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Nature's misunderstood puppet masters
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What's the true cost of a heat pump?
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Turning e-waste into good jobs
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@GiewsBueno 15 часов назад
They need to datar using AI to create a Rubisco that does not capture oxygen.
@nycbearff 18 часов назад
There's no such thing as a "most important" enzyme, or "most important" anything. The biosphere is much more complex than we yet understand, and changing one central piece of it, given our ignorance, is potentially dangerous - any success with this process will have to be heavily tested in a wide variety of conditions. We've released premature "solutions" before, with disastrous consequences, again and again and again. But - he sounds Australian - he knows all about rabbits and cane toads, I assume he'll be really careful with this.
@bluedick321 День назад
Annhilate a keystone species and wonder why you live in a desert.
@JamieNeligan-t5e День назад
@NazriBuang-w9v 3 дня назад
Lies again? Gangbang Of Ramenten Anal Gap
@SMaamri78 4 дня назад
Lack of water ... Another reason for them to move east, dammit.
@AgentGliniarz 5 дней назад
Wow, so interesting, thanks
@amandeeprathi6559 6 дней назад
What about C4 PEPC enzyme
@douglasengle2704 6 дней назад
This video has the United Nations Climate Change disclaimer. The cause of global warming is not know in 2024. Global warming was officially stated at 1.1°C in 1991 and 1.06°C in 2022. Global warming has been staled at about 1°C since 1992. Increasing average global temperatures are greatly meaningless to modern human lives not eliciting concern. In the early 1980s to promote the need to prepare for increasing average global temperatures the term Climate Change was given for the already known prediction of stronger Gulf of Mexico hurricanes when global warming reached 1.5°C on track to take place in 2010. That required stronger Gulf of Mexico oil platform design and builds talking place in the 1970s. This was qualifiedly a change in human activity that is in some sense due to a change in climate or Climate Change. There was also expected increases in sea levels from warmer expanding sea water. The term Climate Change is much more attention provoking than the term Global Warming even though no credible Climate Change, and very minimal at that, would take place until global warming reached 1.5°C. There were no plausible mechanisms from the current science in 1980 that could cause increasing average global temperatures. In the 1950s earth’s atmosphere had been greatly studied and the characteristics of its major gases greatly understood. Earth’s saturated greenhouse effect from water vapor adding 10°F (5.55°C) to earth’s average temperature was well known. In was taught in 1970s US public school science education. It is scientifically impossible for greenhouse gas behavior to cause global warming. All the greenhouse radiant energy from the earth is completely absorbed in earth's greenhouse effect by greenhouse gases within 20 meters of the radiating surface that is always in saturation from the strong greenhouse gas water vapor. The back of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) science report states it took its greenhouse gas samples at 20,000 meters altitude where it is common high school level knowledge there is no greenhouse radiant energy. This is typical practice for deceptive marketing to state legal data transparency protecting the perpetrators from fraud prosecution. The IPCC has been transparent with its data acknowledging it is not dealing with active greenhouse gases. Earth's greenhouse effect is frequently used as a primary example to high school students of a system always in saturation from the strong greenhouse gas water vapor absorbing all the greenhouse radiant energy from the earth with greenhouse gases within 20 meters of the radiating surface that is all around us everyday and can't have its overall effect changed. There is no further greenhouse radiant energy to interact with greenhouse gases. At 1% average tropospheric water vapor over 99% of earth’s greenhouse effect is from water vapor. Water vapor would hold earth's greenhouse effect in saturation if it were the only greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. The overall average temperature gain to the earth from the earth’s greenhouse effect is 5.55°C (10°F). Arctic warming is taking place with the proving mechanism being warm Atlantic Ocean waters migrating deeper and more frequently into the Arctic Ocean warming it and the region. That warmer water is causing a few weeks less of reflective snow and ice coverage resulting in more solar heat gain to the Arctic region surface. Atmospheric CO2 levels of 1200 ppm about three times what they are today would greatly invigorate C3 plants the majority of plant life on earth greatly greening the planet. 0.4% of the atmosphere is CO2 and on average 1% is H20 water vapor. (1% H20)/(0.4% CO2) = 25. Water vapor is 25 times more present in the atmosphere on average than CO2. Water vapor has an CO2e of 18, 18 X 25 = 450 CO2e total for water vapor to 1 CO2e for CO2. The Earth’s oceans have 3-1/2 million sea floor volcanic vents warming the water and changing it’s chemistry that have not been systematically accounted for.
@Shantanu_Dixit 7 дней назад
Wonderful video 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿
@sealfan1000 7 дней назад
a frayed knot afraid not. Thank you, Brother.
@williamrosenbloom215 8 дней назад
7:40 so you can just inject some dna and the plant starts expressing it?
@jonathankranz2799 10 дней назад
I'm astonished that scientists can be so blithe to fuck around with chemistry that took billions of years to evolve to its current state. Wouldn't it be wise to pause and ask WHY RuBisCo is so apparently "inefficient" and what role that inefficiency might play in both physiology and ecology? More importantly, ending world hunger (like climate change) is not really a science problem; it's a political problem. We could end world hunger with the technologies we already have; we just don't have the political will to do so.
@ncedwards1234 12 дней назад
Rubisco not good enough? MORE RUBISCO! Not too different from stacking MORE transformers with MORE training data and MORE computing power. Simply doing MORE is often enough to beat out competition; too bad it is massively underwhelming on the innovation side of things.
@devoblanco1337 13 дней назад
This presentation is atrocious. People should really beware of over simplified bs with this kind of "made for kids tv" kind of presentation.
@aravenbythenamealex 13 дней назад
Or we could just stop boiling the earth 😑 it seems to have been working fine til we came along
@Chad-Giga. 14 дней назад
This is such an egocentric video, you’re literally a consumer.
@KarlLew 14 дней назад
Maybe RuBisCo is there to prevent thermal runaway? (🤔Fukushima?)
@kennethbransford820 15 дней назад
How did the Rubisco enzyme even come into existence? Things do not build themselves. The laws of physics and chemistry would never allow things to be built at the molecular levels because of the decaying process. Your pseudoscience evolutionist priest's will never tell you this. This herd mentality and towing the line and loosing face are at play here. Not by accident people's. Evolution = Self Assembling Atoms = Impossible == Revelation 4 : 11 “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”
@Chad-Giga. 14 дней назад
You don’t know anything about the laws of chemistry
@willjackson5885 13 дней назад
Because the build blocks of life can naturally form and interact with eachother, creating countless random combinations. And inevitably some of those combinations will be slightly better at promoting their own survival than their neighbors, thus becoming more common. And the domino effect just keeps going
@kennethbransford820 13 дней назад
Really Mr. @@willjackson5885? The GREATEST LIE EVER TOLD IS THAT DIRT, CAUSED LIFE. Impossible. There is no gradual process since it has to be in a completed form first to function. No where anywhere is there a half a plane or half a car in transition to an eyeball for sight including lenses that are self adjusting, to attachment points for muscles and tendons to image processing etc... to the the back of the eyeball along with the power of the brain. Not by accident. Wake up peoples and think about it unless you don't care. To many systems, within systems, within systems, within systems that is proving design. Having an atmosphere with the correct ratio of gases and pressures require lungs designed for that environment. This doesn't just happen. Your pseudoscience evolutionist priest's do not want you to question things like the decaying process at the molecular levels. How amino acids couldn't happen because of this never being able to make 20 of them without decaying. You still have the coding problem. A fine tuned universe designed just so we can exist. A small yellow low mass star also very important. A right sized planet with just enough gravity to hold on to our atmosphere. Mars is to small to hold on to its atmosphere. Venus has a runaway green house with the hottest planet in the solar system. Why our planet has an ozone layer. A magnetic field. Correct distance from the sun. The placement of our sun in the milky way galaxy is also very important. The list is endless. DIRT can't cause life. Only Design can. Your organic computer brain that is allowing YOU to think and to have thought saying it happened from dirt is a criminal lie. The scientists of the world knows better. They are just towing the line not wanting to loose face with fear of their peers and ridicules. Cowards they are. ==== Evolution = Self Assembling Atoms = Impossible === Psalms 14 : 1 , 2 The foolish one says in his heart: “There is no Jehovah.” Their actions are corrupt, and their dealings are detestable; No one is doing good. 2 But Jehovah looks down from heaven on the sons of men To see whether anyone has insight, whether anyone is seeking Jehovah. [] Revelation 4 : 11 “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”
@kennethbransford820 13 дней назад
The permutations and combinatorial numbers needed Mr. @@willjackson5885for life is proving design did it. === Evolution = Self Assembling Atoms = Impossible ===
@Krunschy 16 дней назад
This is so fascinating and inspiring for the future. I just hope that when this technology is ready for the market, society won't reject it just cause the innovation came from a lab...
@victorscrossman8641 16 дней назад
Hall Thomas Gonzalez Nancy Martinez Donna
@TheNightshadePrince 17 дней назад
Seems like the start of an apocalypse movie.
@xypheli 17 дней назад
That‘s sooo fucking cool
@myownthoughts969 18 дней назад
What chemical did he add to get the protein to separate. And what if it’s just doing what it’s supposed to be doing. If it worked 100% more efficiently as a protein in every living thing we would eventually evolve,
@Chad-Giga. 14 дней назад
Probably a detergent and like dawn dish soap
@Vape_Master69 18 дней назад
Scientists can hardly stop their own mortal flesh from dying yet alone have the fundamental understanding to hack plants to such a fundamental level
@willjackson5885 13 дней назад
But stopping the process of dying is WAY harder than improving the efficiency of a since gene...
@imangry1 18 дней назад
Adding ‘Green Hell’ To my list of the ways the world might end
@theravenousrabbit3671 18 дней назад
Stop it, the world has been way hotter in the fast and in turn, has been WAY greener. Plants will be fine. Stop fearmongering.
@willjackson5885 13 дней назад
But life normally adapts to those changes gradually over the scale of thousands and millions of years, not decades
20 дней назад
as a guy they cant afford a car and owned a ebik make me happy lol.
@MarcinMaciejewski 20 дней назад
Can he use Alphaproteo A.I. in the process?
@sinclairbowman92 21 день назад
I live in a not great biking city, St. Louis. I don’t have a car. All my rides are bike (not even an e-bike) and public transport. Total cost per year is just over $1k for bus passes and bike repairs. It’s doable. Just about if you want to do it. But I regularly do more than 5 mile trips on my bike. And I think the average American could with an e-bike. My best friend in this city works the same job in a different office. She has an 8 mile commute and is not only post cancer (so her body doesn’t work like she wants all the time) but also overweight. She commutes everyday except in extreme cold on that bike. I think the average American could replace trips under 10 miles with an e-bike which could easily change these numbers as living in a small town mid sized city (and even a lot of us in larger cities) means nearly all of your trips are under 10 miles. We just bum a ride with people whole nature for the occasional hike.
@4KHayabusa 22 дня назад
I call BULL 💩 on these claims.
@spacefacecadet 22 дня назад
How does injecting the leaf with something make the plant produce the new rubisco?
@willjackson5885 13 дней назад
There's several methods, so idk what transforming method he is using. But for example theres bacreria like Agrobacterium that's able to inject some of their own DNA into plants
@WeighedWilson 23 дня назад
I'll start worrying about climate change when I don't have to heat my home 8 months out of the year. We know that it has been more than 5C hotter than it is now and plants and animals weren't wiped out.
@rhetta9826 23 дня назад
We shouldn't be playing God on this kind of a scale. A wholesale genetic overhaul of plants globally could lead to disaster.
@misspat7555 23 дня назад
People in these comments are very confused about how genetics and photosynthesis work… 🤦‍♀️
@reneewatkins8583 23 дня назад
******* @2:40 @4:50 @5:20
@joes973 24 дня назад
You're telling me that photosynthesis, which has been around for apparently billions of years, has left 33% wasted energy on the table and it's due to one single gene? Also, how long did the eyeball take to evolve?
@timsmith5133 24 дня назад
In my experience, an EV is much cheaper but my electricity is cheap. This cost comparison depends on your local electricity rates or if you're using solar to recharge your EV. - Gen Z
@Tohruchann 25 дней назад
Re-engineering plant proteins to stop climate change is BIG-BRAIN. Love your video.
@vipulpatel-il9nb 25 дней назад
So in reality, natural rubisco is a natural antibacterial, while lab version is useless against bacteria
@willjackson5885 13 дней назад
No PRK is the antibacterial agent
@juliusc810 25 дней назад
When can I use cas9 to add this to my body with a little chlorophyll
@MrAndromedean 25 дней назад
we need more data! all the air quality maps are large swaths of land.
@kmh9817 26 дней назад
I think there is a reason that after millions of years Rubiso is so inefficient.
@willjackson5885 13 дней назад
Probably like a ball rolling down a hill but getting stuck in a small dip halfway, unable to continue despite more slope ahead
@shinysands9193 26 дней назад
my worry is that making this more efficient rubisco and giving it to our crops, the normal non-modified plants will be outcompeted
@MarkeshiaShanayJohnson-wz8yc 27 дней назад
Really you are trying to take something that was never yours
@ryhol5417 27 дней назад
How they did science in the 60’s: : I wanna see what happens when we drop na in a body of water. Like thousands of tons at once. Ok, sounds good. Oh and I wanna release a metric f ton of gaseous hf. Just watch it float. In La. Ok, sounds good…..wait. Maybe do it in the desert
@OtterFlys 28 дней назад
What if super efficient photosynthesis spreads into the wild, cleans up our co2 excess and in the process raises the percentage of O2 in the atmosphere a lot. Forest fires could be a problem. Was there a reason to have chlorophyll not too efficient? Nah, that’s crazy..
@no-barknoonan8798 26 дней назад
Not to mention if it's too efficient that the CO2 levels will drop and the plants will suffocate anyway.
@OtterFlys 26 дней назад
@@no-barknoonan8798 Yep. Or if evolution is all it’s cracked up to be, one fire resistant plant that can survive on .00001% CO2 atmosphere inherits the earth.
@travelingparadise2823 29 дней назад
This woman is controlled by the parasite to say good things about parasites. 😄
@eilonj 29 дней назад
two problems: 1.0 more food-more people-more energy-more climate warming 2.0 How about engineering people that can better withstand climate warming. In the Midle East we are warming up 1.5 degree more than elsewhere (alongside other big issues)
@listenhere2006 29 дней назад
life is curious