Historical analysis from the bottom up.

Stories from history focusing on the daily lives, struggles and ideas of the working class from the classical world to the present.
The Lost History of Roman Women
16 часов назад
How Nero Ruined the Olympics
Месяц назад
Sulla, Rome's Bloodiest Dictator
2 месяца назад
Boethius and the Last Romans
2 месяца назад
Rome, the Far Right and the Future of History
2 месяца назад
Were Ancient Romans Racist? It's Complicated.
5 месяцев назад
How Historians Know Jesus Existed
5 месяцев назад
Brutus, Caesar and the Ides of March Conspiracy
6 месяцев назад
The Praetorian Guard: Rome's Deep State?
6 месяцев назад
How Greed Destroyed the Roman Republic
6 месяцев назад
Would Roman Elections Pass a U.N. Inspection?
6 месяцев назад
The Anti-Romanism of the Gospels
8 месяцев назад
Why Constantine REALLY Converted to Christianity
9 месяцев назад
Rome's Most Wanted - Caesar the Fugitive
10 месяцев назад
Why Men Think about the Roman Empire (A Theory)
11 месяцев назад
@AxelPoliti 37 минут назад
Gratias vobis magnas ago.
@AxelPoliti 57 минут назад
Thank you very very much. Your documentary elevated my quite strong classical formation, with a wider view. Well done!
@charlespayne1707 2 часа назад
Sulla was a reactionary. Both his first and second March on Rome were in reply to actions by Marius and his supporters. First Sulla was removed from his command against Mithradates to satisfy the vanity of Marius, whose declining health made him unfit for the task. After Marius seized the consulship he went on a murderous rampage against his Optimate opponents. I'm not defending Sulla's actions but both sides had blood on their hands.
@LonnieDavisMusic 2 часа назад
This channel is all gas all the time. Fire
@jamesconnolly5164 3 часа назад
That's all a very interesting way of interpreting things... through the antiwhite narrative.
@DiomedesDioscuro 3 часа назад
Palestinian town of Bethlehem? 🤔
@ElNuevoEstado 3 часа назад
Is this guy a Jew?
@ericchang9568 3 часа назад
Most Americans don't understand for from Greek, Roman, Magna Carta, all the way to 1776 American founding fathers, the so called Republic is really just a partnership agreement between elite slaves owners.
@daviddavenport9350 4 часа назад
We must remember that Julian as a youth was taken in by his uncle Eusebius, one of the great early fathers of the Christian movement. An Julian was a professing Christian for awhile....
@rsimpson69 4 часа назад
Rome's republic surely had imperial factions before it wore the title of empire Lamenting its decline and fall seems counter to any honest desire for human flourishing
@josephlongbone4255 4 часа назад
Constantine was full of it. He was such a pathological committer of Fratricide that he only confessed his sins to a priest on his deathbed, as it was only then that he could guarantee that he wouldn't murder any more of his own family.
@ollikoskiniemi6221 4 часа назад
Or maybe he felt true remorse and did not have any reason to hide the truth anymore.
@josephlongbone4255 4 часа назад
My guess is that Caesar's last words were properly something along the lines of: "Ow! A knife!"
@Cor6196 4 часа назад
Your comment, echoing Tacitus, about the immediate impact of war - the blood and death - followed by the long-term consequences - the heartbroken grief and bloodthirsty longing for vengeance - is very apropos today in both the civil conflicts and cross-border wars we see around the world. Their immediate impact is deadly and heartbreaking, but you remind us not to underestimate the longterm aftermath, the bitter hatreds that are now being unleashed to prey upon the living for uncountable decades, even centuries.
@alecscott4349 4 часа назад
Commenting to boost visibility for this video, one of my favorite channels on RU-vid.
@stevidente 4 часа назад
I use Tribune’s veto.
@lordteapot9740 4 часа назад
I'm fine with reforming the senate provided all small states are given the opportunity to leave the union. fair?
@Kuudere-Kun 4 часа назад
The idea that there was no actual ideological disagreements ruling anything about this civil war is one I would have hoped a channel like this would be more skeptical of. You actually make Tacitus sound more neutral then he actually was by downplaying how he was a Propagandist for the Flavian Dynasty, as was Suetonius. It served their interests to paint Nero as a Tyrant and the Year of the Four Emperor as Horrific Chaos to discourse further rebellion against Flavian rule. And it often serves the interest of Victors to deny those they defeated actually believed in anything.
@iworkharvey4103 5 часов назад
IMHO, this is another excellent video using the founding of Rome to illuminate a great theory of the interconnected roles and significance of history, myth creation, and culture on society
@bill9989 6 часов назад
Using BC and AD doesn't make you a Christian any more than donning a yarmulke at a Jewish funeral makes you a Jew. I know, ive done it several times and I'm still not Jewish. BC and AD is simply Western Civilization.
@tribunateSPQR 5 часов назад
I agree, just as using the prevailing academic convention of BCE and CE doesn't make mean I'm not a Christian
@bill9989 3 часа назад
@tribunateSPQR I seldom agree with Neil Tyson DeGrasse, but I agree when he says he uses BC and AD simply to give respect to the people who devised the dating system we use. To me, you can jettison the system if you feel it is inextricably connected to Christianity but then use an entirely different system. Furthermore, BCE and CE begs, "what exactly is that event that delineates the "Eras?" Of course, there is no event that makes the Common Era common to Asians and Patagonians and Innuits and Europeans etc etc etc. It's nothing more than an avoiding substitute. And it's English, correct? Does "Before the Common Era" produce the same "BCE" acronym in other languages? If not, isn't that language chauvanism? At least AD is Latin.
@tb1974 6 часов назад
Finally, I never thought I'd run into someone else who thought like I, Cato was most responsible for the destruction of the Roman Republic. Cato the Younger was one of the most evil people in human history.
@sugar_walls 6 часов назад
i do my little like and comment for the algorithm because it's another banger boss
@tribunateSPQR 5 часов назад
thank you - the support and feedback are greatly appreciated
@SingularMK 7 часов назад
Good vid
@illerac84 8 часов назад
I imagine Marc Antony watching this and only managing to comment, “snivelry,” at your conclusion. 😏
@rursus8354 9 часов назад
I think this video is not providing a plausible story. It isn't properly knowledgeable regarding the late development of neo-Platonism. Paganism at this time was monotheistic, with the One at the top, then the Demiurge (which was a good, although deficient Platonic reflection of the One). The Hellenic/Roman gods in this monotheistic system were simply manifestations of natural forces and indirectly of the will of the One via the Demiurge, and can be compared to an unruly flock of angels or later on: saints. Denigrating Julian because of a failure to understand what Paganism was at the time, does not make a good impression. I think you should remake this video, and this next time make it properly.
@DiomedesDioscuro 10 часов назад
O Apella? O Zeuxis? Those are no gods names.
@nebojsag.5871 10 часов назад
Wasn't there also a Celtic invasion that defeated the Greeks at Thermopyle in exacly the same way as Xerxes?
@MatthewCaunsfield 10 часов назад
An effective way to put a face on the tragedy of war
@pravinshrisunder5094 10 часов назад
Jesus came to India in his missing years from the age of 12 to 30.. appeared in Judea at 30..Aftrr escaping crucifixion he again came to India and died at ripe age in India.. His tomb is in Kashmir, India.. St Thomas the deciple of Jesus came to India in 52 AD.. established churches in south India, died in India..
@wimokaharawira8443 11 часов назад
The Germans wiped us their in world war 2, we didn't even put up a good fight
@rursus8354 11 часов назад
This "god of battle fields" is not a god of mine. I don't care about historical plans, but priests that defend their sociopathic kings and call them "elected by God", have a cynical influence on their religions, that in the long run makes poor people in the lowest classes feel abandoned by God, and truly learned people look down their noses upon the priests.
@PerpetualAbidance 13 часов назад
Abolish the Senate.
@pablolongobardi7240 13 часов назад
I like the focus on the human aspect that this channel has
@AxelPoliti 13 часов назад
USA not yet a Caesar, but a Cosimo de' Medici several ones
@WorthlessWinner 13 часов назад
I was expecting the WW2 Germans to show up at Thermopylae ;P That pass had so many battles even in modern times ._.
@iam.damian 14 часов назад
@Lawrance_of_Albania 14 часов назад
69 the year of chaos. 69 is pretty iconic number you know?
@ianmorrison9480 15 часов назад
The background music was distracting and unnecessary.
@STR33TJESSUS 15 часов назад
Many were brutally raped before being crucified on the cross
@marybennett4573 15 часов назад
Love these vids!
@benjaminsente7430 15 часов назад
@m.streicher8286 16 часов назад
the intro sting always gets me in the mood
@alex_zetsu 17 часов назад
I know that the Carthaginians in the 3rd Punic War weren't even of Hannibal's generation, but man was that effective. Rome never had to deal with them again. I think we can learn a lot about how to use a victory from them.
@f1nalgambit381 17 часов назад
Can I become a member?
@tribunateSPQR 15 часов назад
Yes absolutely- just follow this link: ru-vid.com/show-UC7Jx8j3giv0rsDX0wgz9uGQjoin
@f1nalgambit381 17 часов назад
@tribunateSPQR 15 часов назад
Thank you for the support!!
@f1nalgambit381 17 часов назад
Good video, guys
@tribunateSPQR 15 часов назад
Thank you - as soon as I saw this passage in Tacitus I knew I was going to do a whole video on it
@angelolorilla2050 18 часов назад
The year of the Nice
@odenetheus 18 часов назад
I really wish you'd make longer videos, like Generic History Videos (or even Thersites, though his accuracy is somewhat lacking). There are so many brief overview-channels dealing with Roman history, but very few ones which go into depth. It's a niche that needs more people in it. I'd rather take fewer, but longer, videos. Sadly, I guess the algorithm doesn't reward that. Anyway, great content! I really like your comparisons to modern society and thought, as well.
@robertstan2349 18 часов назад
kill all the men and sell the women and children into slavery? start wars for glory? pretty bog standard fare for the times. as much as it's fashionable to make moral judgements on the past from a modern perspective, rather try the opposite. judge this by that standard and see what you get
@GilTheDragon 19 часов назад
"Men cursed...a crime being done & in the same breath did it themselves" That's it thats the horror of things & about as harshly as it can be criticized in times of Emperors.