mr president playthrough - restart setup
16 часов назад
legacy kingdoms feudal kingdom - finale
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@wombatgirl997 2 часа назад
That is so fascinating, if you are good at cyber attacks (that comes up *again*) you actually want all your allies to be really stressed out since they tend to do more impactful stuff. I never would have thought about that. Also, I am pretty sure that combined war really should have been one single war. Not for any rules reason, it just seems kind of silly to set up and immediately conclude two wars in a row.
@jtfike Час назад
I concluded it was separate due to how other dice rolls would have been individual wars against just one of the two. But after checking BGG, they said it is based on the conflict tracks. So Israel IRAN would be one war. Israel/Neighbors is another. And all neighbors would combine together.
@wombatgirl997 3 часа назад
Great use of the special actions. Looks like you're really getting the hang of this. I agree with what you said in another video, I would love to have a couple people all playing this game at once. You could even divide it up if you wanted so each person was "role playing" one or more of the cabinet positions. Wishing you the best for year two. I am looking forward to the absolute insanity that will happen when all those tension counters get added up.
@jtfike 3 часа назад
I am entering year 4 at the time of writing this to you. The strategy gets refined even more. I really wish I could show what I'm reading, but the view of the actual game is tremendously better using TTS
@wombatgirl997 8 часов назад
This game in particular definitely makes me see why so many modern board games use a deck of modifier cards rather than a dice roll. I never really got it before, but knowing that you will get some good and some bad modifiers and that they will balance out would really make this game feel less swingy.
@wombatgirl997 День назад
There is so much that goes on in one of these turns. It looks like civil wars can absolutely wreck your global position, so maybe if there is a way to get ceacefires that should be prioratized some more? Seems like something an ally in the region could try and do. Or at least a UN action.
@jtfike 20 часов назад
@@wombatgirl997 I eventually start to tackle those. This game is always one bad or good roll away from a major swing.
@Deltium5683 День назад
Hi - have you incorporated the updated changes from the errata in your playthrough? FYI - GMT is offering an errata kit on its website and should get delivered later this year but I believe they have posted the changes already.
@jtfike День назад
No. I don't bother reading errata unless I'm confused. I have been confused and found one item on the list.
@Deltium5683 День назад
@@jtfike well, it also includes some balancing as well. It’s best to incorporate the errata to give your viewers an accurate portrayal of the game.
@jtfike 7 часов назад
@@Deltium5683 can you name one? I looked at it and it didn’t have anything noteworthy in my opinion. Just clarified edge cases.
@MrSuperphil День назад
Think when its the last hour of the day there is a rule stating your only allowed to have a certain number of squadrons on petrol. Thats to stop you using them all.
@TheHawkeyede 2 дня назад
I was about to write in the old series that missing the charts/booklets break the watching of the game; great that you did the effort to restart! Looking forward to the series
@wombatgirl997 3 дня назад
Good luck! I've been watching this all along. Hope for a better outcome this time. So much of this game seems to depend on the initial roll for the US to improve their cyber security.
@jtfike 3 дня назад
agreed. It is a negative for the game. But I do like so many other aspects of it
@robinreeve 3 дня назад
54:30 Is pooling the sixes legit, as searching corpses is made for each individual killed enemy?
@robinreeve 3 дня назад
Hi 21:16 Wouldn't the Assassin block the Los between the Archer and the Paladin?
@robinreeve 3 дня назад
Thanks for your playthrough! I would not "rewind" past errors: you are bound to make many (some you won't spot), so better move on rather than redo history. Rewinding takes considerable time and this game is closer to a rpg than to a tightly knit wargame - and even in a complex wargame, there is an instruction not to go back to correct an error when long past its commitment. But thanks for explaining how the system works: it helps me understand and learn it! 👍🏻👍🏻
@UlrikNørreris-h9m 5 дней назад
I am just trying out this game for the first time, and I find your playthrough very helpful. But I have to point out, as you said at the beginning: you need to read slowly (and thoroughly!). You tend to skip paragraphs, if the first line does not apply, thus only playing half the game. For instance: China and Russia will always perform espionage. You read "if relations is 1 or 2 and posture is 2... it is not" so you skipped the rest of the paragraph, which ends with "otherwise...". Also, when you rolled a 4 on the D6-table, you concluded it was a waste of time, because there were no bills in play, but you missed the "if none, the -1AP, -1PA". But as I wrote, I have learned a lot from your playthrough. Thank you!
@jtfike 4 дня назад
Good points. I do believe the "otherwise" clause needs to be more pronounced, because I will skip if it doesn't apply. Why would someone continue to read something that fails an if statement? But thanks for pointing it out. It might have helped.
@JB-ym4up 5 дней назад
Game went south when china hacked your internet and uploaded bidenomics
@JB-ym4up 5 дней назад
Us military forces dont lose strength, you take a PR/media hit instead
@JB-ym4up 5 дней назад
The allies in Congress help with controlling Congress or introducing bills or something dont remember for sure.
@JB-ym4up 5 дней назад
Play easy mode so you can control both houses and get some legislation done.
@JB-ym4up 5 дней назад
1:09:00 you sure those rolls are d10 and not d6?
@jtfike 5 дней назад
@@JB-ym4up that does make the odds better!
@jtfike 6 дней назад
The Chinese hack that crashed my economy killed me. I did a quick check on how the end of year works....I'm going to get a loss unless I can seriously turn around a few things. I don't even know if it is possible!!
@JB-ym4up 7 дней назад
-1 drm per ap to a maximum of 2 ap doesn't mean 2 ap for a -1 drm. You would get -2 for 2 ap.
@jtfike 7 дней назад
good ctch. i will add an AP
@MrSuperphil 7 дней назад
Stuka Joe has some great cards you can download explaining the steps of the rules. Very useful to use.
@MrSuperphil 7 дней назад
I always thought a “follow up raid” was the same target again ?
@MrSuperphil 7 дней назад
Its ok you found out later in the video
@BenjaminFryxelius 7 дней назад
It's important to remember that to produce resources, you must discard the card that produce them. So you do not get any tradegoods, for instance, until you discard a card to produce with it.
@hannahmonteiro9229 9 дней назад
2:15:23 No you cannot upgrade that. You gotta *pay as normal* . You had nowhere near the ressources to upgrade that mine.
@hannahmonteiro9229 10 дней назад
1:55:18 Whatever that *bing* sound was, it fit the upgrade so well XD
@BenjaminFryxelius 10 дней назад
Great fun watching you play one of my favorite games! Happy surprise for you to get to play all the way to card 70😀 I noticed a few rule mistakes that can have an impact on your game though, I'll just pay them here so nobody gets confused: - when cards are discovered, they always go into discard pile (not into play), so you can't use them right away. - The bandit only blocks when it is played, if no gold-producing cards are in play you are in luck! The bandit does not block cards that are played later. - Whenever a card is rotated or flipped, it is always discarded. So you cannot turn it, and then use it. - at 55 mins, just a clarification: all effects are not simultaneous; "when played" effects happen at once, before other effects can be used. And when a card is blocked, you cannot do anything with it. - and you may not look at cards until you discover them (so no spoilers, even for yourself). I hope that helps, and that you continue to enjoy the game! Cheers!
@jtfike 10 дней назад
@@BenjaminFryxelius my largest gripe is the rules don’t explain what “played” means. When played or play a card. It is on the text but no action in the rules is a play action. It is discard, upgrade, etc.
@BenjaminFryxelius 10 дней назад
Yeah, I see what you mean. The rules are very compact, so it's not always easy to see, even though the phrase "play ( ...) cards" are mentioned under Game overview, Turn overview and Advance. The other instances when cards are played, they are usually played by other cards effects, that specify what is meant. But it is not like any other game I've played, so some things might seem counterintuitive at first. And then, it turns into the new normal 😀
@MrSuperphil 11 дней назад
Thought you couldn’t have more than two units in a stack ? You had two infantry and a tank together
@jtfike 11 дней назад
@@MrSuperphil not intentionally. Sometimes it happens from landings and you have to spend action to move. If I did it intentionally, it was a mistake on my part.
@MrSuperphil 11 дней назад
@@jtfike yeah you did move it so it must have been a landing i think.
@JB-ym4up 12 дней назад
Yeah you screwed up that sticker, you put it right on the boobs.
@Judgedredd1973 12 дней назад
@aelix56 12 дней назад
Press R while hovering above a dice to roll it that way it doesn't fall off :)
@BatteryH1862 13 дней назад
GS and SA are the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia. Basically Iran v their neighbors.
@ryanstewart6616 13 дней назад
First, thank you for your videos, I am really enjoying them. A couple of additional notes, when selling items you divide by 2 and round up, so Ch. 1 items still sell for 1 iron. Also, you were ambushed at the end of the story for chapter 2 (timestamp 1:08:47), when you tried to save Tam. You would skip the first two phases of the first round and the Satyr would attack you first (Encounter Rule Book, p.8).
@jtfike 13 дней назад
@@ryanstewart6616 thank you for the round up reminder. And I totally missed that I was ambushed.
@richyoz2630 14 дней назад
Watch your AP's - they are getting low and you are only in the 1st Phase - maybe don't spend so many on re-rolls unless you really need to hit that roll - some cards need you to spend AP's to stop bad things happening and a lot of the Master actions need you to spend an AP to even try doing them
@jtfike 13 дней назад
@@richyoz2630 that is the largest issue of not having any experience. Will be more conservative.
@Hobiecat181 14 дней назад
I can look at the discarded cascading events at any time so you can possible deal with them
@wombatgirl997 14 дней назад
I watched a few people play this when it came out and all I can say is...good luck. Honestly it seems really weighty for not much actual fun (probably an accurate depiction of being President honestly). If there was a video game version of this where everything just did what it was going to do automatically until you needed to make a decision I would be a lot more interested in it.
@richyoz2630 14 дней назад
You will soon get into the swing of things after a few phases - you get quicker as you go along
@Hobiecat181 14 дней назад
Read the note at the bottom of party relations should have removed one counter randomly
@jtfike 14 дней назад
what counter?
@Hobiecat181 14 дней назад
@@jtfike friend or opponent
@jtfike 14 дней назад
@@Hobiecat181 It says Max friends = 3 and I only had 2. So I shouldn't have removed any, correct?
@Hobiecat181 14 дней назад
@@jtfike yes, sorry I had a brain fart. That's maximum Friends you're OK
@jtfike 13 дней назад
@@Hobiecat181 read it very slowly and carefully. A designer told me to do this…. ;)
@Hobiecat181 14 дней назад
This is Mike Bertucelli, the developer for Mr. President, very nice and thorough job on setup. I hope you enjoy the game. I'll give you one pair of advice that will help you immensely, read everything slowly, and carefully with the emphasis on everything.
@Dell999950 14 дней назад
Sound is really quiet?
@Deltium5683 14 дней назад
FYI - GMT has already indicated that there is a massive errata update coming out and is available on preorder. A 2nd edition incorporating all of the errata is also available for preorder.
@johnbrown6782 16 дней назад
Make sure you check out 13.22 in the rulebook on US control of a hex for purposes of VP. TL;DR you need control (via a unit or blocking German communication to the hex), US Communication, and no German-occupied positions projecting a FoF onto the hex. You cover this yourself at about the 37:00 mark.
@jtfike 15 дней назад
the rules were as clear as mud. They really could use some improvement
@johnbrown6782 18 дней назад
@24:54 Units in command of an HQ include the HQ's Radio among their weapon capabilities.
@johnbrown6782 19 дней назад
@2:30 Per 6.41, disrupted units and their depth markers are not considered when determining if the position is eligible to fire or when determining how many units the position can hit. So I contend that WN62 would not fire in your double-Green example since there's only a single unit without a depth maker in the mix for determining if it meets the criteria to fire.
@daykl 20 дней назад
I know this video is years old but I just got this game and this video is by far the best introduction that I’ve seen! Thank you for going into such detail. Outstanding player aid!!!
@cptspenny7545 22 дня назад
Yep. I'm cringing every time you name it.. 🙂 Well done for even trying a third time.
@pepegasit610 22 дня назад
Actually crazy how unlucky you've been on events throughout these playthroughs
@asyncritus 22 дня назад
Title says Turns 1-5 but you actually got through 7 turns.
@jtfike 21 день назад
I guessed. I’ll fix it
@asyncritus 22 дня назад
54:44 - you cleared a hex in red's field of fire and red was on the card.
@asyncritus 22 дня назад
28:58 - It didn't matter that blue was disrupted, you still couldn't have cleared mines in blue's sector (you didn't, but you said you could have). See your errata video. One of these days, I'm going to get you to remember that rule that you hate so much. 😁
@jtfike 21 день назад
The brain blocks traumatic events. :)
@jtfike 21 день назад
The brain blocks traumatic events. :)
@andeerou 22 дня назад
1:10:42 there is a concentrated red unit on the other west side that is hit
@andeerou 22 дня назад
59:31 the infantry move was a self preservation so it was a free action