New Testament Studies: Jude -- David Pawson
6 месяцев назад
@donaldyanzu9813 3 дня назад
❤❤ amen
@rpzxjp6544 3 дня назад
@sue9151 4 дня назад
When you read the stories of the bible. God doesn't pick powerful people or politicians. HE picks simple people like micah and David that fought Galoth .He picked saul and changed his name to paul the Apostle. TO show the world 🌎 what jesus christ can do .He can turn a simple person in to a king for Gods Glory. Imagine what he can do for you .He Will show you what your true purpose is .The meek and mild will inherent the kingdom of God. The humble the ones that have suffered. GOD wants them to have a better life when God comes to Earth 🌎 And for a 1000 years they will be important part of running the world 🌎 Jews ✡️ and Gentiles are now 1 and we have a lot to thank the jews ✡️ for the holy bible for a start .And even the Tomato 🍅 and so many great things in the world 🌎Best doctors surgeons jewellers Very talented people a gift from God .isreal is only a small sliver of land compared with the rest of the world 🌎. AND everyone is jealous of them how well they have done with that small piece of land .The world 🌎 could learn of the jewish ✡️ they help each other in there community. NO homeless people living there in tents they look after there people. And lots of different people from around the world live there and are welcomed and helped by isreal. And prior to HMAS invading Palestine 🇵🇸 and building all those massive tunnels underground. jewish and Palestine's were baby sitting each other children. YOU do that if your enemies. HOW do you know if God is real the ✡️ Jew because they have been with him since day dot .The Devil 😈 wants islam ☪️ to rule the world 🌎. AND Kill all jews Christians ✝️ any one that doesn't want to be a forced Muslim. There seems to be 2 God in this world 🌎 One that says love ❤️ your neighbour love your enemies and pray for them .That is the God worship jesus christ the God of love ❤️ And any God that doesn't teach that isnot one of love .
@sue9151 4 дня назад
Sounds like history hasn't changed in Michah days and these days .
@rpzxjp6544 5 дней назад
@Anna-mc1sj 6 дней назад
Praise the Lord
@rpzxjp6544 6 дней назад
@rpzxjp6544 6 дней назад
@rpzxjp6544 6 дней назад
@Anna-mc1sj 7 дней назад
Praise the Lord
@dianadickieson4873 7 дней назад
The moon 🤣🤣🤣🤣you cannot believe that lie. They did not go to the moon!
@Anna-mc1sj 8 дней назад
@rpzxjp6544 8 дней назад
@sue9151 8 дней назад
Daniel at 93,saying he is old .Look at America how old they are running the world 🌎. BUT if they were as great as Daniel the world would be a better place .Honesty and integrity and justice and fairness and work for the benefit of the world 🌎 not its demise. There would be no homeless people everywhere and families would be able to feed their families. Any one that is with God and his values and guides how for the world 🌎 could be a better life with the proven manual the Holy bible and its teaching. It's was God that invented Government's Equal.righrs charities hospitals school universities everything good for mankind. ❤
@sue9151 8 дней назад
Daniels Faith saved him Faith is knowing nothing is impossible with God and it isnt .if you think the bible is a Farytale it won't be a happy ever after for you. When it could of been if you believed and had Faith. If you think of any Fairytales it all ways starts with once a upon time and ifyou have Faith and believe its ends with lived happily ever after .With Christ ❤
@Anna-mc1sj 9 дней назад
Praise the Lord
@rpzxjp6544 9 дней назад
@lijiao5768 9 дней назад
聖詩《主往何處 Where my Lord Goes 》 作词:王怡牧师 作曲Melody: 曾冬弟兄 Zeng Dong; Translation (original author: Wang Yi, translator: Allan Liang ,Vancouver, 20-6-2024 ) 1、耶路撒冷,为何独坐,城门女子,别为我哭。 髑髅路上,狭窄之地,主往何处,我也要去。 2、十字架上,低头顺服,宝血涌流,澄清万物。 真神儿子,受苦受死,如何纪念,每天舍己。 3、人子被杀,基督复活,万古长夜,一灯即明。 山川河流,肃静静默,基督耶稣,天上等我。 4、万世以先,主已拣选,浩大恩典,亘古常在。 今饮主杯,今领主饼,身体灵魂,以马内利。 副:我们从亚当里,迁在爱子国里,求赐我们旌旗,在尘世间扬起。 求主按你旨意,不按我们意思,基督啊往哪里,我往哪里,(1,2)我也要去(3,4 以马内利)。 耶路撒冷,圣洁公义,真神儿子,以马内利。 主往哪里,我往哪里,我也要去。
@rpzxjp6544 11 дней назад
@LindaMcDonnell-yq5pn 12 дней назад
I’ll say what I want to say for this whole book. He is a truly gifted teacher I have learned so much from his teaching. When I get to glory I wiling thank him for his faithfulness to help me grow in our Lord. Shalom
@malinidyonisius128 12 дней назад
Amazing anointed teacher. Bless you who posted it
@rpzxjp6544 12 дней назад
723 爱人歌
@judieweisenfeld6110 13 дней назад
Pawson does an excellent job of KISSing.
@sue9151 13 дней назад
Jesus christ would be shocked at our leaders in churches. THE pope and Mega churches that seem to be rewriting the bible. ALSO the Vatican that has there own bank 🏦 While millions are starving. They are not teaching the true scriptures of the Holy bible. They seem to think they are superior to God.Its like you own a company and your self appointed Employees are not worthy in that job because you are not going by the companies policies and procedures and practices. And would be sacked instantly and churches would be charged for Embesament usings God name to make money prosperity preachers AtM 🏧 machines charging people money for prayers 🙏. WORSHIPPING Jesus christ doesn't cost anything only need a bible. AND you only need a small amount of Faith like a Mustard seed that can grow as big as a tree 🌳 Ihate Reglion hate is a strong word only word to describe it .ilove jesus christ because he was humble and preferred towalk everywhere and thats how he crated his church. JESUS CHRIST IS about having a raltionship with. If you find a good church stick to it .But If not leave if not teaching Gods Good news .Gods wrath is against the churches the most because of all the pedofiles running churches and turning People away from God he didnt pick them running churches. HE chose his 12 but do you think he would pick any Running the churches today. NO he would pick great Employees if running like a business they wouldn't pass the introductory course. ❤
@rpzxjp6544 14 дней назад
@franroberts3135 14 дней назад
Thankyou. I did not understand the true meaning of 'lead us not into temptation' and ' deliver us from evil'. To understand evil is a 'person' and I only can be delivered by God through Christ.
@rpzxjp6544 16 дней назад
@rpzxjp6544 16 дней назад
@rpzxjp6544 17 дней назад
@Anna-mc1sj 17 дней назад
@rpzxjp6544 17 дней назад
@sue9151 17 дней назад
Iwas sitting at a coffee ☕️ shop where ilive and 2 women approached me first time ihave seen Mormons preaching in town. IWAS wearing my TShirt Peace -love Jesus Mormon lady said do you know jesus laughed and showed my TSHIRT. Yes ido she said do go to church regularly said still trying to find one that is suitable. THEY invited me to there church ⛪️ said with respect and sense of humour sorry as you see enjoy having a coffee ☕️ and struggling to live couldn't afford 10 percent of my income. As the Mormons do .They smiled isaid God bless you both 💖
@sue9151 17 дней назад
David pawson died and now wirh God .No one knows the time or day jesus christ is coming. BUT the best insurance policy you can have is by having christ in your life .And when it happens you will be Excited and not shocked that God is very much real 🙏 And no Farytale and the first thing he may say ye had little Fairh. It's Fairh by Grace that saves you and he warned the world to seek salvation. BECAUSE he died for all our sins .Become born Again clense your self in christ. BAPTISED ❤
@rpzxjp6544 18 дней назад
@rpzxjp6544 18 дней назад
求主拆毁,776 面对面
@Anna-mc1sj 19 дней назад
Praise the Lord
@rpzxjp6544 19 дней назад
@lumbywechambeshi738 19 дней назад
Thank you, Lord, for leading me to listen and get this most valuable insight on the gospel of Matthew. Blessed and anointed teacher of Truth, David Pawson🙏
@rpzxjp6544 19 дней назад
@rpzxjp6544 19 дней назад
@Anna-mc1sj 20 дней назад
@rpzxjp6544 20 дней назад
@Anna-mc1sj 21 день назад
@l39228 21 день назад
737 predictions 592 = 81% happened to the letter 318 The LORD JESUS is coming back here. The others regarding the end of the end. Ezequiel: Tire, thrown into the sea. A bare rock fisherman would sit to dry their nets. Centuries later Alexander the Great
@Anna-mc1sj 22 дня назад
Praise the Lord
@rpzxjp6544 22 дня назад
@rpzxjp6544 22 дня назад
@Anna-mc1sj 23 дня назад
@rpzxjp6544 23 дня назад
@Anna-mc1sj 24 дня назад