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SoE_VS_ Dinotaur
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Secret of Evermore (hidden gold)
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Secret of Evermore (all items)
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@lenikai 5 лет назад
@hei38cuhc 6 лет назад
@alexiyoo100 6 лет назад
where is the magic horn?
@lucianatalia8602 10 лет назад
I know this was ages ago, but congrats! This morning I got a Phanpy (shiny) at a chain of 1!
@Almbruzler 12 лет назад
dieser boss name hat sich bei mir auch eingebrannt. als ich rattus das erste mal vor zich jahren gegenüberstand ^^
@Andresete90XD 13 лет назад
Wauuu. This is an incredible secret!!!!!!! I'll try to do it very soon. You must record more secrets in this game, like the hole near the Nobilia's city on the desert. Thanks from Spain!!!!! Another fan of this game.
@dragonoid1000 13 лет назад
LUCKY DUCK!!!! lol
@SFA3Beginner 14 лет назад
mythenschärpe fehlt :P chocobo ei kann man an 3 verschiedenen orten finden, haettest sie aufm markt gegen die mythenschärpe tauschen sollen :D
@antares6479 Год назад
Ist zwar 11 Jahre her, aber was solls^^ man kann die mythenschärpe trotzdem noch bekommen, wenn man alle Amulette des karon aufbraucht, und dann zu dem Typen geht, bei dem man 10.000 Juwelen für das amulet zahlt. Darauf schenkt er einem dann die fehlende mythenschärpe ^^
@Scratch343 14 лет назад
Wait what?, cant do that on US version :s
@Aloyus_Knight 14 лет назад
This works with the UK version as well.
@umbaupause 14 лет назад
i had a 1 chain too, caught a togepi though. i didn't even try to chain, i just wanted a regular togepi. well, i won't complain ^__^
@moesie3 14 лет назад
@MrEmagicman 14 лет назад
you can't see a shiny patch at chain 0, I had it too once, but it was in a normal patch
@jacker1880 14 лет назад
no this isn't shortest chain. z33 has had a chain of 0/ no chain he basically set the radar and straight away saw a shiny patch.
@MasterNam69 15 лет назад
not to brag but i got a shiny pichu of of 0 chains just used the pokeradar nd walked into a random bush
@DeDaDoDu 15 лет назад
Da is woll jemand deutsch... Naja Nice1
@Justice1711 15 лет назад
in emerald i ran into a shiny mightyena. great colours, i called it mightygold.
@darcman0 15 лет назад
@yourmovie16 15 лет назад
wieso cheatest du? macht doch keinen spaß mehr!
@yourmovie16 15 лет назад
@joshp011 15 лет назад
Nachosareyummy: Well, in this case I'm sure he used AR, but what I explained it my last comment, that's basically how Shiny Chaining works, I would've explained it better, but RU-vid's stupid Comment Character Limit forced me to shorten it. -.- So it didn't just "appear out of the blue once he started recording" He saw a shiny patch, started recording and then walked into it.
@joshp011 15 лет назад
Nachosareyummy: Uh... -.- Do you know how chaining works exactly? When you use the Pokeradar, you see grass Rustle, you walk into it, you battle the Pokemon, you keep chaining until you see a Shiny Patch of grass. There's different types of rustling Grass that look different, Normal, Sparkling, and Shiny Grass. So what he done was used the Pokeradar, saw a rustling patch of grass, walked in it, battle the Farfetch'd, then after, saw a Shiny patch, started recording, THEN fought it. Get it?
@joshp011 15 лет назад
In platinum, I found a Shiny Bidoof Yesterday while chaining for ralts left of Hearthome City, I was at a chain of 4, I walked into normal rustling patch, the chain broke, but I ended up with the Bidoof. In Diamond, I was looking for a certain Pokemon (Don't remember which exactly, as it was months ago.) & I ran into a Noctowl, so I decided to chain for it. I got to a chain of 9, saw a Shiny Patch, and ended up with a Shiny Noctowl. In emerald I also found a Shiny Spinda, which was pure luck.
@aulsLP 15 лет назад
lol nice^^
@aulsLP 2 года назад
see you again in 12 years
@DeDaDoDu 15 лет назад
Shiny Farfetch'd is Shiny :O
@ScaringCrows13 15 лет назад
i found a shiny machoke randomly and in emerald i got a shiny todidile
@pokemonmanic5 15 лет назад
i got a shing gastly without the pokerader i found it by accident lol
@napoleon360 15 лет назад
nc 1
@TomasLinkinPark 15 лет назад
@PlusBurdles 15 лет назад
i ot shiny snorunt chain 1 non shiny patch same with aron
@DarkAhnaf 15 лет назад
does anybody know if theres gonna be an arceus event for those who were unable to get arceus and those who were getting platinum
@runekid2 15 лет назад
No its doesnt take ANY skill, just luck and thats how lucky i was ok?
@antoniosapia 15 лет назад
prove it tightass
@runekid2 15 лет назад
Rofl nerd it nots a cheat. I caught a Shiny Roselia on my 2cnd chain.
@antoniosapia 15 лет назад
cheat i kno it
@Cheezy27 15 лет назад
if somebody knows how to get a shiny dialga/palkia without cheats please pm or reply!i am willing to give lots of legandaries!
@Siex99 15 лет назад
I didn't even know what chaining was and i got a shiny roselia the instant i hit my first patch lol
@nCitoS 15 лет назад
Wow...I have the second shortest then XDD staravia with 2.
@hgcoolman1 15 лет назад
i got a brand new diamond cart, and right after i got my pokeballs, BAM a shiny adamant shinx xD lucky me
@yuna359 15 лет назад
I got a shiny Roselia with a chain of 3. LOL I wasn't even looking for shiny pokemon, I was EV training my Umbreon when it happened.
@shbshb906 15 лет назад
whew lucky my record was 2 chain for a shiny elekid
@BeastOfPie 15 лет назад
What is showing on your poketch in the beginning?
@zman170 15 лет назад
exactly. shinys aren't hacks, there just luck. you can hack to get shinys but toherwise there completely possible to catch and he just happened to be in the right place at the right ime..... though i wish i could be :[
@whatalil 15 лет назад
azumarill is actually pretty good..
@scottyknows11 15 лет назад
haha my friend found a shiny maril in the great marsh safari thing, pretty worthless pokemon haha it got away too.
@DarK7WiZaRd 15 лет назад
i think u r cheating how did u know that u will find shiny from the first chain to figure it ??
@Smiley7100 15 лет назад
I found a shiny shinx while walking around with no radar (WOOT!) And in firered I found a shiny geodude, then restarted but forgot to migrate ='(
@mermehma 15 лет назад
lol the first pokemon i found was a starly AND WAS A SHINY!(well after you steal rowans poke) BUT I DIDNT HAVE POKEBALLS YET I WAS SO PIED OFF!!!!! =p
@ytman8964 15 лет назад
I agree with him. No way he knew he was going to get a shiny but he had a camera ready... Well if I'm wrong good find =D.
@4Togetic11 15 лет назад
doesn't the grass glitter when you chain a shiny instead of just shaking like usual? maybe that's why ssrachmaniac grabbed a camera and recorded it...