Alumni Free Speech Alliance
Alumni Free Speech Alliance
Alumni Free Speech Alliance
The Alumni Free Speech Alliance (AFSA) brings together alumni groups that have a focus on supporting free speech, academic freedom, and viewpoint diversity at their colleges and universities.
Parasitic Ideas and the Death of Common Sense
2 месяца назад
Gad Saad on Jew Hatred
2 месяца назад
What Free Speech is - And What it Isn't
3 месяца назад
Closing of the American Mind
3 месяца назад
Canceling of the American Mind
3 месяца назад
Remembering Frederick Douglass
6 месяцев назад
The Diversity Delusion
6 месяцев назад
Struggles of an Optimist
7 месяцев назад
When Cornell Speaks, What Should It Say?
8 месяцев назад
AFSA Webinar: "You Can't Say That"
11 месяцев назад
Welcome to AFSA!
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@River10081 15 часов назад
Gender and sexuality are self-perceptions that can be self-identified. Sex is a fact that can be objectively identified - it doesn’t change based on self-perception.
@anneruppert1068 2 дня назад
All of these people that want men in women's spaces should then have to experience it first hand. You want men in women's prisons, then share a cell for month with one.
@user-kt5sq6eh2p 5 дней назад
It’s such a pleasure to listen to you. your critics are not fond of reality.
@fultoneth9869 8 дней назад
CS Lewis got it right ✅️
@Malky5279 8 дней назад
This gender ideology is such a debasement of language and reality. Rebecca talked about a transwomen having a vagina. No Trans identified male has a vagina, they may have a wound in need of constant dilation but they don't have a vagina.
@juliethompson110 15 дней назад
So sad to see Ms T's deficiencies so exposed, so easily. What is SHE on about it!! And why?
@angelotuteao6758 22 дня назад
Kathleen wins hands down- women are suffering under this regime of authoritarianism based on men’s sexual privileges and the ranks of women co-opted against their own clear interests
@thomasphillips8539 23 дня назад
Thank you, Heather. But, regrettably, the DEI police are not listening. What you point out is not in the university's agenda or in the best interests of thousands of incompetent students of color.
@alicewanderer5096 25 дней назад
I admit I gave up after 11 minutes but I’m surprised that anyone could call this rambling self-serving talk intelligent. It may move to analysis and context at some point but shows no signs of it.
@alex8491 6 дней назад
The wicked hate the truth.
@gstar3569 25 дней назад
1:30:45 boo hoo cry a river 😂
@gstar3569 25 дней назад
1:28:56 you don’t get to redefine words according to your ideology woman. The left loves doing that
@gstar3569 25 дней назад
You cannot socially engineer outcomes and disparity in outcome does not equal racism
@gstar3569 25 дней назад
@llehctimtrawets 26 дней назад
Archaeology is stuffed if they can't 'identify' a skeleton properly! There is no such thing as 'trans'. Humans are male or female or a genetically confused mix of the two. You cannot be neither so 'non-binary' is utter non-sense. Physically altering or chemically inducing change in vulnerable peoples' bodies, especially children, should be punishable under law.
@evakatz6351 27 дней назад
I think it’s extraordinary that women describing themselves as feminists would be so ideologically blinkered that they discount the reality of male violence and it’s effect on women. This feels like such a fundamental betrayal, I can’t quite believe it’s happening.
@catherinerobilliard7662 24 дня назад
As a second-wave feminist, I don’t recognise those who centre men as feminists. They’ve usurped the name woman to include men, so it’s a short step to say supporting these men is feminism.
@ameperdue6953 27 дней назад
_WOMEN'S SPACES, WOMEN'S RIGHTS_ So, do women have _RIGHTS_ that men do not ?
@catherinerobilliard7662 24 дня назад
Sex-based rights are for both sexes and apply equally. Both deserve respect, dignity and privacy and the right to same-sex spaces and to demand intimate procedures are carried out by another of the same sex.
@ronderuiter3298 28 дней назад
You can identify as different sex, and probably soon a different species, but never race or ethnicity. Who gets to decide these thing? TikTok? I don't get the logic.
@ronderuiter3298 28 дней назад
Post Modern Theories have proven themselves to be wrong and detrimental to societies. Problem is, no one looks at the data because their theories are not based on Truth.
@jamessheffield4173 29 дней назад
It must always be fought.
@myroslavabasladynsky4937 29 дней назад
The left has not been supportive of free speech when it has been the dominant force. We have the example of communist countries in which people didn’t just lose their jobs - they lost their lives or were placed in concentration camps. Universities in the west seem to have been overtaken by the left and we should not be surprised at the lack of tolerance for diverse views. Ironic, no? As they say, power corrupts.
@lokimsjrrd3451 Месяц назад
Seriously, Fund HBCUs. They were built for a reason and I want my community to go where they can learn and build without this constant dehumanization nonsense that has existed since the birth of this country. This country has always attacked the intelligence of it's black population, No one would in their right mind want to share a space with their abusers. The government owes HBCUs Billions of Dollars. Pay them what is deserved and remove DEI from all spaces including HBCUs. Integration of Resources, nothing else. Black people are Tax paying Citizens and should be treated as such.
@AeronwenTrewent Месяц назад
Has Tuvel just not bothered to look up the cases of women in prisons locked in with men who choose to claim they identify as trans or does she just think those women don't matter? Has Tuvel just not bothered to look up the cases of girls in schools attacked in 'mixed gender' toilets by boys who choose to claim they identify as trans or does she just think those girls don't matter? Has Tuvel just not bothered to look up the enormous quantity of non consenual pictures of women in a state of undress in womens changing rooms taken by men who choose to claim they identify as trans or does she just think those women don't matter? Has Tuvel just not bothered to look up the cases of women in hospital attacked in 'mixed gender' wards by by men who choose to claim they identify as trans or does she just think those women don't matter? Has Tuvel just not bothered to look up the cases of women in rape councelling centres who have been lied to or turned away because by men who choose to claim they identify as trans or does she just think those women don't matter? Has Tuvel just not bothered to look up the cases of girls on schooltrips forced to sleep in dorms with boys who choose to claim they identify as trans or does she just think those girl's don't matter? .....
@lavienestpasunlongfleuvetr2559 Месяц назад
If Tuvel has the ability to be rational and think critically, she certainly doesn't display it here. She's trying desperately to make stupid ideas sound intelligent, and she fails, miserably. She is clearly not a smart person.
@alanadee2514 Месяц назад
She doesn't believe in transgenderism in any kind of shape or form she doesn't believe that she's just believes that there's a male and a female and once you're a male that you are violent this could be true but when you start taking estradiol and changing your hormones and blocking your testosterone if you have to it changes you and I know this for a fact your libido drops like a rock your sex drive is no more your anger and aggressive tendencies reduce big time
@ZanderKeig Месяц назад
Great event! One example of an organization working on depolarization within the USA is Braver Angels. I highly recommend checking them out.
@celeste1421 Месяц назад
Vocal fry-y-y-y-y-y. Why oh why ???
@jaijai5250 11 дней назад
OMG. Thank you for naming that awful sound some American women use when talking. It’s dreadful! I often turn the volume down to minimise the assault on my eardrums. In the UK we say they have a creaky, crackly voice. I’ve learned something new today. As always I turned the volume very low when Rebecca spoke.
@helendancelot Месяц назад
1.10...doesnt recognise the risk of self 🆔... total let down....indicates lack of comprehension and basic intelligence
@helendancelot Месяц назад
People are starting to say they have pre crime in Canada
@helendancelot Месяц назад
2 wrongs don't make a right
@cosmickilroy Месяц назад
At my school, in my film studies, they introduced queer theory to me and we watched queer films including Soldiers Girl which was interpreted by the professor as violence due to a man dating a trans woman, NOT, as I think it was, a man being killed due to being perceived as gay.
@trevorcook3129 Месяц назад
So can we start protecting men from being raped in prisons now instead of joking about it? Lose the drop the soap jokes etc ?
@helendancelot Месяц назад
I agree
@evakatz6351 27 дней назад
Billy Colloney talks about this in his autobiography. That it should never be a joke.
@charlesbrown1365 Месяц назад
Pursuit of social justice must be based on truths .
@susanrockwell139 Месяц назад
Stock has the patience of Job.
@Amy-ky5wr Месяц назад
"Biolphobia": an irrational aversion to biological reality (as a concept), and/or to those for whom biological reality is important. Those for whom biological reality is important, can find biolphobic ideas troubling, distressing, or offensive. Many adherents of the new gender ideology are biolphobic. But by no means are all trans people biolphobic. Gender dysphoria and biolphobia are very different concepts. Gender dysphoria is when you feel very uncomfortable about your own body and if the condition persists you may feel better presenting as the opposite gender, even living that way full time. Society had over the last few decades started to become far more accepting of people like this. But that progress has been hampered more recently by confusion with a new idea far less worthy: Biolphobia. Biolphobes reject the very concept that everyone's body is either male or female, and/or that that is important in some situations.
@richardcooke7909 Месяц назад
Rachel suffers from toxic compassion on the trans issue and safeguarding women’s spaces. Which makes her view on being cancelled somewhat hypocritical.
@larrycahoone2771 Месяц назад
I don't understand the criticism of Tuvel in these comments. She's great, she was vilified as a very young assistant professor, and survived. She's younger and maybe not at tough as Stock, but then who is? Both philosophers are speaking the important truth. We should be grateful to them.
@karenavey2183 Месяц назад
Vocal fry is nauseating! I cannot abide.
@catherinerobilliard7662 24 дня назад
Very off-putting
@user-nk7kq3rr6c Месяц назад
great discussion. sharing
@slacktoryrecords4193 Месяц назад
That question from the stammering and probably very young audience member, “Why did you self-ID a lesbian?”-and Rebecca’s nonsensical follow-up-was so irritatingly sophomoric. Sex is reality; there is no question about one’s maleness or femaleness. Sexual orientation is also something that isn’t just a vague “feeling”-it’s a biological response to erotic stimuli, it really can’t be faked, at its most basic level. No male person is ever a “lesbian”. It’s a ridiculous proposition. Kathleen’s response is spot-on, as was her point about the use of the word ‘valid’.
@swooningtree 7 дней назад
This is very well put. I've had slightly adjacent issues with fellow... basically gay men (as in males who date males and no one else) in regards to them adopting "queer" as an identity. I argue (only when pressed haha) that it's really just a political statement to call oneself queer as opposed to a sexuality. I guess, historically, people didn't tend to necessarily label sexualities as innate traits so much - it was more about sexual behaviour, but I think the point stands.
@SungDaeHan Месяц назад
Why do I like the question?
@karenavey2183 Месяц назад
‘Academic article’. Lmfao
@ambientsoda106 Месяц назад
There was no witch hunt, Kathleen left her role willingly...after students protested commentary she has made, that made those students unsafe in education... it is not rocket science here...
@karenavey2183 Месяц назад
@ambientsoda106 Месяц назад
@@karenavey2183 haha, was it that hard to discuss Kathleen's behaviour?
@catherinerobilliard7662 24 дня назад
The malevolent bullying of Kathleen Stock was horrendous. They even took it off campus, putting up posters of her face with “transphobe” underneath in the railway station she uses. Refusing to allow her to do her job because of “hurty feels” like the spoilt brats they are. Walking out on her lectures because she speaks the truth and not trans bs. The sheer misogynistic delight of students in threatening her to her face, and intimidating others not to show her any support. It’s a modern day witch hunt.
@DonnaBrooks Месяц назад
Rebecca, go camping in a remote area with an entire group of men who say they're women & tell me you felt no fear that entire time. That fear women feel is the result of evolutionary biology based on a million years of men being stronger, faster, larger, & having other physical advantages over us. It's there to keep us safe. You're telling women to ignore that fear, ignore the evidence of their own eyes, ignore their intuition that something isn't right, ignore the experiences of women around the world & throughout history in deference to men. That's infuriating!
@OohTarquin Месяц назад
She's a QQ 😮
@gisellemagraibhaigh8342 Месяц назад
Great comment. Hopefully she can learn that lesson by other means rather than an unfortunate physical demonstration
@DonnaBrooks Месяц назад
Rebecca, you are engaging in a thought experiment. We are talking about the real, physical world. You can experiment in your own life all you want, but you don't get to conduct society-wide experiments on OTHER people, specifically women (& some of the most VULNERABLE women at that!) & children's bodies. No.
@DonnaBrooks Месяц назад
BLACK MEN & WHITE MEN have SO much more in common physiologically than do men & women! A white woman is not in danger from a black woman in her locker room! A little girl of any race is not in danger from women of any race in the same way she is endangered by males. THAT'S WHY WE HAVE WOMEN'S RESTROOMS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!
@taishici5 Месяц назад
re: 38:00 - engineers don’t decide what to build. if there was an oversight in not including period trackers that’s on the management and leadership not engineering
@FlakoFalco Месяц назад
The “queer” chick who asked the first question is ignoring the fact that the primary reason Kathleen identified herself as a lesbian was because there is a massive influx of delusional/predatory men claiming to also be lesbians. Those men are the ones identifying as lesbians, whereas Kathleen just IS one, no self-ID needed. This is a fundamental difference and it’s was such a weird ‘gotcha’ attempt lol.
@four0oneoneninethree Месяц назад
Thanks Jodi.
@tigran56 Месяц назад
Kathleen! Rebecca writes books? Yikes. In that tone of voice, that vocal fry, that reveals so much?
@janebennetto5655 Месяц назад
Kathleen all the way. ❤🇬🇧