Paul Lange
Paul Lange
Paul Lange
Paul has had two jobs in his life and for over 30 years has been founding, growing and exiting businesses and helping others to do the same.

He confesses openly that he has also "crashed more companies than the average Gen Y has had jobs, including businesses that should never have been scribbled on the back of a napkin let alone be allowed to get off the napkin".

Paul has had five very successful exits and multiple results he’d call satisfactory. The crash and burns were, like any good R&D, business crash test dummies.

Though his career Paul has discovered several patterns that lead to success and an equal number that lead to failure in business. These patterns are behavioural and are reflected in both the personal and business life of every person. Luckily because their nature is behavioural, such patterns can be changed.

To read more about Paul's journey and what's he's up to right now, visit his website at www.paullange.com.au/my-story
Ep 051 This is not freedom
2 года назад
Course Commander 01
3 года назад
MainUNStream Update
3 года назад
Your business needs a Wonder Mop (tm)
3 года назад
@helenlegione2605 9 месяцев назад
Absolutely makes so much sense - sell one thing at a time 😊💐
@bonetregoning5904 10 месяцев назад
👉 "promo sm"
@dannim9550 Год назад
How can I reach out to Tim Dwyer? Been watching him on rumble but not having much like finding any contact details... Would love to have a chat, one local to another...
@harryflashman4542 Год назад
so I take it the only realistic solution is to drastically reduce the population, or the proportion of the population with access to energy. I see a balkanization of the world. Those that have access to the remaining fossil fuel energy as it remains, and those that will lose access to fossil fuels. Within nations there will be sectors of the population (essential workers) that have access to transport, and those that do not.
@harryflashman4542 Год назад
has anyone calculated just how many windfarms, solar farms and hydro power stations it is possible to build before running out of sites?
@coolworx 2 года назад
"The fundamental problem is that there's just too many people" Yup.
@scottharding4336 2 года назад
Barter systems really only occur after currency systems break down. Earlier cultures used gift/credit economies. Read "Debt" by the late great David Graeber.
@PatrickCurrie1 2 года назад
As it has been said:"evil exists when good men do nothing."
@nv3796 2 года назад
Liked and Subscribed
@sonjarado1175 3 года назад
I have shared mate very important message!! Thanks again
@PaulJLange 3 года назад
Thanks for that. Appreciate it. This channel may be taken down soon. Already received warnings from the YT Gods. Rumble and Bitchute are up and running as is the website which doesn't leverage videos from this account.
@sonjarado1175 3 года назад
Thank you
@PaulJLange 3 года назад
Thank YOU❤️👍
@juergenblessingen599 3 года назад
Owning property outright doesn't hack it either Simon. Governments can easily ramp up property taxes that you will be happy to get rid of the property.
@Deveshh 3 года назад
This show was too short. Should have been 2-3 hours. I want to recommend the channel Academic Agent on RU-vid. You’re on the same side.
@Deveshh 3 года назад
What about El Salvador, who made bitcoin legal tender? How will that change things up?
@alexisbonilla5942 3 года назад
Great information Paul. This economic reset is what was documented in the Encyclicals Caritate en Veritate and Laudato Si'. People should be researching who is truly behind the UN and all Central Banks as they are definitely not owned nor controlled by each Nation State. What's coming down the pipeline is not good for the people.
@Deveshh 3 года назад
Interesting video. How come you did not upload any more podcast since july 17? I prefer to listen on it when on the move. Can you do an episode on bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, and how it might affect the global economies.
@LauraLoveNewsGirl 3 года назад
Descriptive titles | seperate like this | will help your views | reset | financial reserve | quantitative easing etc
@LauraLoveNewsGirl 3 года назад
Great content should get more views like this
@alperenkurnaz213 4 года назад
We are going to come to Sydney as refugees 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
@PaulJLange 4 года назад
We'll be requiring at the tunnel entrance with transport for y'all 🤣🤣❤️❤️
@agentsmithmememe 4 года назад
Only problem mate is that 3 independents in Victoria gave Dan Andrews 6 more months of State of Emergency powers.
@PaulJLange 4 года назад
Actually mate they weren't independents. They were minor parties. There is a HUGE difference. Also not all minor parties are corrupt. Both minor parties and even independent politicians are corruptible especially when the to majors have the control.
@joshuacarrodus7139 4 года назад
Well said mate!
@PaulJLange 4 года назад
Thanks Joshua 🙏❤️
@joshuacarrodus7139 4 года назад
I am a Victorian, and to be quite honest mate - I am concerned for my kids welfare if I can’t escape this state soon. The proportionality off risk/response is utterly malevolent. We are being censored, intimidated and absolutely manipulated. There is a groundswell of people becoming aware of the possibility that something much more sinister is lurking. However, the momentum alone is not enough. There is an extremely resilient following for Dan, that seem to be oblivious to the “Stockholm syndrome” like behaviours that they are showing. The election is not until November 26 2022, so I do find it quite frustrating when interstate people comment on “well, just vote”. The damage that has been done, compounded by the eroding sands of freedom leave me to postulate we are unlikely to even have a society in Victoria remotely reminiscent of a democracy by that point. I am a mechanical engineer, I feel so frustrated that people are so short sighted and so ready to be feared as eunuchs. This is becoming east germany.
@PaulJLange 4 года назад
You're absolutely right mate on all counts. What is being created for your kids and future generations? How are they being programmed? What sort of society will there be? Also, just waiting for Democratic process to unfold in the form of elections is a long game for the reasons you've stated. What will indeed be left by then? Will elections even be held? How many people will be in detention centres? What's happening in Victoria with the majority of people in absolutely Stockholm Syndrome. In terms of resistance I was glad to see improved organisation around the protests however it's still not enough. Victoria is becoming/has become occupied territory and the federal government is standing by allowing it to happen. I have no doubt there is a lot of communication going on in the background. There always is when a tyrant takes control of a land and the countries (in this case states) do a lot of talking for way to long to try to appease the tyrant instead of cutting him out like a cancer. That is what is needed. Cut him out like a cancer and throw him in the biowaste bin. If this law passes, it would be good for a large number of freedom movement people to register for training and employment. Then you may have the possibility of regaining your state by executing strategy from within instead of trying to penetrate the ramparts. Personally I believe the federal government should send in the ADF to remove and arrest him and supervise fresh elections immediately.
@joshuacarrodus7139 4 года назад
Paul Lange I agree with you on all points above. Whatever the case, I won’t be going down without a fight.
@kazeeevaughan3380 4 года назад
@@joshuacarrodus7139 personally if it were my family & me, I would get the hell out of there as soon as they open the borders & never go back.
@maserati1990 4 года назад
They will legalise and eventually embrace it. Sound the alarm, no one will believe you. They’ll be concerned when it becomes clear what’s happening, but by then communist Andrews and his cabal of degenerates will lock them (and you and I) up. We need to take action en masse.. problem is any action, fucking ANYTHING AT ALL is deemed as conspiratorial, terroristic at this point.. and I’m not referring to violence. Any protest will just be seen as you’ve done too much acid and you’re a danger to others(having not harmed anyone, just mentioned the risk of the future). What a lovely place we’re headed.
@colorizedenhanced-silentmo8308 4 года назад
Good morning, Paul Lange. this is extremely colorful video. thank. :)
@timtam2126 4 года назад
We are in degrowth, this is a good thing as the planet cannot sustain current levels of consumption. We are at the biophyisical end of growth - we must move to zero emissions as soon as possible or we overshoot 2 degrees warming which will be catstrophic and destroy economies and countries. So lifestyles need to change to only consuming what is needed to sustain life - less movement, less consumption, local production etc. GDP will crash but do we need it, jobs will be in sustainable life giving industries. We can do this we have all the intellect, knowledge and technology required already. GHG emissions must stop or it will kill billions of people, probably majority. Ecocide and genocide is not acceptable, international crimes....We need international law and justice.
@timtam2126 4 года назад
Epic - we live in an illusion. Whats next I can't quite understand.
@davidmccarthy6390 4 года назад
Watch "Black Mirror" , season 3, episode 1 - Nosedive. Very relevant to this topic
@PatrickCurrie1 4 года назад
It seems to me that even in the best socialist society today those in power are the Morloks feeding off the Eloi. The same goes for the capitalist, democratic and communist societies. Call me an unadulterated idealist but how do we design a society where those elected and those in C Suite positions simply do what’s right for their fellow man. Not because they’re forced to by legislation but because they want to.
@tomtroszak 4 года назад
@Paul Lange - It's also shocking the amount of unhappiness created when others fail to meet the EXPECTATIONS we have imposed upon them, usually without their consent or awareness of such.
@PaulJLange 4 года назад
Oh wow!! Such an awesome insight. Spot on. Thank you for for sharing @Tomtroszak 🙏❤️
@tomtroszak 4 года назад
@@PaulJLange Thanks for the kind words. I doff my chapeau to you and anyone else who is focusing their valuable life energy on increasing self-awareness, and improving our understanding of each other. Don't worry if seems that nobody 'gets' what you're saying right away. Just keep 'planting seeds.'
@PeterWarren1971 4 года назад
Interesting video. Thanks for posting. My first thought was... Would everyone be subject to the same rules? Eg, in China, would the president be subject to the behavioural rules and monitoring by "the system" thus having his social currency adjusted accordingly? (I think we all know the answer to that...) Btw.. as I understood it, socialism, originally, was where the workers owned the means of production instead of a ruling capitalist elite.
@PaulJLange 4 года назад
Great question Peter thank you. That's the beauty of the system and indeed not unlike many aspects of every other system today. Everyone is equal just some are more equal than others. So even if the president were subject to the same monitoring and rules the hierarchical imbalance and requisite greater reward for his position is easily justified and facilitated by determining that the work he performs adds 'x' times more value to (a) the government [where he officially works] and (b) the society as a whole.
@feralandroid 4 года назад
He has laid out exactly what I have been thinking. It is great to see the full picture with energy included. I’m going to share this a lot. I came here from Gail Tverberg’s blog by the way.
@Deveshh 4 года назад
Please do more of these, very interesting. Two questions: Why did the Swiss currency behave so differently from most other fiat currencies? And, should we buy bitcoin?
@Deveshh 4 года назад
Stunning information, thanks. I watched the latest presentation from Elon Musk. He says they barely need any cobolt to make their batteries, and they will make vehicles with lithium iron phospate batteries. Also, does the power plants needed number, take into account that steel making will try to change to electricity from coal, which will consume crazy amount on energy.
@tomtroszak 4 года назад
@Deveshhh Excellent question! No. That figure is only for the electricity use of the vehicles themselves, (and is low by about 50% if using batteries for power at night). In primary steelmaking (from ore) the coal (in the form of coke) is both the reductant, and the source of heat. You can't make steel without coke (or charcoal) as a reductant. And charcoal smelters must be >tiny< because charcoal is so fragile. So primary steelmaking cannot be electrified - it's a chemistry thing, not an energy thing. Secondary steel mills (mini mills) already use electricity (arc furnaces) to re-melt steel scrap for casting into ingots, and rolling into new shapes. But there aren't yet enough Li batteries on Earth to power a steel mill.
@Deveshh 4 года назад
@@tomtroszak You should read about what HYBRIT is doing, using hydrogen to make steel.
@tomtroszak 4 года назад
@@Deveshh Thanks! I'll totally check it out.... ok I just got this from the HYBRIT site: "The project's success will be impacted by access to fossil-free electricity, improved infrastructure and rapid expansion of high voltage networks" The problem here is that other than hydro, "fossil free" electricity does not exist, because all "green energy" devices (PV, windmills) are also made from coal and oil using an excess of fossil energy. If we add in all the losses from hydrogen generation - ironically, the coal bill for "fossil free steel" would be many times higher than for regular steel. Sadly, the HYBRIT project is just another example of "greenwashing for investment dollars." :-( But thanks, I hadn't seen HYBRIT before! :-)
@juergenblessingen599 4 года назад
Excellent analysis !! Thank you.
@XquiziteLizard 4 года назад
Oh Pete. Talks about health while wearing a MAGA hat. That is irony for you.
@XquiziteLizard 4 года назад
@@PaulJLange MAGA is mostly known for Make America Great Again, if he means Australia perhaps he should wear one that specifically says Australia. Also Pete supports Trump anyway, the man with the worst diet on the planet. To me that is ironic.
@XquiziteLizard 4 года назад
@@PaulJLange I don't know anyone that relates MAGA to Make Australia Great Again, I don't even know what Make Australian Great Again means, although perhaps it means feel free to be racist, sexist and a conspiracy theorist, who knows. You still can't deny Pete is a Trump supporter and this is ironic. Trump not only eats very unhealthily but he doesn't even support legalization of cannabis (which Pete is a huge supporter of), nor does he care for the health of Americans and if that is too complicated for you to understand well then I can't explain it any more clearly. I couldn't even watch after the first four minutes of this conversation because Pete is nothing more than a snake oil salesman and conspiracy theorist. Pete is a pizza cook, not a dietitian, not a doctor, not a scientist, not an immunologist, not an expert on anything really, case closed.
@tomtroszak 4 года назад
@Paul, great discussion! But if that extra 70 TWh shown at 35:16 is supposed to someday come from intermittent 'renewable' power, then that figure pretty much needs to double - because the EVs would be charging their batteries at night from utility-scale grid batteries, which are really only about 50% efficient overall. (see reference below). And never mind that it would take a thousand new Tesla Gigafactories just to assemble enough utility-scale batteries (and a thousand new Panasonics to manufacture the Li cells) as fast as they wear out...just to a maintain backup for a US electric grid powered by 'renewables' - at our current rate of power use - without the extra 70 TWh. www.networkrevolution.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/CLNR_L163-EES-Lessons-Learned-Report-v1.0.pdf
@joshuabyrd7973 4 года назад
Hi there! Swing by and catch my videos today.It's about self optimization! 🔥I'm not selling anything,I want to start good conversation & create a community of like-minded people. Come teach, learn, and take inspiration!
@hisbeautifultruth5931 4 года назад
You're risking infection. Recycle dishwashing liquid bottles and squirt yourself clean. Comes in very handy, particularly for women (I've been practicing)
@Shaz22able 5 лет назад
Thanks Paul
@IanBerry 11 лет назад
Thanks for the opportunity Paul Much appreciated.