River Branch
River Branch
River Branch
To learn more about River Branch go to: riverbranchfellowship.com

We seek to grow and mature in Messiah. To gain a deeper understanding of His way, His truth, and His life. This includes both the foundation of the Faith and His sacrifice for His people. We value His pattern of discipleship and repentance so we may learn to walk our Faith together. We do not represent any particular religious denomination, movement or political alignment.

A New Journey Begins
21 час назад
Forged in Fire - Shalom in The Crushing
21 день назад
@juliacastellano3016 21 час назад
@juliacastellano3016 21 час назад
Thank you for sharing the word of God. It's been a blessing.
@gailhouse4923 22 часа назад
Which Bible do you use? Found you today. TU 🙏
@clayharvey5829 22 часа назад
I agree with greatly on what is the head of the year. So many are deceived by this
@karenscott5878 День назад
Love this video why do they cut out parts that you say.. I’m concerned someone is cutting out some of your words? I didn’t want to miss any thing you said
@karenscott5878 День назад
Amen!!! Only ONE COMING!!! No pretrib rap!!!!!!!!! Thank you no easy way out!! Only those that endure till the end Shall be saved
@karenscott5878 День назад
Amen!!! Only ONE COMING!!! No pretrib rap!!!!!!!!! Thank you no easy way out!! Only those that endure till the end Shall be saved
@vickietaylor3535 День назад
I'm so glad to find your channel. You and Michael have helped me so much. I am a older Sabbath keeper. I don't have any Sabbath keeping place I can get to. And where I live most don't understand why I keep the Sabbath and Appointed Days. So I sometimes feel alone.
@HelenaTeeter День назад
@2022TJ День назад
Praise Yah for waking me to a false teacher. Yah is always timely. Yah exposed my pride, and throned self. Im turning back in repentance. Yah's ways are pure, and they are not heavy.
@Watchman-At-The-Gate День назад
God the Son Jesus Christ Saves ​​Yom Teruah Feast Trumpets God the Son Jesus Christ Saves ​​Yom The Day of Teruah A Joyful Sound. All HIS' will Shout with a Joyful Cry at HIS Gathering of us... God the Son Jesus Christ Saves ​​1 Thessalonians 4:17 KJV: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. God the Son Jesus Christ Saves ​​ Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
@HelenaTeeter День назад
@Thyme-on_your_sidedish День назад
I recently started a new job where my direct supervisors are "Christian" and this is the first time in my 6-7 years of celebrating the feast days that I've faced any push back about needing time of from work. All my former bosses were either pagan or atheist and they never gave me any trouble about taking the time off.
@JulieCouillard День назад
Hello Brother thank you for your in dept teaching on Yom Teruah it was very exiting being so close to it in TIME. I would like to share with you the FACT that if you limit yourself to the masoretic so called text which is IN FACT but a very poor & corrupted translation done in 900AD who has been PROVEN to be corrupted by many When compared to The True Inspired Text which is The Greek Text dated 250BC from which Yasha HIMSELF read from at His First Coming. Without The True Text you will be led astray from proper understanding of Scripture specially concerning Eschatology and furthermore most importantly trusting the corrupted modern language of these FAKE jews in Israel today will keep you from knowing The True Names of Our Creator. The Fact is these Fake Jews today are Turks who adopted Judaism in the 5th century as a political play you can research this easily, they do cannot HIDE this FACT Brother. Also at around the same time between 600 & 900AD the invented their Vowel POINT system better known today as modern Hebrew you know the gimales on the letters which changes the phonic of the Language this system is imitating the same PHONIC as the first corruption of the language done in 1BC by the Phoenicians rabbis called Matres Lictionis this was a vowel LETTER system which added letters & attacked specifically the Letters of the Tetragrammaton as written by Moses YHWH they also changed the WA sound to the HU sound if you didn't know the HU sound in modern Hebrew means PROUD it has NOTHING to do within The Names Of Our Creator. Now the masoretic bunch of busy rabbis copied the same phonics as Matres Lictionis so they continued the corruption also did you know at SAME TIME between 600 & 900AD they wrote their SATANIC Talmud which states Our Redeemer is burning in Excrements NOW & it is OK to have sex with a 3 year old CHILD OR LESS !!! They are the ones written about of the synagogue of satan who say they are Jews but ARE NOT without a DOUBT & THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SCRIPTURAL ISRAELITES. I do not use ANY translation based of the masoretic FRAUD & I always verify key points in the Septuagint if you take a habit to do so you will see so many differences so much so I cannot mention them all here just to give you A MAJOR one specially concerning The End Times you know in Ezekiel 4:4 when he lies on His Side the masoretic FRAUD says 350 days for Israel & 40 Days for Judah WELL the Septuagint BASED of THE TRUE TEXT says 150 DAYS for Israel & 40 Days for Judah so we are NOW at 190 DAYS TOTAL for the length of The Great Tribulation Brother ! HUGE difference don't you think ? I used to possess a Cepher which I threw it away recently cause my disgust for the FAKE JEWS keeps growing the more I see how they corrupted The Word I used the NASB revised version 2020 Because it was done correlating with The Greek Text and the Dead Sea Scrolls they corrected it and they have strongest strong very efficient it is the ONLY translation in English NOT based of the masoretic with a good tool to see very fast the discrepancies use the NET Bible they at least give you the True Text in the commentary. These busy rabbis basically corrupted EVERYTHING of Yahawah down to the very Alphabet of His Language used for the First 5 Books. Because A very well hidden FACT is that ONLY the First 5 Books were Actually written in Hebrew ORIGINALLY aside from 2 verses in Matthew The Rest of Scripture WAS ORIGINALLY written in Greek & Aramaic Yah knew the Corruptions of the busy rabbis HE KNOWS EVERYTHING so these usurpers LIE ALL DAY LONG so much so that did you know All Ancient Hebrew Text always had to Start by The First Letter of the Alphabet cause there is a science to His madness in the encoding of His Scripture. My Point was the First Letter which is as you know the Alef, well these busy rabbis not only destroyed the Original Hebrew Text THEY went and changed the Opening Phrase of Our Scripture they ERASED The Alef like it is in ALL Sacred TEXT in Hebrew and if you put it in Now The Phrase BECOMES In the Beginning " THE FATHER" created THE ELOHIM, The Heavens & the Earth ! See how the enemy hides well himself the greatest trick the devil ever pulled is that he does not exist this is THE TRUTH. You know much better than me Hebrew and I was surprised to hear you refer to Yahawah as " Elohim" cause this is for one a plural word and it refers to the SONS OF GOD " The Benay Elohim" so it is very improper to use it to refer to Yah again a custom put in place by the busy rabbis. Specially as you read me you should understand the grave opening you are giving our enemies by speaking there title with reverence by misusing it. For the simple FACT it is EXACTLY whom the busy rabbis serve " The other gods" I mean we read about them throughout Scripture right ! The True Israelites they continually fornicated with them! They even burnt their own children to them! How much soul poisoning was involved to achieve that you think. When analyzed in the right perspective we understand EVEN MORE the necessity for Yasha being THE BRIDGE to endows us of His Holy Spirit to transform US in His Holy Temple TO GUARDE us from them! We know at Babel Yah gave dominion to the watchers over His Earth. Yahawah divided His Earth in 70 portions according to the number of the ELOHIM ! Can you see what I mean NOW you are playing with a dangerous fire Brother they get people to worship them by lack of knowledge! You have to Read Psalm 82 AGAIN understanding these spiritual FACTS Yah passes judgement on them. He shared this with us for an important REASON Brother He told them THEY SHALL DIE AS MEN ! Maranatha Come Yasha Come ! Also when Joshua's coming into Canaan is faced with battling the Canaanites do you really think it was a human Prince who withheld Gabriel for 21 days ?!? And He tells Joshua " Your Prince Micheal came to help me against the Prince of Persia " I mean so now we have The Ark Angel Gabriel with Micheal THE Chief Angel AKA Yashayah to fight the Prince of Persia and Gabriel tells Joshua he has to go BACK. Now it is undeniable it is a watcher who is the ruler over the portion of Persia they are the dominions who still rule this realm until Yasha Returns ! See how the term to define Our Father is super important and anyway there is no Greater POWER ANYWHERE than in Yahawah's Name as you know a Name in Hebrew is MUCH MORE than just a Name ! He is the Most High God THE GOD of all the gods ! We are told in over 100 verses TO CALL ON HIS NAME it must be of GREAT importance don't you think ? The Real Name that is, why else would our enemies have gone through SO MUCH TROUBLE to Hyde It! It is written we need to BE wise as serpents yet gentle as Doves ! This is how much the TRUTH is important hens why it is Written to Find Yasha WE MUST BE lovers of the Truth FIRST for the simple FACT Yashayah IS THE TRUTH. Also as you just taught Yashayah will gather His Israel at HIS RETURN not prior and definitely not the satanic UN in 1948 . lol But coincidently in 1948 Yashayah gave us the Dead Sea Scrolls to help level the plain for those who truly seek Him so we would be able to find His True Name. In Them we can read Yashayah & Yasha short form, in Greek & Aramaic dated First Century AD in fact we know Yasha spoke mostly Aramaic at His First Coming to the point He called Simon who became Peter, Benjonah which is Aramaic for son of Jonah fun fact to know also On The Cross the sign saying King Of The Jews was Written only in Greek, Aramaic & Latin to give you the pulse of the spoken languages at that time. Now Our Father in Heaven is Named YHWH as written by Moses in 1400BC The Real Proto Hebrew had only ONE vowel The Letter A and it was never written being a misnomer look into "Proof of the Interpolation of the Vowel Letters in the Text of the Hebrew Bible and Grounds Thence Derived For A Revision of Its Authorized English Version" by Charles William Walls Published in 1857 I know it is a mouth FULL lol BUT What a GEM ! Brother, Yasha must have lived with Him FOR YEARS 24/7 lol specifically Page 9 clearly states and I quote: I may here by anticipation add, will be found equally to apply to the matres lectionis, after it shall have been proved that those letters do not, any more than the points, constitute part of the Hebrew Scriptures as originally written. & page 14 states matres lictionis WAS DONE WITHIN the First Century AD confirming it all for US . So there you have it & worst actually this is from where the busy rabbis invented their fable of the unspeakable Name of God. Yes from a misnomer VOWEL. So if we add the A between the consonances we get Y A H A W A H . It means HE EXIST. referring to The INVISIBLE GOD. It is written in Scripture Yah is a consuming FIRE NO MAN can be in His presence his Light is to Pure when in all of His Glory for a carbon base Creation to be expose to Him . Hens the necessity for His Expression in Yasha everywhere within Scripture where we read accounts saying God was present it can ONLY BE the Presence of Yashayah wetter it be a Pre- Incarnate version of Yasha like at Sinai with Moses or every time we read The Angel of Yah and going all the way back to The King of Righteousness Melchizedek Who started giving His Law to Abraham and also Michael The Chief Angel who is OUR PRINCE The Prince of Israel it always was and will always be all ABOUT YASHA. He is the Redemption Plan of Yahawah for mankind. Hens in the beginning there was Word, The Word Was With Yah & the Word Was Yahawah everything was Created Through Him & For Him. At His second Coming He is going to put all the enemies of Yah under His Feet during His Millennial Reign.
@JulieCouillard День назад
So now concerning the First Resurrection Isa. 26:19 But your dead will live; their bodies will rise. You who dwell in the dust, wake up and shout for joy. Your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead. See THE REFERENCE to DAY OF SHOUT like you mentioned BUT Then we continue reading and it says Isa. 66:7 "Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. 8 Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children. See Zion also known as New Jerusalem gives birth BEFORE anything starts ! You need to read The True Text, The Greek is clear we have two separate EVENTS at His PAROUSIA ( Appearance). in Many verses the SAME WORD meaning He appears then disappears Hens why we read not to go look for him simply put if you are not invited you won't be let in the fulfillment of the parable of the 10 Virgins cause they won't have a white robe ( Glorified) here are a few verses for you with the word Parousia for your revision 1 Th. 4:15-18 1 Th. 3:13 1Th. 5:23 2Th. 2:1- 3 James 5:7,8 2 Pet. 3:3,4 1 John 2:28 1 Cor. 15:22,23 1 Th. 4:16 which is The time of the Resurrection of the Dead just prior to the Harpazo ( snatching away & changed in a blink of eye) of the 144 000 His Bride The Church of Philadelphia the virgins of this fallen World one and the same They consist of The Dead and The living DURING His Tribulation which started at His Ascension 3000 years AGO I am being very concise here but please continue reading it will make sense I promise . Like Isaiah said a Nation born in a day just before the 6th Seal when Yasha STANDS and Says NO MORE DELAY Rev 6:15 & Matt 24:27 & 24:37 it is a surprise no one saw it coming as a thief in the night The Moon turns BLOOD RED all the elites go hide in caves Then Rev 13:9 The Great Tribulation and start of the reign of the Anti Messiah for 6 1/2 months cause the Greek Text is clear what we read time, times and half a Time is in fact an Appointed Time of the Appointed Times and half in Greek a Mohed of Mohadim & Chatzi which is about 190 days like Ezekiel & like in the days of Noah it rained for 150 Days the same length of time as the locust 5 months right NOT 3 1/2 yeas nor 7 like popular teachings. We have a linear mind set meaning everything is understood to happen in sequence the seals then the Trumpets & then the bowls but no it is not so we are reading Yasha's Book and He ALWAYS Says & Does things in many Lairs with Much dept meaning like a very BIG ONION lol We need to peal the lairs because what is being conveyed is Very condensed just like His First coming in a single YEAR ministry He defeated His Enemies & Redeemed us while Establishing a New Order of things in the Spiritual world While Regaining The Whole Earth as His Portion & During which HE PLAYED THE WICKES OF THE SPIRITUAL BEINGS WHEN HE IS STRONGEST of them ALL !!! Achieving it all IN 2 EVENTS; His Crucifixion & Resurrection & had already prepared a Church whom he started to guide through His Giving of His Holy Spirit at Shavuot as a deposit of things to COME almost at the same time He Arrived back Home. So it is SAFE to describe Him as Intense and Condensed in His Actions and truly it is not even enough don't you think lol So the Seals & Trumpets & Bowls are intertwined but the 6th Seal starts The Great Tribulation which is the reign of the Anti Messiah which by the way I strongly believe is MBS the Prince of Saudi Arabia he fits the bill to a T look him up the richest man on earth He is the 6th to become the 7th in a line of Kings and will be killed by a sword which will make him the 7th part of the 8th when he resurrects with the spirit of Apollyon in him after the bottomless pit is OPEN AFTER the 6th Seal. He will probably be killed by a Muslim extremist since he is in bed with Israel by duress from the US who keep flooding and making terrible weather in His country more than anywhere else since he joined BRICS & Killed the Petro dollar last June he already gave interviews 2 weeks ago saying he fears for his life. So yes things are moving Brother. The restrainer is hard at work no DOUBT. The US have their frequency weapon called "the rod of God" every second day now for a year they have been attacking Saudi Arabia I mean as written the desert literally got changed into a reviver MANY TIMES NOW. ( Yasha is preparing His soil for His Coming Eden :) Also fun fact Mohamed Ban Salman bought The Salvator Mondi painting for 450 million US dollars which is the image of the commercial Hippie Jesus with long hair when in Scripture I am sure you know in 1 Corinthians 11:14 - Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? Again, the brainwashing of the busy rabbis So but I strongly believe He will use this false white washed image to fool the world and make it talk through his CGI hologram technology HE HAS ALREADY developed and flaunted at many festivals already, he keeps using it to promote Saudi Arabia as the new worldly destination and look into his city Neom all this which will fulfill prophecy. I do not know if know the True Origin of this false image it is actually a likeness of Cezar Borgia the baster son of a pope which was a homosexual and a crazy psychopath by the way look it up. MBS as already become a major player geopolitical speaking who holds the balance of the financial faith of this existing regime which enables him to truly prepare the way for Apollyon & with a bonus of fulfilling the Mahdi of the Muslim Quran by resurrecting will become their Messiah and he will order his extremist cells already implanted in all the democratic countries in world to kill all the infidels if they don't take his mark and how many do you think will do so because most have been brainwashed into believing this hell on earth will last 3 or 7 years you think ? Knowing some of his extremist will also take it upon themselves being totally nuts but I truly think he will use them as leverage they are his army and it is in place ready to move today as you know since you fled from the UK. Yasha is protecting you cause it will be much worst in Europe as you know. So yes things are well on the way now. The 6 th Seal will be the catalyst for all the factions of evil in this world which is much bigger than we were taught past the ice wall of Antarctica look into Admiral Richard E Bird he made an National TV interview in 1954 on the Longines Show telling the truth because he flew past the ice wall in one of his last expedition and saw many more lands He said bigger than the US green full of life with much resources then he was killed shortly after. He was The Most Decorated Admiral in the History of The US Navy Brother This man had huge parades done in His honour can you imagine and is a Believer of Course. Then coincidently right after the Admiral's murder the Antarctic treaty was signed in the same year forbidding any civilian to explore the region this is when I contend they put an extra dome under the Firmament of Yah on top of the ice wall to keep this from happening again there are films of the metal structure holding their dome every 54 kilometer around our known lands that came out this year when you are following these sort of things combine with FACT Our sky looks like we have now an 8 foot sealing instead of the 12 foot sealing sort of speak ever since Covid I figure to many people notice so they search for answers also the so called Q team of the Trump gang reveals a lot of truths now it is part of their marketing plan to make Trump look like a saviour good guy type right lol I cannot believe after Covid some still fall for it. The set up which imprisons us which the reptilians hybrids built around us was probably done when they won the Celestial war which took place over Germany in the 15th Century look it up they almost erase everything about it BUT The Truth Prevailed cause Yashayah IS THE TRUTH Then shortly after we see 1 mud flood happened then another at the end of the 17th century " I contented " The Rod of God" which just resurfaced was stolen from reptiles during the war which is ongoing under our feet ever since 2016 when Trump came in power put there by the military. I don't know if you have heard of The lost civilization of The Empire of Tartaria " We find on the maps of the 16th century which confuses the people not well versed in Scripture who keep saying we are now living in the little season of satan lol because they just noticed all the gorgeous buildings which were made a 1000 of years ago lol as if their eyes were just opened :) Look into this Chanel it proves the Books like Enoch, Jubilee's, Jasher and the Book of the Giants without whom it is impossible to fully comprehend Our True Reality ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-YwdDKk2YZKs.html
@JulieCouillard День назад
were just opened I wonder Who did that right ! This civilization was indeed much more advanced than us BUT they were worshippers of the first bunch of fallen angels from the days of Jared in Enoch who are in chains in Tartarus now hens the similitude in the Names and also the FACT they kept building 30 feet high doors on the buildings and coincidently many statutes they built have always their heard cut off so we cannot see they are different from us I contend many were Sarafims type of Angels with the face of an animal like in Ezekiel also it explains why their children are made in their likeness don't you think lol But sometime in the 17th century the reptile hybrids which are the children of Lucifer which was cursed by Yasha in the Garden and changed in a serpent as written also the simple FACT The light bearer is elevated at every level in our society so the reptiles took over Our Middle earth and kicked out the old gods of Egypt & they made an open sky prison of our realm so they could eat us, rape us & hunt us aside than what the human elites do for sport I don't know if you ever look into the multitude of disappearance in our National Parks but I tell you it its clear something is happening in them DO NOT GO in ANY Of THEM since you just arrived in North America I want to warn you they have many entrances to the underworld so many go missing without a trace and while being very experienced hikers and being only 10 feet away from their party seriously look into this. So the reptiles and their Greys and insectoids they are part of the same faction which we can read about in the native Indian folklore special from the Hopies Tribe they speak of the Ant people who took their Ancestors underground to save them from cataclysm these bunch pretty much do whatever else they pleased with mankind since many of us ARE NOT UNDER THE PROTECTION OF Yasha they even clone us in their joint underground bases with our various militaries from every so called Democratic countries who are all part of 154 countries of the Common Wealth under England they sure picked their name right what a BAD joke it all is. Basically, just like we do to the animal kingdom of Yah sad to say but it is poetic justice and totally according to His Character. I don’t know if you have looked into the meat industry but needless to say I am a vegetarian for 10 years now and I only drink Distilled Water for 7 years So ever since around the 15th century the hybrid made a big circle of what they call blue ice around Antarctica that doesn’t melt even when you drill in it. It just simple reconstruct itself and passed it is where all the children hybrid of fallen ones live ever since. Now this reality puts a whole other spin on the movie Lord's of ring don't you think ? With middle and the underworld and the unknown lands knowing all these monsters are through whom we governed to this day. The worst is they are constantly all around us we just don’t see them it is like the movie “ They Lived” literally they enjoy exposing their truth in our movies They have Technologies which enables them to cloak there ships in our sky and themselves physically aside from having a tech which also enables them to pass through solid object and alter OUR OWN perception we just see a familiar face they stole directly from our own memories they take the expression being read like book to new level lol Simply put they want to be like the Most High right it is so ever since Lucifer Fell. Haven't you ever wondered WHY there was no more possession like in the days of Yasha’s First Coming I did I mean He was delivering people left and right from evil spirits like it was a KNOWN affliction like a common cold back in those days so why did it stop now well because they made hybrids to be the habitation for the souls of the dead Nephalims as written are " The demons" condemn to wander this realm in spirit with nowhere to go. They have evry need the same as a physical being thirst, hunger sexual desires etc Yet no way to fulfill them and these hybrid being are seeds of evil ones so they will NOT put up a fight against being possess more over they KNOW Yasha will never come to cast them out. At lease not real ones another rabbit hole have you ever wondered WHY we went to being describe as MANKIND to HUMAN kind if you look it up you will find the REAL ORIGINAL definition of Human by the way notice the “HU” AGAIN True meaning: Brace yourself it is defined as men& animal hybrid. You know there is a big period in our history at the end of the 18th century which comprises of orphan trains, Worlds Fair and incubator babies to be Observed at the World’s Fair and taken by whomever willing to pay for them and the era of the REAL cabbage babies so many postcard made in some sort of painted photograph like technology like publicity flyers of very disturbing images like the babies are a plant like creature depicted as being cultivated and pick when ripped also some black and white silent Movies by Madame Bijoux a French Name which means Jewels whom we can see manipulating small infants only 1 month old MAX by their feet like a chicken and lying them down naked on a concrete floor to show case them while smiling like in the old commercials they used to make to show case a car with babies from all kinds of different ethnicities it is very disturbing to say the least. One thing is for SURE the bases of the society we are living is pure EVIL and we are SO PAST THE POINT of the days of Noah the Harvest is more than RIPPED! I am sure Yasha does what they did to us in the sense He MOST have usurped their seeds also He most definitely manipulated their babies also to infiltrate them I am SURE OF IT. After All He Is The One And Only True Creator right. The beginning and The End the Alef & the Tav Again, evil is stupid they didn't come up with anything NEW they just invert everything and make it ugly so I just know Yasha is on this like everything ELSE. My point was these fallen ones Instead of possessing us now they corrupted our genetics directly to make us more easily available and also through vaccines we get from birth filled with nano tech & Yah only knows whatever else ... Also we know maps in the 15th century HAVE NOT ICE WALL and Jerusalem is always depicted as the Centre of the World look up the RU-vid Chanel My Lunch Brake he has great History pieces we would have NEVER SEEN otherwise & you can Trust we never learned about them in school I promise lol look up his videos on Catacombs if you would see what is under Our feet my Brother specially under the so called “churches” his last episode was very disturbing so the 6th seal will be used by the hybrids and fallen ones to settle their scores among their various factions of evil cause we know through many of their cheap fables writings the likes of Gilgamesh or the law of One to mention a few how they constantly fight amongst themselves the most funny one is the Anunnaki which is a complete reverse of Genesis so cheaply written and obvious it is comical but in their version of creation the children keep killing their parents lol which is an ongoing team for them lol but still it gives us information on the state of affairs on the evil side again Halleluyah Praise Yasha Come PLEASE . So again the 6th Seal will be their opportunity through man also to create a pandemonium of destruction the likes the earth has never seen just as written The fallen ones exist outside of time they go to and fro from the 2nd heavens which is the bad heaven cause they are BARRED from entering The 3rd it is written in psalm 82 that Yah summoned them for their meeting which with the tone of Yah trust me it was their last entry and at the war in Heaven in Revelation Yasha will throw them down to earth and destroy the 2ND Heaven dissolve it if you will eliminate this frequency of existence. Now for the life of me it is one of the biggest if NOT THE BIGGEST mystery of how can beings who are superior in every way from us, know so much more than us, have seen so much than us Have walked with Yahawah were in HIS PRESENCE they can admire HIS GLORY yet they don’t think that when He created them knowing the End from the Beginning He didn’t built a sort a false safe switch when He decides IT IS ENOUGH NOW. I mean how ridiculously stupid can a being be you tell me ?!? Not a retroocular question here to asked it is answering it of course still I cannot wait for Yasha to answer me that one ! Again, hens put all the Enemies of Yah under his feet but for now they still Know
@JulieCouillard День назад
they are hybrids of the fallen & The So called bad mother Ship Is Our Savior who is Coming to KILL Them. LOL how awesome right to finally get rid of all there detestable ways ! We have been programmed since we are children to expect Aliens to arrive always some good and some bad have you noticed ? As usual the TV will play a big role to convince MEN to enter in a partnership with the hybrids who will be called the good alien lol The worst part is the ignorant FOOLS while they are standing with them little do they KNOW they were served as piece of steak with their ancestors for millennias and they will go to fight against Yasha The ONLY ONE who can actually SAVE them as it is written. On a higher note New Jerusalem, Yasha’s Pyramid is describe made of Gold adorned with all the finest jewels only isotopic stones meaning the ones who reflect the most all the different spectrum of light no kidding go read the list in Revelation and look it up Chuck Misler had expose this in one of His Teachings many years ago and it stock :) I checked and it is true not that I am surprise that the Creator of All things would keep the Best for His Holy city makes sense actually but it is huge 1200Klm x 1200klm at the base and 1200Klm high divided on 12 floors ! This is bigger than the Province of Quebec in Canada where I live. So no wonder most of the Middle East including Israel ( FINALY) will be totally destroyed during the Great Tribulation Yasha needs A LOT of Room To land His Holy City. Which will be ON HIS EARTH of Course DURING The Millennial Reign I mean please when I hear people argue about this It is clear READ ISAIAH He will split the Jorden in 4 and LIVING WATER will flow from His Throne as written it is probably to be able to able to reach all the lands of this HUGE parameter. Also, why we read many will come from everywhere on the Earth wanting to learn the Ways of Our King many settlements will probably develop all around the Walls of it but I see it like a carport type for the land under it for sure with the Mad Max scenario outside. I surely don't have all the details worked out in my head but I presume The part of the shaking of the heavenly bodies will involve lowering His Sun and Moon to transform them as a local apparatus For His City cause it is not like He wants to make it easy for the surviving monsters & the deniers & crazies left, to reduce His major Tasks of cleaning the entire earth inside & OUT taking away His life giving Sun from them will definitely make it more easy for sure. Any way it would be such sweet Vengeance for Yasha for the simple FACT we have to endure their FAKE sun FAKE moon & FAKE stars for what now about 4 years if not more WHYLE BLOCKING YASHA’S True Heavenly Bodies TO HIDE HIS SIGNS so let them make a sun after Yasha destroys the one they have now they might even keep doing fake auroras who knows the now appear IN THE SOUTH let them Irradiate themselves with their deadly frequencies for a change! The Fact is the End times "The Tribulation" has started ever since Yasha Ascended back to Heaven on the 27th Day of His 2nd Month 40 days after His Resurrection on the 17th day of His First month which I contend will be the same date for His " REAL Coming" at THE WAR of ALL WARS at Har Moged which is the same date Noah entered & exited the Ark a year precisely after again in the Greek Text hens why John tells us no one was FOUND worthy to open the seals on the earth or in heaven BECAUSE Yasha was between the 2 then we read He Appears in Heaven and He takes the scroll He has never stopped riding ever since & Halleluyah for THIS FACT ! The 3 other Horses have been riding ever since I can remember BUT the covid was a big marker cause aside from having the entire world put on a pause during covid there was a huge volcano which exploded the smoke blocked parts of the sun in a huge region & the air traffic was stopped for days at Hung Tonga the biggest irruption in the 21st Century this was the second Trumpet and Prior to this we saw the First with their fire coming from Heaven "The rod of good weapon" which has definitely burnt 1/3 of His Earth by now I mean we cannot count the so called wild fires anymore since 2016 and what about all the Dead Sea Creatures for years now do a search on this it is so very sad and all the dead during covid it was the 5th seal and the 3rd Trumpet I do not know if you saw the Documentary Watch the Waters from Dr Ardis a Brother in Yasha evidently He was led to do this work he exposed the FACT our drinking waters were poisoned by nothing else than serpent venom ! No joke I write it and I cant believe the dept of the evil in this world and 1/3 of the known world indeed died ! Coincidently there was also a supposed Huge comet which fell from the sky around the same time. Also We lost a very important Brother during that time Rob Skiba a Pioneer to have exposed the Real Terrarium of Yah The True Shape of His Hearth and so much more the true History of the US the occult the so called Aliens being in fact the hybrid children of the fallen ones the FACT the True Name of Yashayah actually mean "The One who will destroy the establishment of the eye" and so much more all the 22 missing books The Fact that without Enoch Jasher Jubilee's and the Book of the giants there is no way someone can truly understand OUR TRUE REALITY he was instrumental in my current understanding of Scripture. I contend Yasha took Him during Covid cause He will use Him to EXPOSE the Resurrection Rob Skiba is very well KNOWN even by the secular world everybody knows He died 4 years ago murdered by the Remdesivir poison and then intubated to make Him drown in his own blood by the Protocol Trump signed in the White House to be enforced in all the hospitals in the US. His Wife Sheila Skiba made a very good Book on sell on Amazon explaining it all it is a hard read emotionally speaking but a very good investigative Journalism work. We are now awaiting all the events describe above before the 6th Seal which is the Start Of The Great Tribulation so we are in FACT living about 7 months from the Year of Our Creator 7000 How AMAZING THIS IS !!! WE get to see it all unfold How many before us would have given their lives to live what we are all about to live even those on the wrong side of the fence ! I hope these writings can help you I just know I was lead to write them to you I can assure you your videos have help me to achieve better understanding and I always found you to be ones of the best example of what a teacher should be. You did a video concerning Baptism once and when I heard you say in front of your congregation you would ONLY Baptise someone you really knew someone who’s walk was intimately known by you it touched me Your Reverence is an example to be followed and is inspiring and I thank you for it for Yasha's sake. Fill free to comment I would like your feedback.
@KatrinaTahar День назад
What is my purpose for pursuing the Bible? To know The Creator, to know His ways. to know His character. Is The Most High's character to separate His people from the nations? Explore the rich history of intercultural exchange! The Egyptians' lunar moon calendar, also used by the Babylonians, Israelites used the lunar moon calendar during their captivity in Egypt. 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘂𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝘀𝗸? Did the Most High liberate His people from Egypt and Pharaoh's authority only to introduce them outlined in Exodus 12:2 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗹𝘂𝗻𝗮𝗿 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗰𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗶𝘁𝘆? Did you ever wonder why there are Babylonian month names right in our Bible? Listen to part 1 Eddie Chumney go into precise detail on what calendar is Biblical. m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-2jhGkCdLYIc.html&si=iNMu-nt5s3HtG8hP&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0cMLYifPs2QjhjJv7LxemEN1k-fY6TOZFsl1d76dHSRvOW9JGUKCLg9p0_aem_krimi6qGgq2bKErPYPZ_Sw
@Balthirin 2 дня назад
Just wondering if anyone has linked the 10 days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur to the 10 days of imprisonment mentioned in revelation 2:10?
@Thyme-on_your_sidedish День назад
Interesting. Something to look into.
@torahtruth4us58 2 дня назад
Love the graphics!
@BradRowan-mi4tk 2 дня назад
My first time hearing your teaching.. very much appreciated
@Psalms1-gp5gi 2 дня назад
Shabbat Shalom
@samanthahudson-kemp204 2 дня назад
S H A B B A T S H A L O M B E A U T I F U L F A M I L Y I N M E S S I A H Y E S H U A 📯🎶🕊❤️‍🔥🙌🥹
@Carol-799 2 дня назад
Thank you so much for speaking about "the 2 exodus" not being biblical. ❤
@lorrainesatko698 2 дня назад
@christinemancuso2880 2 дня назад
My daughter and I joined live for the first time today after following the ministry for over a year. Not only have we grown in our understanding of the Scriptures but also been challenged to rid ourselves of the leaven we inherited and till up the ground of our hearts. My daughter is 19 years old and went through a very debilitating time of health issues and while bed ridden was strengthened in her faith while listening to your teachings. The spiritual growth I’ve seen in her is amazing! May Elohim and His Ruach continue to prepare the Bride of Messiah through this ministry. Just a quick thought on today’s teaching. The first few chapters of Revelation seem to echo Isaiah 58 and Ezekiel 33. Yeshua is the voice of the trumpet, calling out through His Spirit like a watchmen. His trumpet reproves His assembly of their transgressions and spiritual adultery, calls them to awaken and repent, warns of coming judgment, and offer hope to those who overcome. The consistency of the message to me is so powerful.
@jamescolletti7370 2 дня назад
That is so awesome and truth behind your insight.
@gtw4546 2 дня назад
Lovely to teach each moed in the lead up. In the past, I’d watch an old teaching prior to but now we get fresh!
@gtw4546 2 дня назад
Nice beginning graphics, but I miss the stirring vocalization from the old OB intro.
@wendyhallgren3595 2 дня назад
I loved that also
@truthdaisy2098 2 дня назад
Wonderful!!! Shabbat Shalom!!!
@JT-ip3ch 2 дня назад
Thanks for another great teaching!
@cindyfinlay 2 дня назад
Guilty for thinking you were taking everything down! Lol glad to hear they'll still be available.
@missco2820 5 дней назад
could old teachings be transfered to your new site? These teachings are still needed.
@laytsirhco 6 дней назад
ty for sharing, inspiring !
@mamatodd6233 7 дней назад
Your past teachings are helping people mature in the faith. I encourage you all to leave them up. They are not replacing real fellowship if anything they are helping people engage by sharing them in ways that you have no idea of. ~ Blessings as you continue to move forward.
@BrandonAsbury 8 дней назад
Love it guys, yah has had me picking these last few Torah portions and making them my own study been enjoying it !!! As well I'm currently working through the plan of redemption series !!! Please don't delete I'm almost done 😂😂 Michael mind blowing studies dude 🤯
@gwendolynsmith6150 8 дней назад
Thankful our 2 teachers/ ABBA 's servants are now providing lessons and together. Have received many blessings from you both. ABBA bring much renewal through River Branch Queensland, Australia
@Becca0082 8 дней назад
The number 8 had come into my dream a few weeks ago. Im not a number sign person, i only looked up the number in the strongs concordance to test it. And new beginnings is one of many meanings in hebrew. So i held on to what was good in that study and now im here! Unfortunately i had to leave the messianic congregation. Im not quite sure where He wants my daughter and I, but im encouraged to be focused on today. And today your message popped up. Id never seen your channel. Im trying to edit down, the too much studying and not coming to the full knowledge of truth by not having too many voices. Huge conviction already in this message. I pray i can be a good sister here. I was encouraged by our father to get back to the beginning; in the garden. On earth as it is in heaven we are to live. Thank you. Praise Yah
@lisakain1517 День назад
Welcome sister Becca❤️
@MichelleWillick 8 дней назад
Are you going to have a platform where you are located, where we all can (if able) to meet in person? Especially the Feasts!!!
@NatserimFellowship 8 дней назад
Shalom brothers. Hathal from DS6. Is it alright I download the teachings I use often as reference and upload them on my own channel? Without editing anything of course and keeping your old names. Yah’s blessings upon you.
@kathrynfrancis7400 8 дней назад
Thank you Wayne, your testimony is so powerful, even more so now you have this particular part of your journey.
@bobvieira6844 8 дней назад
i am bedridden. Your teachings are a blessing. i
@dews3340 8 дней назад
Shabbat Shalom. Michael you look very well rested. Nice to see you both. Psalm 1....... From the Ozarks USA
@jannettedundon6598 8 дней назад
So so blessed to hear your voice Michael
@kiwidude2 8 дней назад
The two become one, be blessed
@Keturah53 8 дней назад
Some feedback. Micheals mic is a lot louder than Curtis, and as such, sounds like he is yelling. Is tgere any way to get tge volumes to sinc? Or could Micheals turn his down a bit.
@kimfrazier3690 5 дней назад
They sound equal on the volume level to me.
@nathannewell5512 9 дней назад
@JamBone30 9 дней назад
I happy to see and be apart of this new beginning, at pray it strengthens the roots of all who follow in this journey!! I have a question and figured I would ask it here, earlier this evening my wife asked me a question that I wasn't able to give a solid and concise answer to. She asked me why did Messiah say on the cross, Father why have you forsaken me, if Messiah was Yah in the flesh, why would he be talking to himself, saying why have you forsaken me?
@territodd7636 9 дней назад
So glad you are back and together ❤
@JulieCouillard 9 дней назад
Wow such an amazing teaching guys ! Thank you Brethren I wanted to let you know that Elohim is a plural word which refers to the sons of Yahawah and cannot be used to define The Most High God of ALL the gods. I am sure you would like to know. Also it is well known that in The Ancient Hebrew YHWH as written by Moses in 1400BC was written in True Proto Hebrew in which there was only ONE Vowel The Letter A and it was NEVER written being a misnomer so to be able to prononce it adding the A we get Yahawah. The misnomer vowel is actually from where the fable of the unspeakable Name of Yah really comes from done by the busy rabbis if you didn't know. Also look into the FACT that ALL Sacred Ancient Hebrew Text always started by the First letter of their Alphabet which is as you know the Alef now the Text we read today in the First line of Genesis does Not hens the tempering of the busy rabbis and it changes The First phrase when corrected to in the Beginning THE FATHER created THE ELOHIM and the Heavens & the Earth. Look into this Fact hens my comment above. Very typical of our enemies who still govern us today ever since Babel to erase their existence and confuse the mind don't you think ? ( Psalm 82) Also In The Dead Sea Scrolls dated First Century AD we can read in the Greek & Aramaic Yashayah & Yasha which means Salvation for the Name of Our Redeemer in its short forme. The names Yahusha or Yeshua as for Yahweh or Yahuha and every other are all the result of Matres Lictionis a vowel LETTER system which ADDED vowels and attacked specifically the letters of the Tetragrammaton in 1BC done by the busy Phoenician rabbis & copied and made worst by the masoretic rabbis when they invented their vowel POINT system better known as paleo Hebrew still in use today at the same time they wrote their satanic Talmud & masoretic translation fraudulent so called text in 900AD so we would never call on the right Names. So you know the "HU" sound in Hebrew means proud & has no place in Our Father's Name nor in Our Redeemer's Name as I am very sure you will agree. Thank you for taking the time to read me.
@DonkeyMusic777 9 дней назад
Well said Brothers. We all need to be on the same page. We may all have some differences of understandings at the moment but we must journey to together discover the ways of our Master.
@gloriacaldwell1251 9 дней назад
I wish I had a live fellowship locally. Everyone around me is very Jewish tradition. I have a scripture study with friends in my home and listen to you guys on sabbath. I am praying Yah brings more to our study as a family of scripture believers searching truth.