Norris McWhirter
Norris McWhirter
Norris McWhirter
@skyhawk747 17 дней назад
Still watching Harry in 2024.
@cedricliggins7528 Месяц назад
What a boring movie.
@deanakennedy3878 2 месяца назад
Hilarious! I miss comedy like that. No one back then got their feelings hurt, it was just funny!
@wisteela 3 месяца назад
Was there actually a Loadsamoney film?
@johnnewton3335 4 месяца назад
was he the inspiration for biffa bacon or was it the other way round ?
@brianfinlay756 2 месяца назад
Harry was hanging around with the guys from Viz at the time. They actually gave him advice on Newcastle slag he could use with Buggerallmoney
@leemccabemccabe5627 4 месяца назад
St Tydfils Hospital The SUN #1 1994 Bill ?
@mcgurkryans 5 месяцев назад
0:20… Tommy Lee Jones??
@jcrocky 5 месяцев назад
I know Jack Nicholson has played the Joker, but he literally acts like this joker in this scene at 0:52 or at least reminds me of him.
@EnjoySackLunch 8 месяцев назад
It simply must be
@allys744 10 месяцев назад
I love that little dance Jack does at 1:06. He did that exact same thing in the ballroom in The Shining. I don’t know where that dance came from, maybe improvised, but looking at these two characters, I guess it’s called “the crazy waltz” or something 😂🤚
@JohnPiperBoots 10 месяцев назад
@adagietto2523 10 месяцев назад
Good to see that someone still has a proper sense of values! Not like those bloody Southerners.
@OdinzEinherjar 11 месяцев назад
Wheres the ine where he gives up "smirking"
@robertmiller3750 11 месяцев назад
Genius stuff from Harry 😂
@Jlipnicki Год назад
Working class Northerners ? Good for a laugh. Try doing this about black Londoners. Enfield was good but remains a middle class twat.
@kevingolden5675 Год назад
Makeup bloody makeup.... Used to say that all the time totally forgot about it till I watched this 😂😂😂
@damodubhdar Год назад
Hate to be the one but, takes me back to a way, way better time.
@dynaman1600 4 месяца назад
Yes it does affordable housing and real opportunity to better yourself. Had its problems but far worse for the Gen Z. Off today Labour slagging the culture off the Country. But when they became Government Loan Sharks WONGA thrived. And house prices went up 300 percent in 10yrs of Government screwing up a Generation. This will be the first time they will be in Government with an economy that they always leave the Conservatives. No wonder Stairmer looks worried a Opportunity or a Nightmare.
@befairish Год назад
@parrsnipps Год назад
After rent payments
@raymondsawyer8626 Год назад
Harry is a comedy genius
@karpizan Год назад
Biffa Bacon made real
@cheesewhizz1642 Год назад
Fun Fact: On 0:58, that actor who played the guard on the right instantly threw knuckles at Jack Nicholson only one second after that unscripted surprise kiss, the extended footage of that shot was cut out.
@JohnPiperBoots 10 месяцев назад
Should have left it in! America needs to get #UNWOKE stat! #WOKE BS censorship! #TRUMP2024
@Bazooka183 Год назад
Absolute class
Right wing Populism: LOADS OF MONEY Left wing Populism: BUGGER ALL MONEY
@ellismeah8110 Год назад
Nothing WOKE about this b@#£@d
@MrReham1058 2 года назад
Most who con their way into an insanity plea end up wanting prison after being held in a place like this . One place back east was caught waterboarding inmates
@MisfitsFiendClub138 2 года назад
Your video is insulting to an amazing film
@Dreamskater100 2 года назад
Great clip. Entrance of McMurphy. Freezes at 4:38 though.
@imamea7946 Год назад
Glad I’m not the only one who it happened to I guess… just wanted to see the whole thing
@GaryPotocki82 2 года назад
This scene never gets old ...... Free laugh each time....
@imperialproductions3060 2 года назад
Jack is funny
@imperialproductions3060 2 года назад
I may of never seen this movie but so far i like it
@ვ3ვ3ვ 2 года назад
0:52 😁😁
@franciscopinarcasas2298 3 года назад
Una obra de arte y un grave problema por resolver...
@Muhammedthemaverick 3 года назад
Kyon Ki is a Bollywood remake of this film
@simkins91 3 года назад
The Joker meeting Chucky & The Penguin
@GaryPotocki82 2 года назад
You forgot penguins henchmen or the subway ghost
@gemlover7523 Год назад
@DiddyKongsLeftFoot Месяц назад
and judge doom from roger rabbit
@movieverygood9796 3 года назад
*One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)* f'u"l'l M'ö'V'l"e ------------------ Watch Here:▶ bit.ly/3h6N8HE ..今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品""""" Це механізм, який ми використовуємо для встановлення Кеннеди, Жонсон нарын тэргүүлэгчид, Вьетнам, qwjtfrtyuiloiaaaaaaaaaioojookokokokojuhygtfrdeseckkfjjjz kjadfoiyuisdfasdddddddddddddfdfgdfshgrtr
@yesterdaytomarrow751 3 года назад
Now there's are the people with the real answers right it's dealer than any thing if ever seen there coming to take me a way haha
@davidfernandez1992 3 года назад
Did McMurphy copied 2:12 (Hao), from Jerry disguised carrying the Canary in the episode Kitty Foiled?
@haikalza8910 3 года назад
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (2020) in HD f'u"l'l M'o'V'i"E ---------------------- >> 123movie-stream-hd.blogspot.com Leurs états de santé respectifs les empechent de s'approcher trop pres l'un de l'autre.??21
@mikolaw8571 4 года назад
[[√]] One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) Full-M0viE [HD] 'All Subtitles' /// 0nline-0n-silver-hd-movies.blogspot.com/tt0073486/.html 00:01√ "T'Challa, l'héritier caché mais progressif du royaume de Wakanda, doit faire un pas en avant pour conduire son peuple vers un nouvel avenir et doit affronter des challengers du passé de son pays. Т'Чалла, скрытый, но продвигающийся вперед наследник королевства Ваканда, должен сделать шаг вперед, чтобы привести свой народ в новое будущее и столкнуться с противниками из прошлого своей страны. •°[[00:00]]°•
@mariamjodie5275 4 года назад
©Full-M0vi€ [HD] 'All Subtitles' °•> 0nline-0n-silver-hd-movies.blogspot.com/tt0073486/.html One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ❄️ ❄ "Salute fisica veldig viktig Kroppshälsa unterwegs en movimiento mozgásban onderweg.// "в движение в пути चालमा, aan die beweeg အပြောင်းအရွေ့အပေါ် ag bogadh.!![00:01]
@jackveo4558 4 года назад
@sjpatrik2 3 года назад
I laughed at that scene lmao
@doggu3222 4 года назад
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975 Available 1080p FULL MOVIE Stream HD ------------------------------- Watch or download »»» t.co/476XBYV4mw?sunrise-movies айлык алгыныз келеби? Бирок сиз бала менен уйдо о
@haikalza8910 4 года назад
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's (2020) in HD f'u"l'l M'o'V'i"E ---------------------- >> 123movie-stream-hd.blogspot.com Leurs états de santé respectifs les empechent de s'approcher trop pres l'un de l'autre.??21
@h.w.r8635 4 года назад
4:39 ummm ok
@Busboss1811 4 года назад
H.W. R wtf
@matildahill8112 4 года назад
The mental institution has blessed chief with a water fountain... chief is freeee
@yolandavega8614 2 года назад
Very good 🤣
@anthonybell5666 4 года назад
Such a good cast.
@anthonybell5666 4 года назад
I watched this in my junior year of high school in psychology class. It was great
@deanfarr3249 4 года назад
I watched this movie for the first time when I was 12 years old my dad got me into watching this and he remembers seeing it in the movie theaters back in the 1970s
@jasonclark9290 4 года назад
I always thought Norman Collier was the s und en in er on thi ovie?
@adriancolumb6007 4 года назад
"Ken Dodd"....?....in the credits
@johnvanmeveren5474 4 года назад
I used to have a beutiful girl friend wealthy too her folks sent her to the state hospital for running with me.used to visit her we would hide and have intense sex in a nut house we ran away together when she was discharged headed west had a natural born killers wedding over the Columbia river
@natalieps2387 4 года назад
Everybody on trial wants to go to a mental hospital rather than prison. Shit after what happened here I don't know.