i play valorant, i used to play guild wars, runescape, xbox live, and league of legends
Gryffinn skarner item part 5 14.18
2 часа назад
LS Bwipo nasus tip
2 часа назад
LS bwipo on mikael
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LS Bwipo on soraka 14.18
2 часа назад
LS Bwipo never rush zekes 14.18
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Bwipo on Worlds 2018 final vs IG
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LS praises GEN G draft 14.16
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LS Bwipo on piloting and closed minded
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LS Bwipo kalista tip
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Bwipo on following bad calls
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LS Bwipo HLE macro blunder 14.17
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LS Bwipo on 2021 renekton and warding
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LS smolder counter part 2
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Bwipo on mid turret part 3 and freezing
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LS on mid turret part 2
16 часов назад
LS GEN Chovy freeze contradiction 14.16
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LS on who should buy control/pink wards
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Katevolved on consistent chair setting
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LS rant on LoL community on pros
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LS katevolved yone counter part 2
21 час назад
LS praises 100 Quid yone play 14.16
21 час назад
@hellowill 24 минуты назад
All Starcraft players are ADC mains.. LMAO
@hanthony 4 часа назад
Going to copy my comment from the other clip cuz there's more discussion here, I'm not arguing triforce is necessarily better, but I disagree with their reasoning for why triforce is bad. Sheen effect does 100% base ad damage while triforce does 200% base ad. By buying triforce you're effectively getting a second sheen. If the damage of sheen is not irrelevant, the boosted damage from sheen's effect is also not irrelevant. With regards to the attack speed, triforce is 131% gold efficient. Even if you completely ignore the attack speed on the item, the item is still slightly above 100% gold efficiency. You also have to keep in mind that sheen is 55% gold efficient. If you're going to buy sheen anyways, the remaining 2433 gold upgrade gives you 3865 gold worth of stats, ignoring the doubled sheen damage and the phage movespeed. Ignoring attack speed, you still get 2965 worth of stats for 2433 gold. This doesn't mean that triforce is definitely better, as you could argue Nasus doesn't use those stats as well. I believe ad, attack speed and sheen all still have value on nasus, as if you look at how many stacks he tends to have on triforce completion, you can logically convert the ad and doubled sheen effect to an effective stack number. You find that triforce tremendously increases his damage. The slow argument is nice but Triforce also just gives nasus movement speed, you don't have to W just because they aren't slowed by iceborne gauntlet. You can save W for more important targets regardless.
@hanthony 10 часов назад
I'm not arguing triforce is necessarily better, but I disagree with their reasoning for why triforce is bad. Sheen effect does 100% base ad damage while triforce does 200% base ad. By buying triforce you're effectively getting a second sheen. If the damage of sheen is not irrelevant, the boosted damage from sheen's effect is also not irrelevant. With regards to the attack speed, triforce is 131% gold efficient. Even if you completely ignore the attack speed on the item, the item is still slightly above 100% gold efficiency. You also have to keep in mind that sheen is 55% gold efficient. If you're going to buy sheen anyways, the remaining 2433 gold upgrade gives you 3865 gold worth of stats, ignoring the doubled sheen damage and the phage movespeed. Ignoring attack speed, you still get 2965 worth of stats for 2433 gold. This doesn't mean that triforce is definitely better, as you could argue Nasus doesn't use those stats as well. I believe ad, attack speed and sheen all still have value on nasus, as if you look at how many stacks he tends to have on triforce completion, you can logically convert the ad and doubled sheen effect to an effective stack number. You find that triforce tremendously increases his damage.
@Nunyuh_Business 12 часов назад
Oh okay yeah that makes a lot of sense actually lol. I felt like iceborn gauntlet on Nasus was bad because you wither them anyway but I never really thought about that it can let you save your wither for a more important target just to have it as a threat while the iceborn slow allows you to chase front line. Makes sense.
@Nunyuh_Business 12 часов назад
From the wiki for K’Sante W: Path Maker's recast can be used even while grounded or rooted, but the initial cast cannot.
@tomwanders6022 2 часа назад
Yep one of a few I like drafting into this combo. 2 more I can’t think of of my head. Ornn can use his W Trundle can cancel hooks with pillar. Other than that, wind wall like yas and Samira (Samira sucks tho) and cc immunity like Morgana and Olaf Another strategy is using pets for blocking, making Zyra despite being imobile, pretty good into this strat, both because she works in protect comps and because she can protect who ever would get hooked. Last option is just spellshield/zhonias.
@Nunyuh_Business 2 часа назад
@@tomwanders6022 I agree with the others, although doesn’t what the wiki says mean that K’Sante CAN’T use W when he is already rooted? So he would have to W before the Maokai’s ult lands instead of reactively to the Blitz hook which makes it not work well as a counter.
@Mike_BEASTon 18 часов назад
"Why didnt he E the first Q, he Q'd twice without E!!!" "Yep he....doesn't know" First Q, he didnt waste E before Azir dash, and second Q was animation cancelled while flashing wall, the only critical part of the 1v1. It's insane how much confidence they have in wrongly criticizing these plays/players.
@biveofhalo 16 часов назад
E has instant armor shred is what theyre talking about, if you were suggesting about the full duration of dmg
@Mike_BEASTon 16 часов назад
@@biveofhalo No, the point is Eing before Azir dash (and majority of wither slow) means you get 1 Q with armor shred at most instead of 2-3.
@biveofhalo 16 часов назад
@@Mike_BEASTon i see, maybe also kiin wanted to stay fog of war as well, but the cd may be short enough that he can E twice
@SebastianHackeado 18 часов назад
I've telling people, when Logic and rational thinking "arrives" there is nothing to overpower them, there is no lie big enough to overpower that, is so powerful, it shuts up everyone.
@chingcc7 19 часов назад
decent Health, armor, magic resis, 10haste, slow 30%, cost only 2200 wtf are these guys talking about
@vroomzoom4206 19 часов назад
Bwipo would grief int
@TheBritishPoro 19 часов назад
As a long time EMax Nasus main in Master+ I completely disagree with IBG. The item is really bad on Nasus, but will be better next split. You're paying massively for the slow, which overlaps with Wither anyway, and you never Wither the frontline even if you do go Trinity. You E + QQQQQ frontline, Wither backline, win most front to backs. Triforce's proc literally does DOUBLE the damage of IBG's.
@tipilot3791 18 часов назад
not a nasus main but played him a few times this season and yeah iceborn just feels like shit. Even with bwipos argument it feel like its only better in the best case team fight scenarios. if you are not in those scenarios the damage you lose out on for the extra utility feels like it guts you
@exists474 20 часов назад
Canyon is twice the player these guys are so XD gonna trust the best jungle in the world on what item to go tbh
@biveofhalo 16 часов назад
so world champion ghost building IE with 40% crit when it had 60% crit threshold, youd follow his item build blindly too?
@Van1sh 20 часов назад
Absolute cringe to hear LS and Bwipo shit talk Kiin, like who the fuck are they? They have proven jackshit, LS coached C9 and they went dogshit, Bwipo is getting giga gapped by ERL players in champions queue in EU rn.
@NarantsatsraltOrgil-y2o 20 часов назад
Hey bro, I understand you Although, I'm pretty sure they have decent level of understanding of the game to be in their position of employment or internet following. And there's no perfect analysts that makes no mistake. They usually correctly analyze or predict most of the time Besides, if you truly think they're bad at their job and don't deserve their position, you can always ignore them. And if you think you have far more superior knowledge and understanding, you can bet on games and already be a millionaire. IWD usually do that
@definitelynotryanhardt 16 часов назад
You know LS only coached C9 briefly and during that time they actually found success right?
@mastercalippo 21 час назад
this dude still trying to make soraka work
@proghostbusters1627 18 часов назад
soraka has always worked what are you talking about?
@Ciborg085 22 часа назад
bwipo is the goat, that's a really good argument actually
@dmka1917 23 часа назад
@Nunyuh_Business День назад
What does he mean by aura items? Isn't that just Frozen Heart? And maybe Abyssal Mask if he goes it, although it doesn't sound that great for him. I think I understand what he means tho. He really just wants the haste and Sheen passive, the rest of it isn't that great over just finishing other items I guess. And is super expensive, like going Sheen into full Frozen Heart is only 67g more expensive than finishing full Trinity Force. I think I'd actually probably agree having a Sheen with Frozen Heart and maybe a Spirit Visage would be better than having full Triforce + Frozen Heart and still like a Ruby Crystal or a Kindlegem toward his Spirit Visage. It just feels so bad playing without a Sheen effect on Nasus though, but maybe you could just skip it entirely idk. I think Sheen on its own is good but finish full Triforce I think I agree isn't good or at least has other options that could potentially be better. Edit: Locket could also be one, but idk if you'd want Locket on Nasus. Maybe it's fine idk doesn't seem terrible at least. Really great stats for him and the shield can be impactful.
@biveofhalo 16 часов назад
i was under the impression bwipo wanted iceborn fon then aura items for this game
@Nunyuh_Business 12 часов назад
@@biveofhalo yah that makes sense I just saw the other video I hadn’t really thought much about iceborn and thought it was bad since you wither the target anyway but if you’re chasing front line and just saving wither to threaten other targets so they can’t even get in your range that seems way more valuable
@biveofhalo 7 часов назад
@@Nunyuh_Business yea, bwipo's first thought tho was the tri force's ad and as is wasted while iceborn stats are good
@SplitPushLoL День назад
if your resting postion is on your camera keys instead of your spell keys, you might only be losing milliseconds , but you are losing reaction time on your spells, and im absolutely certain people would do some heavy complaining if they had to play on 10 ms ping while everyone else was playing on 3 ms ping. i cant see how slightly better camera control would be worth losing reaction time. unless you can do the set-up while still having your resting position be your spells, or maybe you can make the arguement that spell reaction time isnt as valuable on some champions, but using different keybinds for different champions would be pretty ridiculous
@LongJohnStevens 20 часов назад
For your argument to hold, it would need to be common practice to move your camera while simultaneously casting abilities. How often do you actually find yourself casting spells while panning the camera to the edge of the screen-far from where the action is taking place?
@SplitPushLoL 13 часов назад
@@LongJohnStevens huh? i dont think you understand what i said, whether you move your camera while casting or not, if your resting position is on camera keys, when you want to use a spell you need to transfer your fingers, it doesnt matter if you move the camera or not. its a miniscule difference but at the same time 0.1 seconds and 0.2 seconds could be a big difference
@LongJohnStevens 11 часов назад
​@@SplitPushLoL​Not only is that a skill/APM issue, but it also implies that spells are being cast purely by reaction, without any premeditation based on game context. If you actually need to cast a spell quickly based on context, your hands would already be positioned on the spell keys. As for 'whether you cast while moving your camera'-no, my point is that NO ONE casts spells while actively moving their camera.
@SplitPushLoL 9 часов назад
​@@LongJohnStevens saying its an apm issue is incredibly ignorant, no matter how good your apm is you always want better reaction time, and yes there are plenty of skills that need to be casted purely by reaction, every movement skill and invulnerable/untargetable skill is like this. but i do agree that if someone can change their resting position based on the champion they are playing and still be comfortable, then they wouldnt lose anything, but i dont think thats possible for a human, you would have to constantly rebuild your muscle memory
@LongJohnStevens 8 часов назад
​@SplitPushLoL Let me address your points one by one: 1) "No matter how good your APM, you always want better reaction time." Absolutely, but you're treating APM and reaction time as if they're mutually exclusive. Improving reaction time doesn't mean sacrificing APM by having your fingers on different keys. As I said earlier, if you intend to cast an ability, your fingers should already be positioned on the relevant keys before you need to cast it. You don't need your fingers constantly on spell keys-you can shift as needed when it's contextually important. 2) "There are skills that need to be cast PURELY by reaction time." That's simply not true. Many abilities are cast in response to something, like Fizz’s E to dodge Annie’s stun, but this isn't purely reactionary. It's about awareness of the situation and making a conscious decision based on the game context. Saying it's purely reaction time ignores the critical thinking involved in when and how to use these abilities. 3) "If you can change your resting position..." I never suggested changing your resting position based on champion. What I said was that you should adjust your fingers in preparation for when you need to cast a spell. Your spells aren't active all the time, so it doesn’t make sense to have your fingers on those keys 24/7. However, something like the camera is always in use. 4) "You'd need to rebuild muscle memory." This is purely a skill issue. Rebuilding muscle memory shouldn't be a deterrent when there's a more optimal way to play. We've seen this with pros in Starcraft, who adapted to small changes in muscle memory for optimal play, as highlighted in this video (e.g., pros adopting muscle memory adjustments for cargo management).
@isi3456789 День назад
Grieffin outta nowhere this guy such a meme
@ray3608 День назад
23:12 Quick note: BoxBox plays with drag scroll (I think on middle mouse). It works the same way you can hold middle mouse on a webpage and scroll with it.
@xaviersgiantego1453 День назад
Did he win the tournament?
@nicemeiko День назад
garbage takes
@varelasensei День назад
@Nunyuh_Business День назад
Completely ignoring everything your player is saying and forcing them to lock in urgot over swain when they perfectly explain why urgot is bad in that spot and will lose the game, then BENCHING HIM instead of just fucking listening, is insane btw. Like wtf. Idgaf if it was their first season or whatever that’s just so absurd.
@philipadolfsson9991 23 часа назад
completely only listening to one side of the story and taking it as gospel when the guy saying it is completely unhinged is insane btw. Like wtf
@Nunyuh_Business 19 часов назад
​@@philipadolfsson9991 I mean if someone wants to link the other side of the argument then I'd listen. But unless Bwipo is just completely lying then there's not really anything that would make it any less absurd. If everything Bwipo said in the clip is true, then I don't really think the other side matters much in this scenario lmao, which I see no reason for him to lie about it considering it was 6 years ago and LS was the one who brought it up meaning he also already knew about everything he said and did not correct him implying he didn't lie.
@rank1frombottom 19 часов назад
Idk i rmb ls talked to bwipo after that final and he said ‘i was gonna get skull crushed either way probably’. I honestly thought it was lost when IG figured that they just needed to permaban sivir to pin rekkless. Rookie shat on caps on aswell. I guess bwipo was just frustrated he didn’t get to go out his way.
@stefanrabenstein3753 День назад
That's crazy, no?
@biveofhalo День назад
he forgot soraka
@viniciusPatto День назад
I've tryied his setup and is good when you get ajust to it. I did years ago and took a long time to not flash by mistake, is good the change because IF you are casual you might not even use all Keys, so when you bind it you have it fresh in your brain so you adapt in a good way. IF you are low elo it might be good to get you more used to fast click on the keyboard. But also, fortnite and wow can do the same trick
@333Abs День назад
I just came to LoL as a long term fps player , the first thing I did was WASD camera movement because I was so bad at using the mouse edge scrolling.
@toplane5528 2 дня назад
Thank you for this video i would have never seen this <3
@synlynx869 2 дня назад
Can everybody chill lmao it‘s keybinds in a videogame it‘s not that deep
@Littledunc1 2 дня назад
I think the mechanic is explained in the decade old champion spotlight.
@tomwanders6022 3 дня назад
Dude this is probably my favorite of them all. Explainations about wavecontroll, a new gragas build, talking about how people are just demotivated to practice certain picks, before they actually know how to play it. I had so many of these and LS point of demonstrating every little god damn thing it speaks to me so badly. I run math on this game all the god damn time, my head literally smokes, just to get a point across that is only maybe accepted at that point. It annoys the frick out of me, how unopen some people are to this stuff. Especially things like flexibility in draft or functional fixness.
@origon4477 3 дня назад
LS has been glazing kat for so long just to get destroyed 💀
3 дня назад
Idk why this appeared to me now, this is interesting. I do think Shiphtur and TobiasFate also had similar key binding to this?
@Nunyuh_Business 3 дня назад
I'm so sick of this Ornn support stuff TBH. I get it's like safe lane or whatever but you lose out on upgrades until like 35+ minutes. In games you're pretty much guaranteed to go that long in the game it's probably fine, but idk most of the games I see it I'd rather just have Ornn in top or mid lane and pick a better pairing. Idk why teams stopped playing like Cho'Gath with Senna (idk if it was popular or not or if it was just T1 that played it for a bit), or why Sion isn't played at all.
@Fistburg 3 дня назад
I've been saying for years, but Senna Zac. You can even Zac Q a minion that already has a Senna W
@lulyhead 3 дня назад
This is some insane autism
@BrianMcKee 3 дня назад
King nidhogg's good points are drowned out by ad hominem attacks. Really frustrating to listen to.
@coffeez1595 4 дня назад
Jarvan usually does really well counter ganking and forcing nunu out of making plays or getting objectives while also being able to more consistently be proactive in mid game fights.
@trevormeed7044 4 дня назад
its a lot of muscle memory to break and learn. Like figuring out home row for typing. picking your hand off the keyboard, finding a key while looking at a screen, in a high tense moment where the next button you need to push in 0.2 seconds. People will feel better with standard keys becuase they do not need to pick and move their hand on the key board. But to be optimal objective. You can learn to float your hand over the key board and have like 50 different buttons to hit, and just hit them all perfeclty, but that is learning a whole side mechanic of playing the controller and not actually playing the game. But if you are being paid millions to play this game at an esport level, why not try that or a style of it??? for normies and casuals, ya good luck, but for pros???? Ya, they are just wrong and do not want to admit it.
@redeal6581 3 дня назад
League simply just doesn't need that many buttons though.
@earakankuruparan6278 4 дня назад
This was absolutely brilliant, thanks for sharing m8
@yungslack7311 5 дней назад
This is why playing ADC is goated I dont need item activation xd F1 for warding 22 mins in - TBH MAN BRO IS RIGHT LOL I cannot be bothered to change my bindings, but I did it in custom tool and it is miles better without errors its just reflexes on your own abilities
@stuckinobamalow4559 5 дней назад
this clown asks a question and decides to start up textin with someoneelse paying 0 attention Xd?
@coulterra8658 5 дней назад
this clown is flaming dudes having a conversation
@J0k1y 5 дней назад
He's right about 3 matchups 😭
@momoaa 5 дней назад
Wow another team made a missplay, blitz missed his hook and ate naut hook under turret! surely this means LS was right all along right???
@kennizer День назад
he wouldn’t be up there in the first place if he wasn’t looking for the mid turret
@momoaa День назад
​@@kennizeryes, they made a mistake. They didnt know naut was there, and it looks like a very free maokai ult into blitz hook into free pick. Its a missplay in the execution, not some grand issue with mid turret
@igo_ogi 5 дней назад
@RealTeeroh 5 дней назад
...how much better can it be if youre deloading work for one hand and putting on the other?
@SaarlaneKretiin 5 дней назад
what about malz?
@dilucdiluc-pj3my 5 дней назад
Sounds awful for Kat. Even if malz trolls his R always exist
@hangelbaerchen509 5 дней назад
Its basically wargame and broken arrow camera controls
@redmouse22 6 дней назад
Different players have different ways to each optimal performance. It sucks for a hard worker to see, but a lot of ppl genuinely do just perform better when they take all the pressure off themself by not grinding super hard.
@sleakseal2133 6 дней назад
i do agree with bwipo that it feels insulting but i don't think it's necessarily a bad thing like people behave differently and different methods work for them for example yeah bwipo was sweating his ass off and paying people to get the best possible clear but the even then the team that was partying and drinking and not giving af won right ? and we clearly see when humanoid joined fnatic and became more "sweaty" he started performing worse actually anyone would tell you his 2021 is still his peak
@liarsatsuki 6 дней назад
this is a good video to show ls and pdfevolved know nothing about draft or league of legends in general