Mohawk College's diverse program offerings are offered at the apprenticeship, continuing education, diploma and collaborative degree level, allowing students to optimize their education. Cooperative education programs give students real-world experience, preparing them for successful careers in their field
Hi there! Full-time fee paying students receive a free membership if enrolled in the current semester. For more details if you are a part-time student, visit:
Pro tip that they dont tell you about mohawk! The people here are some of the worst smelling people ive ever smelt in my entire life. Walking through the hallways ill gag as i catch whiffs of a mixture of curry, sweat and sulfur. Maybe the staff went noseblind to it. But you have no idea. Why is there signs up telling people to not wear perfume and cologne but not one single sign reminding ANYONE to be a decent human being and maybe run some water down their asscrack once a month. Washing off one of the solidified layers of curry scented sweat WOULD MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE.
My family wanted wanted me to join program again Mohawk college last year. The program is called pathways I hear it's hard ? I told thrm no I don't feel ready I felt stress scared nervous. Due to the program being hard. I was a student there in the past . Hope there's nothing wrong with me feeling nervous or scared. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with me not being ready
Hello, Students and grads can contact and request an appointment with one of the Career Coaches/Advisors for support in their job search.
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I want to be an international student there in Canada and would like to take a course of Practical Nursing or International Educated Nurses...How to apply?