This Colorful World
This Colorful World
This Colorful World
American Woman Speaks Swedish
3 года назад
Making Over an Office - Weekend Project
3 года назад
What Is Love To Us - Discussion Video
3 года назад
Our 10 Favorite Things About Helsinki
3 года назад
@FreshfromEden 8 дней назад
This American is not the best representative for American Christmas. She is nit well informed or arriculate.
@robins4209 3 месяца назад
7:02 I'd say that blaska is somewhat translatable to "doing something disgusting or unpleasant such as": Scaping up the leftover food bits from a dirty plate or the sink. (translated into "swenglish" Swed/english): Oh! are you "*blasking*" with that dirty old sink agian! (which means mentioned above)
@robins4209 3 месяца назад
2:54 I'd say flitighet transale more in to something like "cleverness" "accuracy" or "efficiency". Although im not a swedish language expert, i am a swedish native speaker, I would use "flitighet" in that sence, but i'm just a swedish native, so what do I know...
@donadnoswede-hv6tv 4 месяца назад
swedish arent mans😳
@tinsingen 5 месяцев назад
Seriosly???? Semla is Lentonbns
@clotilderomeo 5 месяцев назад
@soleilrougelhorizon3439 6 месяцев назад
Pour s’une suédoise t’accepte une autre américaine 🇺🇸 c’est ta cousine my darling 😂❤❤oh iuhhh ouhkh ! Yes !! Vous êtes là vivante ??
@patsybrown5369 7 месяцев назад
Why do we not hear from you two (three) these days?
@marilyn443 11 месяцев назад
I came across this and enjoyed it. I am American with Swedish ancestors and have reading up on Sweden and preparing for vacation there. I surprised myself with only missing 6 questions. Thank you this. Hope you guys are doing great!
@jonas514 11 месяцев назад
Och blaska är att skvätta med vatten
@jonas514 11 месяцев назад
Fjälla kan även vara en fästmö med kram
@sandysutton2684 Год назад
where you peeps gone, not see a video for a year
@bossluda7717 Год назад
I’m working in Ikea and I’m having a difficulties time to read items and specking….. I’m in Dubai
@tammyjoslin3691 Год назад
Miss you guys
@judyenglish1351 Год назад
I’m 98% Swedish according to my ancestry . I got some questions right, but most wrong. I need to brush up on my heritage!
@abbe1255 Год назад
Fjälla can also mean girlfriend
@pierreblomgren6927 Год назад
Drottningen i Sverige tog det 25 år att lära sig Svenska
@renee2994 Год назад
Now listen my chicas this 10 month gap has to go...lol
@evaasjostrom1373 Год назад
Hat off indoors! It looks awful!!
@thomasjonsson2766 Год назад
Fjälla - flickvän (girlfriend)
@marill525 Год назад
Fjälla is also your woman a nickname
@Hankthespank Год назад
Har precis hittat denna kanal, synd att ni inte laddar upp videos längre. Skulle verkligen uppskatta om ni någon gång fick tid och möjlighet med lite fler videos som denna! Speciellt med en "one year update" på hur Laurens svenska har förbättras!
@danarosland3598 Год назад
Love it but I’m a swede
@apathynoir Год назад
He might be a guy! Oh being a guy I just snip my genteleman sasuage and be quiet...
@jessiebass54 Год назад
Miss watching you guys, awesome family
@kaninen4601 Год назад
I am from Sweden 🇸🇪💙
@lisabetrovski1251 Год назад
I was born in America. Im 86 percent Swedish. Im 99 percent Swedish at Christmas. Meaning traditions and food. Now add in that I’m 100 percent Christian. Out of total Curiosity why is the birth of Christ not even spoken of? Does Sweden acknowledge the birth of Christ? I know both countries are falling away from Christianity but I wasn’t sure your take was personal or country.
@mahernajjar9913 Год назад
What a cute couple! Do you guys have only fans?
@vilkenstrutzutzutz Год назад
@fredrikcarlstedt393 Год назад
Vem bryr sig om vad Fransmännen tycker ?
@marox79 Год назад
I've been to Sweden twice. I'm glad you mentioned risifrutti. We have milky Rice here in Spain, but not with Jam.
@Robman92 Год назад
Flitighet = being productive
@paulinebrus7580 Год назад
that looks so nice! :D I would love to visit someday and have a little vacation. but would it also be possible to stay with a family of four? Or do you only have these kind of little cottages?
@codehenry9651 Год назад
Yeah maybe americans should start saying "hello" and not "how are you doing?" which actually is a question
@sandraspruill4831 Год назад
@Who_is_Toast Год назад
I know this is really late but whatever. In my family we almost always start off the Christmas Eve with presents from our parents only under the tree in the morning , then at 3 pm we watch Kalle ankas jul either alone with just my parents and brother. Or it could be with our other family members such as our aunts, grandparents etc. Then while we’re watching we always eat fika, either soft ginger bread (mjuk pepparkaka), normal gingerbread cookies, Aladin chocolate, saft (don’t think there’s an English translation but basically strawberry juice), coffee and maybe some glögg as well. Then last but not least we all come together in the evening with our entire family (either the family from my moms side or dads side, we switch every year) to eat, open presents from our grandparents aunts etc, then some fika at the end. That fika usually is orange sallad, risalamalta, vanilla icecream and more. It depends.
@thebestofthebest9288 Год назад
A mean I am born swiden
@jonathan.palfrey Год назад
Here Lauren still seems to be using the US rather than the Swedish pronunciation of IKEA; although I admit I'm not Swedish either.
@myhippieheart13 Год назад
Agree totally. I am Norwegian/ Canadian and thank goodness we have a Viking Foods store in Toronto with Scandi imported foods🇸🇪🇳🇴
@RandallSylvestrio Год назад
Lisa & Lauren, sweet voices + swell music = sweet video
@Jockeb91 Год назад
På engelska äter man ju sandhäxa, då skulle jag hellre äta butter goose!
@poeppiesnoeppie Год назад
I love to see you back on you tube xxxx
@johnnyrosenberg9522 Год назад
So let's see how Swedish I am (100 % as far as I know, but maybe I'm misinformed, who knows?): 1. Yes, I know what surströmming is, but I never ate it, but I live in southern Sweden and surströmming is more of a thing in northern Sweden, I think. Still one point. 2. I didn't dance around the midsummer pole since I was a kid, maybe 5 years old or something, but know the answer to the question. 3. I have never had flowers under my pillow, as far as I can remember, but again, one point since I knew the answer. 4. Yes, Astrid Lindgren, and I actually had a Pippi Longstocking wig when I was a kid, believe it or not, so one point to me. 5. Glögg and julmust. These days I don't drink any of them and I never liked glögg. One point for knowing the answer. 6. Vänern, of course. Another point to me. 7. Trelleborg. Yes, I was pretty sure about that one. Point to me. 8. June 6, of course. Couldn't fail that one even if I wanted to. 9. Viktoria. Or maybe Victoria, not sure which spelling she use. Now, after a quick web search, it seems like she spells it with a c. Still, the name of right and nobody asked for the correct spelling, so another point. 10. Malmö. Too easy for a native Swede. 11. A little more than ten million. I think it was over or at least close to tell million when the video was recorded, so I'm not sure why they thought it was only nine million. 12. I actually don't know, so I guessed. And I was wrong. I guessed 13 %. That sucks a little. 😁👍 13. I don't have a clue about this one, so I guessed 1980. I was first going to guess ”some time during the 1950’s” but there was no such option, so I thought that maybe it's a trick question or something, so I was wrong again. 14. No clue about this one, about the most common sweets in Sweden, so no points for me. 15. Most common names? I have no clue and I don't care. Zero points. 16. Most popular snaps, same thing there. Don't care. No points. Failed the last five questions, so 11/16. So maybe I'm not Swedish after all, then… 🤣
@baharcoco6467 Год назад
so congrats 🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺
@blackbirdIII Год назад
In my family here in sweden we also watch when they celebrate the 200+ years of peace between Sweden and Finland. Just to 'slay' (as yo called it) just little. It's for the house gnome who you put porridge out, not santa. If you don't the gnome won't take care of your house so cattle will die, crops won't grow etc. I mean it as a friendly comment ;)
@blackbirdIII Год назад
Was actually eating djungelvrål while watching this video 😅
@niklasolsson6147 2 года назад
ask someone from southern sweden about northern sweden and most of them will know less than foreigners can about sweden.
@avalanche9026 2 года назад
You guys lesbians ?? Hey no insults. It’s a free world now !!!
@erniewester5843 2 года назад
Swedish American challenge; Vita Pickled Herring in wine sauce, Fresh sour cream, and Doritos Natch chips. Try not to become addicted.
@MELONenSURPRISE 2 года назад
The right one is fjalla gender fjalla stompa