 8 месяцев назад
Who are the others talking?
@wassupwo 8 месяцев назад
Gonna watch a few of these! Let's get crackin!
@wassupwo 10 месяцев назад
This is good! Is the fighting as fun as it looks?
@wassupwo 11 месяцев назад
For all the flak that the character got for that one scene I really like following where this is going and I want to see what happens with this character. The one thing I want to ask is how's the fighting feel? Does it feel fun to fight enemies?
@wassupwo Год назад
Best way to finally see this game. Coming from FE, Wonder what this crossover adds?
@PAIP_Studio Год назад
First... Or should I say... ichiban
@wassupwo Год назад
Do you have favorite enemy to fight? I like a lot of the enemy designs.
@wassupwo Год назад
I like this, honestly though I like the battles and the gameplay seemed a bit better than the cutscenes. I'm sure I'll get used to it, it's just that some of the facial expressions on the characters for this part seem a little stiff. That's the kind of thing that you accept as part of the game as you go along.
@Bloodspoor Год назад
Why is your transforming ass resurfacing in my feed?
@wassupwo Год назад
Missed this one
@wassupwo Год назад
25:50 I feel like unintentional or not, that little cameras angle swivel makes everyone watching admired of the beauty of the game. One thing I love about the time that we're in is things are getting closer and closer to looking like actual playable cartoons. It's great
@wassupwo Год назад
Reminds me of the movie Kipo
@attilagacser7876 Год назад
@wassupwo Год назад
Coming back to you cuz I realized that the max effect one is pretty big and I don't know if I watch that already. With this though I got to say it's very good that they give an infinite amount of shots because I know especially at long distances I would be missing a lot of shots myself.
@wassupwo Год назад
I don't know why but seeing the beginning of this makes me think of the Disaega(?) games a little bit. Something about the main character makes me think about that.
@ItsShouTime Год назад
Oof. So close and so far... It's Disgaea, and there's actually a very good reason for that: same devs!
@wassupwo Год назад
@@ItsShouTime I try just respell that three times. Lol I always spelled that wrong. Lol. I've never played them but I've seen playthroughs of them, and the RU-vid fan video series crossover with another franchise that you might never guess.
@wassupwo Год назад
I like the tone so far!
@wassupwo Год назад
I like that we can hear what chat is saying!
@ItsShouTime Год назад
Prior to this, I had been using it for my own use for a month or so. I'm usually so focused on the game that I don't look at chat, and I got tired of that being the case. I finally decided to let it be heard on stream. Y'know, spice it up a bit.
@wassupwo Год назад
This looks fun! Happy for this playthrough.
@wassupwo Год назад
21:00 ! Vandrana drifts all right. I think this is my favorite area for Metroid prime and I'm happy we're there. Got there fast.
@wassupwo Год назад
I hate the plant level the most, and respect it too!
@wassupwo Год назад
Yeah! Get em! Get em!!
@StiffAftermath Год назад
Damn...that hit hard. Life can suck bad. But a future is coming in which all darkness is wiped away. And all that remains...is a beautiful paradise of hopes and dreams fulfilled. God promises this. His good word assures this.
@StiffAftermath Год назад
You are a very skilled, persistent and hardcore soul! Glad to of seen this video! How do you like the game? This is my fave game ever! Hope to see more! Thank you 😀
@wassupwo Год назад
Alright another Shou RU-vid fan! Let's go!
@wassupwo Год назад
God Norfair was a bop as I was listening today. Do you have a favorite song in there?
@wassupwo Год назад
I know it's not what you said but at around 4:00 it sounded like you said woot. I just find that funny.
@ItsShouTime Год назад
Nooo... That actually IS what I said! XD
@proudhandsdrawing Год назад
Huh, what? It already is released?
@ItsShouTime Год назад
Yeah. It was released digitally on Feb 8, and physically on Feb. 22
@wassupwo Год назад
Okay is it just me or do her lights on her gun go to the beat of this area?
@wassupwo Год назад
I like that flaming rotator puzzle. It was clever when I first played it. :-)
@wassupwo Год назад
Those mushrooms at 16:00 I remember those. They were just as gross looking in the original. Okay maybe they're not gross looking but I don't like the way they move. Lol
@wassupwo Год назад
Got your controller and a mouse showing, that's freaking cool
@wassupwo Год назад
This may be another thing that's been on there but I also appreciate the text transcribing of what you say. I can understand what you say 90% of the time but this helps for the other 10% when I can't. I'm sure someone else is help buy it too
@ItsShouTime Год назад
I did say I "Did something special"
@wassupwo Год назад
This remaster is TOO beautiful so far! Looks better than even my nostalgic memories of the original! Gonna be fun
@wassupwo Год назад
If there's anybody I'm going to watch a Stray play through with it's going to be this one. I didn't watch other people stray playthroughs for very long but this one's going to be interesting!
@ItsShouTime Год назад
Stray is actually one of the games that I specifically got a PS5 for. It took me so long to play it because I couldn't find anything about its accessibility options in reviews and so on. Luckily I renewed and upgraded my PS+ last month, and Stray is included in the subscription.
@wassupwo Год назад
I wonder if that there skill tree will be super deep? Like final fantasy 10 levels deep.
@wassupwo Год назад
I liked the puzzle and commentary from the last one. This ep would be fun.
@wassupwo Год назад
Glad I get to watch the game this way I haven't really seen any other footage of it so this is going to be a fun way to start. Going to be a chillstream as usual! :-)
@ItsShouTime Год назад
I tried to get a review copy but was denied. I really want to play the game but I'll have to buy it first and I'll get around to doing *that* sooner or later. I don't know when lol
@wassupwo Год назад
This all looks amazing and it probably feels even better. Mars though, Mars just looks like wow.
@ItsShouTime Год назад
@wassupwo Год назад
I do like this. You three work well together. This is going to be a fun watch.
@wassupwo Год назад
Reminds me of CSH, in a good way.
@ItsShouTime Год назад
It should! it's by the same devs -- Zeboyd Games
@wassupwo Год назад
@@ItsShouTime Diner scene has me thinking of sailor moon, in a good way. Saturday afternoon cartoon vibes. :). So cool they made another
@ItsShouTime Год назад
@@wassupwo AND they gave me early access and gave me the ok to stream it. The game actually just came out on Steam yesterday (November 10)
@wassupwo Год назад
Awesome game
@wassupwo Год назад
Nice Shrine clear and pretty much flawless fighting. I'm surprised you didn't drop one of your weapons for Rusty Broadsword